

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 7c546297aaa7ef38d590ce6838fd8189 > files > 22


# Fonts (should be overridden by xfce options)
MenuFont            -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-*-*
WindowFont          -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-*-*
IconFont            -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-10-*-*-*-p-*-*-*

# Do you want a small animation ?
AnimateWin          Off

# Colormap policy :
ColormapFocus       FollowsFocus

# Focus mode (should be overridden by xfce options)
FocusMode           ClickToFocus
AutoRaise           Off

# Set the delay for auto-raise mode :
AutoRaiseDelay      250

# Enable/disable session management :
SessionManagement   On
# Delay session startup (in seconds) to reduce disk/cpu usage
WaitSession         5

# Enable/disable shaped icons :
UseShapedIcons      Off

# Icon placing stuff :
IconGrid            10
IconSpacing         5

# You can change the number of visible buttons on the title bar here :
ShowButtons Right   3
ShowButtons Left    3

# You can toggle bitmap/vector buttons on the title bar here :
# BitmapButtons       Yes

# In focus follow mouse, may the focus be changed even if mouse 
# pointer didn't move (You should keep this unchanged unless 
# you're running Corel Word Perfect 2000) :
ForceFocus          Yes

# In focus follow mouse, may the focus be changed whenever a new window
# is mapped :
MapFocus            Yes

# In focus follow mouse, should the window be raised by a click
# inside the application window (X standards would say "no" here
# but some people find this more handy when set to "yes") :
ClickRaise          Yes

# Margins: That will prevent xfwm from placing windows outide the margins
# (unless the application spefically asked for a given positionning) and
# maximized windows will stay within the limits.
# Do not set margins larger that actual screen size !
Margin Top     0
Margin Left    0
Margin Right   0
Margin Bottom 50

# Xfwm now honors the WM_HINT "Input" and acts accordingly. If you don't want
# this feature, use the following parameter to disable it (Some applications
# wrongly set input hint to false and therefore will never get focus unless 
# "HonorWMFocusHint" is set to "No") :
HonorWMFocusHint     Yes

# Style used for some known applications :
Style "*"			BorderWidth 5
# Style "xfce"			StayOnTop
Style "Alert"			Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "Question"		Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "Message"			Sticky, StayOnTop
Style "xfbd"			Sticky 
Style "xfpager"			Sticky
# Style "*lock"			Sticky
Style "gmc-desktop-icon"	WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, CirculateSkipIcon
Style "gkrellm"			CirculateSkip, CirculateSkipIcon
Style "xeyes"			NoTitle

# Some applications ask for a specific location.
# This should be honored unless you're using Xinerama
# and the application that asks for a positionning 
# is not Xinerama aware and asks for an arbitrary
# location.
# Gimp 1.0.x is like that : It keeps asking for its main
# window to be placed at (0,0) for no reason. This can
# be annoying when using Xinerama. For this kind of application,
# you can use the flag "Authorize_Translate" that tells xfwm 
# to translate the coordonates to the current screen even if the 
# application asked for a specific location.

Style "The GIMP"      		Authorize_Translate
Style "Netscape"      		Authorize_Translate

# Default icons for most common apps
Style "*term*"      icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "*TERM*"      icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "Term*"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "rxvt*"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/CheckMarkMonitor.xpm"
Style "xmag"        icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/MagnifyGlas.xpm"
Style "xosview*"    icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/CPUChip.xpm"
Style "editres*"    icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Editres.xpm"
Style "*calc*"      icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/OldBlueAddingMachine.xpm"
Style "*GIMP*"      icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Gimp2.xpm"
Style "Xpaint*"     icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/3dpaint.xpm"
Style "*game*"      icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/TrueDie.xpm"
Style "*.jpg"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.gif"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.png"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.bmp"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.xpm"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.xwd"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.JPG"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.GIF"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.PNG"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.BMP"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.XPM"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "*.XWD"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Monalisa.xpm"
Style "XMMS*"       icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/CDPlayer.xpm"
Style "*gnome*"     icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Gnome-apps.xpm"
Style "*Gnome*"     icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Gnome-apps.xpm"
Style "*GNOME*"     icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Gnome-apps.xpm"
Style "xfskin*"     icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/xfskin.xpm"
Style "sylpheed"    icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/Mail.xpm"
Style "xclipboard"  icon "/usr/X11R6/share/xfce/icons/ArtFolderFull.xpm"

# Common init and restart functions
#AddToFunc "InitFunction"
#+ "I" Module xfpager
#+ "I" Exec xterm
#AddToFunc "RestartFunction"
#+ "I" Module xfpager
#+ "I" Exec xterm

# Adding a user menu to the default root menu :
# (This is just a sample, modify it to fit your need)
# Uncomment the following lines to create a user menu
#AddToMenu "user_menu"
#+ "&Gnome Terminal" Exec gnome-terminal
#+ "" Nop
#+ "&The GIMP" Exec gimp

# Another (new) much smarter way is to append entries to a file
# called $HOME/.xfwm.user_menu
# For example, to add an new entry in user menu, this file would contain a 
# single line like this :
# AddToMenu "user_menu" "&Gnome Terminal" Exec gnome-terminal

# Uncomment the following if you want tot remove default keyboard shortcuts
# (Some applications require this, as they use the same shortcuts)
#Key Tab A M -
#Key Escape A S -
#Key Escape A C -
#Key Left A SC -
#Key Right A SC -
#Key Up A SC -
#Key Down A SC  -
#Key Left A SM  -
#Key Right A SM  -
#Key Up A SM  -
#Key Down A SM  -
#Key F1 A M -
#Key F2 A M -
#Key F3 A M -
#Key F4 A M -
#Key F5 A M -
#Key F6 A M -
#Key F7 A M -
#Key F8 A M -
#Key F9 A M -
#Key F10 A M -
#Key F11 A M -
#Key F1 A C -
#Key F2 A C -
#Key F3 A C -
#Key F4 A C -
#Key F5 A C -
#Key F6 A C -
#Key F7 A C -
#Key F8 A C -
#Key F9 A C -
#Key F10 A  C -
#Key L5 IW N -
#Key L5 IW S -
#Key L5 IW C -
#Key L7 IW A -
#Key Delete A CM -
#Key Left A CM -
#Key Right A CM -
# Remove the "Alt+Click = move" binding
#Mouse 1 W M -
# Remove root click (required for GNOME proxy win)
#Mouse 0 R A -
#Mouse 1 R A -
#Mouse 2 R A -
#Mouse 3 R A -

# Uncomment the following if you prefer a single click on an icon 
# to restore the window.
# AddToFunc __IconFunc__
# + "C" Iconify

# Use of Windows keys under Xfce :
# Edit (or create) $HOME/.Xmodmap and add the following lines :
# keycode 115=F13
# keycode 116=F14
# keycode 117=F15
# Then run xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap
# And your Windows keys will be mapped to the root menu and window menu
# thanks to the following bindings :

Key F13 A N Popup __builtin_root_menu__
Key F14 A N Popup __builtin_root_menu__
Key F15 A N Popup __builtin_window_menu__

# Options for xfpager :
#*xfpager.geometry -0+0
#*xfpager.smallfont 5x8