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<!doctype linuxdoc system>
<author>Marko Macek, <tt/</author>
<date>1.2.6, 2003 Jan 18
This document is the documentation for the IceWM X11 window manager.

This document is incomplete. Almost everything is subject to change.



The goal of <bf/IceWM/ is to provide a small, fast and familiar window
manager for the X11 window system. Compatibility with the
<tt/mwm/ window manager is desired and will be implemented where

<bf/IceWM/ originally was designed to emulate the look of Motif, OS/2 Warp
4, OS/2 Warp 3 and Windows 95. Since it has a theming engine (hint:
<url url=""/) others styles are possible.

It also tries to combine the feel of the above systems whenever it
is compatible.

Generally, it tries to make all functions available both by keyboard
and by mouse (this is not currently possible when using mouse focus).

Extreme configurability similar to <tt/fvwm/ and many other window
managers is <bf/NOT/ the goal.

Further information can be found at <url url=""/> and <url


IceWM X11 Window Manager

Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Marko Macek

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the 
Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.

<sect>Starting icewm<p>

The <tt/icewm/ executable must be in your path for the restart
function to work correctly.  Please set your $PATH environment
variable accordingly.

First make sure that there is no $HOME/.xinitrc or $HOME/.Xsession file
or that any of those correctly starts $HOME/.Xclients.

The recommended way to start is from $HOME/.Xclients shell script (must be
executable). Mine looks something like this:

# run profile to set $PATH and other env vars correctly
. $HOME/.bash_profile
# setup background
xsetroot -solid '#056'
# setup mouse acceleration
xset m 7 2
# run initial programs
xterm &amp;
# start icewm, and run xterm if it crashes (just to be safe)
exec icewm || exec xterm -fg red

The xterm on the last line is there simply to make sure that your X
session doesn't crash if icewm does (should never happen). You can
restart icewm from there or start some other window manager. The
session will close if you close the xterm.

The above should work for most Linux systems. On commercial unices you
should use $HOME/.dtprofile if you have CDE or $HOME/.vueprofile for
HP-UX with HP VUE. If you are running xdm or some other login program
check it's manpage for the correct place to start the window manager
(usually ~/.Xsession).

<sect1>Startup script<p>

After initialization IceWM will search the resource path (<ref id="lib">)
for a startup script. If this file is found to exist and to be executeable
IceWM will run the script. On startup IceWM will search for a script
called "startup", on restart a script called - you guess it - "restart"
is searched.

Additionally the flag "--with-gnome" is passed if a GNOME session 
manager is detected.

Example (startup):

[ -x ~/.icewm/restart ] && source ~/.icewm/restart

gnome-terminal --geometry 80x25+217+235 &
xscreensaver &

Example (restart):

xsri --emblem=/usr/share/pixmaps/redhat/redhat-emboss.png \
     --emboss --geometry=+0+48 --vgradient --color=\#567 --color2=\#123 &

<bf/Hint: / 
This feature is meant for easy desktop initialization and it is
part of IceWM due popular demand. For more sophisticated session management 
you should learn how to use a real session manager - IceWM does support 
the XSESSION protocol.

<sect>Focus models<p>

<bf/IceWM/ implements four general focus models:

<tag/clickToRaise/ Exactly like Win95, OS/2 Warp. When window
is clicked with a mouse, it is raised and activated.

<tag/clickToFocus/ Window is raised and focused when titlebar or frame
border is clicked. Window is focused but not raised when window interior
is clicked.

When the mouse is moved, focus is set to window
under a mouse. It should be possible to change focus with the
keyboard when mouse is not moved.

When a window is clicked, it is activated, but not raised.
New windows do not automatically get the focus unless they
are transient windows for the active window.

<em/I am experimenting with this, to develop something more flexible
then clickFocus./

Detailed configuration is possible using the configuration file options.

<sect>Mouse Commands<p>

<sect1>Frame Commands<p>

<tag/Left Button/ Select and raise the window. On the window frame, resize
the window.

<tag/Right Button/ When dragged, moves the window. When clicked, displays
the context menu.

<sect1>Title Bar Commands<p>

<tag/Any Button Drag/ Move the window.

<tag/Alt + Left Button/ Lower the window.

<tag/Left Button Double Click/ Maximize/Restore the window.

<tag/Middle Button Double Click/ Rollup/Unroll the window.

<bf/Ctrl modifier key can be used together with mouse button to prevent
window from being raised to the top of the stack./

<sect1>Taskbar commands<p>

<tag/Left Button Click/ Activate the workspace with the window and raise the window.
Toggles the minimized/active state of the window.
<tag/Shift + Left Button Click/ Move window to current workspace. This only works when windows from all workspaces are shown on the taskbar all the time.
<tag/Control + Left Button Click/ Minimize/restore the window.
<tag/Middle Button Click/ Toggle raised/lowered state of the window.
<tag/Shift + Middle Button Click/ Add the window to the current workspace.
<tag/Control + Middle Button Click/ Lower the window.
<tag/Right Button Click/ Display a context menu.

<sect>Keyboard Commands<p>

<em>Alt key is assumed to be the key defined as Mod1 modifier.</em>

<tag/Alt+F1/ Raise the window.
<tag/Alt+F2/ Make a window occupy all desktops.
<tag/Alt+F3/ Lower the window to the bottom of the stack.
<tag/Alt+F4/ Close the window.
<tag/Alt+F5/ Restore the window state if maximized or minimized/hidden.
<tag/Alt+F6/ Focus to next window.
<tag/Alt+Shift+F6/ Focus to previous window.
<tag/Alt+F7/ Move the window.
<tag/Alt+F8/ Resize the window.
<tag/Alt+F9/ Minimize the window to taskbar.
<tag/Alt+F10/ Maximize the window.
<tag/Alt+Shift+F10/ Maximize the window vertically (toggle).
<tag/Alt+F11/ Hide the window (appears in window list, but not on taskbar).
<tag/Alt+F12/ Rollup the window.
<tag/Ctrl+Escape/ Show the start menu.
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+Escape/ Show the window list.
<tag/Shift+Escape/ Show the system-menu of the window.
<tag/Alt+Escape/ Focus to next window (down in zorder)
<tag/Alt+Shift+Escape/ Focus to previous window (up in zorder)
<tag/Alt+Tab/ Switch between windows (top->bottom).
<tag/Alt+Shift+Tab/ Switch between windows (bottom->top).
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+LeftArrow/ Switch to the previous workspace (cycle).
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+RightArrow/ Switch to the next workspace (cycle).
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+DownArrow/ Switch to the previously active workspace.
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+LeftArrow/ Move the focused window to the previous workspace and activate it.
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+RightArrow/ Move the focused window to the next workspace and activate it.
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+DownArrow/ Move the focused window to the previously active workspace and activate it.
<tag/Ctrl+Alt+Delete/ displays the session dialog.

<sect>Configuration/Resource/Library Path<p><label id="lib">

Icewm knows several locations to look for configuration
information, themes and customization; put together these
locations are called the resource path.
The resource path contains the following
<tag>$HOME/.icewm</tag> user's personal customization. This location can
be customized by setting the $ICEWM_PRIVCFG environment variable.
<tag>/etc/X11/icewm</tag> system-wide customized defaults
<tag>/usr/local/share/icewm</tag> compiled-in default directory with default files
(for .rpm packages the default is /usr/share/icewm)

The directories are searched in the above order, so any file located
in the system/install directory can be overridden by the user by creating
the same directory hierarchy under <tt>$HOME/.icewm</tt>.
To customize icewm yourself, you should create the $HOME/.icewm directory and copy
the files that you wish to modify (preferences, winoptions),from /etc/X11/icewm,
/usr/share/icewm or /usr/local/share/icewm and then modify as you like.
To customize the default themes, you should create the $HOME/.icewm/themes directory
and copy all the theme files there and then modify as necessary.

<sect>Configuration Files<p>

<bf/IceWM/ uses the following configuration files:
<item><tt><ref id="lib">/<ref id="preferences"></tt> - General settings - paths,
colors, fonts...
<item><tt><ref id="lib">/<ref id="menu"></tt> - Menu of startable applications. Usually customized
by the user.
<item><tt><ref id="lib">/<ref id="programs"></tt> - Automatically generated menu of startable
applications (this should be used for <bf/wmconfig/, <bf/menu/ or similar packages, perhaps
as a part of the login or X startup sequence).
<item><tt><ref id="lib">/<ref id="winoptions"></tt> - Application window options
<item><tt><ref id="lib">/<ref id="keys"></tt> - Global keybindings to launch
applications (not window manager related)
<item><tt><ref id="lib">/<ref id="toolbar"></tt> - Quick launch application icons on
the taskbar.

<sect>Preferences<label id="preferences"><p>

Default values are shown following the equal sign.

<sect1>Focus and Behavior<p>

The following settings can be set to value 1 (enabled) or value 0 (disabled).

<tag/ClickToFocus = 1/ Enables click to focus mode.
<tag/RaiseOnFocus = 1/ Window is raised when focused.
<tag/FocusOnClickClient = 1/ Window is focused when client area is clicked.
<tag/RaiseOnClickClient = 1/ Window is raised when client area is clicked.
<tag/RaiseOnClickTitleBar = 1/ Window is raised when titlebar is clicked.
<tag/RaiseOnClickButton = 1/ Window is raised when title bar button is clicked.
<tag/RaiseOnClickFrame = 1/ Window is raised when frame is clicked.
<tag/PassFirstClickToClient = 1/ The click which raises the window is also passed to the client.
<tag/AutoRaise = 0/ Windows will raise automatically after AutoRaiseDelay when focused.
<tag/StrongPointerFocus = 0/ When focus follows mouse always give the focus to
the window under mouse pointer - Even when no mouse motion has occured.
<tag/FocusOnMap = 1/ Window is focused after being mapped.
<tag/FocusOnMapTransient = 1/ Transient window is focused after being mapped.
<tag/FocusOnAppRaise = 1/ The window is focused when application raises it.
<tag/PointerColormap = 0/ Colormap focus follows pointer.
<tag/SizeMaximized = 0/ Window can be resized when maximized.
<tag/MinimizeToDesktop = 0/ Window is minimized to desktop area (in addition to the taskbar).
<tag/QuickSwitch = 1/ enable Alt+Tab window switcher.
<tag/QuickSwitchToMinimized = 1/ Alt+Tab switches to minimized windows too.
<tag/QuickSwitchToAllWorkspaces = 1/ Alt+Tab switches to windows on any workspace.
<tag/ShowMoveSizeStatus = 1/ Move/resize status window is visible when
moving/resizing the window.
<tag/ShowWorkspaceStatusAfterSwitch = 1/Show name of current workspace while
switching workspaces.
<tag/ShowWorkspaceStatusAfterActivation = 1/Show name of current workspace after explicit activation.
<tag/WarpPointer = 0/ Pointer is moved in pointer focus move when focus is moved using the keyboard.
<tag/OpaqueMove = 1/ Window is immediately moved when dragged, no outline is shown.
<tag/OpaqueResize = 0/ Window is immediately resized when dragged, no outline is shown.
<tag/Win95Keys = 0/ Makes 3 additional keys perform sensible functions. The keys
must be mapped to MetaL,MetaR and Menu. The left one will activate the start menu
and the right one will display the window list.
<tag/ManualPlacement = 0/ Windows must be placed manually by the user.
<tag/IgnoreNoFocusHint = 0/ Ignore no-accept-focus hint set by some windows.
<tag/MenuMouseTracking = 0/ If enabled, menus will track the mouse even when no mouse button is pressed.
<tag/SnapMove = 1/ Snap to nearest screen edge/window when moving windows.
<tag/SnapDistance/ Distance in pixels before windows snap together
<tag/EdgeSwitch = 0/ Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge.
<tag/AutoReloadMenus = 1/ Reload menu files automatically if set to 1.
<tag/ShowThemesMenu = 1/Show themes submenu.
<tag/ShowHelp = 1/ Show the help menu item.
<tag/MsgBoxDefaultAction = 0/Preselect to Cancel (0) or the OK (1) button in message

<sect1>Task Bar<p>

The following settings can be set to value 1 (enabled) or value 0 (disabled).

<tag/ShowTaskBar = 1/ Task bar is visible.
<tag/TaskBarAtTop = 0/ Task bar is located at top of screen.
<tag/TaskBarKeepBelow = 1/ Keep the task bar below regular windows
<tag/TaskBarAutoHide = 0/ Task bar will auto hide when mouse leaves it.
<tag/TaskBarShowStartMenu = 1/ Show button for the start menu on the task bar.
<tag/TaskBarShowWindowListMenu/ Show button for window list menu on taskbar.
<tag/TaskBarShowWorkspaces = 1/ Show workspace switching buttons on task bar.
<tag/TaskBarShowAllWindows = 0/ Show windows from all workspaces on task bar.
<tag/TaskBarShowClock = 1/ Task bar clock is visible.
<tag/TaskBatClockLeds = 1/ Display clock using LCD style pixmaps.
<tag/TaskBarShowMailboxStatus = 1/ Display status of mailbox (determined by $MAIL environment variable).
<tag/TaskBarMailboxStatusBeepOnNewMail = 1/ Beep when new mail arrives.
<tag/TaskBarMailboxStatusCountMessages = 0/ Display mail message count as tooltip.
<tag/MailBoxPath/ Path to a mbox file. Remote mail boxes are accessed by
  specifying an URL using the Common Internet Scheme Syntax (RFC 1738):
  Supported schemes are "pop3", "imap" and "file". When the scheme is 
  omitted "file://" is prepended silently. IMAP subfolders can be access by 
  using the  path component.<p>
  Reserved characters like slash, at and colon can be specified by using 
  escape sequences using a hexadecimal encoding like %2f for the slash
  or %40 for the at sign.<p>
<tag/TaskBarDoubleHeight = 0/ Double height task bar
<tag/TaskBarShowCPUStatus = 1/ Show CPU status on task bar.
<tag/TimeFormat/ format for the taskbar clock (time) (see strftime(3) manpage)
<tag/DateFormat/ format for the taskbar clock tooltip (date+time) (see strftime(3) manpage).
<tag/UseMouseWheel/ mouse wheel support
<tag/DelayPointerFocus/ similar to delayed auto raise.


The following settings can be set to a numeric value.

<tag/BorderSizeX = 6/ Left/right border width.
<tag/BorderSizeY = 6/ Top/bottom border height.
<tag/DlgBorderSizeX = 2/ Left/right border width of non-resizable windows.
<tag/DlgBorderSizeY = 2/ Top/bottom border height of non-resizable windows.
<tag/CornerSizeX = 24/ Width of the window corner.
<tag/CornerSizeY = 24/ Height of the window corner.
<tag/TitleBarHeight = 20/ Height of the title bar.
<tag/EdgeResistance = 32/ Resistance to move window with mouse outside screen
limits. Setting it to 10000 makes the resistance infinite.
<tag/UseRootButtons/ Bitmask of root window button click to use in window manager
<tag/ButtonRaiseMask/ Bitmask of buttons that raise the window when pressed

<tag/ClickMotionDistance = 5/ Movement before click is interpreted as drag.
<tag/MultiClickTime = 400/ Time (ms) to recognize for double click.
<tag/AutoRaiseDelay = 400/ Time to auto raise (must enable first with AutoRaise)
<tag/AutoHideDelay = 300/ Time to auto hide taskbar (must enable first with
<tag/ToolTipDelay = 5000/ Time before showing the tooltip.
<tag/ToolTipTime = 60000/ Time before tooltip window is hidden (0 means never)
<tag/ScrollBarStartDelay/ Initial scroll bar autoscroll delay
<tag/ScrollBarDelay/ Scroll bar autoscroll delay
<tag/AutoScrollStartDelay/ Auto scroll start delay
<tag/AutoScrollDelay/ Auto scroll delay


The following settings can be set to a string value.

<tag/TitleFontName = ""/ Name of the title bar font.
<tag/MenuFontName = ""/ Name of the menu font.
<tag/StatusFontName = ""/ Name of the status display font.
<tag/QuickSwitchFontName = ""/ Name of the font for Alt+Tab switcher window.
<tag/NormalTaskBarFontName = ""/ Name of the normal task bar item font.
<tag/ActiveTaskBarFontName = ""/ Name of the active task bar item font.
<tag/ListBoxFontName = ""/ Name of the window list font.
<tag/ToolTipFontName = ""/ Name of the tool tip font.
<tag/ClockFontName =""/ Name of the task bar clock font.


<tag/ColorActiveBorder/ Color of the active window border.
<tag/.../ ... TODO (see default preferences for complete list)

<sect1>Desktop Background<p>

<tag/DesktopBackgroundColor/ Color of the desktop background.
<tag/DesktopBackgroundImage/ Image (.xpm) for desktop background. If you want icewm
to ignore the desktop background image / color set both DesktopBackgroundColor ad
DesktopBackgroundImage to an empty value ("").
<tag/DesktopBackgroundCenter = 0/ Display desktop background centered and
not tiled. (set to 0 or 1).


<tag/WorkspaceNames/ List of workspace names, for example<p>
<tt/WorkspaceNames=" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 "/


<tag/LibPath/ Path to the icewm/lib directory.
<tag/IconPath/ Path to the icon directory. Multiple paths can be entered
using the colon (UNIX) or semicolon (OS/2) as the separator.
<tag/LibPath/ Path to the icewm/lib directory.
<tag/KDEDataDir/Root directory for KDE data (/usr/share by default).


<tag/ClockCommand/ program to run when the clock is double clicked.
<tag/MailCommand/ program to run when mailbox icon is double clicked.
<tag/LockCommand/ program to run to lock the screen.
<tag/RunCommand/ program to run when <bf/Run/ is selected from the start menu.

<sect>Menus and Toolbar<p>

<sect1>menu<label id="menu"><p>

Within the menu configuration file you can configure
which programs are to appear in the root/start menu.

<sect1>toolbar<label id="toolbar"><p>

The Toolbar configuration file is used to put programs as buttons
on the taskbar.

<sect1>programs<label id="programs"><p>

Usually automatically generated menu configuration file of installed programs. The
<tt/programs/ file should be automatically generated by <tt/wmconfig/ (Redhat),
<tt/menu/ (Debian) or an equivalent program (kde2ice and gno2ice to convert
GNOME/KDE Menu hierarchy are available).

Programs can be added using the following syntax:<p>
prog "title" icon_name program_executable options

icon_name can be <tt/-/ if icon is not wanted.
The "runonce" keyword allows to launch an application only when no window
has the WM_CLASS hint specified. Otherwise the first window having this
class hint is mapped and raised. Syntax:<p>
runonce "res_name.res_class" "title" icon_name program_executable options
runonce "res_name" "title" icon_name program_executable options
runonce ".res_class" "title" icon_name program_executable options
The class hint can be figured out by running
$ xprop | grep WM_CLASS
Submenus can be added using the following syntax:<p>
menu "title" icon_name {
# contained items

Only double quotes are interpreted by icewm. Icewm doesn't run the shell
automatically, so you may have to do that.

<sect>Keys <label id="keys"><p>

Icewm allows launching of arbitrary programs with any key combination. This is
configured in the <tt><ref id="lib" name="libpath">/<bf/keys/</tt> file.

Syntax of the file is like this:
<bf/key/ "key combination" program options...
For example:
key "Alt+Ctrl+t" xterm

<sect>Window Options<label id="winoptions"><p>

<bf/winoptions/ file is used to configure settings for individual application windows.

Each line in the file must be in one of the possible formats:

window_class.window_name.option: argument
window_name.option: argument
window_class.option: argument

Each window on the desktop has (should) <bf/class/ and <bf/name/ resources associated with it.
They can be determined using the <tt/xprop/ utility.

xprop should display a line like this when used on a toplevel window:
WM_CLASS = "name", "class"

Options that can be set per window are as follows:

<tag/icon/ The name of the icon.
<tag/workspace/ Default workspace for window (number, counting from 0)
<tag/layer/ Default layer for the window. Layer can be one of the following strings:

<tag/Desktop/ Desktop window. There should be only one window in this layer.
<tag/Below/ Below default layer.
<tag/Normal/ Default layer for the windows.
<tag/OnTop/ Above the default.
<tag/Dock/ Layer for windows docked to the edge of the screen.
<tag/AboveDock/ Layer for the windows above the dock.
<tag/Menu/ Layer for the windows above the dock.

You can also use the numbers from <tt/WinMgr.h/.

<tag/geometry/ Default geometry for window. This geometry should be
specified in the X11-syntax, formal notation:

<tag/tray/ Default tray option for the window. Affects both the tray and the
task pane. Tray can be one of the following strings:

<tag/Ignore/ Don't add an icon to the tray pane.
<tag/Minimized/ Add an icon the the tray. Remove the task pane button when minimized.
<tag/Exclusive/ Add an icon the the tray. Never create a task pane button .

<tag/allWorkspaces=0/ If set to 1, window will be visible on all workspaces.
<tag/ignoreWinList=0/ If set to 1, window will not appear in the window list.
<tag/ignoreTaskBar=0/ If set to 1, window will not appear on the task bar.
<tag/ignoreQuickSwitch=0/ If set to 1, window will not be accessible using QuickSwitch feature (Alt+Tab).
<tag/fullKeys=0/ If set to 1, the window manager leave more keys (Alt+F?) to the application.
<tag/fMove=1/ If set to 0, window will not be movable.
<tag/fResize=1/ If set to 0, window will not be resizable.
<tag/fClose=1/ If set to 0, window will not be closable.
<tag/fMinimize=1/ If set to 0, window will not be minimizable.
<tag/fMaximize=1/ If set to 0, window will not be maximizable.
<tag/fHide=1/ If set to 0, window will not be hidable.
<tag/fRollup=1/ If set to 0, window will not be shadable.
<tag/dTitleBar=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a title bar.
<tag/dSysMenu=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a system menu.
<tag/dBorder=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a border.
<tag/dResize=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a resize border.
<tag/dClose=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a close button.
<tag/dMinimize=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a minimize button.
<tag/dMaximize=1/ If set to 0, window will not have a maximize button.
<tag/noFocusOnAppRaise/ if set to 1, window will not automatically get focus as
application raises it.
<tag/ignoreNoFocusHint/ if set to 1, icewm will focus even if the window does not
handle input.
<tag/doNotCove=0/ if set to 1, this window will limit the workspace available for
regular applications. window has to be sticky at the moment to make it work


<sect>Icon handling<p>


The window manager expects to find two XPM files for each icon
specified in the configuration files as <em/ICON/. They should be named like
<tag><em/ICON/<tt/_16x16.xpm/</tag> A small 16x16 pixmap.
<tag><em/ICON/<tt/_32x32.xpm/</tag> A normal 32x32 pixmap.
<tag><em/ICON/<tt/_48x48.xpm/</tag> A large 48x48 pixmap.

Other pixmap sizes like 20x20, 24x24, 40x40, 48x48, 64x64 might be used
in the future. Perhaps we need a file format that can contain
more than one image (with different sizes and color depths) like
Windows'95 and OS/2 .ICO files.

It would be nice to have a feature from OS/2 that varies the icon size
with screen resolution (16x16 and 32x32 icons are quite small on 4000x4000
screens ;-)

When compiled with the Imlib image library all of Imlib's image formats 
(bmp, jpeg, ppm, tiff, gif, png, ps, xpm on my machine) are supported. 
Use them by specifying the full filename or an absolute path:
<tag><em/ICON.bmp,/</tag>A PPM icon in your IconPath.
<tag><em>/usr/share/pixmap/ICON.png</em></tag> An PNG image with absolute location.

<sect>Mouse cursors<p>

IceWM scans the theme and configuration directories for a subdirectory called
<em/cursors/ containing monochrome but transparent XPM files. To change the
mouse cursor you have to use this filenames:

<tag><em/left.xbm/</tag>Default cursor (usually pointer to the left).
<tag><em/right.xbm/</tag>Menu cursor (usually pointer to the right).
<tag><em/move.xbm/</tag>Window movement cursor.
<tag><em/sizeTL.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by top left.
<tag><em/sizeT.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by top.
<tag><em/sizeTR.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by top right.
<tag><em/sizeL.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by left.
<tag><em/sizeR.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by right.
<tag><em/sizeBL.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by bottom left.
<tag><em/sizeB.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by bottom.
<tag><em/sizeBR.xbm/</tag>Cursor when you resize the window by bottom right.


Themes are used to configure the way the window manager looks. Things
like fonts, colors, border sizes, button pixmaps can be
configured. Put together they form a theme.

Theme files are searched in the <tt><ref id="lib" name="libpath">/themes</tt>

These directories contain other directories that contain related theme files and
their .xpm files. Each theme file specifies fonts, colors, border sizes, ...

The theme to use is specified using <tt/Theme/ configuration option or
<tt/--theme/ command line options in the preferences file.

<tag>Theme = "nice/default.theme"</tag> Name of the theme to use. Both the directory
and theme file name must be specified.

If the theme directory contains a file named <em/fonts.dir/ created my 
mkfontdir the theme directory is inserted into the X servers font search

<url url=""/> contains various nice themes created by
users of IceWM.

<sect>Command Line Options<p>

<tag/--display DISPLAY/ Set X display to <bf/DISPLAY/.
<tag/--config CONFIG/ Use configuration file <bf/CONFIG/.
<tag/--version/ Display version.
<tag/--no-configure/ Don't use a configuration file. Uses builtin defaults only.
<tag/--theme theme/ Use the specified theme.
<tag/--debug/ Dump various debug information to stderr.

<tag>Resource Path</tag>A set of directories used by IceWM to locate resources like configuration files, themes, icons. 
See section about <ref id="lib">.

