

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 43f6c6283d2614ba335b4c2f0495c3b8 > files > 59


                    --- Moleskine User Manual (wannabe) ---

 --- Creating new languages modes ---
[to be done...]

 --- Regular expressions syntax ---

  Starting from version 0.7.2 you can use regular expressions for searching
strings in the text. When replacing you can also use matched groups in the
replacement string.
  If you don't know what regular expressions are, you should look at some other
documentation: Python, Perl and grep manuals are good places to start.
  Special characters interpreted are '.' for any character, '\(' and '\)' to
tag parts of the match, '\1' .. '\9' to refer to tagged parts, '\<' to match
the start of a word, '\>' to match the end of a word, '\' as a quote
character, '[' and ']' to indicate a set of characters, ^ within a set to
complement the set, ^ outside a set to match the start of line, $ to match the
end of line, * to match 0 or more times, + to match 1 or more times.

 --- Keyboard shortcuts ---

  This is the list of all the available shorcuts:

S- = Shift
C- = Ctrl/Control
DOWN = Down Arrow, etc

C-Mouse Select	Block Select - Select rectangular blocks of text.
S-DOWN          Line Down Extend - Moves cursor down one line selecting all
                intervening text.
C-DOWN          Line Scroll Down - Moves the document up one line in the text
                window along with the cursor.
S-UP            Line Up Extend - Moves cursor down one line selecting all
                intervening text.
C-UP            Line Scroll Up - Moves the document down one line in the text
                window along with the cursor.
S-LEFT          Character Left Extend - Moves cursor one character to the left
                while selecting the intervening character.
C-LEFT          Word Left - Moves cursor one word to the left.
C-S-LEFT        Word Left Extend - Moves cursor one word to the left while
                selecting the intervening text.
S-RIGHT         Character Right Extend - Moves cursor one character to the
                right while selecting the intervening character.
C-RIGHT         Word Right - Moves cursor one word to the right.
C-S-RIGHT       Word Right Extend - Moves cursor one word to the right while
                selecting the intervening text.
HOME            Home - Move the caret to the end of the line indentation unless
		already there, in which case it moves to the start of the line.
S-HOME          Home Extend - Move the caret to the end of the line indentation
		unless already there, in which case it moves to the start of
		the line. while
		selecting the intervening text.
C-HOME          Document Start - Moves cursor to beginning of document.
C-S-HOME        Document Start Extend - Moves cursor to beginning of document
                while selecting the intervening text.
END             Line End - Moves cursor to last character on line.
S-END           Line End Extend - Moves cursor to last character on line while
                selecting the intervening text.
C-END           Document End - Moves cursor to end of document.
C-S-END         Document End Extend - Moves cursor to end of document while
                selecting the intervening text.
S-PRIOR         Page Up Extend - Moves cursor one page up while selecting the
		intervening text.
S-NEXT          Page Down Extend - Moves cursor one page down while selecting
		the intervening text.
S-DELETE        Cut - removes character after cursor and moves it to the
C-DELETE        Delete Word Right - Deletes word to the right of the cursor.
INSERT          Edit Toggle Over Type - Toggles between insert mode and
                overwrite mode.
S-INSERT        Paste - paste text from clipboard.
C-INSERT        Copy - Copy selected text to the clipboard.
C-BACK          Delete Word Left - Delete word before cursor.
A-BACK          Undo - Remove effects of last action.
C-Z             Undo - Remove effects of last action.
C-Y             Redo - Perform last action undone with undo command.
C-X             Cut - Delete selected text and copy it to the clipboard.
C-C             Copy - Copy selected text to the clipboard.
C-V             Paste - Move selected text from clipboard to current cursor
C-A             Select All - Selects entire document.
TAB             Tab - Indent the current line (or the text block if there is a
S-TAB           Back Tab - Dedent the current line (or the text block if there
		is a selection).
C-L             Line Cut - Delete line of text that cursor is on and copy it
                to the clipboard.
C-S-L           Line Delete - Delete line of text that cursor is on.
C-T             Line Transpose - Move line of text that cursor is on up one
                line while moving that line of text down.
C-U             Lowercase - Make all selected text lowercase.
C-S-U           Uppercase - Make all selected text uppercase.

 --- Emacs Keyboard shortcuts ---

    C-x C-c 	Exit
    C-x C-f 	Open document
    C-x C-f	Save document
    C-x C-w	Save document with a different name
    C-x C-h	Select all
    C-k 	Delete line
    D-Delete	Delete line
    C-y		Paste
    C-S-_	Undo
    A-g		Goto line
    C-p		Line up
    C-n		Line down
    C-b		Char left
    C-f		Char right
    C-e		Line end
    C-a		Line start
    C-Home	Document start
    C-End	Document end
    C-v		Page up
    A-v		Page down
    A-f		Word right
    A-b		Word left
    C-d		Delete forwards
    A-/		Complete word

 --- FAQ ---

Q: How can I indent/unindent a block of code?
A: Select the code and press TAB/S-TAB.

Q: Can you add language XXX?
A: If the language is similar to a supported language (for example Java, C/C++,
   C# are all using the same lexer): yes, for sure, you can do it by yourself.
   If it is a completely different language it is a Scintilla issue and
   somebody (maybe you) must write a lexer.
   See: <> for more information.

 --- Credits ---

  Written by Michele Campeotto <>. Part (read: most) of this
file comes directly from Scintilla's documentation, written by Neil Hodgson.

  FAQ and Keyboard shortcuts by Brady Hegberg <>.

  As you all know, developers don't like to write documentation :P (and my
english is not very good), so help in enhancing this is greatly appreciated.