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<title>The &kstars; Handbook</title>


<othercredit role="developer">
<contrib>Core Developer</contrib>

<othercredit role="developer">
<contrib>Core Developer</contrib>

<othercredit role="developer">
<surname>de Vicente</surname>
<contrib>Core Developer</contrib>

<othercredit role="developer">
<contrib>Core Developer</contrib>

<othercredit role="developer">
<contrib>Core Developer</contrib>



<holder>Jason Harris</holder>



&kstars; is a graphical desktop planetarium.
It plots the positions of stars, constellations, star clusters,
nebulae, galaxies and planets in the night sky for any date, from any
location on Earth.  The display can be panned and zoomed, and it can
even identify and track objects as they move across the sky.
&kstars; is highly configurable, you can
control what objects are displayed, and with what colors.  Images of
any part of the sky can be downloaded from online databases.  Our plan
is to make &kstars; an interactive tool for
learning about astronomy and the night sky.



<chapter id="introduction">

&kstars; lets you explore the night sky from
the comfort of your computer chair.  It provides an accurate graphical
representation of the night sky for any date, from any location on
Earth.  The display includes 40,000 stars to 8th magnitude (well below
the naked-eye limit), 13,000 deep-sky objects (Messier, NGC and IC
catalogs), all planets, the Sun and Moon, the Milky Way, and guide
lines such as the celestial equator, horizon and ecliptic.
Please report bugs or feature requests to the
&kstars; development mailing list:
<email></email>. You can also use
the automated bug reporting tool, accessible from the Help menu.

<!--A Quick Tour of KStars-->
&config;    <!--Configuring KStars-->
&commands;  <!--Command Reference-->
&astroinfo; <!--AstroInfo Articles-->
&faq;       <!--Questions and Answers-->
&credits;   <!--Credits and License-->
&install;   <!--Installation-->

Local Variables:
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