

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 4c5ac34ae216fba9ec8a3daf3843b641 > files > 109


<!DOCTYPE webpage SYSTEM "../website.dtd">
<webpage id="olink">
<config param="desc" value="Linking Pages"/>
<config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2001/09/06 14:14:00 $"/>
<title>Linking Pages</title>
<summary>Linking across Pages</summary>

<para>In Website, the website pages are different XML documents so it
is no longer possible to use <sgmltag>link</sgmltag> to make links
between them.  Instead, you must use <sgmltag>olink</sgmltag><footnote>
<para>It's also possible to use <sgmltag>ulink</sgmltag> and make links
directly to the generated HTML pages, but that's a bad idea; if you change
the hierarchy or rename a page, the link will become stale. With
<sgmltag>olink</sgmltag> this won't happen.</para></footnote>.</para>

<para><sgmltag>Olink</sgmltag> is different from the other linking mechanisms
that you may be familiar with. Instead of using a URI or an IDREF to form
the link, it uses an XML unparsed entity. If that sounds greek, don't
worry too much, it's easy to do.</para>

<listitem><para>Create an entity declaration that identifies the target
page. For example, to link to this page, I would use the following

><![CDATA[<!ENTITY linking SYSTEM "olink.xml" NDATA XML>]]></programlisting>

<para>The name that you use for the entity, <literal>linking</literal>
in this case, is irrelevant. The important thing is that the entity
point to the right page. I've used a system identifier here, but you could
also use public identifiers if you wanted more flexibility.</para>

<para>Keep in mind that the systen identifier specified here must be
either an absolute URI or a relative URI that will resolve to the
target page (in other words, you may need to prefix it with a partial
path name, if you keep your XML webpages in different directories).</para>

<listitem><para>Make sure the webpage that you are linking
<emphasis>from</emphasis> (you don't have to do anything special to
the page you're linking to) has a <quote>DOCTYPE</quote> declaration with
an internal subset. If your <sgmltag>olink</sgmltag> entity is the only
thing in it, it should look like something like this:</para>

><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE webpage PUBLIC "-//SF DocBook//DTD Website V2.0//EN"
          SYSTEM " [
<!ENTITY linking SYSTEM "olink.xml" NDATA XML>

<para>If you want to link to several different pages, you will need an
entity declaration for each of them.</para>

<listitem><para>Use the <sgmltag class="attribute">targetdocent</sgmltag>
attribute of <sgmltag>olink</sgmltag> to identify the entity of the page
you want to link to:</para>

><![CDATA[<olink targetdocent="linking">link text</olink>]]></programlisting>

<para>That will link to the correct page in the resulting website. If you
want to link to a specific anchor in that web page, use the
<sgmltag class="attribute">localinfo</sgmltag> attribute to specify the
XML ID.</para>
