

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 746310054df5e7708734a453a863fa58 > files > 21


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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1-Based Variant V1.0//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
  <!ENTITY kgamma '<application>KGamma</application>'>
  <!ENTITY kapp "&kgamma;"><!-- replace kgamma here -->
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  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
<!-- ................................................................ -->

<!-- The language must NOT be changed here. -->
<book lang="&language;">

<title>The KGamma Handbook</title>


<year>2001, 2002</year>
<holder>Michael v.Ostheim</holder>
<!-- Translators: put here the copyright notice of the translation -->


<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->
<para>&kgamma; is a simple tool to calibrate your monitor.</para>



<chapter id="introduction">

<para>This document describes &kgamma; version 0.9.2</para>
<para>&kgamma; is a tool for monitor calibration. This makes it possible
that your work (websites, images etc.) looks equal on somebody else's monitor,
and that somebody else's work looks not different on your monitor.</para>
<para>&kgamma; allows you to alter the monitor's gamma correction of
XFree86. But that's not all to do. For good results you have to set the
correct brightness, contrast and colour balance of your monitor. This
may be difficult and you have to repeat every step several times.
For perfect results you need really good (and expensive) hardware.</para>
<para>This are system settings, please do not use &kgamma; to manipulate your
image files.</para>

<chapter id="using-kgamma">
<title>Using KGamma</title>
<sect1 id="Setting-Gamma">
<title>Setting Gamma Correction</title>
<para>To correct the gamma settings system wide, check the checkbox 'Store settings to
XF86Config'. These settings will be restored at next XFree86 startup. You need root access
to store to this file. This is, for example, useful for those who do not work exclusively
with KDE.</para>
<para>To correct the gamma settings for the currently logged in user, leave that checkbox
unchecked. These user settings will be restored at next KDE startup and replace
the system gamma settings. Every user has it's own settings.</para>
<para>Use the four sliders to define the gamma correction either as a single
value, or separately for the red, green and blue components. The XFree86
default setting for gamma is 1.00 (Mac 1.80, WinXX 2.20). The test images helps
you to find proper settings.</para>

<sect1 id="Grey-Scale">
<title>Grey Scale Test Image</title>
<para>You should be able to see the following:</para>

<para>A grey scale with 20 different sections</para>
<para>The darkest section pure black</para>
<para>The lightest section pure white</para>
<para>No hint of any colour in the grey tones</para>

<para>If you can't see all of the 20 sections, use your monitors contrast settings
or the "Gamma" slider of &kgamma; to correct this. If black is not pure black,
try to darken the monitor, if white is not pure white, try to lighten
it. If you see any colours in the grey tones alter the colour balance settings of
your monitor or the "Red", "Green" and "Blue" slider of &kgamma;.</para>

<sect1 id="RGB-Scale">
<title>RGB Scale Test Image</title>
You should be able to see three strips, each with 16 sections of red,
green or blue tones. The darkest sections should be pure black, the brightest
should be pure red, green or blue. If you don't see all sections of
a colour strip, try to lighten or darken this colour.</para>

<sect1 id="CMY-Scale">
<title>CMY Scale Test Image</title>
You should be able to see three strips, each with 11 sections of cyan,
magenta or yellow tones. The brightest sections should be pure white, the darkest
should be pure cyan, magenta or yellow.</para>

<para>If you can't see all cyan sections, try to lighten or darken red</para>
<para>If you can't see all magenta sections, try to lighten or darken green</para>
<para>If you can't see all yellow sections, try to lighten or darken blue</para>

<sect1 id="advanced">
<title>Advanced Test Images</title>
The following three pictures shows you the abilities of your monitor at
three points of the grey spectrum. If you can't see all of the details,
don't be worry, or buy better hardware.
<sect2 id="dark-grey">
<title>Dark Grey Test Image</title>
You should be able to see 10 different rectangles of dark grey within a
black box. The chart shows you 1% steps from black.
<sect2 id="mid-grey">
<title>Mid Grey Test Image</title>
This picture shows you 11 grey rectangles within a 50% grey box. You should be
able to see all of the rectangles exept the middle one. The rectangles represent
the steps from 45% to 55% grey.
<sect2 id="light-grey">
<title>Light Grey Test Image</title>
You should be able to see 10 different rectangles of light grey within a white box.
The chart shows you 1% steps from white.


<chapter id="credits">
<title>Credits and License</title>

Program copyright 2001, 2002 Michael v.Ostheim <email></email>

Documentation copyright 2001, 2002 Michael v.Ostheim <email></email>


&underFDL;           <!-- FDL: do not remove. -->
&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->

<appendix id="installation">

<para>&kgamma;'s home site is
<ulink url=""></ulink>

<sect1 id="compilation">
<title>Compilation and Installation</title>

In order to compile and install &kgamma; on your system, type the following in the base
directory of the &kgamma; distribution:
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>./configure</command></userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>make</command></userinput>
<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput><command>make install</command></userinput>


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