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<td align="right" valign="center"><img src="logo32.png" align="right" width="64" height="32" border="0"></td></tr></table><h1 align=center>QMotifDialog Class Reference</h1>

<p>The QMotifDialog class provides the QDialog API for Motif dialogs.
<a href="#details">More...</a>
<p>This class is part of the <b>Qt Motif Extension</b>.
<p><tt>#include &lt;<a href="qmotifdialog-h.html">qmotifdialog.h</a>&gt;</tt>
<p>Inherits <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>.
<p><a href="qmotifdialog-members.html">List of all member functions.</a>
<h2>Public Members</h2>
<li><div class=fn>enum <a href="#DialogType-enum"><b>DialogType</b></a> { Prompt, Selection, Command, FileSelection, Template, Error, Information, Message, Question, Warning, Working }</div></li>
<li><div class=fn><a href="#QMotifDialog"><b>QMotifDialog</b></a> ( DialogType&nbsp;dtype, Widget&nbsp;parent = NULL, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn><a href="#QMotifDialog-2"><b>QMotifDialog</b></a> ( Widget&nbsp;parent = NULL, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>virtual <a href="#~QMotifDialog"><b>~QMotifDialog</b></a> ()</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>Widget <a href="#shell"><b>shell</b></a> () const</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>Widget <a href="#dialog"><b>dialog</b></a> () const</div></li>
<h2>Static Public Members</h2>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#acceptCallback"><b>acceptCallback</b></a> ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )</div></li>
<li><div class=fn>void <a href="#rejectCallback"><b>rejectCallback</b></a> ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )</div></li>
<hr><a name="details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2>
<p> This class is defined in the <b>Qt <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> Extension</b>, which can be found in the <tt>qt/extensions</tt> directory. It is not included in the main Qt API.

The QMotifDialog class provides the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a> API for Motif dialogs.
<p> When migrating Motif applications to Qt, developers will want to
rewrite their Motif dialogs using Qt, and switch to using Qt's
modality semantics. QMotifDialog ensures that modal Motif dialogs
continue to work properly when used in a Qt application.
<p> For the purpose of the Motif extension, Motif has two types of
dialogs: predefined dialogs and custom dialogs. The predefined
Motif dialogs are:
<p> <ul>
<li> Prompt
<li> Selection
<li> Command
<li> FileSelection
<li> Template
<li> Error
<li> Information
<li> Message
<li> Question
<li> Warning
<li> Working
<p> QMotifDialog provides a constructor for the predefined Motif
dialog types, which creates a dialog shell and the dialog widget
<p> Example usage QMotifDialog to create a predefined Motif dialog:
<p> <pre>
    XmString message = XmStringCreateLocalized( "This is a Message dialog.",
                                                XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET );
    Arg args[1];
    XtSetArg( args[0], XmNmessageString, message );

    // parent is an ApplicationShell created earlier in the application
    QMotifDialog dailog( QMotifDialog::<a href="#DialogType-enum">Message</a>, parent, args, 1,
                         "motif message dialog", TRUE );
    XtAddCallback( dialog.dialog(), XmNokCallback,
                   (XtCallbackProc) QMotifDialog::acceptCallback, &amp;dialog );
    XtAddCallback( dialog.dialog(), XmNcancelCallback,
                   (XtCallbackProc) QMotifDialog::rejectCallback, &amp;dialog );

    XmStringFree( message );
<p> QMotifDialog also provides a constructor for custom Motif dialogs,
which only creates the dialog shell. The application programmer
can create a custom dialog using the QMotifDialog shell as its
<p> QMotifDialogs can be used with either an Xt/Motif or a <a href="qwidget.html">QWidget</a>

<hr><h2>Member Type Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="DialogType-enum"></a>QMotifDialog::DialogType</h3>

<p> This enum lists the predefined <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> dialog types.
<hr><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2>
<h3 class=fn><a name="QMotifDialog"></a>QMotifDialog::QMotifDialog ( <a href="qmotifdialog.html#DialogType-enum">DialogType</a>&nbsp;dtype, Widget&nbsp;parent = NULL, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )
Creates a predefined <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> dialog of type <em>dtype</em> with a Motif
widget <em>parent</em>.
<p> The arguments are passed in <em>args</em>, and the number of arguments
in <em>argcount</em>. The <em>name</em>, <em>modal</em> and <em>flags</em> arguments are
passed on to the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a> constructor.
<p> Creates a Shell widget which is a special subclass of
XmDialogShell. This allows applications to use the QDialog API
with existing Motif dialogs. It also means that applications can
properly handle modality with the <a href="qmotif.html">QMotif</a> extension. You can access
the Shell widget with the <a href="#shell">shell</a>() member function.
<p> Creates a dialog widget with the Shell widget as it's parent. The
type of the dialog created is specified by the <em>dtype</em>
argument. See the <a href="#DialogType-enum">DialogType</a> enum for a list of available dialog
types. You can access the dialog widget with the <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>() member
<p> <b>Warning:</b> When QMotifDialog is destroyed, the Shell widget and the
dialog widget are destroyed. You should not destroy the dialog
widget yourself.

<h3 class=fn><a name="QMotifDialog-2"></a>QMotifDialog::QMotifDialog ( Widget&nbsp;parent = NULL, ArgList&nbsp;args = NULL, Cardinal&nbsp;argcount = 0, const&nbsp;char&nbsp;*&nbsp;name = 0, bool&nbsp;modal = FALSE, WFlags&nbsp;flags = 0 )
Creates a QMotifDialog for use in a custom <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> dialog.
<p> The dialog's parent is <em>parent</em>. The arguments are passed in <em>args</em> and the number of arguments in <em>argcount</em>. The <em>name</em>, <em>modal</em> and <em>flags</em> arguments are passed on to the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>
<p> Creates a Shell widget which is a special subclass of
XmDialogShell. This allows applications to use the QDialog API
with existing Motif dialogs. It also means that applications can
properly handle modality with the <a href="qmotif.html">QMotif</a> extension. You can access
the Shell widget with the <a href="#shell">shell</a>() member function.
<p> A dialog widget is not created by this constructor. Instead, you
should create the dialog widget as a child of this dialog. Once
you do this, QMotifDialog will take ownership of your custom
dialog, and you can access it with the <a href="#dialog">dialog</a>() member function.
<p> <b>Warning:</b> When QMotifDialog is destroyed, the Shell widget and the
dialog widget are destroyed. You should not destroy the dialog
widget yourself.

<h3 class=fn><a name="~QMotifDialog"></a>QMotifDialog::~QMotifDialog ()<tt> [virtual]</tt>
Destroys the <a href="qdialog.html">QDialog</a>, dialog widget and shell widget.

<h3 class=fn>void <a name="acceptCallback"></a>QMotifDialog::acceptCallback ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )<tt> [static]</tt>
Convenient Xt/Motif callback to accept the QMotifDialog.
<p> The data is passed in <em>client_data</em>.

<h3 class=fn>Widget <a name="dialog"></a>QMotifDialog::dialog () const
Returns the <a href="motif-extension.html#Motif">Motif</a> widget embedded in this dialog.

<p>Example: <a href="motif-dialog-example.html#x2701">dialog/mainwindow.cpp</a>.
<h3 class=fn>void <a name="rejectCallback"></a>QMotifDialog::rejectCallback ( Widget, XtPointer&nbsp;client_data, XtPointer )<tt> [static]</tt>
Convenient Xt/Motif callback to reject the QMotifDialog.
<p> The data is passed in <em>client_data</em>.

<h3 class=fn>Widget <a name="shell"></a>QMotifDialog::shell () const
Returns the Shell widget embedded in this dialog.

<p>Example: <a href="motif-dialog-example.html#x2702">dialog/mainwindow.cpp</a>.
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