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Telephone Number Mapping                                       A. Brown
Internet Draft                                          Nortel Networks
Document: <draft-ietf-enum-operation-02.txt>             Greg Vaudreuil
                                                    Lucent Technologies
                                                      February 23, 2001
                       ENUM Service Reference Model 
Status of this Memo 
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with 
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [1].  
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that 
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of 
   six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other 
   documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as 
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."  
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at  
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 
1. Abstract 
   This document outlines the principles for the operation of a 
   telephone number directory service.  This service provides for the 
   resolution of telephone numbers into Internet domain name addresses 
   and service specific directory discovery. 

Brown, Vaudreuil         Expires August 2001                         1 
                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
   Table of Contents 
   1. Abstract........................................................1 
   2. Introduction....................................................2 
   3. Scope...........................................................2 
   4. Overview........................................................4 

   4.1 Relationship with Dynamic Services.............................4 
   4.2 Number Portability.............................................5 
   5. The ENUM Service................................................5 
   5.1 First Tier: Determining the Service Registrar..................5 
   5.2 Second Tier: Retrieving Resource records.......................6 
   5.3 Third Tier: Service-Specific Queries...........................6 
   6.  Interesting Numbering Topologies...............................8 
   6.1 Sub-addressing.................................................8 

   6.2 Default and Range-based Service Records........................9 
   6.3  Permissive dialing for dialing plan transitions...............9 
   7 Illustrative System Examples....................................10 
   7.1 Example: Hypothetical Reachme Service.........................10 
   7.2 Example: SIP Call Setup Service Request.......................11 
   8. Security Considerations........................................12 
   9. References.....................................................13 

   10. Acknowledgments...............................................13 
   11. Author's Addresses............................................13 
   12. Full Copyright Statement......................................14 
   Changes from draft-ietf-enum-operations-00.txt....................15 
   Changes from draft-ietf-enum-operations-01.txt....................15 
2. Introduction 
   This document outlines the principles for the operation of a 
   telephone number directory service.  This service provides for the 
   resolution of telephone numbers into the address of a service 
   specific directory or where applicable for a given service, directly 
   into a service-specific endpoint addresses. 
   This directory service uses the algorithms and methods described in 
   RFC 2916. 
   Please send comments on this document to the ENUM working group. 
3. Scope 
   This document defines the reference architecture behind the ENUM 
   protocols necessary to implement a telephone number-based Internet 
   directory system.  This solution enables an extensible set of 
   services to be provided for a given telephone number. Example 
   services may include IP telephony, store and forward or real-time 
   Internet Fax, VPIM voice messaging, Internet paging, geographic 
   phone location, and many others.  Each service is to be separately 
   defined and identified using a unique, registered service 

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   This document does not specify the particulars of any telephone 
   number-based service.  In particular, it does not describe how phone 
   calls are placed, routed, or terminated or how voice, fax, pager, or 
   email messages are routed.  

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4. Overview 
   This telephone number-based directory system implements a three-tier 
   information model; the first two constituting the ENUM service.  
   This abstract model is based on analysis of pre-existing 
   administrative structures, generalized service requirements, and the 
   capabilities of candidate protocols.  This model does not itself 
   specify an administrative model, but provides a reference to guide 
   implementers or conforming clients and servers. 
   The mechanics of the ENUM service are specified in [ENUM]. 
   The first tier is the mapping of the telephone number delegation 
   tree to the service registrar.  Conceptually, this delegated 
   authority knows nothing about service-specific information 
   associated with the telephone number but provides  a reference to 
   the service registrar that does know the specific information. Where 
   this services registrar is different from the delegated authority, a 
   query redirection from the delegated authority to the name server of 
   the service registrar for a given telephone number is necessary. 
   The second tier is the set of service records themselves.  The 
   service records indicate which of several services may be available 
   for a given telephone number.  Multiple records indicating redundant 
   or competitive service providers may be provided. The set of records 
   may be provided or modified by any number of service providers. The 
   ENUM service defines these records to be NAPTR records yielding a 
   valid URL for a potentially useful service.  It is up to the client 
   initiating the service request to sort through the set of NAPTR 
   records to determine which services are appropriate for the intended 
   The service registrar is conceptually responsible for maintaining 
   the set of service records for a given telephone number. Because 
   there may be multiple service providers for a given telephone 
   number, conceptually this registrar of services assumes a role of 
   managing service registrations and arbitrating conflicts between 
   service providers. 
   If necessary, an additional service-specific tier of information can 
   be provided by the service provider itself. This tier provides 
   specific attributes including any necessary attributes to place a 
   call, route a message, validate capabilities, or other data 
   necessary for that service that are known only by the provider of 
   that specific service.  
4.1 Relationship with Dynamic Services 
   The telephone number delegation information changes infrequently.  
   However, when a change to this data is made, the information must be 
   rapidly propagated through the directory system.  Inconsistencies 
   between the authoritative data and cached data may result in loss of 
   service, misrouting of communications, and/or service loops.  An 
   effective ENUM service requires that DNS time-to-live fields be set 
   to an appropriate value consistent with the telephone number 
   reassignment policies and service record update intervals. 
   Use of the ENUM system to implement time-of-day and other highly 
   dynamic services is discouraged.  Where such a service is desired, 
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   it is recommended that itself be implemented as part of a service 
   indicated by the service records. 
4.2 Number Portability 
   The concept of number portability generally refers to the ability of 
   a subscriber to change service providers, service types, or 
   locations without changing their telephone number.  For a full 
   discussion of number portability, see [PORT].  In support of number 
   portability, the ENUM service provides mechanism at the three 
   conceptual tiers of the ENUM service. 
   1.      If the telephone number has been re-delegated to another 
     authority, and that authority also provides the Tier-1 ENUM 
     service, the telephone number can be re-delegated in the ENUM 
     service by changing the name server "NS" records to point to the 
     new authority.  This may be the case where numbers are re-
     delegated from the incumbent service provider to another or to a 
     portability authority.  The immediately higher delegated authority 
     coordinates the transfer. 
   2.      The service registrar may be reassigned.  This may be the case 
     where an individual or corporation changes telephony service 
     providers and wishes that telephony service provider to also 
     provide service registrar functions.  The new service registrar 
     would recreate the appropriate service specific NAPTR records and 
     the delegated authority would coordinate the transfer from one 
     registrar to the other. 
   3.      If a specific service for a given telephone number was changed 
     from one provider to another, such as switching telephone 
     answering / voice messaging providers, the NATPR record indicating 
     the specific service would change.  The service registrar would 
     coordinate the deletion of the record for the previous service 
     provider and the insertion of a record for the new service 
   It is anticipated that in the early stages of an ENUM deployment, 
   the delegated authority and the service registrar may be the same 
5. The ENUM Service 
5.1 First Tier: Determining the Service Registrar 
   The first tier is the mapping of an E.164-formatted international 
   telecommunication number into the identity of the service registrar 
   for that number. This may or may not involve more than one referral 
   in DNS.  
   The delegation of telephone numbers from the root authority (the 
   ITU) down to individuals is a well-established system.  While there 
   are differing Tier-1 administrative models, to a client they each 
   aim to represent in a single tree the trusted relationship between 
   the delegated carriers and subsidiary registrars; a necessary 
   precondition to ensure protection against various attacks.  The 
   delegated authority, sub-delegated authority, or individual may 
   arrange to have a third-party (e.g., a service provider) list their 

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   information.  In this case the service provider's domain would be 
   returned in the ENUM query. 
   The Internet Domain Name System provides an ideal technology for the 
   first-tier directory due to its hierarchical structure, fast 
   connectionless queries, and distributed administrative model.  
   Earlier experimentation with the TPC.INT remote printing experiment 
   has shown how the hierarchical assignment of telephone numbers can 
   be mapped directly to the hierarchy of domains within the DNS.  The 
   ENUM directory uses that approach to map any arbitrary telephone 
   number into a single domain name.  
   ITU standard E.164 defines the structure of the public telephone 
   number as follows: country code, followed by nationally significant 
   part, followed by sub-address.  The country code may be from one to 
   three digits, and the total length may be up to 15 digits.  The 
   nationally significant portion may be arbitrarily divided on any 
   number boundary.  In many countries numbering plans, the divisions 
   are not uniform, that is, the "area codes" or "city codes" may be of 
   varying lengths within a single country and the total number of 
   digits may be variable.  Where supported by the relevant service, an 
   optional sub-address of up to four digits may be utilized to 
   designate an extension telephone number. Note that while sub-
   addressing is not well supported in GSTN calling, it is more widely 
   supported for voice messaging.  It is important to note that the 
   national long-distance access or international dialing prefix 
   sequence is not part of the canonical E.164 number.  
   Within this delegation flexibility, it is always the case that the 
   delegation of authority is always done left-to-right. With this 
   assumption, a numbering tree can be built on a digit-by-digit basis 
   that can represent any arbitrary hierarchical structure.  DNS 
   permits the delegation of authority on arbitrary boundaries such 
   that a delegation to country code "1", "44", and "972" can all 
   coexist under a single numbering plan root.  The same applies for 
   "service selectors", "area codes", "city codes", "line number", or 
   "additional address information " within numbering plans. 
5.2 Second Tier: Retrieving Resource records. 
   The second tier is the request for NAPTR RRs to discover the URL of 
   the appropriate service-specific directory such as an LDAP directory 
   server, H.323 gatekeeper, or specific endpoint addresses. 
   The service registrar is responsible for ensuring that multiple 
   services may be provided on behalf of a single telephone number, 
   potentially by different service providers. This function includes 
   an arbiter function to ensure that there is a deterministic instance 
   of any given service assigned to a single telephone number.  The 
   service-specific directory locator function is a new service modeled 
   upon existing telco service provisioning models. Long-distance 
   carrier selection within the United States is one well-known example 
   of a service-specific registration requiring an arbiter function 
   within the current network. 
5.3 Third Tier: Service-Specific Queries 
   An additional tier of query may be used to a service-specific 
   directory for service-specific information.  As indicated in the 
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   URI, such a query may include a SIP query to a designated gatekeeper 
   or an LDAP query to a designated directory server.  This tier is 
   specific to the service and is to be described in service-specific 
   documents.  The service-specific directory is expected to be 
   dynamic.  It is important that as little coordination as possible be 
   required between the directories of innovative and potentially 
   competing service-specific providers. 

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6.  Interesting Numbering Topologies 
   The following numbering uses require special consideration in the 
   provision and use of ENUM services.  
6.1 Sub-addressing  
   The E.164 standard provides for sub-addressing through "additional 
   information" within the 16 digits of an E.164 number.  This 
   information is passed through many telecommunications networks to be 
   used by terminal equipment to select between alternate services or 
   terminal devices.  The sub-address digits are not processed by the 
   switching system and are not used by intermediate processes to 
   select services or route calls.  In many cases, the network-
   numbering infrastructure may be unaware of the existence or use of 
   sub-addressing by a given endpoint. Within ENUM, sub-addressing may 
   be supported in two ways.  The service registrar may explicitly 
   provision NAPTR records for each sub-address, or the service 
   registrar may provision default records for a range of sub-
   Using common DNS server implementations, the registrar may provision 
   default records for a block of sub-addresses.  A combination of 
   explicit entries and default entries may be provided in common DNS 
   server implementations using a longest-match algorithm.  It is 
   important to note that if a NAPTR or any other RR is provisioned for 
   a sub-address, then all NAPTR records that are useful for that sub-
   address must also be provisioned. 
   It is also important to note that numbers with optional sub-
   addresses may be queried without the sub-address component.  For 
   example, it may be useful to dial an address when placing a PSTN 
   telephone call.  The telephone number may terminate on an automated 
   attendant application that can prompt for the appropriate internal 
   extension. However, when placing a SIP call using IP telephony, the 
   address plus the sub-address may be queried.   
   The following set of records for illustrate one 
   configuration where a PSTN caller will be directed to the automated 
   attendant application whether they dial the number or the number 
   plus a sub-address, and whether the sub-address is explicitly 
   provisioned or not.  Calling using SIP to the explicitly provisioned 
   sub-address will result in a direct call to the intended recipient. 
       IN NAPTR 102 10 "u" "tel+E2U" "!^.*$!tel:+987654321!"  .  
       IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U" "!+(.*)!!"  . 
       IN NAPTR 102 10 "u" "tel+E2U" "!^.*$!tel:+987654321!"  . 
       IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U" "!+(.*)!!"  .  
       IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U" "!^.*$!!"  . 
       IN NAPTR 102 10 "u" "tel+E2U" "!^.*$!tel:+987654321!"  . 

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                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
6.2 Default and Range-based Service Records 
   It is envisioned that a corporation or service provider not subject 
   to number portability may wish to maintain a set of default NAPTR 
   records for all E.164 telephone numbers within a delegation block.  
   Similar to sub-addressing, a service registrar may provision a set 
   of NAPTR records for a set of E.164 numbers with similar service 
     IN NAPTR 102 10 "u" "tel+E2U" "!+(.*)!Tel:+\1"  .  
     IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U" "!^.*$!!"  . 
     IN NAPTR  10 10 "U" "mailto+E2U" \  
                                "!+(.*)!mailto:+\!" . 
     IN NAPTR 102 10 "u" "tel+E2U" "!^.*$!tel:+987654310!"  . 
     IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U" "!^.*$!!"  .  
     IN NAPTR 102 10 "u" "tel+E2U" "!^.*$!tel:+987654322!"  . 
     IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U"   "!^.*$!!"  . 
     IN NAPTR  10 10 "U" "mailto+E2U" \ 
                                "!^.*$!!" . 
   In this example, mail sent to the phone number +987654311 using will be sent to  
   Mail is explicitly not accepted at the automated attendant number as 
   indicted by the lack of a mailto service record.  Because extension 
   22 has an explicit NAPTR record for inbound calls via the tel 
   record, it must also have an explicit mailto: URL in a NAPTR record. 
6.3  Permissive dialing for dialing plan transitions 
   In the real-world environment, the telephone number hierarchy is 
   modified as necessary to prevent number exhaustion and to facilitate 
   new services.  These re-numberings either insert additional digits 
   at arbitrary parts of the previous telephone number or result in the 
   re-assignment of a sub-tree of numbers to a new prefix.  To avoid 
   the operational and social disruption involved with a _flash cut_, a 
   practice of _permissive dialing_ has been created.  Permissive 
   dialing enables and end-user to use either the previous or new 
   telephone number for a period of time.  During this time, there may 
   be two different telephone numbers pointing to the same set of 
   service records, or a duplicate set of service records for the new 
   and previous number. 

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                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
7 Illustrative System Examples 
7.1 Example: Hypothetical Reachme Service 
   The following hypothetical service enables an end-user to discover 
   the various means by which she can reach a recipient represented by 
   their corporate telephone number +1 613-555-1212 using the 
   hypothetical "reachme" service.  This service is hosted by directly 
   by the recipient's corporation. 
   The telephone number is transformed into a domain name form to be 
   used in a DNS query.   
   Sample configuration file for the top tier delegations from ITU: 
         IN NS ;for NANP    IN NS ; for France  IN NS  ; for Israel 
   Sample configuration file for numbers delegated from the NANP node 
   in the DNS tree:  
     IN NS   
                                          ;for +1 613 555 XXXX 
   Zcorporation is the designated service registrar for the block of 
   100 numbers +1 613 555 12XX. Zcorporation provides the following 
   service specific record for all telephone numbers within it's 100 
   number block: 
            IN NAPTR 100 10 "u" "ldap+E2U"\  
            "$!ldap://\1!" . 
   Assuming the resolver is using non-extended DNS, the query using 
   telephone number +1 613 555 1212 for the_reachme service is as 
       QueryType: NAPTR 
       QueryName: _  
          IN NAPTR 10 10 "u" "Reachme+E2U" \ 
                    "!LDAP:\\\cn=\1!" . 
   The client can then apply the regular expression to yield an LDAP 
   URI of LDAP:\\\cn=16135551212 and then use 
   LDAP with the reachme schema to determine the set of communications 
   technologies available for +1 613 555 1212. 

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                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
7.2 Example: SIP Call Setup Service Request 
   This example provides resolution of a telephone number to the 
   identifier for the SIP gatekeeper designated to support real-time 
   calling (Sipphonecall) to 972 555 1313.  The telephone number is 
   part of a block of ported telephone numbers that have been ported 
   out of the donor carriers block to another carrier. 
   The telephone number is transformed into a domain name form to be 
   used in a DNS query.   
   Sample configuration file for the top tier delegations from ITU: 
        IN NS  ;for NANP   IN NS  ; for France IN NS ; for Israel 
   Sample DNS configuration file for the ported number block serviced 
   by the 972 555 number portability authority delegated from the NANP 
   node in the DNS tree:  
    IN NS 
                                          ;for 972 555 
   The number portability authority manages the delegation on a per-
   telephone number basis.  Logically, the 
   has the following record for the telephone number. 
    IN NS 
                                          ;for 972 555 1313 
   ServiceProviderB provides service registrar functions directly for 
   the telephone number.  The following configuration entry is provided 
   for +1 972 555 1313. 
                  IN NAPTR 10 10 "u" "sip+E2U"\ 
               "!^.*$!!" . 
   The DNS Query and response using telephone number +1 972 555 1313: 
        QueryType: NAPTR 
           IN NAPTR  10 10 "u" "sip+E2U" \ 
               "!^.*$!!"   . 
   The client can now use the SIP protocols to contact the SIP gateway 
   to initiate a phone call. 

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                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
8. Security Considerations 
   The following are known security issues taken into consideration in 
   the definition of this directory service. 
     1.        Service provider customer information is very sensitive, 
       especially in this time of local phone competition.  Service 
       providers require the maximum flexibility to protect this data.  
     2.        Registration of a domain name for the telephone numbers 
       delegated to another carrier may result in messages being 
       misdirected to the wrong carrier.  As subdelegations are 
       implemented, the risk that phone numbers delegated to one 
       enterprise may be incorrectly pointed at another will increase. 
     3.        Service providers operate in a regulated environment where 
       certain information about subscribers must not be disclosed.  
       Telephony services and Voice Messaging are subject to caller-ID 
       blocking restrictions, restrictions normally enforced in the 
       telephony network.  No such protection is available on the 
       Internet.  The protection of this data is essential, but is up 
       to the individual service providers to not disclose this 
       information outside of their control. 

 Brown, Vaudreuil        Expires August 2001                        12 
                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
9. References 
   [DNS1] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and 
   specification", RFC1035, Nov 1987. 
   [DNS2] Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities", 
   RFC 1034, Nov 1987. 
   [SRV] Arnt Gulbrandsen, Paul Vixie, Levon Esibov, "A DNS RR for 
   specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", Work in Progress  
   [E164] ITU, "CCITT Recommendation E.164 (1991), Telephone Network 
   and ISDN Operation, Numbering, Routing and  Mobile Service - 
   Numbering Plan for the ISDN Era."   
   [TPC1] Malamud, Carl, Rose, Marshall, "Principles of Operation for 
   the TPC.INT Subdomain: Remote Printing -- Technical Procedures", RFC 
   1530, October 1993. 
   [VPIM2] Vaudreuil, Greg, Parsons, Glen, "Voice Profile for Internet 
   Mail, Version 2", RFC 2421, September 1998. 
   [SRV] Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., "A DNS RR for specifying the 
   location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2052, October 1996. 
   [REQ] Brown, Anne, "ENUM Requirements", work-in-progress, November 
   [ENUM] Faltstrom, Patrick, "E.164 number and DNS", RFC 2916, 
   September 2000. 
   [NAPTR] M. Mealling, R. Daniel _The Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) 
   DNS Resource Record_, RFC 2915, September 2000. 
   [PORT] M. Foster, T. McGarry, j. Yu, _Number Portability in the 
   GSTN: An Overview_, Work-in-Progress, July 2000. 
10. Acknowledgments 
11. Author's Addresses 
   Anne R. Brown 
   Nortel Networks 
   P.O. Box 3511, Station C 
   Ottawa, ON  K1Y 4H7 
   Phone: +1-613-765-5274 
   Fax: +1-613-763-2697 
   Gregory M. Vaudreuil 
   Lucent Technologies,  
   Communications Application Group 
   17080 Dallas Parkway 
   Dallas, TX  75248-1905 
   United States 
   Phone/Fax: +1-972-733-2722 

 Brown, Vaudreuil        Expires August 2001                        13 
                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
12. Full Copyright Statement                             

   "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001). All Rights Reserved. 
   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to 
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it 
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published 
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any 
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph 
   are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this 
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing 
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other 
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of 
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for 
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be 
   followed, or as required to translate it into 

 Brown, Vaudreuil        Expires August 2001                        14 
                        ENUM Reference Model         February 23, 2001 
Changes from draft-ietf-enum-operations-00.txt 
   o Discussion of interesting numbering topologies was added 
   o Retrieval of NAPTR records are now described in a separate step 
   from the determination of a service registrar. 
   o A new example was created to illustrate ENUM using sub-addressing. 
Changes from draft-ietf-enum-operations-01.txt 
   O Changed the title to more clearly reflect the intent of the 
   o Collapsed Level 1 and 2 into a single tier.  Aligned the document 
   to use the _tier_ terminology. 
   o Added missing text for dynamic updates. 
   o Reworked the examples to eliminate all references to the 
   controversial DNAME and CNAME redirection. 
   o Generalized descriptions of the administrative model to avoid 
   exclusion of any particular tier-1 approach. 
   o Corrected various errors in the examples. 

 Brown, Vaudreuil        Expires August 2001                        15