

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 709a2a3930337c9b664fcdd0642d1447 > files > 12


<TITLE>The Level File Format.</TITLE>
<H1>The Level File Format.</H1>

Each level of the game is defined by a 'level' file.
The level files are stored in the 'data' directory
and are named 'levelN.dat' where 'N' is the level
Levels must be consecutively numbered without gaps
starting at zero. Level zero is the 'training' level,
so the game normally starts for real at level 1.
There is one special level file called "the_end.dat"
that is loaded in place of any missing level and is
supposed to be the end of the game.
The 'level' files are ASCII text with each line
of text being a record.  Records that start with '#'
are comments and will be ignored.
Some lines in the file will change the behaviour
of the game, others will cause 3D objects to be
loaded into the scene.
Coordinates are in the same units as the models,
which is nominally one meter per unit. That's
only an abstract idea of a unit since this would
make Tux be about the same size as a normal human
(which is definitely on the large side for a Penguin).
In many cases, the 'level' file only requires you
to input an X and Y coordinate - in those cases,
the Z coordinate (height) is determined from the
highest point in the scenery loaded by that point.
This makes it important to keep the lines in the
level files in the right order. If you want a
golden herring on top of a box, you must list
the 3D model containing the box BEFORE the herring,
and the herring will be placed on top of the box.
<H2>Behaviour Records.</H2>

  CAMERA <pan>,<elevation>,<range>,<follow>

This sets the initial camera position relative to Tux.
pan and elevation are in degrees, range is in the
same units as the rest of the database with is in units
that are about half the height of Tux. The 'follow'
flag is '1' if the camera should follow Tux, '0' if
it should not.

  SKY <red>,<green>,<blue>

Sets the sky colour - each colour component is in the range 0..1.


Puts in a layer of water, ice or lava at zero altitude throughout the
scene. The BLACKHOLE setting puts a black surface 20 units
below zero altitude - and arranges that Tux will die
if he falls that far.

  MESSAGE <xcoord>,<ycoord>,<radius>,<line1> <line2>

This causes a message to pop up whenever you get within
the specified radius of the specified coordinate. The
altitude of the test point is set at the height of the
terrain at the point. The text of the (two-line) message
is set in line1 and line2. Replace spaces in the message
with underscores.  eg:
<code>MESSAGE  10,20,5,Tux_the_Penguin A_Quest_for_Herring</code>
Messages have to be fairly short in order to fit into the
limited space available on-screen.

  LIFE <xcoord>,<ycoord>

Puts an extra 'life' for Tux at the specified coordinate at an
altitude measured from the highest point on the terrain.

  YHERRING <xcoord>,<ycoord>
  GHERRING <xcoord>,<ycoord>
  SHERRING <xcoord>,<ycoord>
  RHERRING <xcoord>,<ycoord>,<type>

Places a yellow (Gold), green, silver or red herring at the specified
coordinate. The 'type' field <b>could</b> be applied to any colour
of herring - but conventionally is only applied to Red herrings.
Type is one of:

  SUPERTUX -- Turn Tux into 'Super Tux'
  ROCKET   -- Give Tux a rocket pack.
  GUN      -- Give Tux a rocket pack with a laser gun.
  PARTYHAT -- Give Tux a Party-Hat
  BOWTIE   -- Give Tux a BowTie
  SHADES   -- Give Tux a cool pair of shades.

Other types will be added over time.

  TELEPORTER <xcoord>,<ycoord>

Places a teleporter at the specified coordinates.
Each teleporter sends Tux to the next one in the
level file - and the last one sends him back to
the first.

  WHALE <xcoord>,<ycoord>,<heading>

Places 'Freeware Willy' - the killer whale at the specified
coordinate - just below zero height - pointing in the
direction specified by 'heading'. This had better be in
some nice deep water!

  TUX <xcoord>,<ycoord>,<heading>
  TUX <xcoord>,<ycoord>,<zcoord>,<heading>,<pitch>,<roll>

Places Tux at the specified location - facing towards the
specified heading.

  RACE <time_limit>,<prize_handle>

This is for 'race' levels. To win the race, you have to
reach the finish line before 'time_limit' is reached. If
you succeed then <prize_handle> is turned OFF (which removes
the glass case around the gold-herring prize).

  EXIT <xcoord>,<ycoord>,<where>

Creates an exit building (models/ at the specified
location. 'where' is either the number of another level, or
9999 to take you back to the start room. The 'magic' value
-1 is reserved for the start room and has a very special
meaning associated with that room.  The game ends if Tux hits
an exit to a level that does not exist. Please use '9998'
for that 'game over' level.

  HEAT <temp>

Sets the rate at which Tux heats up just by
being in this level. Most levels will be zero
(which is the default), the hottest level so
far is set to 0.04 degrees C per frame.


Tux appears wearing a space helmet.


Indicates that this level has no breathable
atmosphere. (eg Underwater or Outerspace)

  SQUISH_PAIN <pain>

Sets the amount of pain Tux suffers when he is squashed
flat. The default is three units. This is used to
make Tux die when squished in the Frogger level.

  MUSIC "mods/<filename>.mod"

Selects the music to play during this level.
If no music is selected then whatever music was
playing before will continue to play.

  "filename" <x>,<y>,<z>,<h>,<p>,<r>
  "filename" <x>,<y>,<h>
  "filename" <x>,<y>

Places the 3D object specified by 'filename' (which should be
placed into the 'models' directory) at the specified position
and optional orientation.