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<title>Developer's Guide: Rect Objects
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<TD ALIGN="left"><A HREF="devguide-5.html">Point Objects
<TD ALIGN="center"><A HREF="devguide-4.html">Coordinate Systems
<TD ALIGN="right"><A HREF="devguide-7.html">Transformation Objects
<H2><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N1"></A>Rect Objects

<P>Rect objects, or rects for short, represent rectangular areas of the
drawing whose edges are parallel to the coordinate axes. They are
represented by four floats for the positions of the left, bottom, right
and top edges. Rects are kept in a normalized state where the left
coordinate a less than the right coordinate and the bottom coordinate
less than the top coordinate.</P>
<P>The <A HREF="devguide-12.html">bounding rects and coord rects</A> of the
graphics objects are such rect objects.</P>
<P>Rect objects provide efficient methods for boolean operations (union and
intersection of rects) and tests for overlapping rects and contained
<P>There are two special rect objects: <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> and
<CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>. <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> represents the entire 2D plane while
<CODE>EmptyRect</CODE> is an empty rect. These objects behave in special ways:
both overlap every other rect, <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> contains all points
while <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE> contains no point, and so on. The particular
coordinates of these objects are irrelevant.</P>
<P>Rect objects are immutable.</P>
<P>Note: these rect objects have nothing to do with the rectangle primitive
(apart from the fact that the rectangle primitive has a bounding

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N2"></A>Constructors</font></H3>


<DT><B><A NAME="N3"></A><tt>Rect(<i>left</i>, <i>bottom</i>, <i>right</i>, <i>top</i>)</tt></B><DD>

<DT><B><A NAME="N4"></A><tt>Rect(<i>llcorner</i>, <i>urcorner</i>)</tt></B><DD>
<P>Return a new Rect object with the coordinates <i>left</i>,
<i>bottom</i>, <i>right</i> and <i>top</i> or the opposite corners
<i>llcorner</i> and <i>urcorner</i> given as <A HREF="devguide-5.html">points objects</A>. The rectangle is automatically
normalized, so you can swap <i>left</i>/<i>right</i> or
<i>top</i>/<i>bottom</i> or choose any opposite corners.</P>

<DT><B><A NAME="N5"></A><tt>PointsToRect(<i>sequence</i>)</tt></B><DD>
<P>Return the smallest rect that contains all points in
<i>sequence</i>. <i>sequence</i> must be a sequence of <A HREF="devguide-5.html#N11">PointSpecs</A>. If <i>sequence</i> is empty return


<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N6"></A>Attributes</font></H3>

<P>A rect object has four (read only) attributes:



<P>The left, bottom, right and top coordinate of the rect as python
floats. For <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> and <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE> these have no
real meaning.</P>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N7"></A>Methods</font></H3>

<P>A rect object has these methods (self refers to the rect whose method is


<DT><B><CODE>contains_point(<i>x</i>, <i>y</i>)</CODE></B><DD>
<P>Return true, if the point given by <i>PointSpec</i> or <i>x</i>
and <i>y</i> is inside of self, false otherwise.</P>
<P>For <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> this is always true, for <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>
always false.</P>

<P>Return true, if the rect <i>r</i> lies completely inside of self.
A rect contains itself. </P>
<P><CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> contains all other rects and <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE> is
contained in all other rects. </P>

<P>Return true if self and the rect <i>r</i> overlap. A rect
overlaps itself.</P>
<P><CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> and <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE> overlap all other rects and
each other.</P>


<DT><B><CODE>translated(<i>x</i>, <i>y</i>)</CODE></B><DD>
<P>Return self translated by the vector <i>PointSpec</i> or
<i>x</i> and <i>y</i>. Equivalent to</P>
<P>Rect(self.left + x, self.bottom + y, self.right + x, + y)</P>
<P>For <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> and <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>, return self.</P>

<P>Return a rect that is larger than self by <i>amount</i> in every
direction. Equivalent to</P>
<P><CODE>Rect(self.left - amount, self.bottom - amount, self.right +
amount, + amount)</CODE></P>
<P>For <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> and <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>, return self.</P>

<P>Return the center point of self as a point object.</P>
<P>For <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> and <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>, return <CODE>Point(0, 0)</CODE>.</P>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N8"></A>Operators</font></H3>

<P>Rect objects implement the sequence protocol for Python objects. This
allows the following operations:
<P>Always returns 4.</P>

<P>If <CODE><i>i</i></CODE> is one of 0, 1, 2 or 3, this is the same as
<CODE><i>rect</i>.left</CODE> <CODE><i>rect</i>.bottom</CODE>,
<CODE><i>rect</i>.right</CODE> or <CODE><i>rect</i>.top</CODE> respectively.</P>
<P>For other values of <i>i</i> raise an IndexError exception.</P>

<P>Return the coordinates of <i>rect</i> as a tuple</P>
<P><CODE>(<i>rect</i>.left, <i>rect</i>.bottom, <i>rect</i>.right,

<DT><B><CODE>left, bottom, right, top = <i>rect</i></CODE></B><DD>
<P>Unpack the rect <CODE><i>rect</i></CODE>. Equivalent to</P>
<P><CODE>left, bottom, right, top = tuple(<i>rect</i>)</CODE></P>

<P><CODE>rect</CODE> is a rect object, <CODE>len</CODE> is the builtin function.</P>

<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N9"></A>Functions</font></H3>


<DT><B><A NAME="N10"></A><tt>UnionRects(<i>rect1</i>, <i>rect2</i>)</tt></B><DD>
<P>Return the union of the rects <i>rect1</i> and <i>rect2</i>. The
union is the smallest rect containing both rects.</P>
<P>If one the arguments is <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> return
<CODE>InfinityRect</CODE>, if one of the arguments is <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>
return the other argument.</P>

<DT><B><A NAME="N11"></A><tt>IntersectRects(<i>rect1</i>, <i>rect2</i>)</tt></B><DD>
<P>Return the intersection of the rects <i>rect1</i> and <i>rect2</i>. The
intersection is the largest rect contained in both rects.</P>
<P>If one the arguments is <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE> return <CODE>EmptyRect</CODE>, if
one of the arguments is <CODE>InfinityRect</CODE> return the other


<H3><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial"><A NAME="N12"></A>Constants</font></H3>


<P>Represents the entire 2D plane.</P>

<P>The empty rect.</P>

<P><CODE>Rect(0, 0, 1, 1)</CODE></P>

<P>The rect type object.</P>


<TABLE WIDTH="100%">
<TD ALIGN="left"><A HREF="devguide-5.html">Point Objects
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<TD ALIGN="right"><A HREF="devguide-7.html">Transformation Objects
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