

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > aa0ccd81a7e1665b060c0a0d30832238 > files > 8


WMND - Window Maker Network Devices
Web site:
Author: Reed Lai <>

WMND (WindowMaker Network Devices) is a network monitoring
dockapp for Window Maker (and compatibles) for many operative systems.
Improved and based on WMiFS 1.3b, the version 0.2 of wmnd is almost
totally written by Timecop, given the optimization and flexibility and
now consumes less cpu than wmmon. Enjoy!

README		This file.
INSTALL		Configuration and Installation instructions.
			(The bottom of this file contains a brief summary)
ChangeLog	Description of changes.
NEWS		Summary of changes between releases.
TODO		Things we've already planned for WMND.
COPYING		GNU General Public License Version 2.
AUTHORS		Programmers that have contributed to WMND.

If you discover any bugs in this software, please post it to or mail the current maintainer:
Wave++ <>. Please describe the problems in as
much in detail as you can.

WMND is copyright (c) 2000 by Reed Lai and licensed under the GNU
General Public License. Read the COPYING file for the complete
GNU license description.

Hints for WMND
-- Generic -----------------------------------------------------------
WMND supports command-line options, 'wmnd -h' prints help about them.

Use option -i to monitor a particular interface at startup:

  wmnd -i eth0 &
  wmnd -i ppp0 &

Without the -i option, wmnd will auto-magically use the interface
that is first found in /proc/net/dev (or the current driver), but
skip the lo and irda.

Use the -I option to load only a specific interface into wmnd. By
default wmnd loads all avaible interfaces.

To monitor the lo or irda devices you must manually force wmnd as
shown below:

  wmnd -I lo &
  wmnd -I irda &

To monitor dialup interfaces under linux either use the -I ppp0 flag
or use the streams solaris_fpppd driver (-D solaris_fpppd -I ppp0).

-- GUI Usage ---------------------------------------------------------
You can cycle in real-time through all available active interfaces
by simply left-clicking on the interface name gadget on the
upper-left corner of wmnd.

By default, wmnd show device name in short term of four characters,
for example, the ippp0 will be displayed as ipp0.  You can toggle
the device name between short and long by right-click on it.

Left-click on the main graphic area to cycle the graphic mode.

Left-click to toggle the history max or screen max, default is
screen max when wmnd is startup.  Right-click to hide or display.

Left-click on the letter gadgeted on the right-top corner can switch
between the Byte or Packet counter mode. "B" for byte, "p" for packet.

Click on the bottom rate meter can invoke the user command defined in
resource file .wmndrc.

Be sure to drag WMND on it's outer edges, it's a bit picky due
to the large gfx pixmap it keeps ;-). You can also use a
keyboard+mouse shortcut (perhaps ALT+left-click) in your window
manager to drag it around.

-- Internals ---------------------------------------------------------
Sending a SIGUSR1 (pkill -USR1 wmnd) to wmnd will make itself to
restart the drivers subsystem. Drivers must be coded correctly to
support a 'real' restart, thus the only driver that does 'something'
on restart is the solaris_kstat one.

Window Managers
-- WindowMaker -------------------------------------------------------

WindowMaker users simply drag and drop the WMND on the
WindowMaker Dock (preferred) or on the Fiend, and then press the
right mouse button on the outer edges of WMND and then enable
'Auto launch' from the Dock pop-up menu.

-- AfterSTEP ---------------------------------------------------------
AfterSTEP users put the following in their .steprc:

  "Wharf wmnd - MaxSwallow "wmnd" wmnd -i eth0 -w &".

-- BlackBox or FluxBox -----------------------------------------------
You must enable the slit in other make wmnd visible. To add wmnd to
the slit simply run wmnd from the command line:

  wmnd &

and it will pop-up into a new slot.

-- Other Window managers ---------------------------------------------
For other windowmanagers, WMND runs nicely as 64x64 pixel shaped icon
on your desktop.

Under gnome add the "swallow" applet and set it to run wmnd. The same
thing can be done under KDE using the kdeswallow applet.

PS: FVWM can swallow it too, so we've heard ;-)

Creating PPP dialup scripts
Because a very good PPP HowTo already exists, it's quite pointless for
us to explain to you how you should and can make them.

Read the PPP HowTo, and you'll see that it's very easy to create your
own PPP scripts.

Display modes
-- Traditional -------------------------------------------------------
Tx and Rx are piled on the same line within a single graph
(like wmifs original behavior)

-- MGraph ------------------------------------------------------------
Tx and Rx scale is calculed uniquely and the slower channel is shown
in front of the other one.

-- Waveform ----------------------------------------------------------
Tx and Rx are piled on the same line and mirrored using the central
line, in way to generate a "waveform like" silhouette

-- WmWave ------------------------------------------------------------
Tx and Rx are opposite to the central line, however the scale is
calculated using both values

-- WmNet -------------------------------------------------------------
This graph shows a reversed wmwave mode without the central line.
(like wmnet behavior)

-- Sepgraphs ---------------------------------------------------------
Tx and Rx are shown on separated graphs. Tx in top and Rx in bottom,
divided by a central line. Scales are calculated separately.

-- Twisted -----------------------------------------------------------
This mode displays two vertical "waveform like" graphs flowing in
reverse directions. The scale is unique.

-- Charts ------------------------------------------------------------
Displays four charts disposed in this manner:

  TX Current Speed Indicator
  TX Average Speed Indicator
  RX Current Speed Indicator
  RX Average Speed Indicator

The range is from 0 to the maximal value in history. The average speed
is calculated using the lastest 58 samples for each channel.

-- Needle ------------------------------------------------------------
Displays three needles. The arrangement is as follows:

  TX Average Needle

       Bandwidth utilization Needle

  RX Average Needle

The range For TX and RX needles is between 0 and the maximal value in
history. The bandwidth utilization one uses this formula:


_med: average speed
_max: maximal value in history

I particularly like this mode :), the needles speed are slow and
smooth like a real analog display.

Building WMND 0.4
Since release 0.4 WMND is now compliant to the GNU Packaging
standards and enables to use the GNU autotools to automagically build
WMND for your box with little or no difficulty.

First of all, unpack the source tarball:

  $ gzcat wmnd-0.4.2.tar.gz | tar xf -

Wmnd will unpack into the wmnd-0.4.2 directory. Create now a build
directory that will contain objects:

  $ mkdir wmnd-build
  $ cd wmnd-build

You can now launch configure to 'configure' wmnd as follows:

  $ ../wmnd-0.4.2/configure

And finally make/install it:

  $ make
  $ make install

Configure accepts several options to enchange/minimize wmnd
functionality and size.  To forcely disable the dummy driver:

  $ ../wmnd-0.4.2/configure --without-dummy_driver

To select only some display modes:

  $ ../wmnd-0.4.2/configure --with-display_modes="traditional wmwave"

To forcely build specified drivers (beware that the dummy driver should
be disabled with --wihout-dummy_driver, also, extra libraries that may
be needed by the driver won't be checked automatically):

  $ ../wmnd-0.4.2/configure --with-drivers="linux_proc"

The --help flag will show you a complete list of command line flags
that the configure script supports.

-- Autodetection flaws -----------------------------------------------
The configure autodetection stuff has only been tested on solaris and
linux due to lack of FreeBSD machines. Report any autodetection
problem to the current mantainer.

automake 1.5 doesn't seem to cooperate with autoconf 2.5 and so it
might cause problems if you have it installed. The only thing that you
can do is making configure failing to find automake:

  $ cd wmnd-0.4.2
  $ sed -e "s/\<automake\>/fake-automake/" configure > configure.tmp
  $ mv configure.tmp configure
  $ chmod +x configure

and then proceed as above. You'll notice this big improvement:

  -checking for working automake... found
  +checking for working fake-automake... missing

This will prevent for make to recall automake later for regenerating
makefiles (and this happens regardless the date of files!).
automake 1.14x works without problems.

Also, on some platforms (linux actually) the solaris_fpppd driver
would be detected only when the ppp kernel module is installed. To
forcely enable specified drivers use the --with-drivers="list" flag.

-- Avaible drivers/display modes -------------------------------------
Actually WMND supports these drivers/display modes (these names should
be used with configure, they're case sensitive):

  * display modes: traditional mgraph waveform wmwave wmnet sepgraphs
  twisted charts needle

  * drivers: linux_proc freebsd_sysctl solaris_fpppd solaris_kstat