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<title>Trouble Shooting Apcupsd</title>
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<h1>Trouble Shooting Apcupsd</h1>
The first step in trouble shooting <b>apcupsd</b> is
to read the <a href="testing.html">Testing Apcupsd</a> section of
this manual.

<h2>Network Problems with Mater/Slave Configurations</h2>
When working with a master/slave configuration (one UPS powering
more than one computer), the master and slave communicate via 
the network. In many configurations, <b>apcupsd</b> is started before the
network is initialized. In this case, it is possible that the master
will be unable to contact the slave. On <b>apcupsd</b> versions prior
to 3.8.0, this could cause <b>apcupsd</b> to error off. The solution
to this problem is to either force <b>apcupsd</b> to be started after
the network and the DNS (fiddle the symbolic links in /etc/rc.d), 
or put the names of the slave machines in
your <b>/etc/hosts</b> file, or even more preferable, use IP addresses
rather than machine names. On some configurations, you may need to use
fully qualified names ( rather than simple host names.

<h2>Error Messages from a Master Configuration</h2>
In a master/slave configuration, you can get the following error messages 
from a master. The error message is followed by a possible explanation:
<p class=tty>Cannot resolve slave name XXX</p>
To contact the slave, the slave name given in the configuration file must
be resolved to an IP address. In this case, <b>apcupsd</b> could not
get the IP address.  Either the slave name is incorrect, your DNS
may not be working, or you have started <b>apcupsd</b> during the
boot process before the network is operational.
<p class=tty>Got slave shutdown from SSS</p>
This message should not be printed as it is not yet used.
<p class=tty>Cannot write to slave SSS</p>
This message occurs when the master attempts to send a message
to the slave SSS and gets an error. It indicates that either the
slave machine is not responding (<b>apcupsd</b> died, the system
crashed, ...) or that the network is down.
<p class=tty>Cannot read magic from slave SSS</p>
This message indicates that the master attempted to read the code key
from the slave SSS and it did not match the value expected.  A common
cause of this problem is that the master and slave versions of <b>apcupsd</b>
are not the same. Please be sure you are running the same version
of <b>apcupsd</b> on all your master and slave machines.
<p class=tty>Connect to slave SSS failed</p>
This message is logged when the master attempts to connect to slave SSS
and no connection is accepted. The most common cause of this problem is
that the slave copy of <b>apcuspd</b> is not yet ready to accept connections
or is not running. Generally, <b>apcupsd</b> will retry the connection
a bit later.  If the problem is persistent, it can indicate a network
problem or the slave name on the SLAVE directive of the master's configuration
file is incorrect.
<p class=tty>Cannot open stream socket</p>
This indicates a fundamental networking problem on your system -- either
a lack of sufficient resources or you have not configured TCP/IP operations.

<h2>Error Messages from a Slave Configuration</h2>
In a master/slave configuration, you can get the following error
messages from a slave. The error message is followed by a possible explanation:
<p class=tty>Can't resolve master name MMM</p>
This message is logged when the slave attempts to resolve the name
given on the MASTER configuration directive to an IP address.  It probably
means that the master name MMM is not defined, your DNS is not
properly working, or you have started <b>apcupsd</b> in the boot
process before the network is initialized. 
Check the name MMM, or use an explicit IP address
on the MASTER configuration directive in the slave's configuration file.
<p class=tty>Cannot bind local address, probably already in use</p>
This means that the slave has attempted to bind the port number so that
it can listen for messages from the master. This can occur if already
have a copy of <b>apcupsd</b> running, or you have previously run 
<b>apcupsd</b> in the past 5 or 10 minutes, because occasionally the
operating system will not shutdown a port correctly for 5 to 10 minutes
after a program exits. In this case, you can either wait a few minutes
for the problem to go away, or use a different port in both your master
and slave configuration files. 
<p class=tty>Socket accept error</p>
The slave got an error waiting on the accept() system call. This is 
probably due to a fundamental networking problem.
<p class=tty>Unauthorized attempt from master MMM</p>
The master named MMM (probably an IP address) contacted the
slave but MMM is not the master that
was listed on the MASTER configuration directive in /etc/apcupsd.conf, and
consequently, it is not authorized to communicate with the slave. Please
check that your MASTER and SLAVE names in your slave and master configuration
files respectively are correct. 
<p class=tty>Read failure from socket</p>
The slave got an error reading the socket open to the master. This indicates
a fundamental networking problem.
<p class=tty>Bad APC magic from master: MMM</p>
The slave received a code key from the master that does not correspond
to the one expected by the slave. The most common cause of this problem
is that you are running a different version of <b>apcupsd</b> on the
master and the slave. Please ensure that you are running the same
version of <b>apcupsd</b> on all your master and slaves.
<p class=tty>Bad user magic from master: MMM</p>
This message indicates that the master and slave have previously communicated,
but that the code key transmitted with the most recent message from
the master does not correspond to what the slave expects. This problem
is probably due to a network error or some other user or machine
contacting the slave on the network port.

<h2>Master/Slave Connection Not Working</h2>
Master/slave problems are usually related to one of 
the following items:
<ol type="1">
        <li>Improper apcupsd.conf files. A good starting point are the
        master/slave example files in the examples subdirectory of the
        <li>Master or slave IP address or name incorrect. Try ping'ing
        each machine from the other using the names or addresses that
        you have put in the respective apcupsd.conf files.</li>
        <li>Make sure no other program is using socket number 6666 or
        change the NETPORT directive in both apcupsd.conf files.</li>
        <li>Make sure you are using the same version of apcupsd on
        both the master and slave machines.</li>

<h2>CGI Programs Do Not Work</h2>
Try checking the following:
<ol type="1">
        <li>Did you successfully compile and link the cgi programs without
        errors?  If not sure, cd to the cgi directory, do a &quot;make clean&quot;
        followed by a &quot;make&quot;</li>
        <li>Did you move or copy all the .cgi programs in the cgi directory
        to your Web server cgi-bin directory on the SAME machine?</li>
        <li>Did you verify that the cgi programs located in the cgi-bin all have
        execute permission?</li>
        <li>Have you tried any other cgi programs and proven that they work?</li>
        <li>Have you verified that the Network Information Server process
        of <b>apcupsd</b> is running as described in this manual?</li>
        <li>Have you verified that your <b>apcupsd.conf</b> file is properly
        configured for the Network Information Server and that the port is
        defined as 7000? I.e. &quot;NETSERVER on&quot; and &quot;SERVERPORT 7000&quot;</li>
        <li>If one or more machines does not show up in the multimon output, it is
        most likely due to a configuration error in the <b>hosts.conf</b> file
        in your <b>/etc/apcupsd</b> directory.</li>

<h2>Battery Problems</h2>
Please see the <a href="batteries.html">Battery Chapter</a> of
this document for more details.
<h2>Cable or Connection Problems</h2>
Frequently during the initial installation, users don't know what cable
they have or have problems connecting to the serial port. If this
is your case, one means of diagnosing the problem can be to use
the <b>apctest</b> program.  To do so, you must first build it
<p class="tty">make apctest</p>
Then, you simply execute it with:
<p class="tty">./apctest</p>
and follow the instructions.  It will place the output from the
session in the file <b>apctest.output</b>. If you are not able to
resolve your problem, sometimes we can help if you email us this
output file along with your <b>apcupsd.conf</b> file. Please see
the <a href="testing.html">Testing Chapter</a> of this document
for additional details on how to build and use <b>apctest</b>.
<h2>Bizarre Intermittent Behavior</h2>
In one case, a user reported that he received random
incorrect values from the UPS in the status output. It turned out that <b>gpm</b>, the
mouse control program for command windows, was using the serial port
without using the standard Unix locking mechanism. As a consequence, both
<b>apcupsd</b> and <b>gpm</b> were reading the serial port. Please
ensure that if you are running <b>gpm</b> that it is not configured with
a serial port mouse on the same serial port.

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