

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > c4055eb7d07c582353437e4ae62fde33 > files > 197


This text editor is based on Xed 1.3 by Randolf Werner.
It is part of Siag Office.


<li> File:
<li>	Open			Load a textfile
<li>	Insert			Insert a textfile at current cursor position
<li>	Save			Save actual textfile
<li>	Save as			Save actual textfile with different name
<li>	Save Selection		Save actual selected text
<li>	Print			Print actual textfile
<li>	Print Selection		Print actual selected text
<li>	Exit			Exit xed

<li> Edit:
<li>	Cut			Cut current selection in Cut_Buffer0
<li>	Paste			Paste Cut_Buffer0 at current cursor position
<li>	Shift Selection right	Indent current selection 1 Tab
<li>	Shift Selection left	UnIndent current selection 1 Tab

<li> Jump:
<li>	Line			Goto linenumber
<li>	Begin			Goto textbeginning
<li>	End			Goto textending
<li>	Selection Start		Goto startposition of current selection
<li>	Selection End		Goto endposition of current selection
<li> Search:  
<li>	Find bracket		Select a textblock containing currently selected
       				bracket an coresponding bracket.
       				(Valid brackets are {,},[,],(,),/*,*/)
<li>	Check brackets		Check hierachy of brackets
<li> Special:
<li>	Options			Set Wrapmode, Tabsize, Autoindent and Autofill	
<li>	Call sed		Execute an sed command
<li>	Help			Show this page
<li>	About			Info about xed

<li> Commands:
<li>	Command			Execute a Unix command 
<li>	User Commands		Execute a predefined Unix command
<li> Pipe:
<li>	Pipe			Execute a Unix pipe command
<li>	User Pipes		Execute a predefined Unix pipe command

    Standard Textwidget selection style is used:
<li>	Click left button 1 times          : Set cursor position
<li>	Click left button 2 times          : Select word
<li>	Click left button 3 times          : Select line
<li>	Click left button 4 times          : Select paragraph
<li>	Click left button 5 times          : Select all
<li>	Press left button and drag pointer : Select area
<li>	Click right button                 : Expand current selection
<li>	Click middle button                : Insert Cut_Buffer0 at current cursor position

Standard Textwidget key bindings are used. These are patterned after those in the 
EMACS text editor:

<li> Ctrl-a  Beginning Of Line
<li> Ctrl-b  Backward Character
<li> Ctrl-d  Delete Next Character
<li> Ctrl-e  End Of Line
<li> Ctrl-f  Forward Character
<li> Ctrl-g  Multiply Reset
<li> Ctrl-h  Delete Previous Character
<li> Ctrl-j  Newline And Indent
<li> Ctrl-k  Kill To End Of Line
<li> Ctrl-l  Redraw Display
<li> Ctrl-m  Newline
<li> Ctrl-n  Next Line
<li> Ctrl-o  Newline And Backup
<li> Ctrl-p  Previous Line
<li> Ctrl-r  Search/Replace Backward
<li> Ctrl-s  Search/Replace Forward
<li> Ctrl-t  Transpose Characters
<li> Ctrl-u  Multiply by 4
<li> Ctrl-v  Next Page
<li> Ctrl-w  Kill Selection
<li> Ctrl-y  Unkill
<li> Ctrl-z  Scroll One Line Up
<li> Meta-b  Backward Word
<li> Meta-f  Forward Word
<li> Meta-i  InsertFile
<li> Meta-k  Kill To End Of Paragraph
<li> Meta-q  Form Paragraph
<li> Meta-v  Previous Page
<li> Meta-y  Insert Current Selection
<li> Meta-z  Scroll One Line Down
<li> Meta-d  Delete Next Word
<li> Meta-D  Kill Word
<li> Meta-h  Delete Previous Word
<li> Meta-H  Backward Kill Word
<li> Meta-&lt;  Beginning Of File
<li> Meta-&gt;  End Of File
<li> Meta-]  Forward Paragraph
<li> Meta-[  Backward Paragraph
<li> Meta-Delete            Delete Previous Word
<li> Meta-Shift Delete      Kill Previous Word
<li> Meta-Backspace         Delete Previous Word
<li> Meta-Shift Backspace   Kill Previous Word

   In addition some special keybindings are used: 
<li> Shift Cursor up      : Page up
<li> Shift Cursor down    : Page down
<li> Shift Cursor left    : Previous word
<li> Shift Cursor right   : Next word
<li> Ctrl Cursor up       : Textbeginning
<li> Ctrl Cursor down     : Textending
<li> Ctrl Cursor left     : Begin of line
<li> Ctrl Cursor right    : End of line
   There are some default keybindings for calling menus, which overwrite some of the
   above defaults in the textwindow. These may be changed by changing Resources in 
   your "~/.Xdefaults":
<li> Meta-o		  : Open file
<li> Meta-i		  : Insert file
<li> Meta-s		  : Save file
<li> Meta-e		  : Exit
<li> Meta-f		  : Find Panel
<li> Meta-l		  : Goto line
<li> Meta-m		  : Toggle between Insert and Overwrite mode   

Esc erases the text in a popup text field like Line, Search, Sed, ...

    UNIX commands can be execute using a user pipe or command. If there is some
    output of a user command it is displayed in another xed. Results of a pipe 
    command replace the current text selection. Before a command is executed, the 
    current selection and the current text are saved in temporary files. The 
    following variables are set and may be used in a command:
    $selection: Filename of the temporary file containing the current selection
    $tempfile : Filename of the temporary saved text file
    $filename : Filename of the edited file
    $stripped : Stripped Filename (without postfix and path) of the edited file
The user may specify his own commands by specifying RESOURCES:
    Each command has the format "&lt;Menu entry&gt;&lt;Tab&gt;&lt;Command string&gt;". Here
    are some short examples. These examples are setup in the default resource file. You
    may change them for your own purpose in your ".Xdefaults" file:

	XedPlus*commands: LatexPS	latex $stripped; dvips $stripped.dvi -o $; ghostview $ &\n\
	LatexDVI	latex $stripped; xdvi $stripped.dvi &\n\
	Make	make\n\
	CC	cc $stripped.c -o $stripped\n\
	NewXed	1&gt;/dev/null 2&gt;/dev/null xed &\n\
	Manual	mantitle=`head $selection`;man $mantitle | sed "s/.//g"
	XedPlus*pipes: Date	date


    You may define keybings for calling menus by changing the XedPlus.insertranslations and
    XedPlus.overwritetranslations resources. For calling a menu entry you can use the Action 
    "xedCallMenu". In oder to call a specific menu entry, you have to know the widget
    name of the menu entry. A complete list of the widget names can be found in the
    default resourse file (see below). For example the default keybinding for calling
    the menus are setup in the default resource file in the following manner:
	Meta&lt;Key&gt;i: xedCallMenu(filemenu.insert) \n \
	Meta&lt;Key&gt;o: xedCallMenu(filemenu.load) \n \
	Meta&lt;Key&gt;s: xedCallMenu( \n \
	Meta&lt;Key&gt;e: xedCallMenu(filemenu.quit) \n \
	Meta&lt;Key&gt;l: xedCallMenu(jumpmenu.line) \n \
	Meta&lt;Key&gt;f: xedCallMenu( \n \
   If you like to see the hotkey for calling a menu entry in the menu entry name, you
   can define you own menu entry names. This is the default setting in the default
   resource file:

   	XedPlus.filemenu.load.label:	Open          o
	XedPlus.filemenu.insert.label:	Insert        i	Save          s
	XedPlus.filemenu.quit.label:	Exit          e
	XedPlus.jumpmenu.line.label:	Line          l	Search          f 
   The widget name of a user command or pipe is defined by the menu entry name.
   For example the widget names of the above examples for user commands and pipes

   So these menu entries may be bind to some hotkeys by calling:


   Be carefull when choosing the name of a menu entry for user commands or pipes.
   You may run into troubles if you use special characters or the same name for
   different menu entries.

    XedPlus.EnableBackups	      : Make backupfile before saving (Boolean)
    XedPlus.BackupNameSuffix      : Suffix for backupfilename (String)
    XedPlus.PrintCommand	      : Command for printing file (String) 
    XedPlus.AutoIndent            : AutoIndent (Boolean)
    XedPlus.Tabsize               : Tabsize (Int)
    XedPlus*editWindow.autoFill   : Autofill (Boolean)
    XedPlus*editWindow.wrap       : Wrapmode (String) (never, word, line)
    XedPlus.textwidth             : Width of the textwindow in number of characters (Int)
    XedPlus.textheight	      : Height of the textwindow in number of characters (Int)
    XedPlus.MaxScrollbreak        : Specifies how many cursor events with the
                                same serial number will be ignored (Int)
    XedPlus.commands	      : User command strings (String)
    XedPlus.pipes		      : Users pipe strings (String)
    XedPlus.insertranslations     : Keybindings in Insert mode
    XedPlus.overwritetranslations : Keybindings in Overwrite mode

    The default resource file is not installed, but compiled into the
executable file. Global resource files are evil.
    You may copy it into your "~/.Xdefaults" and modify it for your own purpose.

<address>Ulric Eriksson - April 1999 -</address>
