

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > ae6820377e97a1769bc9fb2be8e6f2ff > files > 1


# $Id: tkcvs_def.tcl,v 1.42 2002/12/21 07:37:33 dorothyr Exp $
# TkCVS defaults file.
# This file is read by TkCVS on startup.  It will be installed
# automatically by the "configure" script.
# Defaults in the .tkcvs file in the user's home directory will
# over-ride this file.

# If you want to use "cvs edit", uncomment this.
set cvscfg(econtrol) true
# If you want to see the status column, uncomment this
set cvscfg(showstatcol) true
# If you want to see the date column, uncomment this
set cvscfg(showdatecol) true

# Number of tags you want to see for each revision on the branching
# diagram before it says "more..."
set cvscfg(tagdepth) 6
# Hilight colours for revision-log boxes
set cvscfg(colourA) darkgreen
set cvscfg(colourB) brown

# If you want the module browser to come up on startup instead of the
# working-directory browser, uncomment this.
#set cvscfg(startwindow) "module"

# Colours.  "Colors" that is if you are a yanqui who can't spell.
# Added support for monochrome machines. -sj
if { [winfo depth .] == 1 } {
    option add *ToolTip.background  "white"
    option add *ToolTip.foreground  "black"

# You can either un-comment these lines or
# you can use the Xdefaults method of colouring the windows.
# The conditional at the beginning prevents over-writing CDE's
# options in case you sometimes use CDE and sometimes not.
#if {![string length [option get . background background]]} {
## These are subtle shades that work well in vanilla X
#  option add *Canvas.background #c3c3c3
#  option add *Menu.background #c3c3c3
#  option add *selectColor #ffec8b
#  option add *Text.background gray92
#  option add *Entry.background gray92
#  option add *Listbox.background gray92

# To use the Xdefaults method, put lines like the following into
# your .Xdefaults or .Xresources file:
# tkcvs*background:			SkyBlue2
# tkcvs*activeBackground:		green
# tkcvs*Button.background:		LightSteelBlue
# tkcvs*Button.activeBackground:	green
# tkcvs*Scrollbar.background:		LightSteelBlue
# tkcvs*Scrollbar.activeBackground:	green

# Format of date display in workdir dialog
# The default:
#   %Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S    - 2000/03/25 14:41:33
# is useful because it sorts properly. Other poosibilities
# are:
#   %d/%m/%y %I:%M:%S %p   - 03/25/00 02:41:33 PM
#   %d-%b-%y %H:%M:%S      - 03-Mar-00 14:41:33
# Look up "date" in the tcl reference manual for a complete
# description of date formats.
#set cvscfg(dateformat) "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
set cvscfg(dateformat) "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M"

# --------------------
# Revision tree log display configuration.

# Font size for tag lists and box contents (+ve = points, -ve = pixels)
set logcfg(font_size) -12

# Gaps between revisions in units of the chosen font's line spacing
# spcx = x spacing between revisions
# spcy = y spacing between revisions
# yfudge = max extra y space used to fit branch in rather than moving right
# boff = vertical offset for branch placement
set logcfg(spcx) 1
set logcfg(spcy) 1
set logcfg(yfudge) 12
set logcfg(boff) 1

# Padding between box outline and box contents in pixels
set logcfg(padx) 4
set logcfg(pady) 2

# Space between tag list and box in pixels
set logcfg(tspcb) 2

# Line and box outline width in pixels
set logcfg(width) 3

# Arrow shape for connecting lines
set logcfg(arrowshape) { 6 6.7 3 }

# Delay between a user option being changed and the redraw of the
# tree taking place. This is to allow the user chance to change
# several options at once without the tree being redrawn unecessarily.
# It's in milliseconds and something in the 1.5-3 second range is
# generally reasonable.
set logcfg(draw_delay) 2000

# Scaling options to offer user
set logcfg(scaling_options) {50% 0.5 75% 0.75 100% 1.0 150% 1.5 200% 2.0 250% 2.5}

# User options for info display
set logcfg(update_drawing) 2
set logcfg(scale) 1.0
set logcfg(show_tags) 1
set logcfg(show_empty_branches) 1
set logcfg(show_inter_revs) 1
set logcfg(show_root_tags) 1
set logcfg(show_root_rev) 1
set logcfg(show_box_rev) 1
set logcfg(show_box_revwho) 1
set logcfg(show_box_revdate) 1
set logcfg(show_box_revtime) 0
set logcfg(show_box_revlines) 0
set logcfg(show_box_revstate) 0

# --------------------
# Import defaults
set cvscfg(import_vendortag) {VENDOR}
set cvscfg(import_vendorbranch) {1.1.1}
# Standalone CVS import behaviour
#set cvscfg(import_newtrunk) 2
#set cvscfg(import_missdel) 0
# Recommended settings
set cvscfg(import_newtrunk) 0
set cvscfg(import_missdel) 1
set cvscfg(import_alttime) {}
# It is *highly* recommended that you configure cvswrappers to set -kb for
# binary file types and -ko for all others, then change the default kflag
# below to {} rather than {-ko}.
set cvscfg(import_kflag) {-ko}
# You should clean your import directory by hand unless you are absolutely
# *certain* you know what ignore patterns are in effect - otherwise you may
# lose files that never get imported!
set cvscfg(import_ignore) {!}

# If you have standard files that you want present in a module when it is
# created by import without a directory specified (e.g. README, COPYRIGHT
# etc.) then you can put them in a directory and set cvscfg(module_template)
# to its name. Note that importing to an existing module without a directory
# specified will also add the template files to both the vendor branch and
# the trunk.
#set cvscfg(module_template) {}

# --------------------
# Platform specific configuration.
# Decide wether you are unlucky and have to run tkcvs on DOS/WIN
# some things will be setup in the following
# Please note that you may have to setup a bit more.
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
    # file mask for all files
    set cvscfg(aster) "*.*"
    # null-device
    set cvscfg(null) "nul"
    # Terminal program
    set cvscfg(terminal) "command /c"
    # Please don't ask me why you have to set -T on DOS,
    # experiments say you have! - CJ
    #set cvs "cvs -T $cvscfg(tmpdir)"
    set cvs "cvs"
    set cvscfg(editor) "notepad"
    set cvscfg(editorargs) {}

    # set temp directory
    set cvscfg(tmpdir) "c:/temp"
    set cvscfg(tkdiff) "$TclExe [file join $ScriptBin tkdiffb.tcl]"
    set cvscfg(print_cmd)          "pr"
    set cvscfg(shell)  ""
    # Commands to change file attributes. For lock / unlock.
    # 12-Jan-2000 lcs
    set cvscfg(chmod_ro_cmd) "attrib +R"
    set cvscfg(chmod_rw_cmd) "attrib -R"
    set cvscfg(allow_abort)  "no"
} else {
    set cvscfg(tmpdir) "/tmp"
    set cvscfg(aster) "*"
    set cvscfg(null) "/dev/null"
    # Terminal program
    set cvscfg(terminal) "xterm -e"
    # Other defaults
    # Full path to the CVS program if you want to give it,
    # otherwise the PATH environment variable will be searched.
    set cvs "cvs"
    # To override the default editor (setup when tkcvs is configured and
    # installed) a user can set the cvscfg(editor) variable to the editor
    # of choice in their .tkcvs file (if they have one).
    #set cvscfg(editor) "dtpad"
    set cvscfg(editor) "xterm -e vi"
    set cvscfg(editorargs) {}
    # The file editor to be used may also be identified by pattern-matching the
    # filename by setting the cvscfg(editors) variable.  This contains a series
    # of string pairs giving the editor-command and string-match-pattern.  The
    # first pattern (see rules for [string match]) which matches the filename
    # going down the list determines which editor is run.  If no patterns match
    # or the option is not set, the cvscfg(editor) value will be used instead.
    # -
    #set cvscfg(editors) {
    #    nedit *.html
    #    nedit *.c
    #    bitmap *.xbm
    #    gimp *.xpm
    #    gimp *.gif
    set cvscfg(tkdiff) "tkdiffb"
    #set cvscfg(print_cmd)          "enscript -Ghr -fCourier8"
    set cvscfg(print_cmd)          "lpr"
    # Commands to change file attributes.
    # 12-Jan-2000 lcs
    set cvscfg(chmod_ro_cmd)   "chmod a-w"
    set cvscfg(chmod_rw_cmd)   "chmod u+w"
    set cvscfg(allow_abort)    "yes"
    # What do you want to happen when you ask for a shell?
    set cvscfg(shell) "xterm -name tkcvsxterm -n {TkCVS xterm}"
    if {[info exists tcl_platform(windowingsystem)]
         && $tcl_platform(windowingsystem) == "aqua"} {
      set cvscfg(editor) /Applications/
      set cvscfg(tkdiff) "\"/Applications/Utilities/Wish Shell\" /usr/local/bin/tkdiffb"
      set cvscfg(shell) /Applications/Utilities/

# --------------------
# User Menus
# Set any of these strings to a cvs command to add to the User Menu
   set cvsmenu(Show_My_Checkouts) "history"
   set cvsmenu(Show_All_Checkouts) "history -a"
# Set these to a shell command whose output you want to catch
#   set usermenu(show_makevars) "gmake -pn | grep '='"
# Set these to standalone programs
#   set execmenu(tkman_cvs) "tkman cvs"

# --------------------
# Other defaults
# These can be set and saved from the GUI.

# Set this to 1 to see all files displayed in the directory
# browser (including hidden files) by default.
set cvscfg(allfiles)           false

# set the default log file detail to be reported; one of
#   "latest"     latest log message on the current branch
#   "summary"    version number and comment string for all check-ins
#   "verbose"    all logfile detail possible, including symbolic tags
set cvscfg(ldetail)            "summary"

# set the default detail for repository and workdir reports; one of
#   "terse"      report "status" only and only on those files which
#                are not "up-to-date"
#   "summary"    report the "status" and include "up-to-date"
#   "verbose"    provide the report as it would appear unmodified
set cvscfg(rdetail)            "summary"

# set the default pattern to be used by the filter.  Use any valid
# pattern that can be used for a pattern for 'ls'. An empty string
# is equivalent to the entire directory (minus hidden files);
# i.e., ls *
set cvscfg(file_filter)        ""
set cvscfg(ignore_file_filter) "*.a *.o *~"
set cvscfg(clean_these)        "*.bak *~ *tmp #* *%"

# set the default for automatic statusing of a CVS controlled
# directory.  Automatic updates are done when a directory is
# entered and after some operations.
set cvscfg(auto_status)        true

# set the default value for confirmation prompting before performing an
# operation over selected files.
set cvscfg(confirm_prompt)     true

# some of the reporting operations could usefully be recursive.  Set
# the default value here.
set cvscfg(recurse)            false
# Filter out "?" unknown files from CVS Check and CVS Update reports
set cvscfg(status_filter)      false

# Kinds of messages for debugging:
#         C       CVS commands
#         F       File creation/deletion
#         T       Function entry/exit tracing
#         D       Debugging"
set cvscfg(log_classes) "CEF"
# On (1) or off (0)
set cvscfg(logging)    false

# In the Module Browser, if true this will cause the alias modules to
# be grouped in one folder.  Cleans up clutter if there are a lot of
# aliases.  If it's false, they will be listed separately at the top
# level.
set cvscfg(aliasfolder) true

# For cvs annotate display - number of days to be represented by each
# color in the rainbow. The larger this number is, the older a file
# will need to be in order to be displayed as blue (cold, "very old")
set cvscfg(dayspercolor) 20

# Set colours for tagging cvs output
set cvscfg(outputColor,patched) blue4
set cvscfg(outputColor,modified) purple
set cvscfg(outputColor,conflict) red
set cvscfg(outputColor,updated) darkgoldenrod
set cvscfg(outputColor,added)   darkgreen
set cvscfg(outputColor,removed) red4
set cvscfg(outputColor,warning) orange
set cvscfg(outputColor,unknown) gray30

# Print setup. Removed in v7.1
#set cvscfg(papersize) "A4"
#set cvscfg(pointsize) 10
#set cvscfg(headingsize) 13
#set cvscfg(subheadingsize) 11
#set cvscfg(printer) "ps"

# --------------------
# At the very end, look for a file called "site_def" in the installation
# directory.  That's a good place to define your tagcolours and other
# site-specific things.  It won't be overwritten by installs like this file is.
set tkcvs_path [lrange $auto_path 0 0]
if {[file exists [file join $tkcvs_path site_def]]} {
  source [file join $tkcvs_path site_def]