

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 37e222326095a93978d54b1564dd9954 > files > 197


         Technical notes on my code submission of 20 Nov 99
                        Kern Sibbald

- Again, a bunch of tabbing problems. Sorry Riccardo. I
  will fix my editor ...
- This submission mainly contains the code necessary to
  add the last 5 events to the cgi programs. I am planning
  to change the code a bit in the near future to possibly
  pass the last 10 events.

Changes submitted this submission:
- I created a new file apcevents.c to send the last
  5 events over the network. As currently configured,
  it truncates the events file when it reaches 50
  events rewriting only the last 5 events. This prevents
  it from growing indefinitely.
- The events are written to a temporary file when they
  are generated. This resolves the problem of multiple
  processes generating events as well as preserving events
  across a system crash or restarting of apcupsd.
- I added a new configuration statement

   EVENTFILE <filename>
  That tells apcupsd where to create the events file.
  If this name is not specified, no events will be
  available over the network.
- I removed the old le structures that I had created 
  in the shared memory area to hold the last events. They
  are now written to a file.
- I added code to log_event() to write the event to a file
  if the file is opened.
- I reworked the code in the server to ensure that if it
  error_aborts, it informs the other end to prevent the
  client from hanging for a long time.  More work is
  needed for the integrated server to ensure that apcupsd
  does not die when the server dies.
- Changed the STATUS output to have the current time and
  date on the END APC record. The DATE record contains
  the time and date that the UPS was last polled.
- Fixed the name of unknown() to be save_dumb_status() 
  and added a bit of documentation to the subroutine.
- Created a new cgi program called upsfstats.c (I think
  this was in the last submission). This program produces
  an apcaccess like status giving all information available
  from the UPS.         
- I updated the cgi multimon.c to output the last 5 events
  and to have a link to produce the full status by calling
- I cleaned up some of the html that was written. It still is
  not really up to standards, but it is better. And it displays
  correctly on 3 browsers.                
- I set the default NETSTATUS off in the configuration file.
- Updated the client test program to use the apcnetlib.

                Kern's ToDo List

To do:
- Fix my editor to have a mode to leave tabs alone.
- Check error_aborts in apcnetd (especially apcserver.c)
- Documentation.
- Automatic conversion of old apcupsd.config files
  to the new format?
- Eliminate the rest of the printfs().
- Check and double check killpwr changes.
- Possibly retab new cgi/net server code
- Create new line for status bits but in English
- Expand Last UPS Self Test field in cgi program
- Produce a RPM for RedHat
- Audit apcconfig.c
- Enhance documentation of apcupsd.conf
- Fix apcupsd so that it respawns the server if it
  dies (limit number of times). This will avoid the
  possibility that someone can bring down our apcupsd
  by connecting via Internet (denial of service attack,
  or exploit possible buffer overflow).
- Eliminate rest of character command codes using new
  capabilities code in apcsetup.c (for setup stuff).
- Remember date and time when apcupsd started.
- Add events display to the full upsfstats.cgi

Wish list:
- Add more commands (individual variables) to apcnetd
- Accumlate time on batteries and number of transfers
  to batteries. Perhaps save history in file so that the
  info can be recovered if apcupsd restarts.

- Add "events" command to the network interface
  to retrieve the last five events.
- Save last 5 major events and pass them in STATUS file.
- Fix name of unknown() and change comments in subroutine
  save_dumb_status() ...
- Make the END record of the STATUS command
  have the current time/date rather than the
  poll time/date.
- Add the full status display to the cgi program (same
  as currently printed by "apcaccess status"