

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 61f0d524672edb0e9159bb1b57317d86 > files > 94


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>KDE British Conversion</contrib




<sect1 id="timeouts">


>Here you can set timeout values. You might want to tweak them if your connection is very slow, but the default settings are appropriate for most users.</para>

>Here <guilabel
>Timeout Values</guilabel
> are the length of time an application should wait for an answer from a network operation.</para>

>You can configure the following timeouts:</para>

> <varlistentry
> <term
>Socket Read</guilabel
> <listitem
> <para
> Sets how long to wait for a socket read operation. </para
> </listitem
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
>Proxy Connect</guilabel
> <listitem
> <para
> Sets how long to wait for a connection to a proxy server, if one is configured. </para
> </listitem
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
>Server Connect</guilabel
> <listitem
> <para
> Sets how long to wait for a connection to a remote server. </para
> </listitem
> </varlistentry
> <varlistentry
> <term
>Server Response</guilabel
> <listitem
> <para
> Sets how long to wait for a reply from a remote server. </para
> </listitem
> </varlistentry
> </variablelist>

>You can configure <guilabel
>FTP Options</guilabel
> here. At present there is just one option, <guilabel
>Enable Passive Mode (PASV)</guilabel

>Passive &FTP; is often required when you are behind a firewall. Many firewalls only permit connections that were initiated from <quote
>the inside</quote
>. Passive &FTP; is controlled by the client, which makes it usable through firewalls.</para>

>Section Author</title>

>This section written by:</para>
>Lauri Watts <email

>KDE British Conversion Malcolm Hunter <email
