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INTERNET-DRAFT                                               Stuart Kwan
<draft-ietf-dnsext-gss-tsig-02.txt>                         Praerit Garg
March 1, 2001                                               James Gilroy
Expires September 1, 2001                                   Levon Esibov
                                                         Microsoft Corp.
                                                              Randy Hall
                                                     Lucent Technologies

                 GSS Algorithm for TSIG (GSS-TSIG)

Status of this Memo

This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance
with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
other groups may also distribute working documents as

Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-
Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as
"work in progress."

The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at


The TSIG protocol provides transaction level authentication for DNS.
TSIG is extensible through the definition of new algorithms.  This
document specifies an algorithm based on the Generic Security Service
Application Program Interface (GSS-API) (RFC2743).

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Table of Contents

1: Introduction......................................................2
2: Algorithm Overview................................................3
  2.1: GSS Details...................................................4
3: Client Protocol Details...........................................4
  3.1: Negotiating Context...........................................4
    3.1.1: Call GSS_Init_sec_context.................................5
    3.1.2: Send TKEY Query to Server.................................6
    3.1.3: Receive TKEY Query-Response from Server...................7
  3.2: Context Established...........................................9
    3.2.1: Terminating a Context.....................................9
4: Server Protocol Details..........................................10
  4.1: Negotiating Context..........................................10
    4.1.1: Receive TKEY Query from Client...........................10
    4.1.2: Call GSS_Accept_sec_context..............................10
    4.1.3: Send TKEY Query-Response to Client.......................11
  4.2: Context Established..........................................12
    4.2.1: Terminating a Context....................................13
5: Sending and Verifying Signed Messages............................13
  5.1: Sending a Signed Message - Call GSS_GetMIC...................13
  5.2: Verifying a Signed Message - Call GSS_VerifyMIC..............14
6: Example usage of GSS-TSIG algorithm..............................15
7: Security Considerations..........................................19
8: IANA Considerations..............................................19
9: Conformance......................................................19

1. Introduction

The Secret Key Transaction Signature for DNS (TSIG) [RFC2845] protocol
was developed to provide a lightweight end to end authentication and
integrity of messages between two DNS entities, such as client and
server or server and server. TSIG can be used to protect dynamic update
messages, authenticate regular message or to off-load complicated
DNSSEC [RFC2535] processing from a client to a server and still allow
the client to be assured of the integrity off the answers.

The TSIG protocol [RFC2845] is extensible through the definition of new
algorithms.  This document specifies an algorithm based on the Generic
Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API) [RFC2743].
GSS-API is a framework that provides an abstraction of security to the
application protocol developer.  The security services offered can
include authentication, integrity, and confidentiality.

The GSS-API framework has several benefits:
* Mechanism and protocol independence.  The underlying mechanisms that
realize the security services can be negotiated on the fly and varied
over time.  For example, a client and server may use Kerberos [RFC1964]
for one transaction, whereas that same server may use SPKM [RFC2025]
with a different client.

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* The protocol developer is removed from the responsibility of
creating and managing a security infrastructure.  For example, the
developer does not need to create new key distribution or key
management systems.  Instead the developer relies on the security
service mechanism to manage this on its behalf.

The scope of this document is limited to the description of an
authentication mechanism only. It does not discuss and/or propose an
authorization mechanism.  Readers that are unfamiliar with GSS-API
concepts are encouraged to read the characteristics and concepts section
of [RFC2743] before examining this protocol in detail. It is also
assumed that the reader is familiar with [RFC2845], [RFC2930], [RFC1034]
and [RFC1035].

The key words "MUST", "REQUIRED", "SHOULD", "RECOMMENDED",  and
"MAY" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119

2. Algorithm Overview

In GSS, client and server interact to create a "security context".
The security context can be used to create and verify transaction
signatures on messages between the two parties.  A unique security
context is required for each unique connection between client and

Creating a security context involves a negotiation between client and
server.  Once a context has been established, it has a finite lifetime
for which it can be used to secure messages.  Thus there are three
states of a context associated with a connection:

                           |          |
                           V          |
                   +---------------+  |
                   | Uninitialized |  |
                   |               |  |
                   +---------------+  |
                           |          |
                           V          |
                   +---------------+  |
                   | Negotiating   |  |
                   | Context       |  |
                   +---------------+  |
                           |          |
                           V          |
                   +---------------+  |
                   | Context       |  |
                   | Established   |  |
                   +---------------+  |
                           |          |

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Every connection begins in the uninitialized state.

2.1 GSS Details

Client and server MUST be locally authenticated and have acquired
default credentials before using this protocol as specified in
Section 1.1.1 "Credentials" in RFC 2743 [RFC2743].

The GSS-TSIG algorithm consists of two stages:

I. Establish security context. The Client and Server use the
GSS_Init_sec_context and GSS_Accept_sec_context APIs to generate the
tokens that they pass to each other using [RFC2930] as a transport

II. Once the security context is established it is used to generate and
verify signatures using GSS_GetMIC and GSS_VerifyMIC APIs. These
signatures are exchanged by the Client and Server as a part of the TSIG
records exchanged in DNS messages sent between the Client and Server,
as described in [RFC2845].

3.  Client Protocol Details

A unique context is required for each server to which the client sends
secure messages.  A context is identified by a context handle. A
client maintains a mapping of servers to handles,

     (target_name, key_name, context_handle)

The value key_name also identifies a context handle. The key_name is
the owner name of the TKEY and TSIG records sent between a client and a
server to indicate to each other which context MUST be used to process
the current request.

3.1  Negotiating Context

In GSS, establishing a security context involves the passing of opaque
tokens between the client and the server.  The client generates the
initial token and sends it to the server.  The server processes the
token and if necessary, returns a subsequent token to the client.  The
client processes this token, and so on, until the negotiation is
complete.  The number of times the client and server exchange tokens
depends on the underlying security mechanism.  A completed negotiation
results in a context handle.

The TKEY resource record [RFC2930] is used as the vehicle to transfer
tokens between client and server.  The TKEY record is a general
mechanism for establishing secret keys for use with TSIG.  For more
information, see [RFC2930].

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3.1.1 Call GSS_Init_sec_context

To obtain the first token to be sent to a server, a client MUST call
GSS_Init_sec_context API.
The following input parameters MUST be used. The outcome of the call is
indicated with the output values below.  Consult Sections 2.2.1
"GSS_Init_sec_context call" of [RFC2743] for syntax definitions.

     CREDENTIAL HANDLE claimant_cred_handle = NULL (NULL specifies "use
         default"). Client MAY instead specify some other valid handle
         to its credentials.
     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = 0
     INTERNAL NAME  targ_name             = "DNS@<target_server_name>"
     OBJECT IDENTIFIER mech_type          = Underlying security
         mechanism chosen by implementers. To guarantee
         interoperability of the implementations of the GSS-TSIG
         mechanism client MUST specify a valid underlying security
         mechanism that enables use of Kerberos v5 (see Section 9 for
         more information).
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = NULL
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_req_flag   = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        mutual_req_flag       = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        deleg_req_flag        = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        sequence_req_flag     = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        anon_req_flag         = FALSE
     BOOLEAN        conf_req_flag         = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        integ_req_flag        = TRUE
     INTEGER        lifetime_req          = 0 (0 requests a default
         value). Client MAY instead specify another upper bound for the
         lifetime of the context to be established in seconds.
     OCTET STRING   chan_bindings         = Any valid channel bindings
         as specified in Section 1.1.6 "Channel Bindings" in [RFC2734]

     INTEGER        major_status
     CONTEXT HANDLE output_context_handle
     OCTET STRING   output_token
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_state
     BOOLEAN        mutual_state
     INTEGER        minor_status
     OBJECT IDENTIFIER mech_type
     BOOLEAN        deleg_state
     BOOLEAN        sequence_state
     BOOLEAN        anon_state
     BOOLEAN        trans_state
     BOOLEAN        prot_ready_state
     BOOLEAN        conf_avail
     BOOLEAN        integ_avail
     INTEGER        lifetime_rec

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The client MUST abandon the algorithm if returned major_status is set to
one of the following errors:


Success values of major_status are GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED and
GSS_S_COMPLETE. The exact success code is important during later

The values of replay_det_state and mutual_state indicate if the
security package provides replay detection and mutual authentication,
respectively. If returned major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE AND one or both
of these values are FALSE, the client MUST abandon this algorithm.

Client's behavior MAY depend on other OUTPUT parameters according
to the policy local to the client.

The handle output_context_handle is unique to this negotiation and
is stored in the client's mapping table as the context_handle that
maps to target_name.

3.1.2 Send TKEY Query to Server

An opaque output_token returned by GSS_Init_sec_context is transmitted
to the server in a query request with QTYPE=TKEY.  The token itself
will be placed in a Key Data field of the RDATA field in the TKEY
resource record in the additional records section of the query. The
owner name of the TKEY resource record set queried for and the owner
name of the supplied TKEY resource record in the additional records
section MUST be the same. This name uniquely identifies the security
context to both the client and server, and thus the client SHOULD use
a value which is globally unique as described in [RFC2930]. To achieve
global uniqueness, the name MAY contain a UUID/GUID [ISO11578].

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   TKEY Record
     NAME = client-generated globally unique domain name string
            (as described in [RFC2930])
        Algorithm Name      = gss-tsig
        Mode                = 3 (GSS-API negotiation - per [RFC2930])
        Key Size            = size of output_token in octets
        Key Data            = output_token

The remaining fields in the TKEY RDATA, i.e. Inception, Expiration,
Error, Other Size and Data Fields, MUST be set according to [RFC2930].

The query is transmitted to the server.

Note: if the original client call to GSS_Init_sec_context returned any
major_status other than GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED or GSS_S_COMPLETE, then
the client MUST NOT send TKEY query.

3.1.3 Receive TKEY Query-Response from Server

Upon the reception of the TKEY query DNS server MUST respond according
to the description in Section 4. This Section specifies the behavior
of the client after it receives the matching response to its query.

The next processing step depends on the value of major_status from the
most recent call that client performed to GSS_Init_sec_context: either

If the last call to GSS_Init_sec_context yielded a major_status value
of GSS_S_COMPLETE and a non-NULL output_token was sent to the server,
then the client side component of the negotiation is complete and the
client is awaiting confirmation from the server.

Confirmation is in the form of a query response with RCODE=NOERROR
and with the last client supplied TKEY record in the answer section
of the query.  The response MUST be signed with a TSIG record. The
signature in the TSIG record MUST be verified using the procedure
detailed in section 5, Sending and Verifying Signed Messages. If the
response is not signed, OR if the response is signed but signature is
invalid, then an attacker has tampered with the message in transit or
has attempted to send the client a false response. The client MUST
continue waiting for a response to its last TKEY query until the time
period since the client sent last TKEY query expires. Such a time period
is specified by the policy local to the client.

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If the signature is verified  the context state is advanced to Context
Established.  Proceed to section 3.2 for usage of the security context. Value of major_status == GSS_S_CONTINUE

If the last call to GSS_Init_sec_context yielded a major_status value
of GSS_S_CONTINUE, then the negotiation is not yet complete. The server
will return to the client a query-response with a TKEY record in the
Answer section. If the DNS message error is not NO_ERROR or error field
in the TKEY record is not 0 (i.e. no error), then the client MUST
abandon this negotiation sequence. The client MUST delete an active
context by calling GSS_Delete_sec_context providing the associated
context_handle. The client MAY repeat the negotiation sequence starting
with the uninitialized state as described in section 3.1. To prevent
infinite looping the number of attempts to establish a security context
must be limited.

If the DNS message error is NO_ERROR and error filed in the TKEY record
is 0 (i.e. no error), then the client MUST pass a token specified in the
Key Data field in the TKEY resource record to GSS_Init_sec_context
using the same parameters values as in previous call except values for
CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle and OCTET STRING input_token as
described below:

     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = context_handle (this is the
          context_handle corresponding to the key_name which is the
          owner name of the TKEY record in the answer section in the
          TKEY query response)
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = token from Key field of
                                            TKEY record

Depending on the following OUTPUT values of GSS_Init_sec_context
     INTEGER        major_status
     OCTET STRING   output_token
the client MUST take one of the following actions:

If OUTPUT major_status is set to one of the following values

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the client MUST abandon this negotiation sequence. The client MUST
delete an active context by calling GSS_Delete_sec_context providing
the associated context_handle. The client MAY repeat the negotiation
sequence starting with the uninitialized state as described in section
3.1. To prevent infinite looping the number of attempts to establish a
security context must be limited.

client MUST act as described below.

If major_status is GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED the negotiation is not yet
finished.  The token output_token MUST be passed to the server in a TKEY
record by repeating the negotiation sequence beginning with section
3.1.2.  The client MUST place a limit on the number of continuations in
a context negotiation to prevent endless looping. Such limit SHOULD NOT
exceed value of 10.

If major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE and output_token is non-NULL, the
client-side component of the negotiation is complete but the token
output_token MUST be passed to the server by repeating the negotiation
sequence beginning with section 3.1.2.

If major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE and output_token is NULL, context
negotiation is complete.  The context state is advanced to Context
Established.  Proceed to section 3.2 for usage of the security context.

3.2  Context Established

When context negotiation is complete, the handle context_handle MUST be
used for the generation and verification of transaction signatures.

The procedures for sending and receiving signed messages are described
in section 5, Sending and Verifying Signed Messages.

3.2.1 Terminating a Context

When the client is not intended to continue using the established
security context, the client SHOULD delete an active context by
calling GSS_Delete_sec_context providing the associated context_handle,
AND client SHOULD delete the established context on the DNS server
by using TKEY RR with the Mode field set to 5, i.e. "key deletion"

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4.  Server Protocol Details

As on the client-side, the result of a successful context negotiation
is a context handle used in future generation and verification of the
transaction signatures.

A server MAY be managing several contexts with several clients.
Clients identify their contexts by providing a key name in their
request.  The server maintains a mapping of key names to handles:

     (key_name, context_handle)

4.1 Negotiating Context

A server MUST recognize TKEY queries as security context negotiation

4.1.1 Receive TKEY Query from Client

Upon receiving a query with QTYPE = TKEY, the server MUST examine
whether the Mode and Algorithm Name fields of the TKEY record in the
additional records section of the message contain values of 3 and
gss-tsig, respectively. If they do, then the (key_name, context_handle)
mapping table is searched for the key_name matching the owner name of
the TKEY record in the additional records section of the query. If the
name is found in the table and the security context for this name is
established and not expired, then the server MUST respond to the query
with BADNAME error in the TKEY error field.  If the name is found in the
table and the security context is not established, the corresponding
context_handle is used in subsequent GSS operations. If the name is not
found, then the server interprets this query as a start of new security
context negotiation.

4.1.2 Call GSS_Accept_sec_context

The server performs its side of a context negotiation by calling
GSS_Accept_sec_context. The following input parameters MUST be used. The
outcome of the call is indicated with the output values below.  Consult
Sections 2.2.2 "GSS_Accept_sec_context call" of the RFC 2743[RFC2743]
for syntax definitions.

     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = 0 if new negotiation,
                                            context_handle matching
                                         key_name if ongoing negotiation
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = token specified in the Key
           field from TKEY RR (from Additional records Section of
           the client's query)

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     CREDENTIAL HANDLE acceptor_cred_handle = NULL (NULL specifies "use
           default"). Server MAY instead specify some other valid handle
           to its credentials.
     OCTET STRING   chan_bindings          = Any valid channel bindings
           as specified in Section 1.1.6 "Channel Bindings" in [RFC2743]

     INTEGER        major_status
     CONTEXT_HANDLE output_context_handle
     OCTET STRING   output_token
     INTEGER        minor_status
     INTERNAL NAME  src_name
     OBJECT IDENTIFIER  mech_type
     BOOLEAN        deleg_state
     BOOLEAN        mutual_state
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_state
     BOOLEAN        sequence_state
     BOOLEAN        anon_state
     BOOLEAN        trans_state
     BOOLEAN        prot_ready_state
     BOOLEAN        conf_avail
     BOOLEAN        integ_avail
     INTEGER        lifetime_rec
     CONTEXT_HANDLE delegated_cred_handle

If this is the first call to GSS_Accept_sec_context in a new
negotiation, then output_context_handle is stored in the server's
key-mapping table as the context_handle that maps to the name of the
TKEY record.

4.1.3 Send TKEY Query-Response to Client

The server MUST respond to the client with a TKEY query response with
RCODE = NOERROR, that contains a TKEY record in the answer section.

If OUTPUT major_status is one of the following errors the error field
in the TKEY record set to BADKEY.


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If OUTPUT major_status is set to  GSS_S_COMPLETE or
GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED then server MUST act as described below.

If major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE the server component of the
negotiation is finished. If output_token is non-NULL, then it MUST be
returned to the client in a Key Data field of the RDATA in TKEY. The
error field in the TKEY record is set to NOERROR.

If major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE and output_token is NULL, then the
TKEY record received from the client MUST be returned in the Answer
section of the response. The message MUST be signed with a TSIG record
as described in section 5, Sending and Verifying Signed Messages. The
context state is advanced to Context Established. Section 4.2 discusses
the usage of the security context.

If major_status is GSS_S_CONTINUE, the server component of the
negotiation is not yet finished.  The server responds to the TKEY
query with a standard query response, placing in the answer section a
TKEY record containing output_token in the Key Data RDATA field. The
error field in the TKEY record is set to NOERROR. The server MUST limit
the number of times that a given context is allowed to repeat, to
prevent endless looping. Such limit SHOULD NOT exceed value of 10.

In all cases except if major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE and output_token
is NULL other TKEY record fields MUST contain the following values:
     NAME = key_name
        Algorithm Name      = gss-tsig
        Mode                = 3 (GSS-API negotiation - per [RFC2930])
        Key Size            = size of output_token in octets

The remaining fields in the TKEY RDATA, i.e. Inception, Expiration,
Error, Other Size and Data Fields, MUST be set according to [RFC2930].

4.2 Context Established

When context negotiation is complete, the handle context_handle
is used for the generation and verification of transaction signatures.
The handle is valid for a finite amount of time determined by the
underlying security mechanism. A server MAY unilaterally terminate
a context at any time (see section 4.2.1).

Server SHOULD limit the amount of memory used to cache established

The procedures for sending and receiving signed messages are given in
section 5, Sending and Verifying Signed Messages.

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4.2.1 Terminating a Context

A server can terminate any established context at any time.  The
server MAY hint to the client that the context is being deleted by
including a TKEY RR in a response with the Mode field set to 5, i.e.
"key deletion" [RFC2930].
An active context is deleted by calling GSS_Delete_sec_context
providing the associated context_handle.

5. Sending and Verifying Signed Messages

5.1 Sending a Signed Message - Call GSS_GetMIC

The procedure for sending a signature-protected message is specified
in [RFC2845].  The data to be passed to the signature routine includes
the whole DNS message with specific TSIG variables appended.  For the
exact format, see [RFC2845].  For this protocol, use the following
TSIG variable values:

   TSIG Record
     NAME = key_name that identifies this context
        Algorithm Name = gss-tsig

Assign the remaining fields in the TSIG RDATA appropriate values
as described in [RFC2845].

The signature is generated by calling GSS_GetMIC. The following input
parameters MUST be used. The outcome of the call is indicated with the
output values specified below.  Consult Sections 2.3.1 "GSS_GetMIC
call" of the RFC 2743[RFC2743] for syntax definitions.

     CONTEXT HANDLE context_handle = context_handle for key_name
     OCTET STRING   message        = outgoing message plus TSIG
                                     variables (per [RFC2845])
     INTEGER qop_req               = 0 (0 requests a default
         value). Caller MAY instead specify other valid value (for
         details see Section 1.2.4 in [RFC2743])

     INTEGER        major_status
     INTEGER        minor_status
     OCTET STRING   per_msg_token

If major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE, then signature generation
succeeded.  The signature in per_msg_token is inserted into the
Signature field of the TSIG RR and the message is transmitted.

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GSS_S_FAILURE the caller MUST delete the security context, return to the
uninitialized state and SHOULD negotiate a new security context, as
described above in Section 3.1

If major_status is GSS_S_NO_CONTEXT, the caller MUST remove the entry
for key_name from the (target_ name, key_name, context_handle) mapping
table, return to the uninitialized state and SHOULD negotiate a new
security context, as described above in Section 3.1

If major_status is GSS_S_BAD_QOP, the caller SHOULD repeat the
GSS_GetMIC call with allowed QOP value. The number of such repetitions
MUST be limited to prevent infinite loops.

5.2 Verifying a Signed Message - Call GSS_VerifyMIC

The procedure for verifying a signature-protected message is specified
in [RFC2845].
The NAME of the TSIG record determines which context_handle maps to
the context that MUST be used to verify the signature.  If the NAME
does not map to an established context, the server MUST send a
standard TSIG error response to the client indicating BADKEY in the
TSIG error field (as described in [RFC2845]).

For the GSS algorithm, a signature is verified by using GSS_VerifyMIC:

     CONTEXT HANDLE context_handle = context_handle for key_name
     OCTET STRING   message        = incoming message plus TSIG
                                     variables (per [RFC2845])
     OCTET STRING   per_msg_token  = Signature field from TSIG RR

     INTEGER        major_status
     INTEGER        minor_status
     INTEGER        qop_state

If major_status is GSS_S_COMPLETE, the signature is authentic and the
message was delivered intact.  Per [RFC2845], the timer values of the
TSIG record MUST also be valid before considering the message to be
authentic.  The caller MUST not act on the request or response in the
message until these checks are verified.

When a server is processing a client request,
the server MUST send a standard TSIG error response to the client
indicating BADKEY in the TSIG error field as described in [RFC2845],
if major_status is set to one of the following values

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If the timer values of the TSIG record are invalid, the message MUST
NOT be considered authentic. If this error checking fails when a server
is processing a client request, the appropriate error response MUST be
sent to the client according to [RFC2845].

6. Example usage of GSS-TSIG algorithm

This Section describes an example where a Client,,
and a Server,, establish a security context according
to the algorithm described above.

  I. Client initializes security context negotiation
  To establish a security context with a server,, the
  Client calls GSS_Init_sec_context with the following parameters
  (Note that some INPUT and OUTPUT parameters not critical for this
  algorithm are not described in this example)
     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = 0
     INTERNAL NAME  targ_name             = "DNS/"
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = NULL
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_req_flag   = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        mutual_req_flag       = TRUE

  The OUTPUTS parameters returned by GSS_Init_sec_context include
     INTEGER        major_status = GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED
     CONTEXT HANDLE output_context_handle context_handle
     OCTET STRING   output_token output_token
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_state = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        mutual_state = TRUE

  Client verifies that replay_det_state and mutual_state values are
  TRUE. Since the major_status is GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED, which is a
  success OUTPUT major_status value, client stores context_handle that
  maps to "DNS/" and proceeds to the next step.

  II. Client sends a query with QTYPE = TKEY to server
  Client sends a query with QTYPE = TKEY for a client-generated globally
  unique domain name string,
  Query contains a TKEY record in its Additional records section with
  the following fields (Note that some fields not specific to this
  algorithm are not specified)

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     NAME =
        Algorithm Name      = gss-tsig
        Mode                = 3 (GSS-API negotiation - per [RFC2930])
        Key Size            = size of output_token in octets
        Key Data            = output_token

  After the key_name
  is generated it is stored in the client's (target_name, key_name,
  context_handle) mapping table.

  III. Server receives a query with QTYPE = TKEY
  When server receives a query with QTYPE = TKEY, the server verifies
  that Mode and Algorithm fields in the TKEY record in the Additional
  records section of the query are set to 3 and "gss-tsig" respectively.
  It finds that the key_name
  is not listed in its (key_name, context_handle) mapping table.

  IV. Server calls GSS_Accept_sec_context
  To continue security context negotiation server calls
  GSS_Accept_sec_context with the following parameters (Note that some
  INPUT and OUTPUT parameters not critical for this algorithm are not
  described in this example)
     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = 0
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = token specified in the Key
                              field from TKEY RR (from Additional
                              records section of the client's query)
  The OUTPUTS parameters returned by GSS_Accept_sec_context include
     INTEGER        major_status = GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED
     CONTEXT_HANDLE output_context_handle context_handle
     OCTET STRING   output_token output_token

  Server stores the mapping of the to OUTPUT context_handle
  in its (key_name, context_handle) mapping table.

  V. Server responds to the TKEY query
  Since the major_status = GSS_S_CONTINUE_NEEDED in the last server's
  call to GSS_Accept_sec_context, the server responds to the TKEY query
  placing in the answer section a TKEY record containing output_token in
  the Key Data RDATA field. The error field in the TKEY record is set to
  0. The RCODE in the query response is set to NOERROR.

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  VI. Client processes token returned by server
  When the client receives the TKEY query response from the server, the
  client calls GSS_Init_sec_context with the following parameters (Note
  that some INPUT and OUTPUT parameters not critical for this algorithm
  are not described in this example)
     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = the context_handle stored
          in the client's mapping table entry (DNS/,
, context_handle)
     INTERNAL NAME  targ_name             = "DNS/"
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = token from Key field of TKEY
          record from the Answer section of the server's response
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_req_flag   = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        mutual_req_flag       = TRUE

  The OUTPUTS parameters returned by GSS_Init_sec_context include
     INTEGER        major_status = GSS_S_COMPLETE
     CONTEXT HANDLE output_context_handle = context_handle
     OCTET STRING   output_token = output_token
     BOOLEAN        replay_det_state = TRUE
     BOOLEAN        mutual_state = TRUE

  Since the major_status is set to GSS_S_COMPLETE the client side
  security context is established, but since the output_token is not
  NULL client MUST send a TKEY query to the server as described below.

  VII. Client sends a query with QTYPE = TKEY to server
  Client sends to the server a TKEY query for the name. Query contains a TKEY
  record in its Additional records section with the following fields
  (Note that some INPUT and OUTPUT parameters not critical to this
  algorithm are not described in this example)
     NAME =
        Algorithm Name      = gss-tsig
        Mode                = 3 (GSS-API negotiation - per [RFC2930])
        Key Size            = size of output_token in octets
        Key Data            = output_token

  VIII. Server receives a TKEY query
  When the server receives a TKEY query, the server verifies that Mode
  and Algorithm fields in the TKEY record in the Additional records
  section of the query are set to 3 and gss-tsig, repectively. It
  finds that the key_name is
  listed in its (key_name, context_handle) mapping table.

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  IX. Server calls GSS_Accept_sec_context
  To continue security context negotiation server calls
  GSS_Accept_sec_context with the following parameters (Note that some
  INPUT and OUTPUT parameters not critical for this algorithm are not
  described in this example)
     CONTEXT HANDLE input_context_handle  = context_handle from the
           (, context_handle)
           entry in the server's mapping table
     OCTET STRING   input_token           = token specified in the Key
           field of TKEY RR (from Additional records Section of
           the client's query)

  The OUTPUTS parameters returned by GSS_Accept_sec_context include
     INTEGER        major_status = GSS_S_COMPLETE
     CONTEXT_HANDLE output_context_handle = context_handle
     OCTET STRING   output_token = NULL

  Since major_status = GSS_S_COMPLETE, the security context on the
  server side is established, but the server still needs to respond to
  the client's TKEY query, as described below. The security context
  state is advanced to Context Established.

  X. Server responds to the TKEY query
  Since the major_status = GSS_S_COMPLETE in the last server's call to
  GSS_Accept_sec_context and the output_token is NULL, the server
  responds to the TKEY query placing in the answer section a TKEY record
  that was sent by the client in the Additional records section of the
  client's latest TKEY query. In addition to this server places a
  TSIG record in additional records section of its response. Server
  calls GSS_GetMIC to generate a signature to include it in the TSIG
  record. The server specifies the following GSS_GetMIC INPUT
     CONTEXT HANDLE context_handle = context_handle from the
           (, context_handle)
           entry in the server's mapping table
     OCTET STRING   message        = outgoing message plus TSIG
                                   variables (as described in [RFC2845])

  The OUTPUTS parameters returned by GSS_GetMIC include
     INTEGER        major_status = GSS_S_COMPLETE
     OCTET STRING   per_msg_token

  Signature field in the TSIG record is set to per_msg_token.

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  XI. Client processes token returned by server
  Client receives the TKEY query response from the server. Since the
  major_status was GSS_S_COMPLETE in the last client's call to
  GSS_Init_sec_context, the client verifies that the server's response
  is signed. To validate the signature client calls GSS_VerifyMIC with
  the following parameters:

     CONTEXT HANDLE context_handle = context_handle for
     OCTET STRING   message        = incoming message plus TSIG
                                  variables (as described in [RFC2845])
     OCTET STRING   per_msg_token  = Signature field from TSIG RR
                  included in the server's query response

  Since the OUTPUTS parameter major_status = GSS_S_COMPLETE, the
  signature is validated, security negotiation is complete and the
  security context state is advanced to Context Established. These
  client and server will use the established security context to sign
  and validate the signatures when they exchange packets with each
  other until the context expires.

7. Security Considerations

This document describes a protocol for DNS security using GSS-API.
The security provided by this protocol is only as effective as the
security provided by the underlying GSS mechanisms.

8. IANA Considerations

The authors request that the IANA reserve the TSIG Algorithm name
gss-tsig for the use in the Algorithm fields of TKEY and TSIG resource
records. This Algorithm name refers to the algorithm described in this
document. The requirement to have this name registered with IANA is
specified in RFC 2845.

9. Conformance

The GSS API using SPNEGO [RFC2478] provides maximum flexibility to
choose the underlying security mechanisms that enables security context
negotiation. GSS API using SPNEGO [RFC2478] enables client and server to
negotiate and choose such underlying security mechanisms on the fly. To
support such flexibility, DNS clients and servers SHOULD specify SPNEGO
mech_type in their GSS API calls. At the same time, in order to
guarantee interoperability between DNS clients and servers that support
GSS-TSIG it is required that

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- DNS servers specify SPNEGO mech_type
- GSS APIs called by DNS client support Kerberos v5
- GSS APIs called by DNS server support SPNEGO [RFC2478] and
  Kerberos v5.

In addition to these, GSS APIs used by DNS client and server MAY also
support other underlying security mechanisms.

10. Acknowledgements

The authors of this document would like to thank the following people
for their contribution to this specification:  Chuck Chan, Mike Swift,
Ram Viswanathan, Olafur Gudmundsson and Donald E. Eastlake 3rd.

11. References

[RFC2743] J. Linn, "Generic Security Service Application Program
          Interface, Version 2 , Update 1", RFC 2743, RSA Laboratories,
          January 2000.

[RFC2845] P. Vixie, O. Gudmundsson, D. Eastlake, B. Wellington,
          "Secret Key Transaction Signatures for DNS (TSIG)", RFC 2845,
          ISC, NAI Labs, Motorola, Nominum, May, 2000,

[RFC2930] D. Eastlake 3rd, "Secret Key Establishment for DNS (TKEY RR)",
          RFC 2930, Motorola, September 2000.

[RFC2535] D. Eastlake 3rd, "Domain Name System Security Extensions,"
          RFC 2535, IBM, March 1999.

[RFC2137] D. Eastlake 3rd, "Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update,"
          RFC 2137, CyberCash, April 1997.

[RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
          Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[RFC1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities",
          STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.

[RFC1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
          Specification", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.

[RFC1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism",
          RFC 1964, OpenVision Technologies, June 1996.

[RFC2025] Adams, C., "The Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism (SPKM)",
          RFC 2025, Bell-Northern Research, October 1996.

[RFC2478] Baize, E., Pinkas, D., "The Simple and Protected GSS-API
          Negotiation Mechanism", RFC 2478, Bull, December 1998.

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[ISO11578]"Information technology", "Open Systems
          Interconnection", "Remote Procedure Call",
          ISO/IEC 11578:1996,

12. Author's Addresses

Stuart Kwan                         Praerit Garg
Microsoft Corporation               Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way                   One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA  98052                  Redmond, WA  98052
USA                                 USA

James Gilroy                        Levon Esibov
Microsoft Corporation               Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way                   One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA  98052                  Redmond, WA  98052
USA                                 USA

Randy Hall
Lucent Technologies
400 Lapp Road
Malvern PA 19355

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