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<book lang="&language;">

<title>The &aktion; Handbook</title>


<othercredit role="developer">

<othercredit role="reviewer">


<holder>Chris D. Corbettis</holder>



<para>&aktion; is a video player</para>



<chapter id="introduction">

<para>&aktion; is a video player front end for
<application>Xanim</application>. It supports numerous video codecs
found on the Internet, including mpeg1, QuickTime and animated gif.
Please report any problems or feature requests to the &kde; mailing


<chapter id="using-aktion">
<title>Using &aktion;</title>

<screeninfo>Here's a screenshot of &aktion;</screeninfo>
            <imagedata fileref="aktion.png" format="PNG"/>

<para>Basic use of &aktion; is very simple.
<mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click in the main window or select the
<guiicon>open</guiicon> icon in the toolbar, choose the movie you wish
to watch, and press the <guibutton>OK</guibutton> button.</para>

<sect1 id="context-menu">
<title>The Context Menu</title>

<para>The Context menu is accessed by clicking the
<mousebutton>right</mousebutton> mouse button over the playback window.
It is used to quickly change the playback size, open video files and
access the video file information dialog.</para> 

<para>The Context menu is described further in
<xref linkend="video-context-menu"/>.</para>


<sect1 id="aktion-fullscreen">
<title>Full Screen &aktion;</title>

<para>It is possible to watch video playback in full-screen.
<mousebutton>Right</mousebutton> click anywhere in &aktion; and choose
<guimenuitem>Full screen</guimenuitem>. To exit,
<mousebutton>left</mousebutton> or <mousebutton>right</mousebutton>
click on the screen. You may need to enable this feature if it does not
currently work.</para>

<para>If possible, use the XFree86 VidMode and DGA extensions.  These
extensions allow the application to automatically change the screen
resolution to better fit the size of the video.  Traditionally a video
of, say, 320x200 would be scaled up on a 800x600 display. This scaling
requires extra work and the result is not appealing at all.  In the
setup dialog there are two check boxes of interest:</para>

<term><guilabel>Use XFree86-VidModeExtensions (if available)</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para><action>enable full screen mode</action></para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Grab the mouse</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>&aktion;<action> takes control of the mouse in full screen


<chapter id="commands">
<title>Command Reference</title>

<sect1 id="video-context-menu">
<title>The Video Context Menu</title>

<para>The Video Context Menu can be reached by <mousebutton>right</mousebutton>
clicking inside the video window while a movie is loaded.  </para>

<term><guimenuitem>Video Information</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Displays a popup with information about the currently loaded
movie, including the number of frames, the type of encoding, and its original
pixel size.</para></listitem>

<term><guimenuitem>Open File</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Opens a standard &kde; <quote>open file</quote> dialog
box, with predefined filters for the file formats supported by

<listitem><para>Opens the <guilabel>Setup</guilabel> dialog, where you can
configure &aktion;'s behavior.</para></listitem>

<term><guimenuitem>Original Size</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Resizes the &aktion; window to the original size of the movie.
This obviously has no effect unless you've already resized the movie at some

<term><guimenuitem>Half Size</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Resizes the &aktion; window to half the original size of the

<term><guimenuitem>Double Size</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Resizes the &aktion; window to double the original size of the

<listitem><para>Resizes the &aktion; window to the maximum size possible
to fit on your screen. The movie will maintain its own aspect ratio
(that is, the relationship between its height and width) rather than
distorting to fit your screen.  A tall thin movie will still be a tall
thin movie, but now maximized so that the largest dimension matches your
screens largest dimension, with the exception of permanent screen
features such as the &kicker; panel.</para></listitem>

<term><guimenuitem>Full Screen</guimenuitem></term>
<listitem><para>Lets &aktion; take over your screen.</para>
<para>Much more information is available in <xref


<sect1 id="toolbar">
<title>The Toolbar</title>

<screeninfo>The &aktion; toolbar</screeninfo>
            <imagedata fileref="aktiontoolbar.png" format="PNG"/>
<para>The toolbar is displayed along the bottom edge of the &aktion;
window. It contains icons as follows:</para>

<listitem><para>Opens a standard &kde; <quote>open file</quote> dialog
box, with predefined filters for the file formats supported by

<listitem><para>Start playing the movie.</para></listitem>

<listitem><para>Stop playing the movie.</para></listitem>

<listitem><para>Rewind the movie.</para></listitem>

<term><guiicon>Fast Forward</guiicon></term>
<listitem><para>Fast Forward the movie.</para></listitem>

<listitem><para>Opens the <link linkend="aktion-setup">Setup</link>

<listitem><para>Opens the &aktion; help page (this document).</para></listitem>

<para>Just above the toolbar, on the right of the &aktion; window, is a
volume slider.  This can be used to adjust the volume of the movie, from
lower (to the left) to higher (to the right).</para>


<sect1 id="aktion-setup">
<title>The &aktion; Setup dialog</title>

<para>The Setup dialog contains five main tabs:</para>


<para>The dialog also contains standard <guibutton>OK</guibutton> and
<guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> buttons.  Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>
to close the dialog and save all your changes, and click
<guibutton>Cancel</guibutton> to close the dialog and discard all your

<sect2 id="setup-audio">
<title>Setup <guilabel>Audio</guilabel></title>

<para>This tab contains options relating to audio during movies.</para>

<term><guilabel>Audio enable</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Enables audio. If this is unchecked, there will be no sound
during movies.</para></listitem>

<term><guilabel>Skip frames for audio sync</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Checking this allows &aktion; to skip over occasional video
frames, in order to keep the video and audio synchronised.  Enable this if you
have a slower machine and find that the video and audio are running at
different speeds - often the audio track will finish while the video track is
only part way through.  There will be a loss of video quality if this is
selected, but it will range from imperceptible to almost unwatchable, based
mostly on the speed of your machine and how much memory it

<term><guilabel>Show volume slider</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Enable or disable display of the volume slider, above
and to the right of the toolbar.  This is enabled by default.</para></listitem>

<term><guilabel>Initial volume (0-100)</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Sets the volume at the start of a movie.  Changes made
on the volume slider will be relative to this level. You may use the
spinners to change the value, or type directly in the box.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="setup-color">
<title>Setup <guilabel>Color</guilabel></title>

<para>This tab provides options to configure &aktion;'s use of color
during movies.</para>

<term><guilabel>Color mapping (non TrueColor displays)</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This section applies only to displays of less than
TrueColor (16 bit)  If you have problems with colors appearing strangely, try
 these options.</para>

<term><guilabel>TrueColor to 322 (static color)</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>If selected, &aktion; will convert movies to the
Static322 color map before displaying them.</para></listitem>

<term><guilabel>Color lookup table</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>If this item is selected, &aktion; will create a palette
to use as a lookup table.  You can select how many frames to look ahead
to create the table, but the higher the number you select, the more
intense the memory use will be. The default is 5</para></listitem>

<term><guilabel>TrueColor to grayscale</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>&aktion; will convert the movie to grayscale if this
item is selected.</para></listitem>

<listitem><para>The default is <guilabel>None</guilabel> - &aktion; will
not perform any color mapping.  You should only try the other options if
you have trouble with colors during movie playback.</para></listitem>

<term><guilabel>Gamma of display</guilabel>:</term>
<listitem><para>Set gamma of display. Gamma values greater than 1.0
typically brighten the animation.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="setup-scaling">
<title>Setup <guilabel>Scaling</guilabel></title>

<para>This tab contains items relating to the display size of the

<term><guilabel>Display scale</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Sets the size of the movie, in relation to its original
size</para> <para>You may choose from any of the following values</para>
<member>Original size</member>
<member>Half size</member>
<member>Double size</member>
<member>Full Screen</member>
<term><guilabel>Full screen</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Further options relating to using &aktion; in full screen
<term><guilabel>Use XFree86-VidModeExtensions (if available)</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Enables full screen mode. Explained further in the
section on <link linkend="aktion-fullscreen">Using &aktion;
<term><guilabel>Grab the mouse</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Takes control of the mouse while in full screen


<sect2 id="setup-capture">
<title>Setup <guilabel>Capture</guilabel></title>

<para>&aktion; allows you to <quote>capture</quote> or take a
<quote>snapshot</quote> of frames from the movie you are viewing, by
simply pressing the key <keycap>C</keycap>.  This tab contains options
relating to this feature.</para> 

<term><guilabel>Output file format</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Choose what format your captures will be saved as. You may
choose from the following:</para>


<para>The default is png</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Output file directory</guilabel>:</term>
<listitem><para>Choose where the screen captures will be saved.  The default is
<filename>~</filename> (your home directory.)  You may type a path to a
different directory directly in the text box, or you can press the
<guibutton>...</guibutton> to open a file selection dialog and browse to the
desired location.</para></listitem>


<sect2 id="setup-others">
<title>Setup <guilabel>Others</guilabel></title>

<para>This tab contains other miscellaneous options.</para>

<term><guilabel>Video Loading</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This section contains options relating to pre-loading of
movies. You may choose one of the following:</para>
<term><guilabel>Preload animation into memory</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Loads the whole animation into your computers memory before it
begins to play.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Preload and uncompress animation</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Loads the whole animation into your computers memory, and
uncompresses it, before beginning to play it.</para></listitem>
<term><guilabel>Read each sector only when needed</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Performs no preloading, reading each section of the movie from
disk as it's needed.</para></listitem>
<para>The default is <guilabel>Read each sector only when

<term><guilabel>Use X11 shared memory</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>This is unavailable if you chose "<guilabel>Preload and
uncompress animation</guilabel>" in the section above.It is deselected by
<term><guilabel>Use X11 multi buffering</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>If selected, &aktion; will use X11 Buffering (if present) to
smooth animations by double-buffering. It is selected by
<term><guilabel>Use Pixmap instead of Image in X11</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>If selected, &aktion; will use Pixmap instead of Image in
X11shared. This option has no effect if the animation is
<term><guilabel>Initial directory</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>Set the directory that is shown when you choose to open a new
movie. You may type a value directly in the text box, or use the
<guibutton>...</guibutton> button to browse to your preferred location.  Of
course, this is only the default directory, and you can browse to another
location when actually opening movies. By default this is empty, which in most
cases results in &aktion; beginning to look for movies from your home

<term><guilabel>Loop animation</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>If selected, when the movie reaches its end, it will begin over
at the start, until you press the <guiicon>Stop</guiicon>

<term><guilabel>Automatically start playing video</guilabel></term>
<listitem><para>If this is chosen, &aktion; will begin playing the selected
as soon as you have selected it. If this is not checked, you will have to
press <guiicon>play</guiicon> yourself to start playing the

<term><guilabel>Extra XAnim parameters</guilabel></term>

<listitem><para>If you wish to pass any extra parameters to the underlying
<application>XAnim</application> application, you may enter them




<chapter id="developers">
<title>Developer's Guide to &aktion;</title>

<para>&aktion; includes the <classname>KXAnim</classname> widget wrapper, with
you can include video playback in your own programs.</para>

<!-- Use refentries to describe APIs.  Refentries are fairly complicated and you
should consult the docbook reference for further details. The example below was
taken from that reference and shortened a bit for readability. -->

<refentry id="re-1007-kanim">

<refmiscinfo>KXAnim Class Reference</refmiscinfo>

<refpurpose>A xanim wrapper to allow video playing in your apps.</refpurpose>


Public Members

      KXAnim (QWidget *parent, const char *name=0)
      ~KXAnim ()
      void setFile (QString file)
      void setAutoResize (bool val)
      bool getAutoResize ()
      void updateSize ()
      void setLoop (bool val)
      bool getLoop ()
      QString getVideoFileName ()
      int getVideoHeight ()
      int getVideoWidth ()
      float getVideoSpeed ()
      int getVideoFrames ()
      QString getVideoCodec ()
      QString getErrorCode ()
      QString getErrorString ()
      bool isPlaying ()
      bool isActive ()
      void resetXAnimDefaults ()
      void setAudio (bool val)
      void setAudioSync (bool val)
      void setInitialVolume (int val)
      enum colorMap { static332, lookupTable, grayScale, none }
      void setColorMapping (colorMap val)
      void setColorAhead (int val)
      void setGammaDisplay (float val)
      void setResizing (bool val)
      void setScaleFactor (float val)
      void setScaleHFactor (float val)
      void setScaleVFactor (float val)
      void setScaleWidth (int val)
      void setScaleHeight (int val)
      void setScaleDisplayToBuffer (bool val)
      void setScaleFactorB (float val)
      void setScaleHFactorB (float val)
      void setScaleVFactorB (float val)
      void setScaleWidthB (int val)
      void setScaleHeightB (int val)
      void setScaleBufferToDisplay (bool val)
      void setLoading (int val)
      void setX11Shared (bool val)
      void setMultiBuffer (bool val)
      void setUsePixmap (bool val)
      void setX11VisualClass ( const char *val)
      void setPauseAt (int val)
      void setExtraParameters (const char *val)
      void setExecutable (const char *val)

Public Slots

      void play ()
      void pause ()
      void stop ()
      void stepForward ()
      void stepBack ()
      void stepForwardWA ()
      void stepBackWA ()
      void toggleSound ()
      void volumeIncrement ()
      void volumeDecrement ()
      void setVolume (int v)
      void faster ()
      void slower ()
      void resetSpeed ()

Protected Members

      void changeProperty ( const char * c)
      virtual void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *)
      virtual void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent *)


      void stopped ()
      void mouseClick ( QMouseEvent *)

<title>Detailed Description of <classname>KXAnim</classname></title>

<para>#include &lt;kxanim.h&gt;</para>

<para>Inherits: <classname>QWidget</classname></para>

<para>Widget class for video playing</para>

<para>This widget is an <application>xanim</application> wrapper to
easily allow the video playing on your applications.</para>


<paramdef>QWidget <parameter>*parent</parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef>const char <parameter>*name=0</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Constructor. The parent argument is <emphasis>NOT</emphasis>

<funcdef>void <function>setFile</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>QString <parameter>file</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Use this method to tell the player the name of the file to
play. The file will not start to play until you call the
<function>play()</function> slot. You need to call <function>stop()</function>
before you can set a new filename. </para> 
<para>After calling this method, you should wait for an stopped signal. Just then,
the information about the file will be available.</para>
<para>Also check for <returnvalue>KXAnim::getErrorNumber</returnvalue> and
<function>getErrorString</function> to know if there was some

<funcdef>void <function>setAutoResize</function></funcdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
the widget will resize by himself after the <function>setFile()</function> to
fit to the size of the video. If
<parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>false</returnvalue>, the video size
will be adjusted to fit to the widget size.</para> 
<para>The size of the widget is automatically updated by
<function>setFile</function> and play But if you need to know the effective size
of the widget *before* you call <function>play</function>, you need to call
<function>updateSize</function> manually.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>true</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<funcdef>bool <function>getAutoResize</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the auto-resize state (see
<function>setAutoResize</function> ).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>updateSize</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<para>Updates the widget size to fit video size (taking care of the scale
factors that applies). See <function>setAutoResize</function>

<funcdef>void <function>setLoop</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter><replaceable>val</replaceable></parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>, the video
will loop forever.</para> 
<para>Default is <returnvalue>true</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<funcdef>bool <function>getLoop</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the loop state ( see <function>setLoop</function>

<funcdef>QString <function>getVideoFileName</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the current video file name (or an empty string, if
there's no video yet).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>int <function>getVideoHeight</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the video height (in pixels).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>int <function>getVideoWidth</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the video height (in pixels).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>float <function>getVideoSpeed</function></funcdef>
</funcprototype></funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the video playback speed (in frames per

<funcdef>int <function>getVideoFrames</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the number of frames in the video.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>QString <function>getVideoCodec</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the string that describes the video

<funcdef>QString <function>getErrorCode</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the the error code number. You should check this number
after a <function>setFile</function>. If the code is
<returnvalue>zero</returnvalue> , the there were no errors. To get a string
containing a description see

<funcdef>QString <function>getErrorString</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns the string that describes the error during

<funcdef>bool <function>isPlaying</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns <returnvalue>true</returnvalue> is the video is in play
mode. Otherwise it returns <returnvalue>false</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>bool <function>isActive</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Returns <returnvalue>true</returnvalue> is the video is
active. Otherwise it returns <returnvalue>false</returnvalue>. The widget is
<emphasis>NOT</emphasis> Active only when it's stopped. Therefore, you can use
this method to check if the video is REALLY stopped. </para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>resetXAnimDefaults</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>This method reset all the configuration parameters to their
default values.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setAudio</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
enables sound output.</para> 
<para>Default is <returnvalue>true</returnvalue></para>

<funcdef>void <function>setAudioSync</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
allows <application>xanim</application> skip video frames for audio sync.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>true</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setInitialVolume</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Sets the initial audio volume.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>40</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<!-- Lauri: find out how to do this one!! -->
enum colorMap ( static332, lookupTable, grayScale, none ) [public]
<para>See setColorMapping .</para>

<funcdef>void <function>setColorMapping</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>colorMap <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public]</term>
<listitem><para>Tells <classname>KXAnim</classname> which type of color mapping
to use for non truecolor displays.</para>
<application>xanim</application> will convert truecolor anims to
<application>xanim</application> will sample the color of truecolor animations
ahead of time and forms a color lookup table.</para>
<application>xanim</application> will convert TrueColor animations to gray
<para>Those three option are ignored for TrueColor and DirectColor
<para>if <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>KXAnim::none</returnvalue>,
<application>xanim</application> will use the default color mapping.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>KXAnim::none</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setColorAhead</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>This sets the number of frames ahead to use for the look up
table when using <returnvalue>KXAnim::lookupTable</returnvalue> in
<para>Default is <returnvalue>5</returnvalue></para>

<funcdef>void <function>setGammaDisplay</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Set gamma of display. Gamma's greater than 1.0 typically
brighten the animation.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<funcdef>void setResizing</funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
the video size can be changed "on the fly".</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>true</returnvalue></para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleFactor</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the size of anim by "<parameter>val</parameter>" before
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleHFactor</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public]</term>
<listitem><para>Scale the horizontal size of anim by
"<parameter>val</parameter>" before displaying.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleVFactor</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the vertical size of anim by "<parameter>val</parameter>"
before displaying.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleWidth</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the animation to have width "<parameter>val</parameter>"
before displaying.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleHeight</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the animation to have height "<parameter>val</parameter>"
before displaying.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleDisplayToBuffer</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Copy display scaling factors to buffering scaling
<para>Default is <returnvalue>false</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleFactorB</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the size of anim by "<parameter>val</parameter>" before
buffering it.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleHFactorB</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the horizontal size of anim by
"<parameter>val</parameter>" before buffering it.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleVFactorB</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>float <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the vertical size of anim by "<parameter>val</parameter>"
before buffering it.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>1.0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleWidthB</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the animation to have width "<parameter>val</parameter>"
before buffering it.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleHeightB</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Scale the animation to have height "<parameter>val</parameter>"
before buffering it.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>0</returnvalue> (no scaling)</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setScaleBufferToDisplay</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Copy buffering scaling factors to display scaling
<para>Default is <returnvalue>false</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setLoading</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para><returnvalue>0</returnvalue>: <classname>KXAnim</classname> will
load the entire video into memory.</para>
<para><returnvalue>1</returnvalue>: <classname>KXAnim</classname> will load and
decompress the animation entirely into memory before displaying.</para>
<para><returnvalue>2</returnvalue>: <classname>KXAnim</classname> will read each
sector only when needed</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>2</returnvalue>.</para>

<funcdef>void <function>setX11Shared</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public]</term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
<classname>KXAnim</classname> will use X11 shared memory (this is mutually
exclusive with <function>setPreload</function> .</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>false</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setMultiBuffer</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
<classname>KXAnim</classname> will use X11 Buffering (if present) to smooth
animations by double-buffering. </para> 
<para>Default is <returnvalue>true</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setUsePixmap</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>bool <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>If <parameter>val</parameter>==<returnvalue>true</returnvalue>,
<classname>KXAnim</classname> will use Pixmap instead of Image in
X11shared. This option has no effect if the animation is buffered.</para>
<para>Default is <returnvalue>false</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setX11VisualClass</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char <parameter>*val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Select the best <quote>X11 Visual of Class...</quote>
when displaying the animation. <parameter>val</parameter> can be anyone
of the following strings and is case insensitive:</para>


<para>Default is <returnvalue>default</returnvalue>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setPauseAt</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>This will pause <application>XAnim</application> at frame
<parameter>val</parameter>=<returnvalue>-1</returnvalue> disables this
<para>Default is <returnvalue>-1</returnvalue> (no pause).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setExtraParameters</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char <parameter>*val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Use this method to pass any extra parameters you want to
<application>xanim</application> (separated by spaces).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setExecutable</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char <parameter>*val</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public] </term>
<listitem><para>Use this method to set the executable name for
<application>xanim</application>. Default is "<returnvalue>xanim</returnvalue>",
but you can change it, for instance, if you don't have
<application>xanim</application> in the path.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>play</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Start playing the video.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>pause</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Pauses the video playing (<application>xanim</application> is
still runnig).</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>stop</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Stops the video and exit <application>xanim</application> (don't
worry about it, it's transparent for the class user).</para>
<note><para>Calling this slot doesn't mean that the video will stop
immediately. Use the <returnvalue>stopped</returnvalue> signal to know exactly
when the player is set to the inactive mode (see <function>isActive</function>
). </para></note></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>stepForward</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Single step forward one frame. Pauses the video

<funcdef>void <function>stepBack</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Single step back one frame. Pauses the video

<funcdef>void <function>stepForwardWA</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Single step forward one frame staying with anim. Pauses the
video playing.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>stepBackWA</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Single step back one frame staying with anim. Pauses the video

<funcdef>void <function>toggleSound</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Toggle sound between ON/OFF.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>volumeIncrement</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Increment volume by 1.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>volumeDecrement</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Decrement volume by 1.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>setVolume</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>int <parameter>v</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Setup volume where <parameter>v</parameter> is a number from
<returnvalue>0</returnvalue> to

<funcdef>void <function>faster</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Increase animation playback speed.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>slower</function></funcdef>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Decrease animation playback speed.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>resetSpeed</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [public slot] </term>
<listitem><para>Reset animation playback speed to original

<funcdef>void <function>changeProperty</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>const char <parameter>*</parameter> c</paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [protected] </term>
<listitem><para><emphasis>Don't use it!</emphasis> This is internally used for
the communication with <application>xanim</application>.</para></listitem>

<funcdef>void <function>stopped</function></funcdef><void/>
</funcsynopsis> [signal] </term>
<listitem><para>This signal is emitted after a call to the
<function>stop()</function> slot, and means that the player has
<emphasis>really</emphasis> stopped playing (that
<application>xanim</application> is inactive) (see

<funcdef>void <function>mouseClick</function></funcdef>
<paramdef>QMouseEvent <parameter>*</parameter></paramdef>
</funcsynopsis> [signal] </term>
<listitem><para>This signal is emitted when the user clicks into the



<chapter id="faq">
<title>Questions and Answers</title>

<question><para>What does the Unsupported video codec message
<answer><para>It means the video format can not be played. This may be because
you do not have a full featured <application>xanim</application> installed. See
the next answer for more details.</para>
<para>There are some codecs that will not be playable for the foreseeable
future. The one that may affect you the most is Sorenson as used in QuickTime
4. </para></answer>

<question><para>How do I get the full featured
<answer><para>Go to the <application>xanim</application> home page and follow
instructions to install the cinepak, indeo and creative video codecs. You may
need to recompile <application>xanim</application>, but check your distributions
documentation as some are easier to install than others.</para></answer>

<question><para>How do I know if the VidMode and DGA extensions are available on
my system?</para>
<answer><para>There are two ways to check. Which one you use depends on how you
installed &aktion;. </para>
<term>Installed &aktion; from source</term>
<listitem><para>Check the output of <command>./configure</command>, you should
see <computeroutput>"checking for VidMode extensions..."</computeroutput>. If
the script prints a <computeroutput>"no"</computeroutput> after this line, then
you don't have the extensions.</para></listitem>
<term>Installed &aktion; binary (rpm or deb)</term>
<listitem><para>Look in your system for two files called:
<filename>libXxf86vm.a</filename> and <filename>libXxf86dga.a</filename>, if you
have them, good.</para></listitem>
<para>In both cases, if you don't have the extensions, check that you've
installed the XFree86-devel rpm package from your Linux box. The extensions are
included in this package.</para></answer>

<question><para>How do I know if the VidMode extensions are working on my
<answer><para>Try switching video modes with
+</keycap></keycombo>. If nothing happens, you may only need to enable additional
resolutions. See the next answer for more details.</para></answer>

<question><para>How do I set up aditional video modes?</para></question>
<answer><para>You should have a video configuration utility provided with your
distribution. If not, there is always <application>XF86Config</application>
<para>Enable as many resolution modes as you can. At the very least, you will
want to enable 640x400 alongside your standard everyday

<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>


<para>Program copyright 2000 Guillermo P. Marotte

<listitem><para>Benjamin Sher

<para>Xanim author:</para>
<itemizedlist><listitem><para>Mark Podlipec</para></listitem>

<para>Documentation copyright 2000 Chris D. Corbettis



<appendix id="installation">

<sect1 id="getting-aktion">
<title>How to obtain &aktion;</title>



<sect1 id="requirements">

<para>In order to successfully use &aktion;, you need &kde; 2 and
<application>xanim</application> or higher. Full screen mode
requires <application>VidMode</application> and <abbrev>DGA</abbrev>
extensions to be installed and working.</para>

<para>All required libraries as well as &aktion; itself can be found on <ulink
url="">The &aktion; home page</ulink> and the <ulink
url="">Xanim home page</ulink></para>


<sect1 id="compilation">
<title>Compilation and Installation</title>



<sect1 id="configuration">

<para>Don't forget to install <application>xanim</application> before



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