

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > 90773aa43bb30d80d73627c51a13cd92 > files > 9


01/09/2002 - Version 1.6.1 is out:
Bugs Fixed:
* MGT crashed if one launched it without any config file
* MGT crashed at startup doing:
  > multi-gnome-terminal --wclass foo 
  where foo is not-existing window class 

28/08/2002 - Version 1.6.0 is out:
* Font handling improvements including support for pseudo-graphics 
  characters (like xterm), and some support for proportional fonts.
* There are two Classes now: Window Class and Tab Class. Each Tab 
  can have its own preferences for many things such as fonts, backgrounds,
* Preference options now for utmp, wtmp, and lastlog logging.
* URL Handling now works with raw IP addresses.
Bugs fixed:  
* Silencing bell did not silence bell ;-)
* Using ESC sequences to create Tabs, etc could crash MGT.

and various other ones (see ChangeLog for more details).

25/07/2002 - Version 1.5.2 is out:
* ability to set a color for bold text different from foreground one.
* new command line option '--add-window-wt' which opens new window with
  startup Tabs for that class. 
* short names for many command line options (multi-gnome-terminal --help
  to list them). 
* in this release mgt-helper script has been improved a lot:
  - ssh and su wrapper have been added so that you can
  use mgt-helper as URLs handler also in root and ssh terminals 
  - FILE_HANDLER stuff has been improved.
Bugs fixed:  
* dots could be left around terminal with text shadowing enabled, 
* selected text in MGT couldn't be pasted in gnome-terminal 
and many other ones (see ChangeLog for more details).

03/07/2002 - Version 1.5.1 is out:
* Now bundled with MGT there's shell script called mgt-helper, 
  which is intended to help facilitate interaction of Multi Gnome Terminal 
  with the shell environment. 
  It essentially adds some functionality that would be difficult to accomplish 
  from within Multi Gnome Terminal alone, so that you can easiliy:
  - have separate bash history file for different Tabs.
  - use MGT with GNOME URL handlers, i.e. you can configure GNOME to launch a text based 
    app in its own Tab for http, ftp, mailto, and file type URLs.
* There are several new Actions available for Keybindings: "New Terminal Menu", 
  "Right Click Menu", "Selection mode off" and "Terminal Help" (User Guide).
* A new option was added which lets you hide thin border around GtkNotebook widget.
* Now if you have two MGT windows opened and you logout, when you'll login 
  you'll get both windows with same tabs, paths and commands. 

Bugs fixed:
A lot of bugs have been fixed, main ones are:
* removing a class all MGT windows whose class is removed one 
  didn't switch to default class 
* 'Disable All Keybindings' option sometime was wrongly set.
* MGT had several memory leaks.
* Commands were not saved pressing 'ok' or 'apply'
* MGT transparent background wasn't updated sometime (especially in Enlightment) 
* When one pastes text to a terminal that is bonded with other ones, 
  the paste only occurs in the currently active terminal.  
* Background image height was always equal to its width. 

15/06/2002 - Version 1.5.0 is out:
This a major release and it has many enhancements with respect to 1.4.x
such as terminal splitting (vertical and horizontal), terminal
bonding, "views", new command line options to add tabs or split existing ones,
text shadow, possibility to detach/attach terminals and much more.
Moreover I fixed also several bugs, especially in terminal emulator which 
is now a real VT102.

Features overview:

  now you can horizontally or vertically split terminals, this means
  that you can create in each tabs several tabs splitting existing ones

  Now you can bond terminals so that commands you type go into 
  all the bonded terminals 

  A view is a terminal which accepts no input and which shows 
  output of the "viewed" terminal.

  Now you can add terminals (new tabs or hsplit/vsplit) to current MGT window
  or even launch MGT adding new terminals from command line.

  A a very fine outline is drawn around each character when the terminal 
  is in "image" mode, improving readability (as Eterm does). 

  You can move a terminal from one tab to another one or even
  from an MGT window to another on.
Main bugs fixed:

* selecting a word and then extending selection, word selected got lost

* doing 'make menuconfig' and exiting it resulted in terminal screen corruption

* doing a "long" ls such as 'ls ~ -R' and interrupting it pressing CTRL-C
  one got bad output.
27/04/2002 - Version 1.4.0 is out:
This a new major release and it has a lot of enhancements such as keybindings, 
startup tabs, new configuration scheme, text shadowing and much more, 
a detailed list of new features follows (most text got from 
multi-gnome-terminal man page written by Hal Burgiss <>,
thanks again Hal!):

* User can add his own startup shell commands, including setting 
  the PATH through.

* multi-gnome-terminal now supports font shadowing (like Eterm), 
  which  is  a  technique for  outlining  fonts with a thin shadow effect. 
  This helps with contrast and readability on transparent or
  pixmapped backgrounds.  

* Keybindings used by multi-gnome-terminal may be customized by selecting
  "Key Bindings" from the Settings menu in  the  menubar.   Various  tasks,
  such as opening a new terminal or switching between active terminals, 
  can be assigned to keyboard combinations of the user's choosing.

* New configuration scheme: now using Preferences window you only 
  change settings of chosen class and you can apply it.
  Instead for switching to a different class in a certain window
  you can use the popup menu (using right mouse button) or 
  the main menu under Settings. Moreover it's worth noting that changes 
  are applied to all open windows.
* The terminal scrollback buffer can be searched from the 'Edit' selection
  of the menubar.

* MGT now has multi-byte support.

* MGT now fully emulates a VT52/VT100/VT220/xterm terminal, indeed it's
  fully compliant with 'vttest', a program commonly used to test
  hardly a terminal emulator.
  MGT now does what xterm does!
and last but not least I fixed a lot of bugs, here's a list of them
maybe partial:

 * resize problem with xeno gtk themes.

 * cut&paste with other applications.

 * transparent background wasn't updated when desktop
   image changed
and I made a lot of other minor changes.

For a more complete description also about usage please
see the README file and the man pages on MGT. Enjoy!

26/02/2002 - Version 1.3.13 is out:
Major features enhancement:
* now you can group commands: 'Shells/bash' as tab name in 
  edit_commands window means: create a submenu Shells and inside 
  put a command named 'bash'
* Pressing CTRL-'Left Mouse' or CTRL-'Middle Mouse' you can open a 
  popup commands menu
Minor Bugs Fix:
* 'configure' fixed because there were compilation problems on Solaris 
* '--login' option now works
* applying tinting or shading to a transparent background didn't work   
* '.' didn't work in vim
* --use-factory didn't work 

19/02/2002 - Version 1.3.12 is out:
Major Bugs Fixed:
* MGT crashed yet with gnome-libs
* 'Remove Terminal' in toolbar and menubar didn't work
Minor Feature Enhacement:
* now you can use '--title' command line option to set MGT window title

12/02/2002 - Version 1.3.11 is out:
Major Bugs Fixed:
* hide/show menu entries fixed
* notebook arrows now work  
* resizing problems fixed 
* MGT crashed with gnome-libs
* color-picker widget size was not set properly

12/01/02 - Version 1.3.10 is out:
Minor Bugs Fixed:
* cursor blinking problem fixed  	
* CTRL-q has been changed (again) to CTRL-F1 and
  CTRL-F1 (change title shortcut) to CTRL-F2  
* Sometime terminal didn't get focused though main window did  
* now one can also hide tabs via Preferences window

09/01/02 - Version 1.3.9 is out:
Major Bug Fixed:
* If buttonbar wasn't visible MGT crashed 
  when one pressed apply/ok from edit_commands window.    
Minor Bugs Fixed:
* 'CTRL-l', which conflicted with several applications, was changed to 'CTRL-q'.
* 'CTRL-l p' was changed to 'CTRL-q n'.
* tab position changes are not applied properly from Preferences window
25/12/01 - Version 1.3.8 is out:
Minor Bugs Fixed:
* Patches for Red Hat distributions applied: now if you type
  export CFLAGS=-DREDHAT_TERM before running ./configure
  you'll get an MGT working fine in a Red Hat.
  RPM binaries for Red Hat are now also available!
* Found a workaround for making numeric keypad work in
  all (hope ;-) editors, including vim

21/12/01 -Version 1.3.7 is out:
Major Bug Fixed:
* MGT crashed if one used toolbar
* Focus problem with terminals created by popup menu

19/12/01 - Version 1.3.6 is out:
Several minor bugs fixed:
* hiding/showing menus/toolbar/buttonbar caused terminal size to change
* Window Manager terminal class is now set correctly

11/12/01 - Version 1.3.5 is out:
Several bugs fixed (all geometry bug were fixed!):
* session saving was buggy so logging out from GNOME MGT could crash
* geometry setting of new terminals was wrong
* starting geometry was wrong
01/11/01 - Version 1.3.4 is out:
Minor Bugs Fixed:
*  Keybindings now work hopefully on every platform.
*  omf files now installed in a separate directory.
*  Changing gnome theme, tabs style didn't change 
   if you didn't restart MGT.
*  You can now change tab text simply clicking middle button 
   (or CTRL-Left button) on tab. 
*  tab text in dialog window is already selected so that 
   you can quickly delete it.   

22/10/01 - Version 1.3.3 is out:
Major Bug Fixed:
*  Shortcuts for switching between terminals didn't work for some machines.
*  Paste shortcut (CTRL-V) didn't work.

19/10/01 - Version 1.3.2 is out:
Major Bug Fixed:
*  MGT crashed if one had not rcstyle entry for label widget 

16/10/01 - Version 1.3.1 is out:
Bugs Fixed:
1)  Rendering of background pixmap was too slow.
2)  Opening and closing an application added a space to the window title.
3)  Tab label  now  uses the rc style not the default one.

08/10/01 - Version 1.3.0 is out:
Bugs Fixed:
1) Closing the window the shell didn't store history file
2) All user defined commands don't depend now upon class, but
   they're common for all classes.
1)  Now the background pixmap can be tinted and shaded as Eterm does!
2)  Background image can be scaled or tiled.
3)  Now you can remove classes,  you don't need any more, clicking
    a button in 'Settings->Preferences->General'
4)  Each terminal can set its window title (by escape sequences for example)
    and switching terminal, window title switches too, besides you can put titles
    in tabs if you want, and you can even choose the maximum lenght of tab text!

01/10/01 - Version 1.2.4 is out:
Bugs Fixed:
*  wrong environment settings in new terminals
1) One can now reorder tabs (moving the current one to right or to left) using buttonbar or toolbar
2)  Tabs can be placed now also on bottom, on right or on left

27/09/01 - Version 1.2.3 is out:
Bugs Fixed:
1)  if one terminal, which is not the current one, dies, mgt kills that one and the current one
2)  terminals,but first one,  had a border of two pixels
1) Terminal state is notified using colors.
2)  User can choose his preferred colors for terminal states (Settings->Preferences->colors).

24/09/01 - Version 1.2.2:
Bugs fixed:
1)  if one started a terminal with'--start-factory-server' and then another one with
    '--use-factory', mgt crashed
2)  if one opened a second terminal window and then closed it without confirmation mgt  crashed
1)   Added Change button in edit_commands window
07/09/01-Version 1.2.1: Minor bug fixes related to terminal state notification on tabs.
06/09/01-Version 1.2.0: Now each terminal notify its state, i.e.  whether the screen is changing, putting squared brackets
around its name or it is changed, putting two '# ' around its name.
Moreover  now one can close a window without giving any confirmation.
03/09/01 - Version 1.1.2:There are some bug fixes and I added shortcuts for user defined commands. Get it!