

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 77a82f2d34c3548a8f45e4761fe74a47 > files > 1


# 3ddesktop configuration
# Use this file to set various "views".
# Format:
#   view     <viewname1>
#   option1  <value1>
#   option2  <value2>
#   ...
#   view     <viewname2>
#   option1  <value1>
#   option2  <value2>
#   ... 
#   etc

# Global options (effect every view and program as whole)
#   texturesize - resolution of textures (power of 2, as in 128, 256, 512, 1024)
#                 default 1024
#   win         - open in a window rather then fullscreen 
#                 (for debuggin: not really usable at this time)
#   workspace   - use workspaces instead of viewports (GNOME 1.x)
#   sawfish     - use the "sawfish-client" method of switching desktops 
#                 (for sawfish without GNOME)
#   kde2        - Operate with KDE 2
#   kde3        - Operate with KDE 3
#   gnome2      - Operate with GNOME 2
#   ewmh        - Use the EWMH standard for desktop switching
#                 (This, kde3 and gnome2 are actually all equivalent)

# Examples (uncomment to use)
#texturesize 512
#workspace   on
#kde2        on
#ewmh        on  ## For GNOME 2, KDE 3, etc  (NET protocol standard)

# Indicate "view" to use on command line with --view=<viewname>.
# Other options on the command line are ignored if a view is
# specified.
# Options  (all must be lowercase)
#   mode        - set the "arrangement", one of carousel (default), linear,
#                 cylinder, viewmaster, carousel, priceisright, flip
#   show_digit  - show a digit indicating the current desktop/workspace
#   digit_size  - width of digit on screen
#   digit_color - color of digit (red, green, blue, lightblue, white, gray, 
#                 purple, yellow)
#   frame_color - color of un-cached desktops (the frame)
#   randdelay   - delay before random movement (zero for no movement)
#   fastest     - hog CPU for smooth movement
#   zoom        - set to one or zero to zoom out or not to zoom out 
#                 (default is zoom out).
#   nozoom      - set to zero or one to zoom out or not to zoom out 
#                 (default is zoom out).
#   depth       - how far to "zoom-out"
#   gotoright   - goto desktop to the right 
#   gotoleft    - goto desktop to the left 
#   gotoup      - goto desktop above 
#   gotodown    - goto desktop below 
#   gotocolumn  - goto desktop to the specified column
#   gotorow     - goto desktop to the specified row
#   linear_spacing  - space between desktops in "linear" mode (default 2.0)
#   use_breathing   - turn on/off the ambient light dimming
#   animation_speed - number of milliseconds between animation steps
#   changespeed     - how fast the rotation or sliding of faces takes
#   zoomspeed       - how fast it zooms in and out from start

# Example views (use by doing: '3ddesk --view=<viewname>')

view         default    ## this is the default if no --view specified
zoom         on
show_digit   on
digit_size   100
digit_color  green
use_breathing false

view         goright
zoom         off
mode         cylinder
gotoright    on

view         goleft
zoom         off
mode         cylinder
gotoleft     on

view         slide
zoom         off
mode         linear
digit_size   100
digit_color  gray
linear_spacing 0.0

view         nozoom
zoom         off
mode         viewmaster
digit_size   100
digit_color  gray

view         linear
mode         linear
digit_color  yellow
linear_spacing 0.0

view         linearzip
mode         linear
linear_spacing 19.0
depth        5
digit_size   200
digit_color  blue

view         bigmoney
mode         priceisright
depth        10
digit_color  purple
digit_size   150