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----	$Id: faq.html,v 1.36 2003/02/05 00:35:01 jsalmon3 Exp $

----	(c) Copyright 2001-2003 by Lutz Sammer

----    FreeCraft is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
----    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
----    the Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License.

----    FreeCraft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
----    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
----    GNU General Public License for more details.
    <TITLE>FAQ for FreeCraft Version 1.18</TITLE>
    <H1>FAQ for FreeCraft Version 1.18</H1>
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      \___  /   |__|    \___  >\___  >\______  /|__|  (____  /__|   |__|
	  \/		    \/	   \/	     \/		   \/
    ______________________                           ______________________
			  T H E   W A R   B E G I N S
	   FreeCraft - A free fantasy real time strategy game engine
<P><B>(C) Copyright 1998-2003 by The FreeCraft Project. Distributed under the
<A HREF="gpl.html">"GNU General Public License"</A></B>

For any questions not mentioned here, please visit
<A HREF=""></A>.<P>


<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: I am getting the error "gzseek already defined or
    undefined!" ?</FONT>
<DD>A: You have an old version of libpng, install the libpng1.0.X or later.
    You get it here:
    <A HREF=""></A>

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Does FreeCraft work with ALSA?</FONT>
<DD>A: Yes, FreeCraft works with the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA)
    Driver if you compile FreeCraft using SDL and SDL was compiled to support
    ALSA (--enable-alsa). It has been tested with versions 0.3.2 to 0.9.0.
    More informationcan be found here:
    <A HREF=""></A>

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Can I use the original CD without expansion?</FONT>
<DD>A: Yes. Only difference is there are more graphics and sounds in the
    expansion CD version. It works without problems with the german version. If
    you are still not sure, just try it. It should work without problems.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Why does the cursor react after several seconds
    when i move it?</FONT>
<DD>A: We didn't find the real problem. Currently use the threaded sound
    support and enable it (in data/ccl/sound.ccl) or add to the line
    "-DSLOW_INPUT" to:
    in Rules.make

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: I want to play without having the CD in the drive, 
    can i copy files from CD to hdd ?</FONT>
<DD>A: After running 'build.bat' (WINDOWS) or '' (UNIX) the CD is no
    longer needed. This script converts the data on CD into our own format.
    A: You don't need to copy, the installation did it for you.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Why does the game become very slow under X11?
<DD>A: Give your X11 server a higher priority than the clients.
    renice -5 &lt;pid-of-your-x11-server&gt;
    newer linux distributions (debian) does this automatically, 
    or start freecraft with<P>
    nice -n 5 ./freecraft

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Can I use FreeCraft to join a W*rcr*ft 2 network
<DD>A: Sorry, FreeCraft use its own network protocol. You can only join 
    FreeCraft network games.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Is it planned to support joining a W*rcr*ft 2
    network game?</FONT>
<DD>A: Both network protocols are in such a way, that this would be impossible.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: I only have the original BNE version, can I use
<DD>A: No. Nobody has written a converter for this, if you want to
    write it, please contact us. It is only a question of time and you
    must understand writing C.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Why do I get only a black window after I installed
    it on windows?</FONT>
<DD>A: Try installing FreeCraft to C: drive.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Can I compile FreeCraft with VC++?</FONT>
<DD>A: Yes. Follow the instructions in <A HREF="development.html">

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Can I compile FreeCraft with Borland C++?</FONT>
<DD>A: This C compiler isn't supported yet, you can build a project, 
    write the instrutions and than mail it to us.<P>
    Information on how to use MingGW and libSDL for cross development and
    native development:<P>
    <A HREF=""></A><P>
    Compiler package for windows built by Sam Lantinga:<P>
    <A HREF=""></A>
    Based on the above this is our build. It contains SDL 1.2.4, libpng, zlib
    and zziplib. Install this and download the newest FreeCraft source and
    start FreeCraft development with windows:
    <A HREF=""></A>

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: What port or ports did FreeCraft use for network
<DD>A: As default the only port used is 6660 UDP for both the client and
    server side.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Why are there some grayed out fields in the
    FreeCraft menus?</FONT>
<DD>A: The grayed out menu entries are planned features which aren't finished
    yet. You are welcome to write them.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Why do I get the following compiler failure:<BR>
    network.c:282: initializer element is not constant<BR>
    network.c:282: (near initialization for `CommandsIn[0].first')</FONT>
<DD>A: This is a bug in the GNU C Compiler 2.96, downgrade to GCC 2.95.x or
    upgrade to GCC 3.xx (expect many wrong warnings). If you are using the
    Redhat distribution 7.2, you can change CC=gcc to CC=kgcc in Rules.make.

<DT><FONT COLOR="#FF0000">Q: Can I play FreeCraft in fullscreen?</FONT>
<DD>A: Yes fullscreen is supported with SDL. Click on the Options button
    from the main program menu. In addition, in game use ALT-F or CTRL-F to
    switch between fullscreen and windowed mode. You can also use the
    commandline option -F to start the game in fullscreen mode.


Last changed: $Id: faq.html,v 1.36 2003/02/05 00:35:01 jsalmon3 Exp $<BR>
All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective owners.
<ADDRESS><A HREF="">The FreeCraft Project</A>