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This is, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from recode.texi.

INFO-DIR-SECTION Internationalization and character sets
* recode: (recode).     Conversion between character sets and surfaces.

   This file documents the `recode' command, which has the purpose of
converting files between various character sets and surfaces.

   Copyright (C) 1990, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

   Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
translation approved by the Foundation.

File:,  Node: Reversibility,  Next: Sequencing,  Prev: Recoding,  Up: Invoking recode

Reversibility issues

   The following options are somewhat related to reversibility issues:

     With this option, irreversible or otherwise erroneous recodings
     are run to completion, and `recode' does not exit with a non-zero
     status if it would be only because irreversibility matters.  *Note

     Without this option, `recode' tries to protect you against recoding
     a file irreversibly over itself(1).  Whenever an irreversible
     recoding is met, or any other recoding error, `recode' produces a
     warning on standard error.  The current input file does not get
     replaced by its recoded version, and `recode' then proceeds with
     the recoding of the next file.

     When the program is merely used as a filter, standard output will
     have received a partially recoded copy of standard input, up to
     the first error point.  After all recodings have been done or
     attempted, and if some recoding has been aborted, `recode' exits
     with a non-zero status.

     In releases of `recode' prior to version 3.5, this option was
     always selected, so it was rather meaningless.  Nevertheless,
     users were invited to start using `-f' right away in scripts
     calling `recode' whenever convenient, in preparation for the
     current behaviour.

     This option has the sole purpose of inhibiting warning messages
     about irreversible recodings, and other such diagnostics.  It has
     no other effect, in particular, it does _not_ prevent recodings to
     be aborted or `recode' to return a non-zero exit status when
     irreversible recodings are met.

     This option is set automatically for the children processes, when
     recode splits itself in many collaborating copies.  Doing so, the
     diagnostic is issued only once by the parent.  See option `-p'.

     By using this option, the user requests that `recode' be very
     strict while recoding a file, merely losing in the transformation
     any character which is not explicitly mapped from a charset to
     another.  Such a loss is not reversible and so, will bring
     `recode' to fail, unless the option `-f' is also given as a kind
     of counter-measure.

     Using `-s' without `-f' might render the `recode' program very
     susceptible to the slighest file abnormalities.  Despite the fact
     that it might be irritating to some users, such paranoia is
     sometimes wanted and useful.

   Even if `recode' tries hard to keep the recodings reversible, you
should not develop an unconditional confidence in its ability to do so.
You _ought_ to keep only reasonable expectations about reverse
recodings.  In particular, consider:

   * Most transformations are fully reversible for all inputs, but lose
     this property whenever `-s' is specified.

   * A few transformations are not meant to be reversible, by design.

   * Reversibility sometimes depends on actual file contents and cannot
     be ascertained beforehand, without reading the file.

   * Reversibility is never absolute across successive versions of this
     program.  Even correcting a small bug in a mapping could induce
     slight discrepancies later.

   * Reversibility is easily lost by merging.  This is best explained
     through an example.  If you reversibly recode a file from charset
     A to charset B, then you reversibly recode the result from charset
     B to charset C, you cannot expect to recover the original file by
     merely recoding from charset C directly to charset A.  You will
     instead have to recode from charset C back to charset B, and only
     then from charset B to charset A.

   * Faulty files create a particular problem.  Consider an example,
     recoding from `IBM-PC' to `Latin-1'.  End of lines are represented
     as `\r\n' in `IBM-PC' and as `\n' in `Latin-1'.  There is no way
     by which a faulty `IBM-PC' file containing a `\n' not preceded by
     `\r' be translated into a `Latin-1' file, and then back.

   * There is another difficulty arising from code equivalences.  For
     example, in a `LaTeX' charset file, the string `\^\i{}' could be
     recoded back and forth through another charset and become
     `\^{\i}'.  Even if the resulting file is equivalent to the
     original one, it is not identical.

   Unless option `-s' is used, `recode' automatically tries to fill
mappings with invented correspondences, often making them fully
reversible.  This filling is not made at random.  The algorithm tries to
stick to the identity mapping and, when this is not possible, it prefers
generating many small permutation cycles, each involving only a few

   For example, here is how `IBM-PC' code 186 gets translated to
`control-U' in `Latin-1'.  `Control-U' is 21.  Code 21 is the `IBM-PC'
section sign, which is 167 in `Latin-1'.  `recode' cannot reciprocate
167 to 21, because 167 is the masculine ordinal indicator within
`IBM-PC', which is 186 in `Latin-1'.  Code 186 within `IBM-PC' has no
`Latin-1' equivalent; by assigning it back to 21, `recode' closes this
short permutation loop.

   As a consequence of this map filling, `recode' may sometimes produce
_funny_ characters.  They may look annoying, they are nevertheless
helpful when one changes his (her) mind and wants to revert to the prior
recoding.  If you cannot stand these, use option `-s', which asks for a
very strict recoding.

   This map filling sometimes has a few surprising consequences, which
some users wrongly interpreted as bugs.  Here are two examples.

  1. In some cases, `recode' seems to copy a file without recoding it.
     But in fact, it does.  Consider a request:

          recode < File-Latin1 > File-ASCII
          cmp File-Latin1 File-ASCII

     then `cmp' will not report any difference.  This is quite normal.
     `Latin-1' gets correctly recoded to ASCII for charsets
     commonalities (which are the first 128 characters, in this case).
     The remaining last 128 `Latin-1' characters have no ASCII
     correspondent.  Instead of losing them, `recode' elects to map
     them to unspecified characters of ASCII, so making the recoding
     reversible.  The simplest way of achieving this is merely to keep
     those last 128 characters unchanged.  The overall effect is
     copying the file verbatim.

     If you feel this behaviour is too generous and if you do not wish
     to care about reversibility, simply use option `-s'.  By doing so,
     `recode' will strictly map only those `Latin-1' characters which
     have an ASCII equivalent, and will merely drop those which do not.
     Then, there is more chance that you will observe a difference
     between the input and the output file.

  2. Recoding the wrong way could sometimes give the false impression
     that recoding has _almost_ been done properly.  Consider the

          recode 437..l1 < File-Latin1 > Temp1
          recode 437..l1 < Temp1 > Temp2

     so declaring wrongly `File-Latin1' to be an IBM-PC file, and
     recoding to `Latin-1'.  This is surely ill defined and not
     meaningful.  Yet, if you repeat this step a second time, you might
     notice that many (not all) characters in `Temp2' are identical to
     those in `File-Latin1'.  Sometimes, people try to discover how
     `recode' works by experimenting a little at random, rather than
     reading and understanding the documentation; results such as this
     are surely confusing, as they provide those people with a false
     feeling that they understood something.

     Reversible codings have this property that, if applied several
     times in the same direction, they will eventually bring any
     character back to its original value.  Since `recode' seeks small
     permutation cycles when creating reversible codings, besides
     characters unchanged by the recoding, most permutation cycles will
     be of length 2, and fewer of length 3, etc.  So, it is just
     expectable that applying the recoding twice in the same direction
     will recover most characters, but will fail to recover those
     participating in permutation cycles of length 3.  On the other
     end, recoding six times in the same direction would recover all
     characters in cycles of length 1, 2, 3 or 6.

   ---------- Footnotes ----------

   (1) There are still some cases of ambiguous output which are rather
difficult to detect, and for which the protection is not active.

File:,  Node: Sequencing,  Next: Mixed,  Prev: Reversibility,  Up: Invoking recode

Selecting sequencing methods

   This program uses a few techniques when it is discovered that many
passes are needed to comply with the REQUEST.  For example, suppose
that four elementary steps were selected at recoding path optimisation
time.  Then `recode' will split itself into four different
interconnected tasks, logically equivalent to:


   The splitting into subtasks is often done using Unix pipes.  But the
splitting may also be completely avoided, and rather simulated by using
memory buffer, or intermediate files.  The various
`--sequence=STRATEGY' options gives you control over the flow methods,
by replacing STRATEGY with `memory', `pipe' or `files'.  So, these
options may be used to override the default behaviour, which is also
explained below.

     When the recoding requires a combination of two or more elementary
     recoding steps, this option forces many passes over the data, using
     in-memory buffers to hold all intermediary results.

     When the recoding requires a combination of two or more elementary
     recoding steps, this option forces many passes over the data, using
     intermediate files between passes.  This is the default behaviour
     when files are recoded over themselves.  If this option is
     selected in filter mode, that is, when the program reads standard
     input and writes standard output, it might take longer for
     programs further down the pipe chain to start receiving some
     recoded data.

     When the recoding requires a combination of two or more elementary
     recoding steps, this option forces the program to fork itself into
     a few copies interconnected with pipes, using the `pipe(2)' system
     call.  All copies of the program operate in parallel.  This is the
     default behaviour in filter mode.  If this option is used when
     files are recoded over themselves, this should also save disk
     space because some temporary files might not be needed, at the
     cost of more system overhead.

     If, at installation time, the `pipe(2)' call is said to be
     unavailable, selecting option `-p' is equivalent to selecting
     option `-i'.  (This happens, for example, on MS-DOS systems.)

File:,  Node: Mixed,  Next: Emacs,  Prev: Sequencing,  Up: Invoking recode

Using mixed charset input

   In real life and practice, textual files are often made up of many
charsets at once.  Some parts of the file encode one charset, while
other parts encode another charset, and so forth.  Usually, a file does
not toggle between more than two or three charsets.  The means to
distinguish which charsets are encoded at various places is not always
available.  The `recode' program is able to handle only a few simple
cases of mixed input.

   The default `recode' behaviour is to expect pure charset files, to
be recoded as other pure charset files.  However, the following options
allow for a few precise kinds of mixed charset files.

     While converting to or from one of `HTML' or `LaTeX' charset,
     limit conversion to some subset of all characters.  For `HTML',
     limit conversion to the subset of all non-ASCII characters.  For
     `LaTeX', limit conversion to the subset of all non-English
     letters.  This is particularly useful, for example, when people
     create what would be valid `HTML', TeX or LaTeX files, if only
     they were using provided sequences for applying diacritics instead
     of using the diacriticised characters directly from the underlying
     character set.

     While converting to `HTML' or `LaTeX' charset, this option assumes
     that characters not in the said subset are properly coded or
     protected already, `recode' then transmit them literally.  While
     converting the other way, this option prevents translating back
     coded or protected versions of characters not in the said subset.
     *Note HTML::.  *Note LaTeX::.

     The bulk of the input file is expected to be written in `ASCII',
     except for parts, like comments and string constants, which are
     written using another charset than `ASCII'.  When LANGUAGE is `c',
     the recoding will proceed only with the contents of comments or
     strings, while everything else will be copied without recoding.
     When LANGUAGE is `po', the recoding will proceed only within
     translator comments (those having whitespace immediately following
     the initial `#') and with the contents of `msgstr' strings.

     For the above things to work, the non-`ASCII' encoding of the
     comment or string should be such that an `ASCII' scan will
     successfully find where the comment or string ends.

     Even if `ASCII' is the usual charset for writing programs, some
     compilers are able to directly read other charsets, like `UTF-8',
     say.  There is currently no provision in `recode' for reading
     mixed charset sources which are not based on `ASCII'.  It is
     probable that the need for mixed recoding is not as pressing in
     such cases.

     For example, after one does:

          recode -Spo pc/..u8 < INPUT.po > OUTPUT.po

     file `OUTPUT.po' holds a copy of `INPUT.po' in which _only_
     translator comments and the contents of `msgstr' strings have been
     recoded from the `IBM-PC' charset to pure `UTF-8', without
     attempting conversion of end-of-lines.  Machine generated comments
     and original `msgid' strings are not to be touched by this

     If LANGUAGE is not specified, `c' is assumed.

File:,  Node: Emacs,  Next: Debugging,  Prev: Mixed,  Up: Invoking recode

Using `recode' within Emacs

   The fact `recode' is a filter makes it quite easy to use from within
GNU Emacs.  For example, recoding the whole buffer from the `IBM-PC'
charset to current charset (`Latin-1' on Unix) is easily done with:

     C-x h C-u M-| recode ibmpc RET

`C-x h' selects the whole buffer, and `C-u M-|' filters and replaces
the current region through the given shell command.  Here is another
example, binding the keys `C-c T' to the recoding of the current region
from Easy French to `Latin-1' (on Unix) and the key `C-u C-c T' from
`Latin-1' (on Unix) to Easy French:

     (global-set-key "\C-cT" 'recode-texte)
     (defun recode-texte (flag)
       (interactive "P")
        (region-beginning) (region-end)
        (concat "recode " (if flag "..txte" "txte")) t)

File:,  Node: Debugging,  Prev: Emacs,  Up: Invoking recode

Debugging considerations

   It is our experience that when `recode' does not provide satisfying
results, either `recode' was not called properly, correct results
raised some doubts nevertheless, or files to recode were somewhat
mangled.  Genuine bugs are surely possible.

   Unless you already are a `recode' expert, it might be a good idea to
quickly revisit the tutorial (*note Tutorial::) or the prior sections
in this chapter, to make sure that you properly formatted your recoding
request.  In the case you intended to use `recode' as a filter, make
sure that you did not forget to redirect your standard input (through
using the `<' symbol in the shell, say).  Some `recode' false mysteries
are also easily explained, *Note Reversibility::.

   For the other cases, some investigation is needed.  To illustrate
how to proceed, let's presume that you want to recode the `nicepage'
file, coded `UTF-8', into `HTML'.  The problem is that the command
`recode u8..h nicepage' yields:

     recode: Invalid input in step `UTF-8..ISO-10646-UCS-2'

   One good trick is to use `recode' in filter mode instead of in file
replacement mode, *Note Synopsis::.  Another good trick is to use the
`-v' option asking for a verbose description of the recoding steps.  We
could rewrite our recoding call as `recode -v u8..h <nicepage', to get
something like:

     Request: UTF-8..:libiconv:..ISO-10646-UCS-2..HTML_4.0
     Shrunk to: UTF-8..ISO-10646-UCS-2..HTML_4.0
     [...SOME OUTPUT...]
     recode: Invalid input in step `UTF-8..ISO-10646-UCS-2'

   This might help you to better understand what the diagnostic means.
The recoding request is achieved in two steps, the first recodes `UTF-8'
into `UCS-2', the second recodes `UCS-2' into `HTML'.  The problem
occurs within the first of these two steps, and since, the input of
this step is the input file given to `recode', this is this overall
input file which seems to be invalid.  Also, when used in filter mode,
`recode' processes as much input as possible before the error occurs
and sends the result of this processing to standard output.  Since the
standard output has not been redirected to a file, it is merely
displayed on the user screen.  By inspecting near the end of the
resulting `HTML' output, that is, what was recoding a bit before the
recoding was interrupted, you may infer about where the error stands in
the real `UTF-8' input file.

   If you have the proper tools to examine the intermediate recoding
data, you might also prefer to reduce the problem to a single step to
better study it.  This is what I usually do.  For example, the last
`recode' call above is more or less equivalent to:

     recode -v UTF-8..ISO_10646-UCS-2 <nicepage >temporary
     recode -v ISO_10646-UCS-2..HTML_4.0 <temporary
     rm temporary

   If you know that the problem is within the first step, you might
prefer to concentrate on using the first `recode' line.  If you know
that the problem is within the second step, you might execute the first
`recode' line once and for all, and then play with the second `recode'
call, repeatedly using the `temporary' file created once by the first

   Note that the `-f' switch may be used to force the production of
`HTML' output despite invalid input, it might be satisfying enough for
you, and easier than repairing the input file.  That depends on how
strict you would like to be about the precision of the recoding process.

   If you later see that your HTML file begins with `@lt;html@gt;' when
you expected `<html>', then `recode' might have done a bit more that
you wanted.  In this case, your input file was half-`UTF-8',
half-`HTML' already, that is, a mixed file (*note Mixed::).  There is a
special `-d' switch for this case.  So, your might be end up calling
`recode -fd nicepage'.  Until you are quite sure that you accept
overwriting your input file whatever what, I recommend that you stick
with filter mode.

   If, after such experiments, you seriously think that the `recode'
program does not behave properly, there might be a genuine bug in the
program itself, in which case I invite you to to contribute a bug
report, *Note Contributing::.

File:,  Node: Library,  Next: Universal,  Prev: Invoking recode,  Up: Top

A recoding library

   The program named `recode' is just an application of its recoding
library.  The recoding library is available separately for other C
programs.  A good way to acquire some familiarity with the recoding
library is to get acquainted with the `recode' program itself.

   To use the recoding library once it is installed, a C program needs
to have a line:

     #include <recode.h>

near its beginning, and the user should have `-lrecode' on the linking
call, so modules from the recoding library are found.

   The library is still under development.  As it stands, it contains
four identifiable sets of routines: the outer level functions, the
request level functions, the task level functions and the charset level
functions.  There are discussed in separate sections.

   For effectively using the recoding library in most applications, it
should be rarely needed to study anything beyond the main
initialisation function at outer level, and then, various functions at
request level.

* Menu:

* Outer level::         Outer level functions
* Request level::       Request level functions
* Task level::          Task level functions
* Charset level::       Charset level functions
* Errors::              Handling errors

File:,  Node: Outer level,  Next: Request level,  Prev: Library,  Up: Library

Outer level functions

   The outer level functions mainly prepare the whole recoding library
for use, or do actions which are unrelated to specific recodings.  Here
is an example of a program which does not really make anything useful.

     #include <stdbool.h>
     #include <recode.h>
     const char *program_name;
     main (int argc, char *const *argv)
       program_name = argv[0];
       RECODE_OUTER outer = recode_new_outer (true);
       recode_delete_outer (outer);
       exit (0);

   The header file `<recode.h>' declares an opaque `RECODE_OUTER'
structure, which the programmer should use for allocating a variable in
his program (let's assume the programmer is a male, here, no prejudice
intended).  This `outer' variable is given as a first argument to all
outer level functions.

   The `<recode.h>' header file uses the Boolean type setup by the
system header file `<stdbool.h>'.  But this header file is still fairly
new in C standards, and likely does not exist everywhere.  If you
system does not offer this system header file yet, the proper
compilation of the `<recode.h>' file could be guaranteed through the
replacement of the inclusion line by:

     typedef enum {false = 0, true = 1} bool;

   People wanting wider portability, or Autoconf lovers, might arrange
their `' for being able to write something more general,

     # include <stdlib.h>
     /* Some systems do not define EXIT_*, even with STDC_HEADERS.  */
     #ifndef EXIT_SUCCESS
     # define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
     #ifndef EXIT_FAILURE
     # define EXIT_FAILURE 1
     /* The following test is to work around the gross typo in systems like Sony
        NEWS-OS Release 4.0C, whereby EXIT_FAILURE is defined to 0, not 1.  */
     #if !EXIT_FAILURE
     # undef EXIT_FAILURE
     # define EXIT_FAILURE 1
     # include <stdbool.h>
     typedef enum {false = 0, true = 1} bool;
     #include <recode.h>
     const char *program_name;
     main (int argc, char *const *argv)
       program_name = argv[0];
       RECODE_OUTER outer = recode_new_outer (true);
       recode_term_outer (outer);
       exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);

but we will not insist on such details in the examples to come.

   * Initialisation functions

          RECODE_OUTER recode_new_outer (AUTO_ABORT);
          bool recode_delete_outer (OUTER);

     The recoding library absolutely needs to be initialised before
     being used, and `recode_new_outer' has to be called once, first.
     Besides the OUTER it is meant to initialise, the function accepts
     a Boolean argument whether or not the library should automatically
     issue diagnostics on standard and abort the whole program on
     errors.  When AUTO_ABORT is `true', the library later conveniently
     issues diagnostics itself, and aborts the calling program on
     errors.  This is merely a convenience, because if this parameter
     was `false', the calling program should always take care of
     checking the return value of all other calls to the recoding
     library functions, and when any error is detected, issue a
     diagnostic and abort processing itself.

     Regardless of the setting of AUTO_ABORT, all recoding library
     functions return a success status.  Most functions are geared for
     returning `false' for an error, and `true' if everything went fine.
     Functions returning structures or strings return `NULL' instead of
     the result, when the result cannot be produced.  If AUTO_ABORT is
     selected, functions either return `true', or do not return at all.

     As in the example above, `recode_new_outer' is called only once in
     most cases.  Calling `recode_new_outer' implies some overhead, so
     calling it more than once should preferably be avoided.

     The termination function `recode_delete_outer' reclaims the memory
     allocated by `recode_new_outer' for a given OUTER variable.
     Calling `recode_delete_outer' prior to program termination is more
     aesthetic then useful, as all memory resources are automatically
     reclaimed when the program ends.  You may spare this terminating
     call if you prefer.

   * The `program_name' declaration

     As we just explained, the user may set the `recode' library so
     that, in case of problems error, it issues the diagnostic itself
     and aborts the whole processing.  This capability may be quite
     convenient.  When this feature is used, the aborting routine
     includes the name of the running program in the diagnostic.  On
     the other hand, when this feature is not used, the library merely
     return error codes, giving the library user fuller control over
     all this.  This behaviour is more like what usual libraries do:
     they return codes and never abort.  However, I would rather not
     force library users to necessarily check all return codes
     themselves, by leaving no other choice.  In most simple
     applications, letting the library diagnose and abort is much
     easier, and quite welcome.  This is precisely because both
     possibilities exist that the `program_name' variable is needed: it
     may be used by the library _when_ the user sets it to diagnose

File:,  Node: Request level,  Next: Task level,  Prev: Outer level,  Up: Library

Request level functions

   The request level functions are meant to cover most recoding needs
programmers may have; they should provide all usual functionality.
Their API is almost stable by now.  To get started with request level
functions, here is a full example of a program which sole job is to
filter `ibmpc' code on its standard input into `latin1' code on its
standard output.

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdbool.h>
     #include <recode.h>
     const char *program_name;
     main (int argc, char *const *argv)
       program_name = argv[0];
       RECODE_OUTER outer = recode_new_outer (true);
       RECODE_REQUEST request = recode_new_request (outer);
       bool success;
       recode_scan_request (request, "ibmpc..latin1");
       success = recode_file_to_file (request, stdin, stdout);
       recode_delete_request (request);
       recode_delete_outer (outer);
       exit (success ? 0 : 1);

   The header file `<recode.h>' declares a `RECODE_REQUEST' structure,
which the programmer should use for allocating a variable in his
program.  This REQUEST variable is given as a first argument to all
request level functions, and in most cases, may be considered as opaque.

   * Initialisation functions

          RECODE_REQUEST recode_new_request (OUTER);
          bool recode_delete_request (REQUEST);

     No REQUEST variable may not be used in other request level
     functions of the recoding library before having been initialised by
     `recode_new_request'.  There may be many such REQUEST variables,
     in which case, they are independent of one another and they all
     need to be initialised separately.  To avoid memory leaks, a
     REQUEST variable should not be initialised a second time without
     calling `recode_delete_request' to "un-initialise" it.

     Like for `recode_delete_outer', calling `recode_delete_request'
     prior to program termination, in the example above, may be left

   * Fields of `struct recode_request'

     Here are the fields of a `struct recode_request' which may be
     meaningfully changed, once a REQUEST has been initialised by
     `recode_new_request', but before it gets used.  It is not very
     frequent, in practice, that these fields need to be changed.  To
     access the fields, you need to include `recodext.h' _instead_ of
     `recode.h', in which case there also is a greater chance that you
     need to recompile your programs if a new version of the recoding
     library gets installed.

          This field is initially `false'.  When set to `true', the
          library will echo to stderr the sequence of elementary
          recoding steps needed to achieve the requested recoding.

          This field is initially the ASCII value of a double quote `"',
          but it may also be the ASCII value of a colon `:'.  In `texte'
          charset, some countries use double quotes to mark diaeresis,
          while other countries prefer colons.  This field contains the
          diaeresis character for the `texte' charset.

          This field is initially `false'.  When set to `true', it
          indicates that the program is merely trying to produce a
          recoding table in source form rather than completing any
          actual recoding.  In such a case, the optimisation of step
          sequence can be attempted much more aggressively.  If the
          step sequence cannot be reduced to a single step, table
          production will fail.

          This field is initially `false'.  For `HTML' and `LaTeX'
          charset, it is often convenient to recode the diacriticized
          characters only, while just not recoding other HTML code
          using ampersands or angular brackets, or LaTeX code using
          backslashes.  Set the field to `true' for getting this
          behaviour.  In the other charset, one can edit text as well
          as HTML or LaTeX directives.

          This field is initially `false', and relate to characters 176
          to 223 in the `ibmpc' charset, which are use to draw boxes.
          When set to `true', while getting out of `ibmpc', ASCII
          characters are selected so to graphically approximate these

   * Study of request strings

          bool recode_scan_request (REQUEST, "STRING");

     The main role of a REQUEST variable is to describe a set of
     recoding transformations.  Function `recode_scan_request' studies
     the given STRING, and stores an internal representation of it into
     REQUEST.  Note that STRING may be a full-fledged `recode' request,
     possibly including surfaces specifications, intermediary charsets,
     sequences, aliases or abbreviations (*note Requests::).

     The internal representation automatically receives some
     pre-conditioning and optimisation, so the REQUEST may then later
     be used many times to achieve many actual recodings.  It would not
     be efficient calling `recode_scan_request' many times with the
     same STRING, it is better having many REQUEST variables instead.

   * Actual recoding jobs

     Once the REQUEST variable holds the description of a recoding
     transformation, a few functions use it for achieving an actual
     recoding.  Either input or output of a recoding may be string, an
     in-memory buffer, or a file.

     Functions with names like `recode_INPUT-TYPE_to_OUTPUT-TYPE'
     request an actual recoding, and are described below.  It is easy
     to remember which arguments each function accepts, once grasped
     some simple principles for each possible TYPE.  However, one of
     the recoding function escapes these principles and is discussed
     separately, first.

          recode_string (REQUEST, STRING);

     The function `recode_string' recodes STRING according to REQUEST,
     and directly returns the resulting recoded string freshly
     allocated, or `NULL' if the recoding could not succeed for some
     reason.  When this function is used, it is the responsibility of
     the programmer to ensure that the memory used by the returned
     string is later reclaimed.

          char *recode_string_to_buffer (REQUEST,
          bool recode_string_to_file (REQUEST,
          bool recode_buffer_to_buffer (REQUEST,
          bool recode_buffer_to_file (REQUEST,
          bool recode_file_to_buffer (REQUEST,
          bool recode_file_to_file (REQUEST,

     All these functions return a `bool' result, `false' meaning that
     the recoding was not successful, often because of reversibility
     issues.  The name of the function well indicates on which types it
     reads and which type it produces.  Let's discuss these three types
     in turn.

          A string is merely an in-memory buffer which is terminated by
          a `NUL' character (using as many bytes as needed), instead of
          being described by a byte length.  For input, a pointer to
          the buffer is given through one argument.

          It is notable that there is no `to_string' functions.  Only
          one function recodes into a string, and it is
          `recode_string', which has already been discussed separately,

          A buffer is a sequence of bytes held in computer memory.  For
          input, two arguments provide a pointer to the start of the
          buffer and its byte size.  Note that for charsets using many
          bytes per character, the size is given in bytes, not in

          For output, three arguments provide the address of three
          variables, which will receive the buffer pointer, the used
          buffer size in bytes, and the allocated buffer size in bytes.
          If at the time of the call, the buffer pointer is `NULL',
          then the allocated buffer size should also be zero, and the
          buffer will be allocated afresh by the recoding functions.
          However, if the buffer pointer is not `NULL', it should be
          already allocated, the allocated buffer size then gives its
          size.  If the allocated size gets exceeded while the recoding
          goes, the buffer will be automatically reallocated bigger,
          probably elsewhere, and the allocated buffer size will be
          adjusted accordingly.

          The second variable, giving the in-memory buffer size, will
          receive the exact byte size which was needed for the
          recoding.  A `NUL' character is guaranteed at the end of the
          produced buffer, but is not counted in the byte size of the
          recoding.  Beyond that `NUL', there might be some extra space
          after the recoded data, extending to the allocated buffer

          A file is a sequence of bytes held outside computer memory,
          but buffered through it.  For input, one argument provides a
          pointer to a file already opened for read.  The file is then
          read and recoded from its current position until the end of
          the file, effectively swallowing it in memory if the
          destination of the recoding is a buffer.  For reading a file
          filtered through the recoding library, but only a little bit
          at a time, one should rather use `recode_filter_open' and
          `recode_filter_close' (these two functions are not yet

          For output, one argument provides a pointer to a file already
          opened for write.  The result of the recoding is written to
          that file starting at its current position.

   The following special function is still subject to change:

     void recode_format_table (REQUEST, LANGUAGE, "NAME");

and is not documented anymore for now.

File:,  Node: Task level,  Next: Charset level,  Prev: Request level,  Up: Library

Task level functions

   The task level functions are used internally by the request level
functions, they allow more explicit control over files and memory
buffers holding input and output to recoding processes.  The interface
specification of task level functions is still subject to change a bit.

   To get started with task level functions, here is a full example of a
program which sole job is to filter `ibmpc' code on its standard input
into `latin1' code on its standard output.  That is, this program has
the same goal as the one from the previous section, but does its things
a bit differently.

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <stdbool.h>
     #include <recodext.h>
     const char *program_name;
     main (int argc, char *const *argv)
       program_name = argv[0];
       RECODE_OUTER outer = recode_new_outer (false);
       RECODE_REQUEST request = recode_new_request (outer);
       RECODE_TASK task;
       bool success;
       recode_scan_request (request, "ibmpc..latin1");
       task = recode_new_task (request);
       task->input.file = "";
       task->output.file = "";
       success = recode_perform_task (task);
       recode_delete_task (task);
       recode_delete_request (request);
       recode_delete_outer (outer);
       exit (success ? 0 : 1);

   The header file `<recode.h>' declares a `RECODE_TASK' structure,
which the programmer should use for allocating a variable in his
program.  This `task' variable is given as a first argument to all task
level functions.  The programmer ought to change and possibly consult a
few fields in this structure, using special functions.

   * Initialisation functions

          RECODE_TASK recode_new_task (REQUEST);
          bool recode_delete_task (TASK);

     No TASK variable may be used in other task level functions of the
     recoding library without having first been initialised with
     `recode_new_task'.  There may be many such TASK variables, in
     which case, they are independent of one another and they all need
     to be initialised separately.  To avoid memory leaks, a TASK
     variable should not be initialised a second time without calling
     `recode_delete_task' to "un-initialise" it.  This function also
     accepts a REQUEST argument and associates the request to the task.
     In fact, a task is essentially a set of recoding transformations
     with the specification for its current input and its current

     The REQUEST variable may be scanned before or after the call to
     `recode_new_task', it does not matter so far.  Immediately after
     initialisation, before further changes, the TASK variable
     associates REQUEST empty in-memory buffers for both input and
     output.  The output buffer will later get allocated automatically
     on the fly, as needed, by various task processors.

     Even if a call to `recode_delete_task' is not strictly mandatory
     before ending the program, it is cleaner to always include it.
     Moreover, in some future version of the recoding library, it might
     become required.

   * Fields of `struct task_request'

     Here are the fields of a `struct task_request' which may be
     meaningfully changed, once a TASK has been initialised by
     `recode_new_task'.  In fact, fields are expected to change.  Once
     again, to access the fields, you need to include `recodext.h'
     _instead_ of `recode.h', in which case there also is a greater
     chance that you need to recompile your programs if a new version
     of the recoding library gets installed.

          The field `request' points to the current recoding request,
          but may be changed as needed between recoding calls, for
          example when there is a need to achieve the construction of a
          resulting text made up of many pieces, each being recoded

          If `' is not `NULL' at start of a recoding, this is
          a request that a file by that name be first opened for
          reading and later automatically closed once the whole file
          has been read. If the file name is not `NULL' but an empty
          string, it means that standard input is to be used.  The
          opened file pointer is then held into `input.file'.

          If `' is `NULL' and `input.file' is not, than
          `input.file' should point to a file already opened for read,
          which is meant to be recoded.

          When both `' and `input.file' are `NULL', three
          pointers describe an in-memory buffer containing the text to
          be recoded.  The buffer extends from `input.buffer' to
          `input.limit', yet the text to be recoded only extends from
          `input.cursor' to `input.limit'.  In most situations,
          `input.cursor' starts with the value that `input.buffer' has.
          (Its value will internally advance as the recoding goes,
          until it reaches the value of `input.limit'.)

          If `' is not `NULL' at start of a recoding, this
          is a request that a file by that name be opened for write and
          later automatically closed after the recoding is done.  If
          the file name is not `NULL' but an empty string, it means
          that standard output is to be used.  The opened file pointer
          is then held into `output.file'.  If several passes with
          intermediate files are needed to produce the recoding, the
          `' file is opened only for the final pass.

          If `' is `NULL' and `output.file' is not, then
          `output.file' should point to a file already opened for
          write, which will receive the result of the recoding.

          When both `' and `output.file' are `NULL', three
          pointers describe an in-memory buffer meant to receive the
          text, once it is recoded.  The buffer is already allocated
          from `output.buffer' to `output.limit'.  In most situations,
          `output.cursor' starts with the value that `output.buffer'
          has.  Once the recoding is done, `output.cursor' will point
          at the next free byte in the buffer, just after the recoded
          text, so another recoding could be called without changing
          any of these three pointers, for appending new information to
          it.  The number of recoded bytes in the buffer is the
          difference between `output.cursor' and `output.buffer'.

          Each time `output.cursor' reaches `output.limit', the buffer
          is reallocated bigger, possibly at a different location in
          memory, always held up-to-date in `output.buffer'.  It is
          still possible to call a task level function with no output
          buffer at all to start with, in which case all three fields
          should have `NULL' as a value.  This is the situation
          immediately after a call to `recode_new_task'.

          This field, which is of type `enum recode_sequence_strategy',
          tells how various recoding steps (passes) will be
          interconnected.  Its initial value is
          `RECODE_STRATEGY_UNDECIDED', which is a constant defined in
          the header file `<recodext.h>'.  Other possible values are:

               Keep intermediate recodings in memory.

               Do not fork, use intermediate files.

               Fork processes connected with `pipe(2)'.

          The best for now is to leave this field alone, and let the
          recoding library decide its strategy, as many combinations
          have not been tested yet.

          This field, which is preset to `true', indicates that a byte
          order mark is to be expected at the beginning of any
          canonical `UCS-2' or `UTF-16' text, and that such a byte
          order mark should be also produced for these charsets.

          This field, which is of type `enum recode_error' (*note
          Errors::), sets the error level at which task level functions
          should report a failure.  If an error being detected is equal
          or greater than `fail_level', the function will eventually
          return `false' instead of `true'.  The preset value for this
          field is `RECODE_NOT_CANONICAL', that means that if not reset
          to another value, the library will report failure on _any_

          This field, which is of type `enum recode_error' (*note
          Errors::), sets the error level at which task level functions
          should immediately interrupt their processing.  If an error
          being detected is equal or greater than `abort_level', the
          function returns immediately, but the returned value (`true'
          or `false') is still is decided from the setting of
          `fail_level', not `abort_level'.  The preset value for this
          field is `RECODE_MAXIMUM_ERROR', that means that is not reset
          to another value, the library will never interrupt a recoding

          This field, which is of type `enum recode_error' (*note
          Errors::), maintains the maximum error level met so far while
          the recoding task was proceeding.  The preset value is

   * Task execution

          recode_perform_task (TASK);
          recode_filter_open (TASK, FILE);
          recode_filter_close (TASK);

     The function `recode_perform_task' reads as much input as possible,
     and recode all of it on prescribed output, given a properly
     initialised TASK.

     Functions `recode_filter_open' and `recode_filter_close' are only
     planned for now.  They are meant to read input in piecemeal ways.
     Even if functionality already exists informally in the library, it
     has not been made available yet through such interface functions.

File:,  Node: Charset level,  Next: Errors,  Prev: Task level,  Up: Library

Charset level functions

   Many functions are internal to the recoding library.  Some of them
have been made external and available, for the `recode' program had to
retain all its previous functionality while being transformed into a
mere application of the recoding library.  These functions are not
really documented here for the time being, as we hope that many of them
will vanish over time.  When this set of routines will stabilise, it
would be convenient to document them as an API for handling charset
names and contents.

     bool list_all_charsets (CHARSET);
     bool list_concise_charset (CHARSET, LIST-FORMAT);
     bool list_full_charset (CHARSET);