

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > a76c2f29a2bec4167e6c03dd83e0527c > files > 46


Thanks for everyone's suggestions and contributions, even if we were not
able to include the changes so far.

Changes in SnortSnarf version 020516.1 (from 020316.1)
+ SnortSnarf can now read from a Snort Mysql database; the SnortDBInput
module is written and maintained by Ed Davison (
+ new -mintime=<time> and -maxtime=<time> let you control the time range of
alerts you want included in the output [Ed Davison helped with this]
+ new -Xsid lets you exclude alerts from certain snort ids from being
+ -usage option added
+ -modpath will show you the directories that SnortSnarf tries to gets its
included files from and shows you which seem to have SnortSnarf components
in them
+ -v shows the SnortSnarf version number
+ removed redundant listing of "top" links on start page [spotted by Russell
+ documentation updated and Usage file improved

Changes in SnortSnarf version 020316.1 (from 020126.1)
+ sid now parsed from alerts and used to produce a link to the
signature database; this link is often the most featured one [contrib by
Owen Crow; thanks to Brian Caswell for organizing the signature database
effort and allowing SnortSnarf to link to it]
+ -dns now takes an argument, an network address within IP addresses will be
resolved (you might set this to your local network to have these addresses
look up quickly) [contrib by Russell Fulton]
+ better warnings when an input file does not exist, is length 0, or could
not be opened
+ earliest/latest times (printed on the top of pages) can now be shown in
year/month/date order (-ymd option) [based on contrib by Russell Fulton]
+ updated SnortFileInput to parse IPV6-* protocol type
+ updated SnortFileInput to not include interface name as part of the
signature when using -I with full or fast alert formats [contrib by Andreas
+ new warning when you are using the default input file
+ snort -g users: you can now have the earliest/latest times listed in your
local time (-gmt option) [contrib by Russell Fulton]
+ updated the documentation 

Changes in SnortSnarf version 020126.1 (from 020124.1)
+ fixed -ldir and -onewindow (accidently disabled in last release)
+ signature links are now present from the alert text, even if the sid text
is given
+ "Fresh grab" and SISR "add alerts" links now give a choice of including
alerts not covered by the current input filter (e.g., -minprio) or not
+ -windows accepted as equivalent to -win
+ updates some docs

Changes in SnortSnarf version 020124.1 (from 010821.1)
+ added top N most active sources and destinations pages which including IP
involvement breakdown summaries (N adjustable with -top=N; default 20)
(multiply requested feature)
+ signature priority # and classification text displayed in pages
+ signature list now sorted primarily by priority # unless -sortsigcount1st is
given (-rs still reverses listing order) (use -hiprioisworse if a higher
priority number means a higher priority to you)
+ new -minprio=P option causes alerts with priority lower than P to be ignored;
this could be used to filter out informational messages for a run
+ new -sipin=cidr option restricts alerts presented to those that have a source IP in
the given CIDR specified net
+ new -dipin=cidr option restricts alerts presented to those that have a dest IP in the
given CIDR specified net
+ added a small top-level navigation table to the top of each page for quicker
+ updated RIPE link (thanks to Laurent Monin and Olaf Gellert)
+ added lookup links into and Sam Spade for an IP
+ made anomaly scores in Spade alerts bold for quicker scanning
+ changed order of listing among reference links
+ input files can now be interspersed with options on the command line
(previously they needed to be after all the options)
+ cleaned up some HTML
+ updated the documentation 

Changes in SnortSnarf version 010821.1 (from 080101.1)
+ changed version numbering from DDMMYY to YYMMDD to be more clear
internationally and to sort better
+ added parsing of Snort 1.8.1 syslog format
+ switched port lookup site to and now passes protocol
to the lookup for more specific results
+ fixed issues with refresh tag generated by -refresh that occasionally caused
+ added recognition of Spade alerts when Spade's -corrscore option is used
+ moved command line parameter description from the the top of
to the Usage file (finally, and thanks to Gary Grim for the push)

Changes in SnortSnarf version 080101.1 (from 052301.1)
+ new Snort 1.8 rule id tags in signature name now removed from the signature
string [contrib by Chris Green]
+ parse the Snort 1.8 {TCP} type of indication if fast alert and syslog
format; with this protocol information now available, logs links can now be
made for those formats [based on contrib by Chris Green]
+ updated port lookup URL since the old one stopped working
+ added -rs option to reverse the normal sorting of signatures on the
signature index page so that the most active is first
+ added -win option for those running under windows to use; it is equivalent
to setting the $os variable to 'windows'.

Changes in SnortSnarf version 052301.1 (from 052101.1)

+ restored correct parsing of portscan logs; was broken in the last release
due to generalizing the syslog formats accepted
+ restored space accidently removed before the '->' in alerts shown in the
+ removed some warning messages that were not too helpful

Changes in SnortSnarf version 052101.1 (from 051601.1)

+ fixed 'unmatched [] in regexp' problem under windows
+ actually included support for the variation on syslog formatting that I
announced last time but forgot to put in the released package
+ classification/priority lines in fast alerts now disregarded in parsing
[contrib by Chris Green]

Changes in SnortSnarf version 051601.1 (from 041501.1)

+ fixed the full qualification of input files under Windows
+ fixed a bug when using -rulesdir and -rulesfile with a path under Windows
+ fixed a couple warning messages often encountered when using -homenet
+ restored port lookup links (was not being generated due to a bug)
+ optimized additional accesses to HTMLMemStorage (should speed up run time,
especially for large inputs)
+ Xref lines in full alerts now scanned for links to include on signature
+ classification/priority lines in full alerts now disregarded in parsing
[based on contrib by Craig Barraclough]
+ added support for another variation on syslog format
+ fixed generation of Silicon Defense logo on Windows
+ now ensures all chosen signature page names are unique
+ added note in README about installing the time modules under Windows

Changes in SnortSnarf version 041501.1 (from 040901.1)

+ eliminated warnings when running without -rulesfile
+ improved treatment of alerts without a (parsed) signature, source IP, and/or
destination IP
+ added compatibility with Solaris 8 syslog format and now skips over
interfaces printed in syslog format under snort -I [based on contrib by Benny
+ added -rulesscanonce option to scan the rules files only once to decrease
CPU use at the cost of increased memory usage
+ improved sanity checking of some command line arguments
+ removed a debugging statement from MemStorage
+ clarified documentation about needing to install the Time modules

Changes in SnortSnarf version 040901.1 (from 040701.1)

+ fixed the anom dests page to actually show the destinations [spotted by Ralf
+ fixed SnortSnarf version number displayed on pages (was incorrect in
040701.1) [spotted by Ralf Hildebrandt]
+ fixed bug where an "add some of both types" SISR link would sometimes be
created only if there was one type of alert

Changes in SnortSnarf version 040701.1 (from 011601.1)

+ modularized SnortSnarf (massive modification of code)
  + interface and HTML produced is largely unchanged
  + old SnortSnarf pieces split into modules
  + ways to select and parameterize other modules (when they become available)
  still in the works
  + enhanced SISR and to use alerts from arbitrary input modules
+ enhanced ability to gather reference information to make external links by;
specifically if the -rules* option provides your rules, SnortSnarf will
examine rules in them for reference rule options (e.g.,
"reference:arachnids,212") [by popular demand]
+ signature index page and signature pages now provide links to all known
reference URLs for the signature
+ signature page names should be more consistent across runs since it is now
based on reference information wherever possible
+ updated Princeton DNS lookup link, removed Riherds (was 404'ing)
+ year can now be inferred even when alert does not provide it; mode selected
by new -year option; default is to assume it is from within the previous 12
months; also available is the current year or a specific year
+ year now shown on displayed dates (except perhaps in the displayed alerts)
+ fixed the pop-up menu for annotation access to display correctly on all
browsers [contrib by Yoann Le Corvic]
+ now includes the script by HD Moore (linked to by nmap2html)
+ a few wording changes to reflect the fact that alerts (as defined internally
to SnortSnarf) might contain more than one packet (although no input source
provides this type of packet currently)
+ de-tabbed source files for better reader friendliness
+ updated user and some internal documentation

Changes in SnortSnarf version 011601.1 (from 111500.1)

+ fixed ordering of port numbers in links to log file names; should be always
correct now [spotted by Mark Rolands]
+ adjusted parsing of Snort alerts for ICMP to support Snort 1.7 alert format;
this eliminates the warning messages [spotted by Jim Forster and Etienne

Changes in SnortSnarf version 111500.1 (from 102700.1)

+ syslog "last message repeated ..." messages now ignored without complaint
+ Ethernet addresses now parsed more correctly
+ fixed parsing of spp_portscan lines that have a trailing space
+ SISR: for getting the set name from a file, case where it was not found is now handled
+ other minor changes to the code

Changes in SnortSnarf version 102700.1 (from 102600.1)

+ modified alert parsing to accept latest version of the full alert format
as well as the old version
+ added check to make sure is using correct version of

Changes in SnortSnarf version 102600.1 (from 100400.1)

+ cleaned up page headers and footers for improved readability; Silicon
Defense logo now present in header (GIF file auto-generated)
+ eliminated need to specially name alert files in different formats; alert
format is now automatically inferred (finally!)
+ generated pages now split across multiple directories to reduce the load
on any one directory [suggestion by Chris Green and Dread Pirate Roberts]
+ added option (-refresh=X) to add HTML that causes generated pages to
reload in your browser every X seconds [suggestion by Dave Schwinn]
+ ./include now searched by (but not any CGIs) for its
includes [contrib by Alvar Freude]
+ added TRIUMF as a DNS lookup option
+ fixed bug where certain pages were referenced as .html even if $html was
set to 'htm' instead
+ new default input file for Windows [contrib by SilverDragon]
+ changes in SISR to better permit labeled set and incident files to be
rolled over
+ SISR: automatic IP and network annotations upon labeled set creation now
includes a link to view the labeled set
+ SISR: fixed bug in in finding the latest time

Changes in SnortSnarf version 100400.1 (from 090700.1)

+ new link on alert pages to run a new CGI script to show an updated list
of alerts as text (if -cgidir option is given)
+ 3 DNS lookup sites now linked to from host pages (sites contrib. by Jim
+ added port lookup links to displayed alerts (contrib. by
Mike Biesele)
+ added wrap=yes to TEXTAREAs in SISR and annotations to improve wrapping on
some browsers.
+ for "see also" links, counts of alerts on other page now included
+ now lists number of distinct IPs on alert pages
+ corrected log file naming for Win32 snort (contrib. by silverdragon)
+ nmap2html: improved page heading (contrib. by Sean Boran)
+ nmap log page links now grey colored
+ internal tidying up of record keeping

Changes in SnortSnarf version 090700.1 (from 072700.1)

+ added special handling of alerts from the Spade anomalous event sensor
including a specialized section of the pages
+ CIDR specification of networks now supported for -homenet
+ for pages listing alerts, a summary of the alert types is now presented at
top of page
+ Geektools now added as an IP lookup option (contrib. by Dr. Paul Mitchell)
+ arachNIDS links are now generated even if IDS### is not at the start of
the alert message
+ added new SISR module to summarize protocol flags and added
corresponding details to the example config file

Changes in SnortSnarf version 072700.1 (from 062000.1)

+ added capacity for annotations about networks and pages about IP address
have a link to view/add annotations for their /16 and /24 networks
+ when an alert set is created in SISR, annotations noting this are
automatically added with the source IPs and source networks in the set
  + this is an aid in checking for earlier activity from the same host or
  + new module to do this included in distr. and added to sisr_modlist
  + new config file parameter (ann-db-loc) documented in README.SISR
+ clearing the output directory now uses Perl routines rather than system
commands and only clears files that look like it created in an earlier run;
this allows people to keep, e.g., .htaccess, files in the directory
+ random access to annotations now available from a form at the bottom of
the main page
+ bug fix: spp_portscan lines now filtered from syslog input files

Changes in SnortSnarf version 062000.1 (from 041700.1)

+ nmap2html tool included which generates HTML pages from nmap output files;
these can be linked to from the main SnortSnarf pages (-nmap* options)
+ included to look up contact e-mail addresses for an IP
address using whois databases
+ added SISR as an experimental feature; starting with a SnortSnarf alert
page SISR will let you send custom e-mail reports about an incident
+ snort rules that generate a signature found from snort rules files and
included on that signature's page; included files and relocated file
supported (-rules* options)
+ if an IP address is a source in some alerts and a destination in others, a
link to the other page is generated
+ external whois lookup links now opens a new window unless -onewindow
option is given
+ fixed log links produced for alerts for 'TTL EXCEEDED' packets
+ fixed bug in -homenet argument processing causing it the option not to
work sometimes
+ some minor fixes and improvements to generated HTML
+ now correctly displays newlines added as part of annotations
+ updated documentation

Changes in Snortsnarf version 041700.1 (from 041000.1)

+ fixed "off by one" bug in long alert listings
+ input files with 'messages' in the name are now treated as being generated
by syslog
+ added "-g group" option to to change the file and directory
group to the given group and change the permission to group readable
+ added "-g group" option to to set the group of the
created files and directory to the given group and set the permission to
group writable
+ scattered changes to the documentation

Changes in Snortsnarf version 041000.1 (from 031800.1)

+ added support for -Afast and syslog'ed snort alerts
+ added linking to the appropriate snort log file from alerts on snortsnarf
pages (-ldir option)
+ added support for recording and viewing of notes about IP addresses and
snort messages, allowing you to build up a knowledge base (stored in an
external XML file, accessed by included CGI scripts) (-db option)
+ added optional use of rotating color background for alert listings -- the
color changes if the source, dest, or alert message changed from the
previous; helpful in looking over long listings (-color option)
+ long listings of alerts (sometimes slow to load) now split into segments on
different pages, once a specified threshold is reached (-split option)
+ added more internal links in the generated pages -- from displayed alerts
to source and destination IP address pages and to the page for a certain
snort message
+ added ability specifying the name of the output directory (-d option)
+ improved some of the HTML generated
+ now released under GNU General Public License