

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 3e6564648d173e0f8545e75edcf02745 > files > 25


Changes between pre 1.0 and 1.0:

Basically, both update-menus and install-menu have been re-written
from scratch.


  *forks to background, waits for dpkg to finish (to get a _correct_
   package listing).

  *allows new menuentry format:
    needs=text     command=/usr/bin/vi section=Apps/Editors title=Vi \
                   longtitle="The editor that people complain even\
                   more about than the about weather, vi." \
                   id=vi sort=aa myfunkyvar=lichtbewolkt


install-fvwmgen -> menu-method:
  *Change of name (The old name wasn't very good anyway, and
   it allows me to more easily change the format of the file).

  *Format changed: ${title} is now written as either $title or 
   print($title) (the latter giving an error if $title is empty).
   More about this in /usr/doc/menu/html.

  *Long lines can be continued on next line with a "\".
   (do make sure there are no spaces after the "\")

  *in the menu-methods files, tabs, newlines, etc used to need
   double \\, like "\\t, \\n". These is needed any more.
   (now looks like "\t, \n").

  *things like "startmenu=filename" don't work any more (nobody
   knew this worked anyway).

  *Lot's of new "functions", see README

  *Slightly different interpretation of variables:

    ${section} used to print the last part of the section name, now
    it prints the full section in a submenu, or the full section
    plus "/"$title in menuentries (or plus "/" $sort ":" $title
    if $sort is defined).
    ${fullsection} has been removed (section replaces this)
    $subsection now prints what ${section} would have printed
    with menu-0.11.
    the id tag isn't needed any more. Now using $sort ":" $title to 
    determine if two menuentries are the same.

  *in script: mainmenu= isn't accepted any more 
    (never used to work with "compat=gen").

  *Now you can actually add icons etc to the submenu entries,
   even to the root menus
   needs="X11" section="Apps" title="Ap" hotkey=X icon="myiconfile"