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 Manipulating Prolog terms
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<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#66dbff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=4><B><A NAME="htoc352">9.2</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><FONT SIZE=4><B>Manipulating Prolog terms</B></FONT></TD>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc287"> Introduction</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc288"> Managing Prolog atoms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc289"> Reading Prolog terms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc290"> Unifying Prolog terms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc291"> Creating Prolog terms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc292"> Testing the type of Prolog terms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc293"> Comparing Prolog terms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc294"> Copying Prolog terms</A>
<LI><A HREF="manual067.html#toc295"> Comparing and evaluating arithmetic expressions</A>

<A NAME="Manipulating-Prolog-terms"></A><BR>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc353">9.2.1</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Introduction</B></TD>
<A NAME="Introduction:(Manipulating-Prolog-terms)"></A>
In the following we presents a set of functions to manipulate Prolog terms.
For simple foreign terms the functions manipulate simple C types
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual066.html#foreign/2-directive">9.1.2</A>). <BR>
Functions managing lists handle an array of 2 elements (of type
<TT>PlTerm</TT>) containing the terms corresponding to the head and the tail
of the list. For the empty list <TT>NULL</TT> is passed as the array. These
functions require to flatten a list in each sub-list. To simplify the
management of proper lists (i.e. lists terminated by <TT>[]</TT>) a set of
functions is provided that handle the number of elements of the list (an
integer) and an array whose elements (of type <TT>PlTerm</TT>) are the
elements of the list. The caller of these functions must provide the array.<BR>
Functions managing compound terms handle a functor (the principal functor of
the term), an arity <I><TT>N</TT></I> &gt;= 0 and an array of <I><TT>N</TT></I> elements
(of type <TT>PlTerm</TT>) containing the sub-terms of the compound term.
Since a list is a special case of compound term (functor = <TT>'.'</TT> and
arity=2) it is possible to use any function managing compound terms to deal
with a list but the error detection is not the same. Indeed many functions
check if the Prolog argument is correct. The name of a read or unify
function checking the Prolog arguments is of the form
<TT><I>Name</I>_Check()</TT>. For each of these functions there is a also
check-free version called <TT><I>Name</I>()</TT>. We then only present the
name of checking functions.<BR>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc354">9.2.2</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Managing Prolog atoms</B></TD>
Each atom has a unique internal key which corresponds to its index in the
GNU Prolog atom table. It is possible to obtain the information about an atom
and to create new atoms using:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
char *Atom_Name           (int atom)
int   Atom_Length         (int atom)
Bool  Atom_Needs_Quote    (int atom)
Bool  Atom_Needs_Scan     (int atom)
Bool  Is_Valid_Atom       (int atom)
int   Create_Atom         (char *str)
int   Create_Allocate_Atom(char *str)
int   Find_Atom           (char *str)
int   ATOM_CHAR           (char c)
int   atom_nil
int   atom_false
int   atom_true
int   atom_end_of_file
The macro <TT>Atom_Name(atom)</TT> returns the internal string of
<TT>atom</TT> (this string should not be modified). The function
<TT>Atom_Lengh(atom)</TT> returns the length (of the name) of <TT>atom</TT>.<BR>
The function <TT>Atom_Needs_Scan(atom)</TT> indicates if the canonical form
of <TT>atom</TT> needs to be quoted as done by <TT>writeq/2</TT>
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual037.html#write-term/3">7.14.6</A>). In that case <TT>Atom_Needs_Scan(atom)</TT>
indicates if this simply comes down to write quotes around the name of
<TT>atom</TT> or if it necessary to scan each character of the name because
there are some non-printable characters (or included quote characters). The
function <TT>Is_Valid_Atom(atom)</TT> is true only if <TT>atom</TT> is the
internal key of an existing atom.<BR>
The function <TT>Create_Atom(str)</TT> adds a new atom whose name is the
content of <TT>str</TT> to the system and returns its internal key. If the
atom already exists its key is simply returned. The string <TT>str</TT>
passed to the function should not be modified later. The function
<TT>Create_Allocate_Atom(str)</TT> is provided when this condition cannot
be ensured. It simply makes a dynamic copy of <TT>str</TT>. <BR>
The function <TT>Find_Atom(str)</TT> returns the internal key of the
atom whose name is <TT>str</TT> or <TT>-1</TT> if does not exist.<BR>
All atoms corresponding to a single character already exist and their
key can be obtained via the macro <TT>ATOM_CHAR</TT>. For
instance <TT>ATOM_CHAR('.')</TT> is the atom associated to
<TT>'.'</TT> (this atom is the functor of lists). The other variables
correspond to the internal key of frequently used atoms: <TT>[]</TT>,
<TT>false</TT>, <TT>true</TT> and <TT>end_of_file</TT>.<BR>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc355">9.2.3</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Reading Prolog terms</B></TD>
<A NAME="Reading-Prolog-terms"></A>
The name of all functions presented here are of the form
<TT>Rd_<I>Name</I>_Check()</TT>. They all check the validity of the
Prolog term to read emitting appropriate errors if necessary. Each function
has a check-free version called <TT>Rd_<I>Name</I>()</TT>.<BR>
<B>Simple foreign types</B>: for each simple foreign type
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual066.html#foreign/2-directive">9.1.2</A>) there is a read function (used by the
interface when an input argument is provided):
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
long    Rd_Integer_Check  (PlTerm term)
long    Rd_Positive_Check (PlTerm term)
double  Rd_Float_Check    (PlTerm term)
double  Rd_Number_Check   (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_Atom_Check     (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_Boolean_Check  (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_Char_Check     (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_In_Char_Check  (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_Code_Check     (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_In_Code_Check  (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_Byte_Check     (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_In_Byte_Check  (PlTerm term)
char   *Rd_String_Check   (PlTerm term)
char   *Rd_Chars_Check    (PlTerm term)
char   *Rd_Codes_Check    (PlTerm term)
int     Rd_Chars_Str_Check(PlTerm term, char *str)
int     Rd_Codes_Str_Check(PlTerm term, char *str)
All functions returning a C string (<TT>char *</TT>) use a same buffer. The
function <TT>Rd_Chars_Str_Check()</TT> is similar to
<TT>Rd_Chars_Check()</TT> but accepts as argument a string to store the
result and returns the length of that string (which is also the length of
the Prolog list). Similarly for <TT>Rd_Codes_Str_Check()</TT>.<BR>
<B>Complex terms</B>: the following functions return the sub-arguments
(terms) of complex terms as an array of <TT>PlTerm</TT> except
<TT>Rd_Proper_List_Check()</TT> which returns the size of the list read
(and initializes the array <TT>element</TT>). Refer to the introduction of
this section for more information about the arguments of complex functions
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="#Introduction:(Manipulating-Prolog-terms)">9.2.1</A>).
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
int     Rd_Proper_List_Check(PlTerm term, PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm *Rd_List_Check       (PlTerm term)
PlTerm *Rd_Compound_Check   (PlTerm term, int *functor, int *arity)
PlTerm *Rd_Callable_Check   (PlTerm term, int *functor, int *arity)
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc356">9.2.4</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Unifying Prolog terms</B></TD>
The name of all functions presented here are of the form
<TT>Un_<I>Name</I>_Check()</TT>. They all check the validity of the
Prolog term to unify emitting appropriate errors if necessary. Each function
has a check-free version called <TT>Un_<I>Name</I>()</TT>.<BR>
<B>Simple foreign types</B>: for each simple foreign type
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual066.html#foreign/2-directive">9.1.2</A>) there is an unify function (used by the
interface when an output argument is provided):
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Bool Un_Integer_Check (long n,    PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Positive_Check(long n,    PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Float_Check   (double n,  PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Number_Check  (double n,  PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Atom_Check    (int atom,  PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Boolean_Check (int b,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Char_Check    (int c,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_In_Char_Check (int c,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Code_Check    (int c,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_In_Code_Check (int c,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Byte_Check    (int b,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_In_Byte_Check (int b,     PlTerm term)
Bool Un_String_Check  (char *str, PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Chars_Check   (char *str, PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Codes_Check   (char *str, PlTerm term)
The function <TT>Un_Number_Check(n, term)</TT> unifies <TT>term</TT> with
an integer if <TT>n</TT> is an integer, with a floating point number
otherwise. The function <TT>Un_String_Check(str, term)</TT> creates the
atom corresponding to <TT>str</TT> and then unifies term with it (same as
<TT>Un_Atom_Check(Create_Allocate_Atom(str), term)</TT>).<BR>
<B>Complex terms</B>: the following functions accept the sub-arguments
(terms) of complex terms as an array of <TT>PlTerm</TT>. Refer to the
introduction of this section for more information about the arguments of
complex functions (section&nbsp;<A HREF="#Introduction:(Manipulating-Prolog-terms)">9.2.1</A>).
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Bool Un_Proper_List_Check(int size, PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
Bool Un_List_Check       (PlTerm *arg, PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Compound_Check   (int functor, int arity, PlTerm *arg,
                          PlTerm term)
Bool Un_Callable_Check   (int functor, int arity, PlTerm *arg,
                          PlTerm term)
All these functions check the type of the term to unify and return the
result of the unification. Generally if an unification fails the C function
returns <TT>FALSE</TT> to enforce a failure. However if there are several
arguments to unify and if an unification fails then the C function returns
<TT>FALSE</TT> and the type of other arguments has not been checked.
Normally all error cases are tested before doing any work to be sure that
the predicate fails/succeeds only if no error condition is satisfied. So a
good method is to check if the validity of all arguments to unify and later
to do the unification (using check-free functions). Obviously if there is
only one to unify it is more efficient to use a unify function checking the
argument. For the other cases the interface provides a set of functions to
check the type of a term.<BR>
<B>Simple foreign types</B>: for each simple foreign type
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual066.html#foreign/2-directive">9.1.2</A>) there is check-for-unification function (used
by the interface when an output argument is provided):
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
void Check_For_Un_Integer (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Positive(PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Float   (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Number  (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Atom    (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Boolean (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Char    (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_In_Char (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Code    (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_In_Code (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Byte    (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_In_Byte (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_String  (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Chars   (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Codes   (PlTerm term)
<B>Complex terms</B>: the following functions check the validity of
complex terms:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
void Check_For_Un_List    (PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Compound(PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Callable(PlTerm term)
void Check_For_Un_Variable(PlTerm term)
The function <TT>Check_For_Un_List(term)</TT> checks if <TT>term</TT> can
be unified with a list. This test is done for the entire list (not only for
the functor/arity of <TT>term</TT> but also recursively on the tail of the
list). The function <TT>Check_For_Un_Variable(term)</TT> ensures that
<TT>term</TT> is not currently instantiated. These functions can be defined
using functions to test the type of a Prolog term (section&nbsp;<A HREF="#Testing-the-type-of-Prolog-terms">9.2.6</A>) and functions to raise Prolog errors (section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual068.html#Raising-Prolog-errors">9.3</A>). For instance <TT>Check_For_Un_List(term)</TT> is defined
as follows:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
void Check_For_Un_List(PlTerm term)
 if (!Blt_List_Or_Partial_List(term))
     Pl_Err_Type(type_list, term);
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc357">9.2.5</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Creating Prolog terms</B></TD>
<A NAME="Creating-Prolog-terms"></A>
These functions are provided to creates Prolog terms. Each function returns
a <TT>PlTerm</TT> containing the created term.<BR>
<B>Simple foreign types</B>: for each simple foreign type
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual066.html#foreign/2-directive">9.1.2</A>) there is a creation function:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
PlTerm Mk_Integer (long n)
PlTerm Mk_Positive(long n)
PlTerm Mk_Float   (double n)
PlTerm Mk_Number  (double n)
PlTerm Mk_Atom    (int atom)
PlTerm Mk_Boolean (int b)
PlTerm Mk_Char    (int c)
PlTerm Mk_In_Char (int c)
PlTerm Mk_Code    (int c)
PlTerm Mk_In_Code (int c)
PlTerm Mk_Byte    (int b)
PlTerm Mk_In_Byte (int b)
PlTerm Mk_String  (char *str)
PlTerm Mk_Chars   (char *str)
PlTerm Mk_Codes   (char *str)
The function <TT>Mk_Number(n, term)</TT> initializes <TT>term</TT> with an
integer if <TT>n</TT> is an integer, with a floating point number otherwise.
The function <TT>Mk_String(str)</TT> first creates an atom corresponding to
<TT>str</TT> and then returns that Prolog atom (i.e. equivalent to
<B>Complex terms</B>: the following functions accept the sub-arguments
(terms) of complex terms as an array of <TT>PlTerm</TT>. Refer to the
introduction of this section for more information about the arguments of
complex functions (section&nbsp;<A HREF="#Introduction:(Manipulating-Prolog-terms)">9.2.1</A>).
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
PlTerm Mk_Proper_List(int size, PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Mk_List       (PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Mk_Compound   (int functor, int arity, PlTerm *arg)
PlTerm Mk_Callable   (int functor, int arity, PlTerm *arg)
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc358">9.2.6</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Testing the type of Prolog terms</B></TD>
<A NAME="Testing-the-type-of-Prolog-terms"></A>
The following functions test the type of a Prolog term. Each function
corresponds to a type testing built-in predicate (section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual024.html#var/1">7.1.1</A>).
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Bool Blt_Var                 (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Non_Var             (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Atom                (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Integer             (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Float               (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Number              (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Atomic              (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Compound            (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Callable            (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_List                (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Partial_List        (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_List_Or_Partial_List(PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Fd_Var              (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Non_Fd_Var          (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Generic_Var         (PlTerm term)
Bool Blt_Non_Generic_Var     (PlTerm term)
int  Type_Of_Term            (PlTerm term)
int  List_Length             (PlTerm list)
The function <TT>Type_Of_Term(term)</TT> returns the type of
<TT>term</TT>, the following constants can be used to test this type (e.g.
in a <TT>switch</TT> instruction):
<TT>PLV</TT>: Prolog variable.<BR>
<LI><TT>FDV</TT>: finite domain variable.<BR>
<LI><TT>INT</TT>: integer.<BR>
<LI><TT>FLT</TT>: floating point number.<BR>
<LI><TT>ATM</TT>: atom.<BR>
<LI><TT>LST</TT>: list.<BR>
<LI><TT>STC</TT>: structure
The tag <TT>LST</TT> means a term whose principal functor is <TT>'.'</TT>
and whose arity is 2 (recall that the empty list is the atom <TT>[]</TT>).
The tag <TT>STC</TT> means any other compound term.<BR>
The function <TT>List_Length(list)</TT> returns the number of elements of
the <TT>list</TT> (<TT>0</TT> for the empty list). If list is not a list
this function returns <TT>-1</TT>.<BR>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc359">9.2.7</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Comparing Prolog terms</B></TD>
The following functions compares Prolog terms. Each function corresponds to
a comparison built-in predicate (section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual026.html#(==)/2">7.3.2</A>).
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Bool Blt_Term_Eq (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
Bool Blt_Term_Neq(PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
Bool Blt_Term_Lt (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
Bool Blt_Term_Lte(PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
Bool Blt_Term_Gt (PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
Bool Blt_Term_Gte(PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
All these functions are based on a general comparison function returning a
negative integer if <TT>term1</TT> is less than <TT>term2</TT>, 0 if they
are equal and a positive integer otherwise:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
int Term_Compare(PlTerm term1, PlTerm term2)
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc360">9.2.8</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Copying Prolog terms</B></TD>
The following functions make a copy of a Prolog term:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
void Copy_Term           (PlTerm *dst_adr, PlTerm *src_adr)
void Copy_Contiguous_Term(PlTerm *dst_adr, PlTerm *src_adr)
int  Term_Size           (PlTerm term)
The function <TT>Copy_Term(dst_adr, src_adr)</TT> makes a copy of the
term located at <TT>src_adr</TT> and stores it from the address given by
<TT>dst_adr</TT>. The result is a contiguous term. If it can be ensured
that the source term is a contiguous term (i.e. result of a previous copy)
the function <TT>Copy_Contiguous_Term()</TT> can be used instead (it is
faster). In any case, sufficient space should be available for the copy
(i.e. from <TT>dst_adr</TT>). The function <TT>Term_Size(term)</TT>
returns the number of <TT>PlTerm</TT> needed by <TT>term</TT>.<BR>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc361">9.2.9</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Comparing and evaluating arithmetic expressions</B></TD>
The following functions compare arithmetic expressions. Each function
corresponds to a comparison built-in predicate (section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual029.html#(=:=)/2">7.6.3</A>).
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Bool Blt_Eq (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
Bool Blt_Neq(PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
Bool Blt_Lt (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
Bool Blt_Lte(PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
Bool Blt_Gt (PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
Bool Blt_Gte(PlTerm expr1, PlTerm expr2)
The following function evaluates the expression <TT>expr</TT> and stores its
result as a Prolog number (integer or floating point number) in
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
void Math_Load_Value(PlTerm expr, PlTerm *result)
This function can be followed by a read function (section&nbsp;<A HREF="#Reading-Prolog-terms">9.2.3</A>) to obtain the result.<BR>

Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Daniel Diaz
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any
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