

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > a1682c466090b5c6825cfe0777353db6 > files > 21


Also "grep -i todo *" 

vm-pop3d has -devel mailing list; please use it to discuss development ideas,
bugs, and other issues. If providing patches, please only have simple changes
per patch; in other words, don't fix many things or have numerous changes
in one patch. Only send one patch per email -- so we can keep discussion
per that subject.

Below is a list of some plans, a list of items suggested to do, and
some things to remember.


1) Code cleanup and audit (or for bug fixes).
    - For example, many system and C library calls are not properly checked
      for errors or return values;
    - maybe implement Rok's debug_cleanup patch;
    - don't read and write messages from begining of mailbox if deletions
      are later in mailbox.
    - fix UIDL so it is more unique (patch already submitted)
2) I am interested in adding just a couple small features for the
   following release. (But this is not set in stone and I am willing
   to take suggestions.)
   - add command-line option to set default realm/domain name (so "@domain"
     is not needed).
   - if passwd file has uid (and gid) then use (like same UID for all realm);
3) Then maybe for next release (1.1.7):
   - maybe implement Melnikoff's authentication hooks
   - change uid at beginning startup (after binding to port 110 for daemon);
4) APOP working
5) Then authentication hooks for LDAP, SQL, Berkeley DB.
6) Maildir support.

Things to fix / Bugs
Melnikoff (21/Dec/2001)
I'm use other method. When vm-pop3d run - mailbox open in read only mode.
And only if user make chenges in mail box - mailbox unlocked, closed, locked
again and open for read/write mode. And i'm checking inode of lock file and
size of mailbox and mtime of mailbox.

-- or maybe: open the file a
second read/write without closing the first file descriptor (which is
Melnikoff (21/Dec/2001)
output data to user side with fprintf make many problems.
vm-pop3d may frezzy in kernel and sleep one hour (internal kernel TCP timeout)
Maybe rewrite all fprintf call to procedure whet used select() ? Of course,
this problem exist only if dilaups user (or other user whith bad connection)

check return ERR_FILE -- make sure it properly closes and frees (20/Dec/2001)

fcntl(2) says: "If an applica-
     tion wishes only to do entire file locking, the flock(2) system call is
     much more efficient."

make sure that extra.c
    if (empty_line && !strncmp(buf, "From ", 5)) {
      while (strchr(buf, '\n') == NULL)
        fgets(buf, 80, mbox);
properly figures out a message size -- with "stat"
in other words, if line is longer than 80 then next fgets() will
get more of that line and then the size will be wrong

look at Andrey J. Melnikof's new patch for sigpipe (11/Dec/2001)

This is inefficient (in quit.c) (29/Nov/2001)
                  fgetpos (mbox, readpos);
                  fsetpos (mbox, writepos);
                  fprintf (mbox, "%s", buf);
                  size += strlen (buf);
                  fgetpos (mbox, writepos);
                  fsetpos (mbox, readpos);
Why waste time rewriting the same data? It should only start overwriting
at first deleted (marked) message. (And do the check for valid "From ")
It can be very slow!

add configure switch for getopt to use private/internal or to use system (29/Nov/2001)

Melnikoff's comments (7/Nov/2001):
  in user.c code:
  if pop3_lock failed - client see "-ERR in use" and pop3 wait next command.
  LookOut immendantly drop connection, the_bat try auth again and failed on
  getspnam(user). getspnam requied r00t privileges, but if pop3_user called
  twice - code already run with user priveleges. i think, try lock mailbox
  need before setuid() call or make vm-pop3d setuid binary ?
-- maybe use effective uid?

This log was created while mailbox was not writeable for user 'mail':
Oct 28 08:53:01 snake vm-pop3d[13751]: cmd: QUIT
Oct 28 08:53:01 snake vm-pop3d[13751]: Quitting on signal: 11
Oct 28 08:53:01 snake vm-pop3d[13747]: Server exited (13751)
Using gdb, I see that the seg fault is in libc
#0  0x40099a1b in freopen () from /lib/
#1  0x804be59 in pop3_quit (arg=0x80511d8 "") at quit.c:40
This is Debian Linux GNU libc 2.1.3-19 
Need to test under BSD

make sure it compiles under Solaris 8 (-lnsl -lsocket and maybe -lresolv)
 problem reported by Chua

look at Melnikoff's patch and notes about procmail and fseek (28/Jul/2001)
> I was playing with the source code of the latest version and I tried to
> use flock instead of the default lock mechanism implemented in the
> server (pop3_lock and pop3_unlock on the extra.c file) but it failed,
> then I noticed that the pop server opens multiple times the same mailbox
> file on two different modes, "r" and then "r+", using fopen() and
> freopen().
> I can't find a very good reason to do this, so, any of you would be kind
> enough to explain me why to do this? I just stripped all those freopen
> calls and changed the mode on the fopen calls to "r+" and it seems to be
> working fine.
And, you should replease freopen to ftell(mbox) or fseek(mbox, 0L, SEEK_SET)
for normal working.

If command has CTRL-C, debug logs it as "ÿôÿý^F"
 then sometimes it stops replying and "quit" doesn't work.

Need to fix manual page because it has - (single-dash) with long
 options instead of double-dash "--" (12/Jun/2001)

doesn't log "Session ended" after quit after a "-ERR Bad login" (06/Jun/2001)

md5.c needs #include <string.h> (31/May/2001)
 md5.c:117: warning: implicit declaration of function `memcpy'
 (reported by Rok Pape\xbe)

look at patch from Tomi Hakala (11/Sep/2001)
 new UIDL implementation patch number two! (he revised it) (12/Sep/2001)
 see if it is different from:
 From: Tomi Hakala <> (12/Jan/2002)
use a hash for UIDL support
 "Now it could be that the POP3 server uses the message-id as UIDL.
 That is completely broken, since it's perfectly valid to have the
 same message with the same message-id in a mailbox twice.
 Anyway this sounds like a bug in the POP3 server you're using" (22/Nov/2001)
fix uidl support that uses Message-Id so it only uses correct ASCII
 (no more carriage returns)

Suggested Ideas

Have a setting for a default domain (as used with 
USER) that will default to the standard authentication. (This would also  
be helpful for those who use IP-based support.)

maybe use getservbyname(3) (14/Dec/2001)

maybe have a macro for PORT that can be set by configure or in vm-pop3d.h (14/Dec/2001)

Melnikoff: (30/Nov/2001)
>       Got rid of 600 second timeout limitation (vm-pop3d.c, vm-pop3d.8).
Maybe try experiment with setsockopt ? I try to use this code with linux but
can't test it now.
  bzero(&tv, sizeof(tv));
  tv.tv_sec = 200;
  tv.tv_usec = 0;

  if (setsockopt(ifile, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, 
        (const void*) &tv,sizeof(tv)) == -1)
    syslog (LOG_DEBUG, "setsockopt() failed: %s", strerror(errno));

look at Raju Mathur's VishwaKarma 2.0 patches (15/Oct/2001)

look at several small patches/ideas from (19/Sep/2001)
 2) set uid to owner of passwd file
 3) plain text password in passwd file
 4) add % as delimiter

I wonder if new retr.c is substantially slower than old version. (11/Oct/2001)
 test this!
 also test whether write(2) is faster than fprintf(3)

Maybe if mailbox is not mbox (or corrupted) log an error (31/Oct/2001)
 and maybe exit; suggested by Melnikoff

Jeff Davis suggested a config file support (20/Nov/2001)
 - also others have already made patches for this.

test and add note to use Apache's htpasswd for creating password files.

make new pop3_authenticate() (19/Sep/2001)
 - maybe authenticate.c
 - provide username and password
 - returns uid. mailbox location, mailbox name successfull or unsuccessful

strip out all the auth code out of pop3_user also.
auth routines will just take the username, domain name and
password. They will also return UID and location of mailbox. (09/Apr/2001)

maybe add VIRTUAL_MAILDIR_SUBDIR (30/Apr/2001)

change format of getting virtual passwd pathname so it will
 work easily with linuxconf/vdeliver (13/Sep/2001)
 suggested by Thomas Knoop

look at patch from Tomi Hakala (10/Sep/2001)
 This patch adds message size for RETR command output. This enables
 message download progress bar on Netscape Mail client, and possibly
 on other POP3 clients also.

Melnikoff's patch (27/Jul/2001)
5 seconds sleep before say -ERR Invalid login and 5 bad login tries.
look at Padraic Renaghan's idea below.

need configure switch --enable-pam and --disable-pam. I have some
mail servers on RedHate 6.x and 7.x but i don't need use ProblemAuthMechanism
 - suggested by Melnikoff (25/Jun/2001)

Create configure switch... --use-internal-getopt
 suggested by Melnikoff (25/Jun/2001)

configure compile-time switch to set syslog FACILITY and PRIORITY
 suggested by Melnikoff (25/Jun/2001)

Should it print socket closed error message if socket is closed? (extra.c)

maybe --user should only be compiled in if virtual support is configured

remove detailed logging from waitpid() status results (11/Jun/2001)

maybe implement a connection rate (like inetd, xinetd, or sendmail)
 "I see on my sendmail, it can't allow more two connection from
 one host per second". idea suggested by Andrey J. Melnikoff (11/Jun/2001)

detailed logging example:
Jun  8 18:43:43 <mail.notice> bart popa3d[75848]: Authentication passed for masjidulquds
Jun  8 18:43:43 <mail.notice> bart popa3d[75848]: 0 messages (0 bytes) loaded
Jun  8 18:43:43 <mail.notice> bart popa3d[75848]: 0 (0) deleted, 0 (0) left

And some more detailed logging ideas (14/Feb/2001):
Feb 14 13:30:12 foothillsnet ipop3d[1514]: pop3 service init from
Feb 14 13:30:12 foothillsnet ipop3d[1514]: Mailbox vulnerable - directory /var/s
pool/mail must have 1777 protection
Feb 14 13:30:13 foothillsnet ipop3d[1514]: Login user=editormen host=[198.78.45.
230] nmsgs=0/0
Feb 14 13:30:15 foothillsnet ipop3d[1514]: Logout user=editormen host=[198.78.45
.230] nmsgs=0 ndele=0

and more logging ideas (wu-ipop3d):
Jun 25 19:52:06 kenga ipop3d[17119]: Login user=simpex
[] nmsgs=0/0
Jun 25 19:52:10 kenga ipop3d[17119]: Logout user=simpex
[] nmsgs=0 ndele=0

add options (build- and run-time) for detailed logging
 cucipop has another 'great' feature in that it logs quantity&bytes of emails
 removed as well as quantity&bytes of emails left behind.
 Apr 18 17:52:54 mail cucipop[38484]: crettich 24, 6 (127233), 0 (0)

(a detailed logging patch is already available.) (?Jan?/2001)

maybe implement patch from Rok Pape¾ for debug_syslog patch (31/May/2001)

maybe implement patch from Rok Pape¾ for Autoconf patch (31/May/2001)

error checking for all open's and write's (29/May/2001)

allow command-line option to specify IP for daemon to listen to (29/May/2001)
 (suggested by Austin Heap <newwave @>)
 inet_aton("", &client.sin_addr); /* use your IP */

allow configuration setting to use a "default" domain/realm name
 (so /etc/passwd is never used). (26/May/2001)
  -- configure option (and not by default?)

look at temnota patch (setproctitle +) (25/May/2001)
look at Rok Papez config patch (25/May/2001)

add setproctitle() support (24/May/2001)
 IMHO, ps ax| grep pop3 
 11941 ?        S      0:00 vm-pop3d: waiting command
 11942 ?        S      0:00 vm-pop3d: temnota: RETR 1
 11952 ?        S      0:00 vm-pop3d: argus: wait command
 (suggested by Andrey J. Melnikoff (TEMHOTA) <temnota @>)

fix readme/install/webpage so they can all be in sync (23/May/2001)

offer nhash support (code on Exim site?) (22/May/2001)

maybe offer option to use different UIDs for each virtual domain?
 (This could be implemented easily with new auth routines.)

should it default to having a timeout or not? (07/May/2001)

for new auth routines: make routines that can use mysql,
dbopen(3) style authentication. (01/May/2001)

check results of chdir(), etc. (30/Apr/2001)

research: why does a certain user always have "Socket closed"?

add debugging logging that says if passwords don't match. (26/Apr/2001)

look at patches from Sergey Poznyakoff sent to mailutils list. (21/Apr/2001)
 includes a few fixes and new features.

Make sure you check that this works more than once... signal() is
a deprecated interface function, and some implementations required
you to re-specify the handler every time the signal was delivered,
at least for certain signals. (17/Apr/2001)
BSD systems don't reset the handler, System V does (so it has
to be reinstalled every time in the handler).
One should use the POSIX sigaction(2) system call, which has
defined portable semantics.
The sigaction() semantics are well defined and signal does
not need to be rearm.

patches from Andrey J. Melnikoff (16/Apr/2001)
+         case ERR_MBOX_LOCK:
+           syslog (LOG_ERR, "User %s - mailbox locked", 
+                   username?username:"UNKNOWN");
+           break;
+       case ERR_BAD_LOGIN:
+           syslog (LOG_ERR, "User %s - failed auth\n", 
+                   username?username:"UNKNOWN" );
+           sleep(5); /* prevent brute-force attack */

try compiling with "-ansi -pedantic-errors -Wall -Werror" (11/Apr/2001)

report if port is in use (10/Apr/2001)
 it was reporting to stderr but fiel descriptor 2 was closed;
 maybe this needs to be duplicated over and then closed after this message.

the main vm-pop3d routines are too long and need to be broken
up into sub-routines. (09/Apr/2001)

syslog (LOG_INFO, "%s not found in %s passwd file", arg, domainname);
 (06/Apr/2001) (Padraic Renaghan's idea.)
+               if (strcmp (pw->pw_passwd, crypt (pass, pw->pw_passwd))) {
+            syslog (LOG_INFO, "Wrong passwd for %s @ %s", arg, domainname);
Only if the administrator chooses to do this as a compile- AND run-time

consider making UIDL support a compile-time and/or run-time option.

freeBSD says:
gcc -c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O3 -Wall -pedantic -ansi getopt.c
getopt.c: In function '_getopt_internal':
getopt.c:444: warning: implicit declaration of function 'strncmp'
getopt.c:436: warning: 'indfound' might be used uninitialized in this function

gcc on NetBSD says:
 gcc -c  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O3 -Wall -pedantic -ansi getopt.c
 getopt.c: In function `_getopt_internal':
 getopt.c:456: warning: implicit declaration of function `strncmp'

OpenBSD says: (21/Aug/2001)
 gcc -c  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O3 -Wall -pedantic -ansi getopt.c
 getopt.c: In function `_getopt_internal':
 getopt.c:444: warning: implicit declaration of function `strncmp'
 getopt.c:436: warning: `indfound' might be used uninitialized in this function

OpenBSD says: (21/Aug/2001)
 gcc -c  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O3 -Wall -pedantic -ansi vm-pop3d.c
 vm-pop3d.c: In function `pop3_mainloop':
 vm-pop3d.c:294: warning: long int format, time_t arg (arg 5)

Does pop3_unlock need to be called if pop3_lock doesn't work in user.c?

maybe make "mailbox" pointer just local for each function
 pass it as an argument if needed by other functions? (05/Apr/2001)

make sure chdir are checked

make sure MAILSPOOLHOME works with virtual support

suggestsions from Padraic Renaghan <>
> 3) For the errors in virtual.c, send them through to the
> system log with something like
>   syslog (LOG_ERR, "Couldn't open password file: %s", buffer);

> 4) In user.c, add syslog(LOG_INFO...) stmts for conditions when
> password is null, no uid, or password mismatch is encountered. This
> is helpful for debugging and also to know if someone is atacking the
> server

Need to clean up code; for example why aren't fsetpos() checked for
 return value? (05/Apr/2001)

turn on APOP (as an option?)
 fix apop code to remove duplicate code and to add debugging (17/Jan/2002)

socklen_t doesn't exist on solaris, it's size_t

makefile:  LIBS = -ldl -lpam -lsocket -lnsl, it's specific to solaris

add "REALM" command like HTTP host command

sending a SIGHUP (defaults to terminate process) to a
vm-pop3d process kills it uncleanly (no logging and stale .lock file).
Does this matter?

Make sure it uses the right getopt:

gcc -c  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -g -O3 -Wall -pedantic -ansi getopt.c
getopt.c: In function `_getopt_internal':
getopt.c:456: warning: implicit declaration of function `strncmp'
 maybe in
AC_CHECK_FUNC(getopt, [getopt=yes])
if test x$getopt = "x"; then
        CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I./getopt"

if port already listening then let the admin know

look into supporting external DCE authentication (like on AIX) (17/July/2001)

Also, provide sample file or documentation for PAM: (27/Nov/2001)
debian and freebsd include a working default already.
right now:
auth       required     /lib/security/ shadow
account    required     /lib/security/
maybe freebsd:
vm-pop3d   auth    required
vm-pop3d   account required

* Other extensions?
* Security audit
* Bug fixes


-- now has --user option, so maybe these idea aren't needed:
if VIRTUAL_UID is not set then it should try to get
the UID of a "vmpop3d" user. If then still no good UID then log a message
(also to stderr) and die at start-time. (06/Apr/2001)
use a "vmpop3d" user (10/Apr/2001)

-- superuser is not needed -- just a user with permission to set group:
check for superuser privileges (10/Apr/2001)
 rainier:~/src/pop3d/vm-pop3d-1.1.0-without-capa-for-uidl$ ./vm-pop3d -d 4
 Error setting group: Operation not permitted

Things to remember:

- test with --disable-virtual
- test with --enable-ip-based-virtual
- test with (and without) --enable-debug
- test under Debian Linux
- test under NetBSD
- test UIDL
- make sure documentation matches any new (or removed) features