

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 4c5ac34ae216fba9ec8a3daf3843b641 > files > 17


<!DOCTYPE webpage SYSTEM "../website.dtd" [
<!ENTITY buildmake.xml SYSTEM "build-make.xml" NDATA XML>
<webpage id="buildext">
<config param="desc" value="Building with XSLT Extensions"/>
<config param="rcsdate" value="$Date: 2001/09/26 23:06:39 $"/>
<title>Building with XSLT</title>
<titleabbrev>Using XSLT</titleabbrev>
<summary>Building with XSLT Extensions</summary>

<para>The alternative to <olink targetdocent="buildmake.xml">using
make</olink> is to use XSLT extension functions. Naturally this will
only be possible if you're using a processor for which the extensions
have been implemented. The Website distribution includes extensions
for Xalan and Saxon.</para>

<para>If the source pages for your website are stored in several
files, this method will probably will not work correctly all the time.
The extension can only see if the <quote>main</quote> page has
changed, not subsidiary pages that it (logically) depends on. If you
have a complex source layout, you will probably have to <olink
targetdocent="buildmake.xml">use make</olink>.</para>

<listitem><para>Create your webpages and your <filename>layout.xml</filename>

<listitem><para>Use XSLT to create <filename>autolayout.xml</filename>.
Do this by processing your <filename>layout.xml</filename> with the
<filename>autolayout.xsl</filename> stylesheet.

<listitem><para>Use XSLT to build the website: process the
<filename>autolayout.xml</filename> file with the
<filename>chunk-tabular.xsl</filename> stylesheet. That should build your

<para>You can use the <literal>output-root</literal> parameter to direct
where the result documents are produced.</para>