

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > a6244a8faa0d33b9c36f060461b07bb6 > files > 54


<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
Mail to Fax Gateway




It is easy to setup a simple mail to fax gateway facility with the tools
included in this distribution and some simple additions to your
mail delivery agent configuration.
<LI>Setup the HylaFAX software as usual.
<LI>If your system uses sendmail to deliver mail, then follow the
   instructions in <B>faxmail/</B>.
(Thanks to Eric Allman for the sendmail
configuration hack.)
<LI>If your system uses smail (e.g. Linux users), then follow the
   instructions in <B>faxmail/</B>.
<LI>If your system uses qmail to deliver mail, then follow the
   instructions in <B>faxmail/</B>.
<LI>If your system uses Postfix to deliver mail, then follow the
   instructions in <B>faxmail/</B>.
<LI>Restart your mail software, refreeze your configuration or
   whatever is necessary to cause the configuration changes to be
   seen by the system.

Voila!  Now mail to <I>user@dest.fax</I>
will get formatted and submitted as a
facsimile job to <I>user</I> at the specified <I>dest</I>.

Mail submitted through this gateway can include header lines in the
envelope that control the various aspects of the transmission.
For example, to have the facsimile sent at 196 lines/inch the header line:

<PRE>X-FAX-Resolution: 196</PRE>

would be used.
Headers exist not only to control aspects of the transmission
but also the formatting work that is done in preparing the mail text
for transmission; consult the
<A HREF="@CGIPATH@/manpage?faxmail">faxmail</A>
manual page for complete information.

<TD><IMG SRC="icons/warning_icon.gif" ALT="NOTE: " HSPACE=8></TD>
<TD><EM>The normal access control mechansims on submitting a facsimile
for transmission are enforced; you may need to use them if you setup
a fax gateway on your system!</EM></TD>

Dirk Husemann has contributed a more elaborate system; the
file is accessible in the user contributed software area on the master
FTP server.


<A HREF="toc.html"><IMG SRC="icons/back.gif"> HylaFAX table
of contents</A>.<BR>


<A HREF="sam.html">Sam Leffler</A> / <A HREF=""></A>.
Last updated $Date: 2001/04/15 04:06:58 $.