

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 5fc119ab9a896fc2c0f998627bed1487 > files > 115


Zope Help System

  The Zope Help System provides context-sensitive on-line help for
  Zope users. The system is flexible and can provide help for
  Python and ZClass-based Zope Products.
  In the future the Help System will be expanded to provide additional
  help including API documentation.
Using the Help System

  Every standard Zope management screen should include a help button
  which provides access to help for that screen.

  Additionally all the installed help topics can be browsed and

  The Help System is based around Zope Products. When a product is
  installed, its help objects are installed along with it. All help
  content is associated with a product.
  Help content is provided by 'Help Topic' objects. These objects live
  inside Product folders within a special container object called a
  'Product Help' object. When you browse a Product folder in the
  Control Panel you will see these 'Product Help' objects and their
  'Help Topics'.

  In general you get access to the Help System through the help system
  object which has methods for drawing help buttons. This object lives
  in the Zope application object and has an id of 'HelpSys'.
Writing Help for ZClasses

  Suppose you've created an addable type of object with ZClasses.
  You'd like the management screens of your objects to have help
  buttons just like the standard Zope management screens.
  First create some Help Topics though the web which document your
  management screens. Do this by going to your ZClass's Product and
  creating new Help Topics inside the Product Help object.
  Next go to your ZClass and click on the 'Views' management tab. On
  this screen you define your object's management views. Each view has
  a name, a method, and optionally a help topic. If you select a help
  topic for a view, a help button will be drawn on that management
  view and it will be linked to the help topic you select.
Writing Help for Python Products

  To support help your Python product needs to register help topics
  during product registration, and it needs to indicate which help
  topics should be associated with which management screens.
  Registering Help Topics

    To register help topics use the 'registerHelp' method on the
    ProductContext object. For example::

      def initialize(context):

    This method will create help topics for all files found in the
    'help' subdirectory of the product. Supported file types include:
    .html, .htm, .txt, .stx, .dtml, .gif, .jpg, .png. Appropriate
    classes of help topics are used depending on the suffix of the
    help files.

    If you want more control over how your help topics are created you
    can use the 'registerHelpTopic' method that takes an id and a help
    topic object as arguments. For example::

      from mySpecialHelpTopics import MyTopic

      def initialize(context):
        context.registerHelpTopic('myTopic', MyTopic())
  Associating Help Topics with Management Screens      
    The chief way to bind a help topic to a management screen is to
    include information about the help topic in the class's
    'manage_options' structure. For example::

    In this example, 'productId' refers to the name of the Zope
    Product in which the class is defined, and 'topicId' refers to the
    id of the Help Topic associated with this management view.
    When Zope draws the management view it will automatically include
    a help button pointing to the right help topic if you provide this
    information in the 'manage_options' structure. 
    Note: sometimes Zope gets confused and defaults to highlighting
    the first management tab in place of the correct one. To fix this,
    set the 'management_view' variable to the name of the correct
    view. If the wrong view is hilighted, then the wrong help button
    will be drawn.

    To draw a help button on a management screen that is not a view,
    use the 'HelpButton' method of the 'HelpSys' object like so::
      <dtml-var "HelpSys.HelpButton('productId', 'topicId')">
    This will draw a help button linked to the specified help topic.
    If you prefer to draw your own help button you can use the helpURL
    method instead like so::

      <dtml-var "HelpSys.helpURL(
    This will give you a URL to the help topic. You can choose to draw
    whatever sort of button or link you wish.