

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > ce46faa0f28e705e60410073f1dce73e > files > 22


GPSDRIVE (c) 2001-2003 Fritz Ganter <>


Disclaimer: Please do not use for navigation. 

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


Please read the gpsdrive man page. To do so, install the program and

man gpsdrive

into a terminal window. With KDE Konqueror you can also see it with
the URL: 


Most information is now in the man page!

Have also a look at the Changelog file at

About MySQL support please read README.SQL!


How to install the program:

Source File:

Extract it with tar -xvzf gpsdrive*tar.gz
cd gpsdrive

If you don't need the support of the GARMIN protocol (you are using
only NMEA protocol) you should configure GpsDrive with:

./configure --disable-garmin

You can also add --with-pentiumpro, if you have a CPU > PII.

If you don't want MySQL support, do:

./configure --disable-mysql

As root you should do a 
make install

to install the program, the gpsd daemon and the language files.

After compiling and installing (install is needed for localisation)
read the manpage of gpsdrive or start the program if you are to lazy
to read manuals. ;-)

You can also download the RPM file and install it:

rpm -Uvh gpsdrive*.rpm


If you installed using the tarball:

cd into the gpsdrive directory (not the src), then

make uninstall

If you used the rpm package:

rpm -e gpsdrive

If there is no directory ".gpsdrive" in your home directory, GpsDrive
will creates it for you. In this directory a file map_koord.txt is
created which holds the maps list. 

You can let the program download the maps. There is also a script
"gpsfetchmap" to download the maps.

For GARMIN mode you must not start gpsd.

If you don't have a link /dev/gps to your serial device, or you use
another port than ttyS0 start
GpsDrive with

./gpsdrive  -t /dev/ttyS1 

for your second serial port.

You can change this setting in the "Settings" menu.

Click on the "Start GPSD" button to start the gpsd daemon for NMEA

You see your position on the map and some infos in the statusline. You
can zoom in and out. If you are moving outside your map, the next map
is selected if one is available for your position.

The first time you should download a map with the "Download" button.

Help is provided with "gpsdrive -h".

Comqaq iPaq users:
Gpsdrive will detect the smaller display and make smaller menues.

It is also recommend to use the language xx, that means to start GpsDrive with:

LANGUAGE=xx gpsdrive

If you have no GPS receiver connected:
There is a build in simulator. It is automatically used if no GPS
receiver is found.

If you have created a waypoint file and have the right maps, you can
click on "Select target" to select a waypoint. The marker will move to
this waypoint.  In this menu you can also create a route.

I'm to lazy to go out of my bed, how can I test with my GARMIN GPS III?

Your GARMIN has a built in simulator. Start it on the "satellite
screen", then go to setup and enter a speed in the simulator menu. Then
"goto" a stored waypoint and look how fine GpsDrive work.
Don't forget to download your maps first.


How to get own maps?

You can do it with the "Download map" button in the program.
Below is the background of the file organization.

There is a file called "map_koord.txt" in your ~/.gpsdrive
directory. Here is a sample:

map_stmk.gif          47.08    15.45    300000
map_austria.gif       48.0     14.0    1000000
map_bruck-m-umgeb.gif 47.44    15.29    100000

The first row is the filename, then comes the latitude, the longitude
and the scale of the map. The scale of 10000000 is good for Europe,
and 100000 is for a town like Vienna.

GpsDrive selects the map with the best scale for your position. So get
a map i.e for Europe, Austria and Vienna if you want to drive in

For easy use, I provide the script "gpsfetchmap" to get the map from
the internet and make the entry in the map_koord.txt file.

gpsfetchmap filename latitude longitude scale

The filename should have the extension .gif.

ATTENTION: maps with a scale greater than 1:2 millions
seems to be have another projection system, GpsDrive shows here a
INCORRECT position! Has anyone information about this?

Please read the copyright notice of!

File formats:

The decimal points in way.txt must always be a dot ('.'), in
map_koord.txt '.' or ',' are possible. If you download maps from
within the program, GpsDrive writes the map_koord.txt respecting your
LC_NUMERIC setting.

Can I use other maps?

You can also use your own (self drawn, scanned...) maps. The maps must
be gif, jpeg, png or other common file formats (the format must be
recognized by the gdk-pixbuf library).  The lat/long coordinates you
write into the "map_koord.txt" file must be the center of the map. The
map must have a size of 1280x1024 pixels! 

Important! The maps must now be named map_* for streetmaps
and top_* for topographical maps. If not, gpsdrive won't
display the maps.

There is an "import assistant" build in. Use this to import your maps.

Importing waypoints:

The easiest way is to use the script "wpget" which does all for you if
you use a GARMIN receiver.
You can use the program "garble" (included in the package) to read
out your waypoints from the Garmin GPS (Transfer mode must be set to
GARMIN here, while GpsDrive needs NMEA!).

"wpget" is a script which calls "garble" in the proper way.

Be sure to have "wpget", "wpcvt" and "garble" in your path. This is
fullfilled, if you did install the program as root and /usr/local/bin
is in your path.

The manual way:

You may create a file "way.txt" in your ~/.gpsdrive directory
which looks like:

DEFAULT  47.0792  15.4524
KLGNFR   46.6315  14.3152
MCDONA   47.0555  15.4488

The rows are: label latitude longitude.

There is no need to create the way.txt file yourself, you can add the
waypoints with GpsDrive using the "x" key. See help menu.

Some comments on fonts:

GpsDrive uses the font 
for the big letters. If this font is not found, it uses 
which should be available on a XFree86 installation.

If you want to change the font, find the define "FONT1" in the source
code and replace the font string. 

Mailing list:

The address for the mailing list is

Subscribing can be done by sending a mail containing "subscribe
gpsdrive" to


Suggestions and bug reports welcome!

Have a lot of fun!

Fritz Ganter <>