

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > a533304f879206d227ed6b53581cdd5a > files > 106


 Docutils Front-End Tools

:Author: David Goodger
:Revision: $Revision: 1.9 $
:Date: $Date: 2002/08/01 00:23:26 $

Once the Docutils package is unpacked, you will discover a "``tools``"
directory containing several front ends for common Docutils
processing.  Rather than a single all-purpose program, Docutils has
many small front ends, each specialized for a specific "Reader" (which
knows how to interpret a file in context), a "Parser" (which
understands the syntax of the text), and a "Writer" (which knows how
to generate a specific data format).  Most front ends have common
options and the same command-line usage pattern::

    toolname [options] [<source> [<destination]]

The exceptions are buildhtml.py_ and pep2html.py_.  See html.py_ for
concrete examples.  Each tool has a "``--help``" option which lists
the `command-line options`_ and arguments it supports.  Processing can
also be customized with `configuration files`_.

The two arguments, "source" and "destination", are optional.  If only
one argument (source) is specified, the standard output (stdout) is
used for the destination.  If no arguments are specified, the standard
input (stdin) is used for the source as well.

.. contents::

:Readers: Standalone, PEP
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writers: HTML, PEP/HTML

Use ```` to generate .html from all the .txt files
(including PEPs) in each <directory> given, and their subdirectories
too.  (Use the ``--local`` option to skip subdirectories.)

Usage:: [options] [<directory> ...]

After unpacking the Docutils package, the following shell commands
will generate HTML for all included documentation::

    cd docutils/tools ..

For official releases, the directory may be called "docutils-X.Y",
where "X.Y" is the release version.  Alternatively::

    cd docutils
    tools/ --config=tools/docutils.conf

The current directory (and all subdirectories) is chosen by default if
no directory is named.  Incomplete files (such as spec/doctree.txt)
may generate system messages; use the ``--quiet`` option to suppress
all warnings.  The ``--config`` option ensures that the correct
stylesheets, templates, and settings are in place (``./docutils.conf``
is picked up automatically).  Command-line options may be used to
override config file settings or replace them altogether.

:Reader: Standalone
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writer: HTML

The ```` front end reads standalone reStructuredText source
files and produces HTML 4 (XHTML 1) output compatible with modern
browsers.  For example, to process a reStructuredText file
"``test.txt``" into HTML:: test.txt test.html

In fact, there *is* a "``test.txt``" file in the "``tools``"
directory.  It contains "at least one example of each reStructuredText
construct", including intentional errors.  Use it to put the system
through its paces and compare input to output.

Now open the "``test.html``" file in your favorite browser to see the
results.  To get a footer with a link to the source file, date & time
of processing, and links to the Docutils projects, add some options:: -stg test.txt test.html


```` inserts into the generated HTML a link to a cascading
stylesheet, defaulting to "``default.css``" (override with a
"``--stylesheet``" command-line option or with a configuration file).
The "``tools/default.css``" stylesheet is provided for basic use.  To
experiment with styles, rather than editing the default stylesheet
(which will be updated as the project evolves), it is recommended to
use the "``@import``" statement to create a "wrapper" stylesheet.  For
example, a "``my.css``" stylesheet could contain the following::

    @import url(default.css);
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p.topic-title {
      font-family: sans-serif }

Generate HTML with the following command:: -stg --stylesheet my.css test.txt test.html

When viewed in a browser, the new "wrapper" stylesheet will change the
typeface family of titles to "sans serif", typically Helvetica or
Arial.  Other styles will not be affected.  Styles in wrapper
stylesheets override styles in imported stylesheets, enabling
incremental experimentation.

:Reader: PEP
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writer: PEP/HTML

```` reads a new-style PEP (marked up with reStructuredText) and
produces HTML.  It requires a template file and a stylesheet.  By
default, it makes use of a "``pep-html-template``" file and a
"``default.css``" stylesheet in the current directory, but these can
be overridden by command-line options or configuration files.  The
"``tools/stylesheets/pep.css``" stylesheet is intended specifically
for PEP use.

The "``docutils.conf``" `configuration file`_ in the "``spec``"
directory of Docutils contains a default setup for use in processing
the PEP files there (``spec/pep-*.txt``) into HTML.  It specifies a
default template (``tools/pep-html-template``) and a default
stylesheet (``tools/stylesheets/pep.css``).  See Stylesheets_ above
for more information.

:Reader: PEP
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writer: PEP/HTML

```` is a modified version of the original script by
Fredrik Lundh, with support for Docutils added.  It reads the
beginning of a PEP text file to determine the format (old-style
indented or new-style reStructuredText) and processes accordingly.
Since it does not use the Docutils front end mechanism (the common
command-line options are not supported), it must be configured using
`configuration files`_.  The template and stylesheet requirements of
```` are the same as those of ``_ above.

Arguments to ```` may be a list of PEP numbers or .txt
files.  If no arguments are given, all files of the form
"``pep-*.txt``" are processed.

:Reader: Standalone
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writer: XML (Docutils native)

The ```` front end produces Docutils-native XML output.
This can be transformed with standard XML tools such as XSLT
processors into arbitrary final forms.

:Reader: Standalone
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writer: Pseudo-XML

```` is used for debugging the Docutils Reader -> Transform
-> Writer pipeline.  It produces a compact pretty-printed
"pseudo-XML", where nesting is indicated by indentation (no end-tags).
External attributes for all elements are output, and internal
attributes for any leftover "pending" elements are also given.

:Reader: N/A
:Parser: reStructuredText
:Writer: N/A

The ```` tool is used for testing the reStructuredText
parser.  It does not use a Docutils Reader or Writer or the standard
Docutils command-line options.  Rather, it does its own I/O and calls
the parser directly.  No transforms are applied to the parsed
document.  Various forms output are possible:

- Pretty-printed pseudo-XML (default)
- Test data (Python list of input and pseudo-XML output strings;
  useful for creating new test cases)
- Pretty-printed native XML
- Raw native XML (with or without a stylesheet reference)


Command-Line Options

Each front-end tool supports command-line options for one-off
customization.  For persistent customization, use `configuration

Use the "--help" option on each of the front ends to list the
command-line options it supports.  Command-line options and their
corresponding configuration file entry names are listed in
`Configuration File Entries`_ below.

.. _configuration file:

Configuration Files

Configuration files are used for persistent customization; they can be
set once and take effect every time you use a front-end tool.

By default, Docutils checks the following places for configuration
files, in the following order:

1. ``/etc/docutils.conf``: This is a system-wide configuration file,
   applicable to all Docutils processing on the system.

2. ``./docutils.conf``: This is a project-specific configuration file,
   located in the current directory.  The Docutils front end has to be
   executed from the directory containing this configuration file for
   it to take effect (note that this may have nothing to do with the
   location of the source files).  The project-specific configuration
   file overrides the system-wide file.

3. ``~/.docutils``: This is a user-specific configuration file,
   located in the user's home directory.  This file overrides both the
   system-wide and project-specific configuration files.

If more than one configuration file is found, all will be read but
later entries will override earlier ones.  For example, a "stylesheet"
entry in a user-specific configuration file will override a
system-wide entry.

In addition, a configuration file may be explicitly specified with the
"--config" command-line option.  This configuration file is read after
the three implicit ones listed above.

Configuration files use the standard ConfigParser.py_ Python_ module.
From its documentation:

    The configuration file consists of sections, lead by a "[section]"
    header and followed by "name: value" entries, with continuations
    in the style of `RFC 822`_; "name=value" is also accepted.  Note
    that leading whitespace is removed from values.  The optional
    values can contain format strings which refer to other values in
    the same section, or values in a special DEFAULT section.
    Additional defaults can be provided upon initialization and
    retrieval.  Lines beginning with "#" or ";" are ignored and may be
    used to provide comments.

Docutils only uses an "[options]" section; all other sections will be

Configuration entry names correspond to internal option attributes.
Underscores ("_") and hyphens ("-") can be used interchangably in
entry names.  The correspondence between entry names and command-line
options is listed in `Configuration File Entries`_ below.

.. _Python:
.. _RFC 822:

Configuration File Entries

The entry names listed below may be specified in `configuration
files`_.  Hyphens may be used in place of underscores in entry names.
Some knowledge of Python_ is assumed for some attributes.

====================  ================================================
Config Entry Name     Description
====================  ================================================
config                Path to a configuration file to read (if it
                      exists) [#pwd]_. Settings may override defaults
                      and earlier settings.  This is only effective as
                      a command-line option; setting it in a config
                      file has no effect.

                      Filesystem path settings contained within the
                      config file will be interpreted relative to the
                      config file's location (*not* relative to the
                      current working directory).

                      Default: None.  Options: ``--config``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
datestamp             Include a time/datestamp in the document footer.
                      Contains a format string for ``time.strftime``.

                      Default: None.  Options: ``--date, -d, --time,
                      -t, --no-datestamp``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
debug                 Report debug-level system messages.

                      Default: don't (None).  Options: ``--debug,
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
dump_internals        (Hidden option.)  At the end of processing,
                      print out all internal attributes of the
                      document (``document.__dict__``).

                      Default: don't (None).  Options:
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
footnote_backlinks    Enable or disable backlinks from footnotes and
                      citations to their references.

                      Default: enabled (1).  Options:
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
generator             Include a "Generated by Docutils" credit and
                      link in the document footer.

                      Default: off (None).  Options: ``--generator,
                      -g, --no-generator``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
halt_level            The threshold at or above which system messages
                      are converted to exceptions, halting execution

                      Default: severe (4).  Options: ``--halt,
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
indents               (XML Writer.)  Generate XML with indents and

                      Default: don't (None).  Options: ``--indents``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
input_encoding        Default: auto-detect (None).  Options:
                      ``--input-encoding, -i``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
language_code         `ISO 639`_ 2-letter language code (3-letter
                      codes used only if no 2-letter code exists).

                      Default: English ("en").  Options: ``--language,
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
newlines              (XML Writer.)  Generate XML with newlines before
                      and after tags.

                      Default: don't (None).  Options: ``--newlines``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
no_random             (PEP/HTML Writer; hidden option.)  Workaround
                      for platforms which core-dump on "``import

                      Default: random enabled (None).  Options:
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
output_encoding       Default: UTF-8.  Options: ``--output-encoding,
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
pep_home              (PEP/HTML Writer.)  Home URL prefix for PEPs.

                      Default: current directory (".").  Options:
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
pep_stylesheet        (PEP/HTML Writer.)  Path to CSS stylesheet
                      [#pwd]_.  Overrides HTML stylesheet

                      Default: None.  Options: ``--pep-stylesheet``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
pep_template          (PEP/HTML Writer.)  Path to PEP template file

                      Default: "pep-html-template" (in current
                      directory).  Options: ``--pep-template``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
python_home           (PEP/HTML Writer.)  Python's home URL.

                      Default: parent directory ("..").  Options:
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
recurse               (```` front end.)  Recursively scan

                      Default: recurse (1).  Options: ``--recurse,
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
report_level          Verbosity threshold at or above which system
                      messages are reported.

                      Default: warning (2).  Options: ``--report, -r,
                      --verbose, --quiet, -q``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
source_link           Include a "View document source" link in the
                      document footer.  URL will be relative to the

                      Default: don't (None).  Options:
                      ``--source-link, --no-source-link``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
source_url            An explicit URL for a "View document source"

                      Default: compute if source_link (None).
                      Options: ``--source-uri, --no-source-link``.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
stylesheet            (HTML Writer.)  Path to CSS stylesheet [#pwd]_.

                      Default: "default.css".  Options:
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
toc_backlinks         Enable backlinks from section titles to table of
                      contents entries ("entry"), to the top of the
                      TOC ("top"), or disable ("none").

                      Default: "entry".  Options:
                      ``--toc-entry-backlinks, --toc-top-backlinks,
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
warning_stream        Path to a file for the output of system messages
                      (warnings) [#pwd]_.

                      Default: stderr (None).  Options:

For Internal Use Only (setting these in a config file has no effect)
_directories          (```` front end.)  List of paths to
                      source directories, set from positional
                      arguments.  Default: current working directory
                      (None).  No command-line options.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
_destination          Path to output destination, set from positional
                      arguments.  Default: stdout (None).  No 
                      command-line options.
--------------------  ------------------------------------------------
_source               Path to input source, set from positional
                      arguments.  Default: stdin (None).  No 
                      command-line options.
====================  ================================================

.. _ISO 639:

.. [#pwd] Path relative to the working directory of the process at

   Local Variables:
   mode: indented-text
   indent-tabs-mode: nil
   sentence-end-double-space: t
   fill-column: 70