

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 3e6564648d173e0f8545e75edcf02745 > files > 55


# 05/18/96 sample.steprc v1.2 fsf

# NEXTSTEP(tm) look related stuff
StdForeColor 		Black
StdBackColor 		#bfbfbf
HiForeColor 		White
HiBackColor 		Black
MenuBackColor	#bfbfbf
MenuForeColor	Black
Font                    -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
WindowFont              -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
IconBox 90 -68 -1 -1
StickyForeColor         Black
StickyBackColor         #60c0a0

########################      FOCUS STUFF     ##############################
# Set windows to auto-raise after 325 milliseconds if you like it.
Module Auto 325

########################      MISCELLANEOUS STUFF     #######################
# If you don't like the default 150 msec click delay for the complex functions
# change this.
ClickTime 150

# StubbornIcons makes icons de-iconify into their original position on the
# desktop, instead of on the current page.

# With AutoPlacement, icons will normally place themselves underneath active
# windows. This option changes that.

# If you want ALL you icons to follow you around the desktop (Sticky), try
# this

########################      WINDOW PLACEMENT     #######################
# RandomPlacement prevents user interaction while placing windows:
# RandomPlacement

# SmartPlacement makes new windows pop-up in blank regions of screen 
# if possible, otherwise falls back to random or interactive placement

EdgeScroll 0 0
EdgeResistance 0 0

# OpaqueMove has a number (N) attached to it (default 5), if the window occupies
# less than N% of the screen, opaque move is used. 0 <= N <= 100
OpaqueMove 100

# NoPPosition instructs fvwm to ignore the PPosition field in window 
# geometry hints.
# Emacs annoyingly sets PPosition to (0,0)!

# Set up the virtual desktop and pager

#set the desk top size in units of physical screen size
DeskTopSize 2x2

# and the reduction scale used for the panner/pager
DeskTopScale 32

# Module path
# ModulePath is a colon-separated list, just like regular unix PATH
ModulePath          /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm:/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/afterstep
PixmapPath          /usr/include/X11/pixmaps/
IconPath            /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/
NoBoundaryWidth 0
BoundaryWidth 8
Style "oclock" Sticky, NoTitle, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip
Style "*Pager" NoTitle, Sticky, StaysOnTop, WindowListSkip, NoHandles
Style "xbiff" NoTitle, WindowListSkip
Style "Minitabx11" StaysOnTop
Style "Wharf" NoFocus,NoTitle, Sticky, WindowListSkip,StaysOnTop, NoHandles

# customize your wharf (read: dock)
Module Wharf 

# Eliminates the 3D "pushable" buttons and makes things boring

*WharfGeometry -1+0
*WharfColumns 1 
*Wharf xbiff   nil   Swallow "xbiff" xbiff -bg "#8e8a9e" -fg "#00003f" -geometry 45x45-1-1 &
*Wharf xload  nil   Swallow "xload" xload -nolabel -hl black -bg "#8e8a9e" -geometry 45x45-1-1 &
*Wharf xterm monitor.xpm   Exec "-" xterm -e tcsh -l &
*Wharf lyx text.xpm Exec "-" /home/frank/bin/lyx &>/dev/null &
*Wharf gimp 3dpaint.xpm Exec "-" gimp -geometry +15+373 &
#*Wharf tkdate nil Swallow "tkdate" tkdate -geometry -1-1 &
*Wharf pine writeletter.xpm Exec "-" xterm -T "pine" -e pine &
*Wharf Netscape netscape3.xpm Exec "-" netscape -geometry 680x565+400+2 &
*Wharf moxfm FilingCabinet.xpm Exec "-" moxfm >& /dev/null &
*Wharf pager nil SwallowModule "FvwmPager" FvwmPager 0 0
*Wharf config interface.xpm Exec "-" xterm -T "vi(.steprc)" -e vim -n ~/.steprc &
*Wharf Recycler  recycler.xpm  Restart " " afterstep
*Wharf Shutdown	 shutdown.xpm  Quit 

# define some common icon bitmaps
# These are the color icons.
# Of course, you need to change the directory to the one where they
# really live.
Icon "xterm"        monitor.xpm
Icon "pine"         writeletter.xpm
Icon "ghostview"    text.xpm
Icon "xman"	    xman.xpm
Icon "gimp"	    3dpaint.xpm
Icon "xli"	    monalisa.xpm
Icon "xv"	    xv1.xpm
Icon "moxfm*"       FileFolders.xpm
Icon "*lyx*"        text.xpm
Icon "LyX"          text.xpm
Icon "Untitled*"    YellowBlueRedGeometry.xpm

Function "InitFunction"
        Module  "I"     FvwmPager 0 0
Function "RestartFunction"
        Module  "I"     FvwmPager 0 0

# Now define some handy complex functions

# This one moves and then raises the window if you drag the mouse,
# only raises the window if you click,  or does a RaiseLower if you double
# click
Function "Move-or-Raise"
	Move 		"Motion"
	Raise		"Motion"
	Raise		"Click"
	RaiseLower	"DoubleClick" 

Function "maximize_func"
	Move		"Motion"
	Maximize	"Click" 94 100
	Shade		"DoubleClick"
 	PutOnTop	"TripleClick"

# This one moves or (de)iconifies:
Function "Move-or-Iconify"
	Move 		"Motion"
	Iconify		"DoubleClick"

Function "Resize-or-Raise"
	Resize 		"Motion"
	Raise		"Motion"
	Raise		"Click"
	Shade		"DoubleClick"

# This is provided as a hint only.
# Move to a known page on the desktop, then start an application in a
# known location. Could also switch to a known desktop, I guess
#Function "abs_coord"
#       GoToPage "Immediate"    1,1
#       Exec    "Immediate"     exec xcalc -geometry +100+100&

#now define the menus - defer bindings until later


# This menu is invoked as a sub-menu - it allows you to quit
Popup "Quit-Verify"
	Title	"Quit?"
	Quit	"Yes, Quit"
	Restart "Restart"	afterstep
	Nop	"No, Don't"

# This defines the most common window operations
Popup "Window Ops"
        Title           "Window Ops"
        Function        "Move"          Move-or-Raise
        Function        "Resize"        Resize-or-Raise
        Raise           "Raise"
        Lower           "Lower"
	PutOnTop	"(Un)PutOnTop"
        Iconify         "(De)Iconify"
        Stick           "(Un)Stick"
        Function        "(Un)Maximize"  maximize_func
        Nop             ""
        Destroy         "Destroy"
        Close           "Close"
        Nop             ""
        Refresh         "Refresh Screen"

# This defines the mouse bindings

# First, for the mouse in the root window
# Button 1 gives the HotList menu
# Button 2 gives the WindowList menu
# Button 3 gives the WindowOps

Mouse 0         1       A       Iconify
Mouse 0         2       A       Close
Mouse 1		R   	A       PopUp "/Debian"
Mouse 1		FS	A	Function "Resize-or-Raise"
Mouse 1		I	A	Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 1		T	A	Function "maximize_func"
Mouse 2         R       A       WindowList
Mouse 2		FST	A	PopUp "Window Ops"
Mouse 3		TSIF	A	RaiseLower
Mouse 3         R       A       PopUp "Window Ops"
Mouse 3         W       M       RaiseLower

# Now some keyboard shortcuts.

# Keyboard accelerators
Key F1		A	M	Popup "/Debian"
Key F2		A	M	Popup "Window Ops"
Key F3		A	M	WindowList
Key F4		A	M	Exec "xwd" xwd -root -out ~/screen.xwd &
Key F5 	        A	A       Iconify

# Arrow Keys
# press arrow + control anywhere, and scroll by 1 page
Key Left        A       C       Scroll -100 0
Key Right       A       C       Scroll +100 +0
Key Up          A       C       Scroll +0   -100
Key Down        A       C       Scroll +0   +100

#Definitions used by the modules

########################## Window-Identifier ###############################
# Just choose colors and a fonts
*FvwmIdentBack MidnightBlue
*FvwmIdentFore Yellow
*FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

*FvwmPagerBack #908090
*FvwmPagerFore #484048
*FvwmPagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPagerGeometry +8-6
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Pager 
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8

*PagerBack #908090
*PagerFore #484048
*PagerFont -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*PagerHilight #cab3ca
*PagerGeometry +8-6
*PagerLabel 0 Pager
*PagerSmallFont 5x8

# Start the Audio player  
Module Audio    

# Select your normal audio player
#*AudioPlayCmd /usr/bin/showaudio

# Select the directory containing your sounds
#*AudioDir /home/frank/mac/sounds

#*AudioDelay 1

# Attach sounds to window manager events...some don't appear to function
# as well as they could
#*Audio startup
#*Audio shutdown
#*Audio add_window
#*Audio raise_window
#*Audio lower_window
#*Audio focus_change    
#*Audio destroy_window
#*Audio iconify
#*Audio deiconify
#*Audio toggle_paging
#*Audio new_page 
#*Audio new_desk
#*Audio configure_window
#*Audio window_name
#*Audio icon_name
#*Audio res_class
#*Audio res_name
#*Audio end_windowlist