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<title>Developer's Guide: Export Filters
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<TD ALIGN="left"><A HREF="devguide-22.html">Import Filters
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<H2><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N1"></A>Export Filters

<P>Sketch uses export filters to write documents to files.</P>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N2"></A>Configuration Variables</font></H3>

<P>For export filter configuration, Sketch uses the following variables:
<P>The type must be <CODE>Export</CODE>. This identifier is defined in the
globals() dictionary.</P>


<DT><B><CODE>unload</CODE> (optional)</B><DD>

<P>These variables have the same meaning as <A HREF="devguide-22.html#N2">in an import filter</A>.</P>

<P>A string with the standard file extension of the export format.
Alternatively this can be a tuple of file extension strings.</P>
<P>Sketch uses the file extension to find the export filter.</P>

<DT><B><CODE>standard_messages</CODE> (optional)</B><DD>
<P>A boolean indicating whether the messages in the plugin are
standard messages that are defined in Sketch's message catalogs.
For third-party plugins this should be omitted.</P>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N3"></A>External Interface</font></H3>

<P>Given a document object and a filename for the output file, Sketch
does the following to find an export filter and to export the drawing:</P>
<LI>Take the extension of the output filename and find the
export filter that uses that extension.
<LI>Load the module of the plugin
<LI>Call the module's <CODE>save</CODE> function.</LI>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N4"></A>The <CODE>save</CODE> function</font></H3>

<P>The function <CODE>save</CODE> is the main entry point for an export plugin. It
is called with four positional parameters <i>document</i>, <i>file</i>,
<i>filename</i> and <i>options</i>.</P>
<P><i>document</i> is the document that is to be saved. <i>file</i> is the
output file object open for writing and <i>filename</i> is the
corresponding filename. Finally, <i>options</i> is a dictionary with
(user specified) options. Currently <i>options</i> is always an empty
dictinary as there is no way yet to specify such options.</P>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N5"></A>Implementation Strategy</font></H3>

<P>Apart from the <CODE>save</CODE> function entry point Sketch requires very
little from the plugin. The only other thing it expects is that the
plugin traverses the object tree by itself and uses the interface
provided by the <A HREF="devguide-14.html#N2"><tt>Protocols</tt></A> class to distinguish the
different object types.</P>
<P>In the following, the svg export filter serves as the basis for a a
brief outline of this technique.</P>
<P>Both the svg and the ai filter use the same basic approach. They
implement the filter as a class and use an instance of that class to do
the work:</P>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
def save(document, file, filename, options = {}):
    saver = SVGSaver(file, filename, document, options)
<P>The interesting parts happen in the class. The constructor doesn't do
much, it just saves the parameters in instance variables:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
class SVGSaver:

    def __init__(self, file, filename, document, options):
        self.file = file
        self.filename = filename
        self.document = document
        self.options = options
<P>The Save method is where the real work begins.
First it writes a kind of file header:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
    def Save(self):
        self.file.write('&lt;?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?&gt;\n')
        left, bottom, right, top = self.document.BoundingRect()
        width = right - left
        height = top - bottom
        self.trafo = Trafo(1, 0, 0, -1, -left, top)
        self.file.write('&lt;svg width="%g" height="%g"' % (width, height))

The document method <CODE>BoundingRect</CODE> returns the bounding rectangle of the
entire document</P>

<P>After the header it loops over all the layers in the document...
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
        for layer in self.document.Layers():

...and if the layer is not a special layer, such as grid or guide layers,
and if the layer is printable...
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
            if not layer.is_SpecialLayer and layer.Printable():

... save the layer as a group:
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">

<CODE>GetObjects()</CODE> returns a list of all objects in the layer. All
compend objects have this method. In the SVG filter, the <CODE>BeginGroup</CODE>
and <CODE>EndGroup</CODE> methods write the <CODE>&lt;g&gt;</CODE> and <CODE>&lt;/g&gt;</CODE>
tags that mark groups in SVG.</P>
<P>Finally, the trailer to close the <CODE>&lt;svg&gt;</CODE> tag.
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">

<P>The next interesting method is save_objects. It loops over the list of
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
    def save_objects(self, objects):
        for object in objects:

...and if the object is a compound object...
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
            if object.is_Compound:
</td></tr></table> it as a group
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
<P>otherwise, if the object is a bezier object, a rectangle or an ellipse...
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
            elif object.is_Bezier or object.is_Rectangle or object.is_Ellipse:
</td></tr></table> the object as bezier curves.
<table width="100%" cellpadding="10"><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFD0">
                self.PolyBezier(object.Paths(), object.Properties(),
<P>The <CODE>Paths</CODE> method returns a tuple of <A HREF="devguide-8.html">path
objects</A>. <CODE>Properties</CODE> returns an object that has members like
<CODE>fill_pattern</CODE> and <CODE>line_width</CODE> that define the properties of the

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