

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > a3fb2f0968cfbded1bb3038bbcfa4a58 > files > 6


Thu Jun 13 2002 - 0.4.5
Updated to use newer versions of libtool, autoconf, and automake.  I guess the version of libtool I was using before caused problems on MacOS X, so now people can ugly up their beautiful MacOS X desktops with gdancer.

Fixed a stupid error that was letting regular files show up in the themes list in the configuration window.  Now only directories will show up, not that I know why you'd have regular files in your theme directory, but hey, if that's what floats your boat.

Wed Aug 29 2001 - 0.4.5
Took out some GDK_THREAD thing which I had in cause I thought it made a new
thread, guess that wasn't the case.  I don't seem to even need it, I took it
out and gdancer seems to run exactly the same (for me at least)

Fri Aug 24 2001 - 0.4.4
Took out the useless menu item for the global config, since there is no longer
anything in the global config (i'm leaving the code for it so if I do ever
come up with stuff to put in there its easy to do it).
I also rewrote the code in gd_image_change to use enum for the image type as
suggested by Alexander Leidinge.  Glad I did that, it was really a mess before,
should be easier to read now since it doesn't just use plain numbers for the
type of image, it flat out says BASS or MIDRANGE.

Mon Aug 20 2001 - 0.4.4
Fixed a stupid mistake where I put srand into the cleanup function instead of
the init function *sigh*
Also moved the skip_frames and move_dancer settings over to dancer-specific
configuration.  So you can set them different for each dancer.  Now I once
again have nothing to put in the global config, guess it'll just direct people
to the dancer specific configuration for now.

Tue Jul 31 2001 - 0.4.3
Actually implimented the moving of dancers, nothing special, might want to
turn up the MOVE_AMOUNT in image.c, fixed a problem where it wouldn't draw the
neutral frame when switching themes until the music made it draw.  Also made
a quick fix for draging the dancers around when move dancers option is enabled.

Mon Jul 30 2001 - 0.4.3
Made using GdkPixbuf optional since it didn't seem to work on most machines,
even stopped working on my own when I reinstalled debian.  So if you want to
try and use gdkpixbuf for loading images (lets you use images other than just
xpms in themes) use --enable-pixbuf when running ./configure

Fri Jul 23 2001 - 0.4.3
Added options for changing amount of frames that are skipped and an option to
make the dancers move around a bit instead of just staying in one spot.

Thu Jul 19 2001 - 0.4.2
Did some fixing of bugs that switching over to gdk-pixbuf introduced.  Also
fixed a bug where I had a = instead of a == in an if statement, which effected
gdancer's decision on whether to draw the bass image or not.  Not sure how long
that bug has been in the code.  Added gdk-pixbuf check to configure script and
added gdk-pixbuf requirement to rpm spec file.  I put the version required to
0.11.0 but earlier versions probably work as I don't use any advanced featurs
of the library.  If anyone knows an appropriate version number to require,
please tell me.  I also added support for not having a .xpm extension for the
files in the themes directory.  People should start just using names like "bass"
and "midrange" instead of "bass.xpm" or "midrange.xpm" and they can use any
image format that gdk-pixbuf supports.  I'm trying to get away from xpm so
if gdancer is ported to windows they can still use the same themes.
Updated README.themes file to show that filenames should not have .xpm anymore

Wed Jul 18 2001 - 0.4.2
Switched over to gdk-pixbuf for image loading.  This way we can support more
image types then just xpm and will make it easier for people to make themes,
especially if we come out with a windows version later one.  Cause I don't
think windows users would be able to make xpm images.

Mon Jun 25 2001 - 0.4.1
Little tiny fix, just made GDancer cut the amount of times it switches frames
in half pretty much to try and get it to dance a little bit slower so it
doesn't look like the dancer has A.D.D.

Sun Jun 24 2001 - 0.4.0
Cleaned up the menus and took out desync stuff caus eI would have never gotten
that working.  fixed a problem where a function to clean up the configure
window got called twice and would output gtk errors the second time since
it was trying to delete widgets taht didn't exist.  Took out a couple other
little debugging messages so now gdancer shouldn't output stuff to stdout
unless it runs into a problem.

Sat Jun 23 2001 - 0.4.0
Finally got back to working on gdancer, tuned up the audio processing stuff
it should dance to the music better now.  It is very active now to my songs
looks pretty good, I hope it still runs ok on slower machines.

Thu Oct 12 2000 - 0.3.3
Implimented submenus in the menu you get when you right click on a dancer.
Hoepfully this will make it less confusing, but I'd like some feedback, its
easy for me to know what different menu items do, but thats just because I
wrote it.  Tell me if theres something I should probably change the wording of.

Mon Sep 25 2000 - 0.3.3
Fixed raising and lowering, stupid typo, totally  my fault.  Thanks to Own
Williams <> for the tip.  Switched the dancer windows to dialog
windows with no decorations so that the window manager would recognize them.
Also added icons to show up in task lists and stuff.

Fri Sep 22 2000 - 0.3.3
Fixed src/ so that it used $(XMMS_CFLAGS) so if you had trouble
compiling with an installation of xmms in a non-standard location it should
work now. Lorin Holden <> made me aware of this problem and
sent the fix.

Mon Sep 11 2000 - 0.3.2
Fixed a bug that would say goodbye to the last dancer but wouldnt' disable the
plugin, then when you disabled the plugin it would save that there were 0
dancers.  You can edit .xmms/config and erase the GDancer section if you have
0 dancers saved.  Added a global configuration window.  And an option for it,
to desync the dancers, so they don't all move at the same exact time.  I know
its very minimal updates, but I'm very busy with school work so I pretty much
just wanted to get that no dancers bug fixed.

Thu Aug 31 2000 - 0.3.1
K, took another swing at hacking on gdancer today and right away fixed the
segfault problem, as it turns out I was g_freeing some variables twice, naughty
me.  Anywhoo, I think its working decent so I'll release it, and if theres bugs
theres bugs, this is a development version.

Sun Aug 27 2000 - 0.3.1
Totally rewrote gdancer so that it used a dancer structure to contain all the
widgets and images needed by a dancer.  This allowed me to make multiple dancers
which I did and it works pretty well.  Only problem is that sometimes when
gdancer is loading the dancers it will segfault, haven't figured out why yet,
don't think I'll release 0.3.1 til I do, unless I give up :)

Fri Jul 14 2000 - 0.3.0
Looks like there will be more gdancer releases.  Applied a patch from Mark
Volpe <> that adds adaptive sensitivity so you don't have to mess around with bass/treble/midrange sliders.

Sat Mar 18 2000 - 0.2.0
Waited a while after the release of 0.1.12 for bugs.  Seems like the only
one was a crash when putting 0 for amount of frames to skip.  So I fixed
that and now switched to the stable version number.

Sat Mar 11 2000 -
0.1.12 ----------------
Tried impoving treble detection, didn't do too well.  Will have to still do
more work on it later.  Fixed a bug where gdancer didn't clean up correctly
after transition frames.  So if you'd switch from a theme that used transition
frames to another theme that did not gdancer would crash.  Changed the space
ghost treble image (it was the same image as neutral before).  Will probably
end up getting all new images so I didn't waste too much time making it look
really good.

Tue Feb 22 2000 - 0.1.11
Made gdancer draw neutral image when new theme is loaded.
Tested out expose_event for drawing again but I confirmed it doesn't work
as well.  Fixed spelling error (trebble.xpm should have been treble.xpm and
all other occurances of trebble were changed to treble), there is backwards
compatibility so themes with trebble.xpm still work.  Added transition frames
for themes, couldn't do it how I planned on doing it so had to do it another,
not as great way.  We'll so how it works out.

Sun Feb 20 2000 - 0.1.11
Made gdancer start up in the same place it was the last time it was used.

Wed Feb 16 2000 - 0.1.10
As you probably noticed, switched to new version system so that you can tell
whether or not the version is development.  Uses the same scheme as the linux
kernel, so when the middle number is odd its development, when even its stable.
Switched to autoconf/automake so that compilation will hopefully be easier.
Made it so themes can be any size, it justs uses the size of the neutral image
to decide the size of the plugin.

Wed Feb 09 2000 - 0.9
Commented the hell out of main.c and added GPL information to the top of
gdancer.h and config.c.  Most importantly I added a popup menu so that now
if you want to configure the theme or other things you can just right
click on GDancer and choose configurate.  There is also Raise/Lower for
raising and lowering above and below other windows and disable for turning
off GDancer.

Mon Feb 07 2000 - 0.9
Made it set the background of the draw area whenever the pixmaps load.
So that when you change the theme the background of the draw area will change
to that new theme. Just because you could notice the original theme when
it was drawing.

Sun Feb 06 2000 - 0.8
Switched to only using POPUP type window, transparency wasn't working well when the window was a DIALOG (had borders).  Implimented ability to move the window by dragging character around. Added skip frames to configuration.

Sat Feb 05 2000 - 0.7
Made it so you can go back to non transparent mode while plugin is still
running.  Got fixed up images from Michael Schubert (thanks).  Finally fixed
transparency problem.  Made gdancer skip every other redraw, looks much smoother, thanks to Bill Wilson.  Added more configuration options.  Added themeability.
I think thats it.

 Fri Feb 04 2000 - 0.6
Setup configuration capabilities.  Added option for transparent background (I don't think I have the actual transparent stuff working yet, could really use someone who knows how to do it).

Thur Dec 16 1999 - 0.5
Started transparency support.  Its a little messed up still when the image changes, gotta fix that before I can actually say its done.  Added about window and started the configure window stuff.

Thur Dec 16 1999 - 0.4
Lets see, think I cleaned up the images a bit, added a midrange although its the same image as trebble (don't have any other images)  Also added #defines at the time of main.c so you can change sensitivity off bass, trebble, mid range.

Mon Dec 13 1999 - 0.3
Figured out I was doing transparency wrong.  Will have to figure out the
correct way to do that later.  Anyways, seems to be working fairly well
now.  Probably need to change some numbers to make it go with the music a
bit better.

Sun Dec 12 1999 - 0.3
Changed from using gtk_pixmap to using gdk_draw_area and gdk_draw_pixmap
For some reason the neutral image doesn't show up, will figure it out.
Works fairly well other then that.  No obvious memory leaks like I before.

Wed Dec 1 1999 - 0.2
Rewrote most of program to make it go more with music.  No longer using
GnomeAnimator widget, so decided to no longer use gnome.  Put a lot of work in
but haven't found a way to have the GtkPixmap widget update after I
change the pixmap.  Really starting to piss me off, I'll get it though.

Sun Nov 28 1999 - gdancer 0.1
Changed name of program and what it does.  It is now an xmms plugin that
dances with the music (as of now just animates at a chosen speed, doesn't
really go with the music)

Wed May 5 1999 - 0.2
Seperated source code into seperate files (Im not to good at that)
Made it so you can have as many images as you want if numbered correctly
Shrank down the images, they are still crappy though.

Tues May 4 1999 - 0.1
Started Gcharacter (I dont like that name either)
Got it so space ghost danced