

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > a533304f879206d227ed6b53581cdd5a > files > 96


 Docutils History

:Author: David Goodger
:Date: $Date: 2002/08/01 00:14:03 $

.. contents::


I would like to acknowledge the people who have made a direct impact
on the Docutils project, knowingly or not, in terms of encouragement,
suggestions, criticism, bug reports, code contributions, tasty treats,
and related projects:

    Aahz, David Ascher, Fred Bremmer, Simon Budig, Adam Chodorowski,
    Fred Drake, Dethe Elza, fantasai, Jim Fulton, Peter Funk,
    Engelbert Gruber, Simon Hefti, Doug Hellmann, Juergen Hermann,
    Tony Ibbs, Alan Jaffray, Richard Jones, Garth Kidd, Daniel
    Larsson, Marc-Andre Lemburg, Wolfgang Lipp, Edward Loper, Ken
    Manheimer, Paul Moore, Michel Pelletier, Sam Penrose, Tim Peters,
    Mark Pilgrim, Tavis Rudd, Ollie Rutherfurd, Ueli Schlaepfer,
    Gunnar Schwant, tav, Bob Tolbert, Laurence Tratt, Guido van
    Rossum, Barry Warsaw, Edward Welbourne, Ka-Ping Yee, Moshe Zadka

Thank you!

(I'm still waiting for contributions of computer equipment and cold
hard cash :-).)  Hopefully I haven't forgotten anyone or misspelled
any names; apologies (and please let me know!) if I have.

Release 0.2 (2002-07-31)


- The word "component" was being used ambiguously.  From now on,
  "component" will be used to mean "Docutils component", as in Reader,
  Writer, Parser, or Transform.  Portions of documents (Table of
  Contents, sections, etc.)  will be called "document parts".
- Did a grand renaming: a lot of ``verylongnames`` became
- Cleaned up imports: no more relative package imports or
  comma-separated lists of top-level modules.
- Added support for an option values object which carries default
  settings and overrides (from command-line options and library use).
- Added internal Unicode support, and support for both input and
  output encodings.
- Added support for the ```` class & subclasses.


* docutils/

  - Added ``ApplicationError`` and ``DataError``, for use throughout
    the package.
  - Added ``Component`` base class for Docutils components; implements
    the ``supports`` method.
  - Added ``__version__`` (thus, ``docutils.__version__``).

* docutils/

  - Removed many keyword parameters to ``Publisher.__init__()`` and
    ``publish()``; bundled into an option values object.  Added
    "argv", "usage", "description", and "option_spec" parameters for
    command-line support.
  - Added ``Publisher.process_command_line()`` and ``.set_options()``
  - Reworked I/O model for ```` wrappers.
  - Updated ``Publisher.set_options()``; now returns option values
  - Added support for configuration files (/etc/docutils.conf,
    ./docutils.conf, ~/.docutils).
  - Added ``Publisher.setup_option_parser()``.
  - Added default usage message and description.

* docutils/ Added to project; support for front-end
  (command-line) scripts.  Option specifications may be augmented by
  components.  Requires Optik ( for option
  processing (installed locally as docutils/

* docutils/ Added to project; uniform API for a variety of input
  output mechanisms.

* docutils/

  - Added ``TreeCopyVisitor`` class.
  - Added a ``copy`` method to ``Node`` and subclasses.
  - Added a ``SkipDeparture`` exception for visitors.
  - Renamed ``TreePruningException`` from ``VisitorException``.
  - Added docstrings to ``TreePruningException``, subclasses, and
  - Improved docstrings.
  - Added ``SparseNodeVisitor``, refined ``NodeVisitor``.
  - Moved ```` to ``nodes.make_id()`` to avoid circular
  - Added ``decoration``, ``header``, and ``footer`` node classes, and
    ``PreDecorative`` mixin.
  - Reworked the name/id bookkeeping; to ``document``, removed
    ``explicit_targets`` and ``implicit_targets`` attributes, added
    ``nametypes`` attribute and ``set_name_id_map`` method.
  - Added ``NodeFound`` exception, for use with ``NodeVisitor``
  - Added ``document.has_name()`` method.
  - Fixed DOM generation for list-attributes.
  - Added category class ``Labeled`` (used by footnotes & citations).
  - Added ``Element.set_class()`` method (sets "class" attribute).

* docutils/ Added to project.  Combined from the Optik
  package, with added option groups and other modifications.  The use
  of this module is probably only temporary.

* docutils/

  - Added ``runtime_init`` method to ``StateMachine`` and ``State``.
  - Added underscores to improve many awkward names.
  - In ``string2lines()``, changed whitespace normalizing translation
    table to regexp; restores Python 2.0 compatibility with Unicode.

* docutils/

  - Filled in some descriptions.
  - Added "shttp" scheme.

* docutils/

  - Added ``clean_rcs_keywords`` function (moved from
  - Added underscores to improve many awkward names.
  - Changed names of Reporter's thresholds:
    warning_level -> report_level; error_level -> halt_level.
  - Moved ```` to ``nodes.make_id()``.
  - Added ``relative_uri(source, target)``.

* docutils/languages/ German mappings; added to project.  Thanks
  to Gunnar Schwant for the translations.

* docutils/languages/ Added "Dedication" bibliographic field

* docutils/languages/ Swedish mappings; added to project by Adam

* docutils/parsers/rst/

  - Added underscores to improve many awkward names.
  - Added RFC-2822 header support.
  - Extracted the inline parsing code from ``RSTState`` to a separate
    class, ``Inliner``, which will allow easy subclassing.
  - Made local bindings for ``memo`` container & often-used contents
    (reduces code complexity a lot).  See ``RSTState.runtime_init()``.
  - ``RSTState.parent`` replaces ``RSTState.statemachine.node``.
  - Added ``MarkupMismatch`` exception; for late corrections.
  - Added ``-/:`` characters to inline markup's start string prefix,
    ``/`` to end string suffix.
  - Fixed a footnote bug.
  - Fixed a bug with literal blocks.
  - Applied patch from Simon Budig: simplified regexps with symbolic
    names, removed ``Inliner.groups`` and ``Body.explicit.groups``.
  - Converted regexps from ``'%s' % var`` to ``'%(var)s' % locals()``.
  - Fixed a bug in ``Inliner.interpreted_or_phrase_ref()``.
  - Allowed non-ASCII in "simple names" (directive names, field names,
    references, etc.).
  - Converted ``Inliner.patterns.initial`` to be dynamically built
    from parts with ``build_regexp()`` function.
  - Changed ``Inliner.inline_target`` to ``.inline_internal_target``.
  - Updated docstrings.
  - Changed "table" to "grid_table"; added "simple_table" support.

* docutils/parsers/rst/

  - Changed ``TableParser`` to ``GridTableParser``.
  - Added ``SimpleTableParser``.
  - Refactored naming.

* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ Added "en" (English) as
  a fallback language for directive names.

* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ Changed the ``meta``
  directive to use a ``pending`` element, used only by HTML writers.

* docutils/parsers/rst/directives/ Renamed from

  - Added "backlinks" attribute to "contents" directive.

* docutils/parsers/rst/languages/ Swedish mappings; added to
  project by Adam Chodorowski.

* docutils/readers/ Gave Readers more control over
  choosing and instantiating Parsers.

* docutils/readers/ Added to project; for PEP processing.

* docutils/transforms/ ``Transform.__init__()`` now
  requires a ``component`` parameter.

* docutils/transforms/ Added to project; transforms
  related to Docutils components.

* docutils/transforms/

  - In ``DocInfo.extract_authors``, check for a single "author" in an
    "authors" group, and convert it to a single "author" element.
  - Added support for "Dedication" and generic bibliographic fields.

* docutils/transforms/ Added to project; PEP-specific.

* docutils/transforms/ Renamed from old

  - Added filter for `Contents`, to use alt-text for inline images,
    and to remove inline markup that doesn't make sense in the ToC.
  - Added "name" attribute to TOC topic depending on its title.
  - Added support for optional TOC backlinks.

* docutils/transforms/ Fixed indirect target resolution
  in ``Hyperlinks`` transform.

* docutils/transforms/

  - Changed ``Messages`` transform to properly filter out system
    messages below the warning threshold.
  - Added ``Decorations`` transform (support for "--generator",
    "--date", "--time", "--source-link" options).

* docutils/writers/ Added "pdf" alias in anticipation of
  Engelbert Gruber's PDF writer.

* docutils/writers/

  - Made XHTML-compatible (switched to lowercase element & attribute
    names; empty tag format).
  - Escape double-dashes in comment text.
  - Improved boilerplate & modularity of output.
  - Exposed modular output in Writer class.
  - Added a "generator" meta tag to <head>.
  - Added support for the ``--stylesheet`` option.
  - Added support for ``decoration``, ``header``, and ``footer``
  - In ``HTMLTranslator.attval()``, changed whitespace normalizing
    translation table to regexp; restores Python 2.0 compatibility
    with Unicode.
  - Added the translator class as instance variable to the Writer, to
    make it easily subclassable.
  - Improved option list spacing (thanks to Richard Jones).
  - Modified field list output.
  - Added backlinks to footnotes & citations.
  - Added percentage widths to "<col>" tags (from colspec).
  - Option lists: "<code>" changed to "<kbd>", ``option_argument``
    "<span>" changed to "<var>".
  - Inline literals: "<code>" changed to "<tt>".
  - Many changes to optimize vertical space: compact simple lists etc.
  - Add a command-line options & directive attributes to control TOC
    and footnote/citation backlinks.
  - Added support for optional footnote/citation backlinks.
  - Added support for generic bibliographic fields.
  - Identify backrefs.
  - Relative URLs for stylesheet links.

* docutils/writers/ Added to project; HTML Writer for
  PEPs (subclass of ``html4css1.Writer``).

* docutils/writers/ Renamed from

* docutils/writers/ Added to project; trivial writer
  of the Docutils internal doctree in XML.

* docs/tools.txt: "Docutils Front-End Tools", added to project.

* spec/doctree.txt:

  - Changed the title to "The Docutils Document Tree".
  - Added "Hyperlink Bookkeeping" section.

* spec/docutils.dtd:

  - Added ``decoration``, ``header``, and ``footer`` elements.
  - Brought ``interpreted`` element in line with the parser: changed
    attribute "type" to "role", added "position".
  - Added support for generic bibliographic fields.

* spec/notes.txt: Continual updates.  Added "Project Policies".

* spec/pep-0256.txt:  Updated.  Added "Roadmap to the Doctring PEPs"

* spec/pep-0257.txt: Clarified prohibition of signature repetition.

* spec/pep-0258.txt: Updated.  Added text from pysource.txt and
  mailing list discussions.

* spec/pep-0287.txt:

  - Renamed to "reStructuredText Docstring Format".
  - Minor edits.
  - Reworked Q&A as an enumerated list.
  - Converted to reStructuredText format.

* spec/pysource.dtd:

  - Reworked structural elements, incorporating ideas from Tony Ibbs.

* spec/pysource.txt: Removed from project.  Moved much of its contents
  to pep-0258.txt.

* spec/rst/alternatives.txt:

  - Expanded auto-enumerated list idea; thanks to Fred Bremmer.
  - Added "Inline External Targets" section.

* spec/rst/directives.txt:

  - Added "backlinks" attribute to "contents" directive.

* spec/rst/problems.txt:

  - Updated the Enumerated List Markup discussion.
  - Added new alternative table markup syntaxes.

* spec/rst/reStructuredText.txt:

  - Clarified field list usage.
  - Updated enumerated list description.
  - Clarified purpose of directives.
  - Added ``-/:`` characters to inline markup's start string prefix,
    ``/`` to end string suffix.
  - Updated "Authors" bibliographic field behavior.
  - Changed "inline hyperlink targets" to "inline internal targets".
  - Added "simple table" syntax to supplement the existing but
    newly-renamed "grid tables".
  - Added cautions for anonymous hyperlink use.
  - Added "Dedication" and generic bibliographic fields.

* test: Made test modules standalone (subdirectories became packages).

* test/

  - Added support for PEP extensions to reStructuredText.
  - Added support for simple tables.
  - Refactored naming.

* test/ Renamed from

  - Now supports true packages containing test modules
    (```` files required); fixes duplicate module name bug.

* test/test_pep/: Subpackage added to project; PEP testing.

* test/test_rst/ Added to project.

* tools:

  - Updated and front-end tools to use the new
    command-line processing facilities of ``docutils.frontend``
    (exposed in ``docutils.core.Publisher``), reducing each to just a
    few lines of code.
  - Added ``locale.setlocale()`` calls to front-end tools.

* tools/ Added to project; batch-generates .html from all
  the .txt files in directories and subdirectories.

* tools/default.css:

  - Added support for ``header`` and ``footer`` elements.
  - Added styles for "Dedication" topics (biblio fields).

* tools/docutils.conf: A configuration file; added to project.

* tools/ Added to project.

* tools/ Added to project; PEP to HTML front-end tool.

* tools/pep-html-template: Added to project.

* tools/ Added to project from Python (nondist/peps).
  Added support for Docutils (reStructuredText PEPs).

* tools/

  - Added the "--attributes" option, hacked a bit.
  - Added a second command-line argument (output file); cleaned up.

* tools/stylesheets/: Subdirectory added to project.

* tools/stylesheets/pep.css: Added to project; stylesheet for PEPs.

Release 0.1 (2002-04-20)

This is the first release of Docutils, merged from the now inactive
reStructuredText__ and `Docstring Processing System`__ projects.  For
the pre-Docutils history, see the `reStructuredText HISTORY`__ and the
`DPS HISTORY`__ files.


General changes: renamed 'dps' package to 'docutils'; renamed
'restructuredtext' subpackage to 'rst'; merged the codebases; merged
the test suites (reStructuredText's test/test_states renamed to
test/test_rst); and all modifications required to make it all work.

* docutils/parsers/rst/

  - Improved diagnostic system messages for missing blank lines.
  - Fixed substitution_reference bug.

   Local Variables:
   mode: indented-text
   indent-tabs-mode: nil
   sentence-end-double-space: t
   fill-column: 70