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 Defining a new C main() function
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<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#66dbff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><FONT SIZE=4><B><A NAME="htoc378">9.5</A></B></FONT></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><FONT SIZE=4><B>Defining a new C <TT>main()</TT> function</B></FONT></TD>
<LI><A HREF="manual070.html#toc310"> Example: asking for ancestors</A>
GNU Prolog allows the user to define his own <TT>main()</TT>
function. This can be useful to perform several tasks before starting
the Prolog engine. To do this simply define a classical
<TT>main(argc, argv)</TT> function. The following functions can then be used:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
int  Start_Prolog         (int argc, char *argv[])
void Stop_Prolog          (void)
void Reset_Prolog         (void)
Bool Try_Execute_Top_Level(void)
The function <TT>Start_Prolog(argc, argv)</TT> initializes the Prolog engine
(<TT>argc</TT> and <TT>argv</TT> are the command-line variables). This
function collects all linked objects (issued from the compilation of Prolog
files) and initializes them. The initialization of a Prolog object file
consists in adding to appropriate tables new atoms, new predicates and
executing its system directives. A system directive is generated by the
Prolog to WAM compiler to reflect a (user) directive executed at compile-time
such as <TT>op/3</TT> (section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual021.html#op/3">6.1.10</A>). Indeed, when the compiler encounters
such a directive it immediately executes it and also generates a system
directive to execute it at the start of the executable. When all system
directives have been executed the Prolog engine executes all initialization
directives defined with <TT>initialization/1</TT>
(section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual021.html#initialization/1">6.1.13</A>). The function returns the number of user
directives (i.e. <TT>initialization/1</TT>) executed. This function must be
called only once.<BR>
The function <TT>Stop_Prolog()</TT> stops the Prolog engine. This function
must be called only once after all Prolog treatment have been done.<BR>
The function <TT>Reset_Prolog()</TT> reinitializes the Prolog engine
(i.e. reset all Prolog stacks).<BR>
The function <TT>Try_Execute_Top_Level()</TT> executes the
top-level if linked (section&nbsp;<A HREF="manual008.html#Using-the-compiler">3.4.3</A>) and returns
<TT>TRUE</TT>. If the top-level is not present the functions returns
Here is the definition of the default GNU Prolog <TT>main()</TT> function:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Main_Wrapper(int argc, char *argv[])
  int nb_user_directive;
  Bool top_level;

  nb_user_directive = Start_Prolog(argc, argv);

  top_level = Try_Execute_Top_Level();


  if (top_level || nb_user_directive)
    return 0;

          "Warning: no initial goal executed\n"
          "   use a directive :- initialization(Goal)\n"
          "   or remove the link option --no-top-level"
          " (or --min-bips or --min-size)\n");

  return 1;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  return Main_Wrapper(argc, argv);
Note that under some circumstances it is necessary to encapsulate the code of
<TT>main()</TT> inside an intermediate function called by
<TT>main()</TT>. Indeed, some C compilers (e.g. gcc) treats <TT>main()</TT>
particularly, producing an uncompatible code w.r.t GNU Prolog. So it is a
good idea to always use a wrapper function as shown above.<BR>
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#98e7ff"><DIV ALIGN=center><TABLE>
<TR><TD><B><A NAME="htoc379">9.5.1</A></B></TD>
<TD WIDTH="100%" ALIGN=center><B>Example: asking for ancestors</B></TD>
In this example we use the following Prolog code (in a file called 
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
parent(bob,   mary).
parent(jane,  mary).
parent(mary,  peter).
parent(paul,  peter).
parent(peter, john).

anc(X, Y):-
        parent(X, Y).

anc(X, Z) :-
        parent(X, Y),
        anc(Y, Z).
The following file (called <TT>new_main_c.c</TT>) defines a <TT>main()</TT>
function readinf the name of a person and displaying all successors of that
person. This is equivalent to the Prolog query: <TT>anc(Result, Name)</TT>.
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
static int
Main_Wrapper(int argc, char *argv[])
  int func;
  WamWord arg[10];
  char str[100];
  char *sol[100];
  int i, nb_sol = 0;
  Bool res;

  Start_Prolog(argc, argv);

  func = Find_Atom("anc");
  for (;;)
      printf("\nEnter a name (or 'end' to finish): ");
      scanf("%s", str);

      if (strcmp(str, "end") == 0)


      arg[0] = Mk_Variable();
      arg[1] = Mk_String(str);
      nb_sol = 0;
      res = Pl_Query_Call(func, 2, arg);
      while (res)
          sol[nb_sol++] = Rd_String(arg[0]);
          res = Pl_Query_Next_Solution();

      for (i = 0; i &lt; nb_sol; i++)
        printf("  solution: %s\n", sol[i]);
      printf("%d solution(s)\n", nb_sol);

  return 0;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  return Main_Wrapper(argc, argv);
The compilation produces an executable called <TT>new_main</TT>:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD><TT>% gplc new_main_c.c</TT></DL>
Examples of use:
<DL COMPACT=compact><DT><DD>
Enter a name (or 'end' to finish): john
  solution: peter
  solution: bob
  solution: jane
  solution: mary
  solution: paul
5 solution(s)

Enter a name (or 'end' to finish): mary
  solution: bob
  solution: jane
2 solution(s)

Enter a name (or 'end' to finish): end

Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Daniel Diaz
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any
medium, provided this notice is preserved. <BR>
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