

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 7c546297aaa7ef38d590ce6838fd8189 > files > 5


# FVWM configuration file.                                             #
#                                                                      #
# Rui Fernando A. Silva, PORTUGAL (                   #

# Here you can define the colors of the windows and the fonts

# I like this color scheme... Gray.
HiForeColor 		lightgray
HiBackColor 		slategray

StickyForeColor		Black
StickyBackColor		#d3d3d3

MenuForeColor           Black
MenuBackColor           slategray
MenuStippleColor        darkgrey

Font			-adobe-helvetica-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
WindowFont		-adobe-helvetica-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

# MWM Emulation, uncomment what you need



# Some nice stuff, try them

# I like ClickToFocus... I think you all like it too.

# Buttons

# I like them with this size... if tou want, you can modify it. 
# By the way, Button 1 - File, Button 2 - (Un)Maximize, Button 4 - Minimize  
ButtonStyle 1 50x22
ButtonStyle 2 60x60
ButtonStyle 4 22x22

# Path configuration

# You must modify it, if it is necessary
IconPath   /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/:/usr/share/icons/:/usr/share/icons/mini/
ModulePath /usr/lib/X11/fvwm:/usr/X11R6/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11/bin

# Desktops, window creation, 

# Don't use it...
DeskTopSize 1x1
#DeskTopScale 32

# Window Placement and motion

# Random Placement is nice... 

# SmartPlacement makes new windows pop-up in blank regions of screen 
# if possible, or falls back to random or interactive placement.

# With SmartPlacement, windows will place themselves over icons. 

# NoPPosition instructs fvwm to ignore the PPosition field in window 
# geometry hints. Don't uncomment

# I don't like OpaqueMove... uncomment if you like. If you want to use it to larger windows than 100% of the screen you must modify the parameter.
#OpaqueMove 100 

# Icon Stuff

# Where to you want your icons?
IconBox -70 1 -1 -140

# Try it, if you like it... I don't.

# StubbornIcons makes icons de-iconify into their original position on the
# desktop, instead of on the current page. Uncomment if you need it

# With AutoPlacement, icons will normally place themselves underneath active
# windows. This option changes that. Don't uncomment... it's not so necessary

# It can be usefull to have all icons following you.

# Style stuff... add things to it, if you want.

Style "*" Color #cfcfb0/#808080,Icon unknown1.xpm, HandleWidth 3,BorderWidth 2

Style "Fvwm*" 		Sticky, NoTitle, NoHandles, WindowListSkip, BorderWidth 1
Style "XFce*" 		Sticky
Style "XFbd*"           Sticky
Style "Popup menu*" 	Sticky
Style "Alert*"          Sticky
Style "Question*"       Sticky

# Init and Restart Functions

# InitFunction is called everytime you start fvwm.
# If you like xfsound, xfbd and xfmouse to be started uncomment.
# You can add what you want: a banner, some other background programs...

Function "InitFunction"
	Module  "I"	xfsound
	Module	"I"	xfce
	Desk	"I"	0 0
	Exec    "I"     xfbd -d
	Exec    "I"     xfmouse -d

# RestartFunction is called when you select Restart
# Once again, if you like xfsound, xfbd and xfmouse uncomment.
# Don't forget those extra programs I've talked on InitFunctions

Function "RestartFunction"
	Module  "I"	xfsound
	Module  "I"     xfce -shared
	Desk    "I"     0 0
	Exec    "I"     xfbd -d
	Exec    "I"     xfmouse -d

# Menus

# Looking to the structure, easily you'll undestrand it.
# Modify at your will. This is a very basic structure just to show how it works

Popup "Quit-Verify"
	Title	"End session ?"
	Restart "Restart " fvwm
	Quit	"Quit "

Popup "Module-Popup"
	Title	"Modules"
	Module  "XFce"		xfce -shared
	Module	"Identify"	FvwmIdent
	Module  "Save Desktop"  FvwmSave
	Module  "WinList"       FvwmWinList

Popup "Window-Ops2"
	Move    "&Move	Alt+F7"
	Resize  "&Size	Alt+F8" 
	Iconify "(Un)Mi&nimize	Alt+F9"
	Maximize "(Un)Ma&ximize	Alt+F10"
	Lower   "&Lower	Alt+F3"
	Nop     ""
	Close   "&Close	Alt+F4"

Popup "Apps"
	Title	"Apps"
	Exec	"Emacs"		exec emacs &
	Exec	"Lyx"		exec lyx &
	Exec	"xfm"		exec xfm &

Popup "Internet"
    Title "Internet"
    Exec	"Netscape-Communicator"	exec netscape &
    Exec	"Netscape-Mail"		exec netscape -mail &
    Exec	"XChat IRC"		exec xchat &
    Exec	"WxFTP"			exec wxftp &
    Nop		""
    Exec	"Kppp"			exec kppp &
End Popup

Popup "Graphics"
    Title	"Graphics"
    Exec	"Gimp"			exec gimp &
    Exec	"GQView"		exec gqview &
    Exec	"Xpaint"		exec xpaint &
    Nop		""
    Exec	"Ghostview"		exec gv &
    Exec	"xDVI"			exec xdvi &
    Exec	"xPDF"			exec xpdf &	

Popup 	"Multimedia"
    Title	"Multimedia"
    Exec	"XMMS"			exec xmms &
    Exec	"XplayCD"		exec xplaycd &

Popup	"System"
    Title	"System"
    Exec	"Control-Panel"		exec control-panel &
    Exec	"Gno-RPM"		exec gnorpm &
    Exec	"LinuxConf"		exec linuxconf &

Popup "Programs"
	Popup		"Apps"   	Apps
	Popup		"Graphics"	Graphics
	Popup		"Internet"	Internet
	Popup		"Multimedia"	Multimedia

Popup "Main menu"
	Title 		"Main menu"
	Exec    	"New window"	exec xterm
	CirculateUp	"Shuffle Up"
	CirculateDown	"Shuffle Down"	
	Refresh		"Refresh"	
	Nop		""
	Popup		"Programs"	Programs
	Nop		""
	Popup		"System"	System
	Nop		""
	Exec		"Mouse..."	exec xfmouse -i
	Exec		"Backdrop..."	exec xfbd -i
        Exec		"Sound..."      exec xfsound
	Nop		""
	Popup		"Window..."	Window-Ops2
	Nop		""
	Popup		"Modules..."	Module-Popup
	Nop		""
	Popup		"Quit..."	Quit-Verify

Popup "Window Ops"
	Title	"Window Ops	"
	Move    "&Move	Alt+F7"
	Resize  "&Size	Alt+F8" 
	Lower   "&Lower	Alt+F3"
	Raise   "Raise	"
	Stick	"(Un)Stick	"
	Iconify "(Un)Mi&nimize	Alt+F9"
	Maximize "(Un)Ma&ximize	Alt+F10"
	Maximize "(Un)Maximize Vertical	"	0 100
	Nop     ""
	Close   "&Close	Alt+F4"

# Windows Functions
# It's easy to undestrand, isn't it?

Function "Iconify-and-Raise"
	Iconify	"Motion"
	Raise "Motion"

Function "Move-or-Lower"
	Move 		"Motion"
	Lower		"Motion"
	Lower		"Click"
	RaiseLower	"DoubleClick"

Function "Move-or-Iconify"
	Move 		"Motion"
	PopUp		"Click" Window-Ops2
	Iconify		"DoubleClick"

Function "windowops-or-die"
	PopUp		"Motion" Window-Ops2
	PopUp		"Click" Window-Ops2
	Close 	 	"DoubleClick"

Function "Move-or-Raise"
	Move            "Motion"
	Raise           "Motion"
	Raise           "Click"
	Iconify      	"DoubleClick" 

Function "Move-or-Lower"
	Move            "Motion"
	Lower           "Click"
	RaiseLower      "DoubleClick"

Function "Resize-or-Raise"
	Resize          "Motion"
	Raise           "Motion"
	Raise           "Click"
	RaiseLower      "DoubleClick"

Function "Resize-or-Lower"
	Resize          "Motion"
	Lower           "Click"
	RaiseLower      "DoubleClick"

# Mouse and keyboard functions
# I like them like this... as in the original file. 
# Modify at your will

#     Button	Context Modifi 	Function
Mouse 1		R   	A       PopUp "Main menu"
Mouse 2		R    	A      	PopUp "Window Ops"
Mouse 3		R    	A      	WindowList

#     Button	Context Modifi 	Function
Mouse 0		1    	A      	Function "windowops-or-die"
Mouse 0		2    	A     	Maximize
Mouse 0		4    	A     	Iconify

Mouse 1         FS      A       Function "Resize-or-Raise"
Mouse 2         FS      A       Function "Resize-or-Lower"
Mouse 1         T       A       Function "Move-or-Raise"
Mouse 2         T       A       Function "Move-or-Lower"

Mouse 1		I	A	Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 2		I	A	Function "Move-or-Iconify"
Mouse 3		I	A	PopUp 	 "Window-Ops2"
Mouse 3		FST    	A      	Function "windowops-or-die"

Key Left	A	C	Scroll -100 0
Key Right	A	C	Scroll +100 +0
Key Up		A	C	Scroll +0   -100
Key Down	A	C	Scroll +0   +100

Key Left	A	M	Scroll -10 +0
Key Right	A	M	Scroll +10 +0
Key Up		A	M	Scroll +0   -10
Key Down	A	M	Scroll +0   +10

Key Left	A	SC	CursorMove -1 0
Key Right	A	SC	CursorMove +1 +0
Key Up		A	SC	CursorMove +0   -1
Key Down	A	SC	CursorMove +0   +1

Key Left	A	SM	CursorMove -10 +0
Key Right	A	SM	CursorMove +10 +0
Key Up		A	SM	CursorMove +0   -10
Key Down	A	SM	CursorMove +0   +10

Key F1		A	M	Popup "Window Ops"
Key F2		A	M	Popup "Main menu"
Key F3		A	M	Lower
Key F4		A	M	Destroy
Key F5		A	M	CirculateUp
Key F6		A	M	CirculateDown
Key F7		A	M	Move
Key F8		A	M	Resize
Key F9		A	M	Iconify
Key F10		A	M	Maximize

Key L5                IW      N       RaiseLower
Key L5                IW      S       Lower
Key L5                IW      C       Raise
Key L7                IW      A       Iconify

# Window Identifier 

# Choose colors and font.
*FvwmIdentBack black
*FvwmIdentFore lightgray
*FvwmIdentFont -adobe-helvetica-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

# Window List

# Obsolete, because, with a simple click with the right button of the mouse you get a list... You can use, if want. 
# Choose colors and font
*FvwmWinListBack #908090
*FvwmWinListFore Black
*FvwmWinListFont -adobe-helvetica-*-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*FvwmWinListGeometry +0-1