

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 2f266c048a33eb1dd3fac8de91e62513 > files > 2


###################### PostgreSQL DataSource configuration example

#  DataSource configuration
#         jdbc_1
datasource.url          jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/db_jonas
datasource.classname    org.postgresql.Driver
datasource.username     jonas
datasource.password     jonas
datasource.mapper       rdb.postgres

#  ConnectionManager configuration

#  JDBC connection checking level.
#     0 = no special checking
#     1 = check physical connection is still open before reusing it
#     2 = try every connection before reusing it
jdbc.connchecklevel	1

#  Max age for jdbc connections
#     nb of minutes a connection can be kept in the pool
jdbc.connmaxage		30

#  Test statement
jdbc.connteststmt	select 1

#  Customizing JDBC DataSource configuration

#  Name of the class implementing the XADataSource
#datasource.factory	org.objectweb.jonas.dbm.JonasStandardXADataSource

#  JNDI name use to bind the XADataSource
#datasource.xadataname	postgre1_xa

#  Minimum number of physical connection used by  the XADataSource
#datasource.mincon	5

#  Maximum number of physical connection used by the XADataSource
#datasource.maxcon	10

#  Minimum number of XAConnection used by the pool
#jdbc.minconpool	10

#  Maximum number of XAConnection used by the pool
#jdbc.maxconpool	20

#  Time between two clean-up of old unused connection
#  (value is in millisecond)
#jdbc.sleeptimepool	300000

#  Force the gc to be launched when cleaning up
#jdbc.gcpool		false

#  In case of no connection in the pool,
#  deadlockpool is the global time to re-try before throwing an exception
#  (value is in millisecond)
#jdbc.deadlockpool	300000

#  In case of no connection in the pool,
#  loopwaitpool is the unit time to re-try
#  (value is in millisecond)
#jdbc.loopwaitpool	10000