

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 2f266c048a33eb1dd3fac8de91e62513 > files > 17


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# JOnAS: Java(TM) Open Application Server
# Copyright (C) 1999 Bull S.A.
# Contact:
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
# Initial developer(s): ____________________________________.
# Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id:,v 1.26 2003/02/27 15:32:24 benoitf Exp $
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

###################### JOnAS Server configuration
#  The current file is in the <jonas-install>/config directory.

#  Set the name of the JOnAS Server			jonas

#  Set the port number on which the remote objects receive calls
#  If port is zero, an anonymous port is chosen.
jonas.orb.port			0

#  Set the name of log configuration file

#  Set the list of the services launched in the JOnAS Server.
#  all JOnAS services possible are: registry,jmx,security,jtm,mail,dbm,resource,jms,ejb,web,ear,tomcat | jetty.
#  registry,jtm,ejb are mandatory
# Order in the list is important.
# - registry must be declared first.
# - jmx must be declared before any service to be administered
# list of services for JOnAS as a full J2EE server  registry,jmx,security,jtm,mail,dbm,ejb,web,ear 
# list of services for JOnAS as a EJB server			registry,jmx,security,jtm,dbm,ejb

###################### JOnAS Registry service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the Registry service
jonas.service.registry.class org.objectweb.jonas.registry.RegistryServiceImpl

#  Set the Registry launching mode
#  If set to 'automatic', the registry is launched in the same JVM as Application Server,
#                         if it's not already started.
#  If set to 'collocated', the registry is launched in the same JVM as Application Server
#  If set to 'remote', the registry has to be launched before in a separate JVM
jonas.service.registry.mode		automatic

###################### JOnAS JMX service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the jmx service
#  org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.sunri.JmxServiceImpl  		IF you want to use SUN RI
#  org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.mx4j.Mx4jJmxServiceImpl	IF you want to use MX4J
jonas.service.jmx.class		org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.mx4j.Mx4jJmxServiceImpl
#jonas.service.jmx.class		org.objectweb.jonas.jmx.sunri.JmxServiceImpl

###################### JOnAS EJB Container service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the ejb service
jonas.service.ejb.class		org.objectweb.jonas.container.EJBServiceImpl

#  Set the list of directories that contains ejbjars that must be deployed by
#  the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a coma-separated list of directories.
#  If the directory has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.
#  If the directory is not found it will be searched in $JONAS_ROOT/ejbjars/ 
#  directory. 
jonas.service.ejb.autoloaddir		autoload

#  Set the list of ejbjars that must be deployed by the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a coma-separated list of ejb-jar files names or standard XML deployment 
#  descriptors files names.
#  If the file name has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.

#  Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode (with or without validation)
jonas.service.ejb.parsingwithvalidation		false

#  Set the size of the thread pool used for message driven beans
jonas.service.ejb.mdbthreadpoolsize	10

###################### JOnAS Web container service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the web container service.
jonas.service.web.class	org.objectweb.jonas.web.catalina41.CatalinaJWebContainerServiceImpl
#jonas.service.web.class	org.objectweb.jonas.web.jetty.JettyJWebContainerServiceImpl

#  Set the list of directories that contains wars that must be deployed by
#  the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a coma-separated list of directories.
#  If the directory has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.
#  If the directory is not found it will be searched in $JONAS_ROOT/webapps/ 
#  directory. 
jonas.service.web.autoloaddir		autoload	

#  Set the list of wars that must be depoyed by the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a coma-separated list of war files names.
#  If the file name has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.

#  Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode for the WEB container 
#  service (with or without validation).
jonas.service.web.parsingwithvalidation		true

###################### JOnAS EAR service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the ear service.
jonas.service.ear.class		org.objectweb.jonas.ear.EarServiceImpl

#  Set the list of directories that contains ears that must be deployed by
#  the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a coma-separated list of directories.
#  If the directory has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.
#  If the directory is not found it will be searched in $JONAS_ROOT/apps/ 
#  directory. 
jonas.service.ear.autoloaddir		autoload	

#  Set the list of ears that must be depoyed by the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a coma-separated list of ear files names.
#  If the file name has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.

#  Set the XML deployment descriptors parsing mode for the EAR service
#  (with or without validation).
jonas.service.ear.parsingwithvalidation		true

###################### JOnAS DBM Database service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the dbm service
jonas.service.dbm.class		org.objectweb.jonas.dbm.DataBaseServiceImpl

#  Set the jonas DataSources. This enables the JOnAS server to load
#  the data dources, to load related jdbc drivers, and to register the data 
#  sources into JNDI.
#  This property is set with a coma-separated list of Datasource properties
#  file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
#  Ex: Oracle1,InstantDB1 (while the Datasources properties file names are
#                 and
jonas.service.dbm.datasources	Postgres	

###################### JOnAS Mail service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the mail service
jonas.service.mail.class	org.objectweb.jonas.mail.MailServiceImpl

#  Set the jonas mail factories.
#  This property is set with a coma-separated list of MailFactory properties
#  file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
#  Ex: MailSession1,MailMimePartDS1 (while the properties file names are
#         and

###################### JOnAS JTM Transaction service configuration

#  Set the name of the implementation class of the jtm service
jonas.service.jtm.class		org.objectweb.jonas.jtm.TransactionServiceImpl

#  Set the Transaction Manager launching mode.
#  If set to 'true', TM is remote: TM must be already launched in an other JVM.
#  If set to 'false', TM is local: TM is going to run into the same JVM 
#  than the jonas Server. 
jonas.service.jtm.remote	false

#  Set the default transaction timeout, in seconds.
jonas.service.jtm.timeout	60

###################### JOnAS SECURITY service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the security service

###################### JOnAS JMS service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the jms service
jonas.service.jms.class		org.objectweb.jonas.jms.JmsServiceImpl

#  Indicates the Jms service must be started with this class for administering the mom		org.objectweb.jonas_jms.JmsAdminForJoram

#  Set the Jms Server launching mode
#  If set to 'true'  it is launched in the same JVM as Application Server
#  If set to 'false' Jms Server is launched in a separate JVM
jonas.service.jms.collocated	true

#  Set to the url connexion when the Jms server is not collocated
#jonas.service.jms.url		joram://localhost:16010

#  Set the list of administered objects topics to be created at Application Server launching time
jonas.service.jms.topics	sampleTopic

#  Set the list of administered objecst queuess to be created at Application Server launching time
jonas.service.jms.queues	sampleQueue
###################### JOnAS JCA resource service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the JCA resource service
jonas.service.resource.class	org.objectweb.jonas.resource.ResourceServiceImpl

#  Set the list of directories that contains rars that must be deployed by
#  the JOnAS Server at launch time.
#  Here should be given a comma-separated list of directories.
#  If the directory has a relative path, this path is relative from where the
#  Application Server is launched.
#  If the directory is not found it will be searched in $JONAS_ROOT/rars/ 
#  directory. 
jonas.service.resource.autoloaddir		autoload	

#  Set the list of Resource Adapter to be used. 
#  This enables the JOnAS server to configure the resource adapter and register it into JNDI.
#  This property is set with a coma-separated list of Resource Adapter properties
#  file names (without the '.properties' suffix).
#  Ex: XXXX,YYYY (while the Resource Adapter properties file names are
#                 and
###################### JOnAS Tomcat service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the Tomcat  
#  EmbeddedTomcatImpl33 is implementation of tomcat service for tomcat3.3
#  EmbeddedTomcatImpl40 is implementation of tomcat service for tomcat4.0.x

#jonas.service.tomcat.class org.objectweb.jonas.tomcat.EmbeddedTomcatImpl33
jonas.service.tomcat.class org.objectweb.jonas.tomcat.EmbeddedTomcatImpl40

#  Parameter for tomcat configuration (args for
#  For tomcat 3.3a :  -f file 	Use this file instead of server.xml
#                     -debug level
#                     -home dir	Use this directory as tomcat.home

#jonas.service.tomcat.args -debug 20 -f .../server.xml

#  For tomcat4.0.x the only possible arg is -debug
#jonas.service.tomcat.args -debug 

###################### JOnAS Jetty service configuration
#  Set the name of the implementation class of the Jetty  

jonas.service.jetty.class org.objectweb.jonas.jetty.EmbeddedJettyImpl4
#jonas.service.jetty.config ..../jetty.xml