

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > d2aa592c6c7b6afc9e3b7223459e9335 > files > 27



           1. How to I try out MaraDNS?  2. What license is
           MaraDNS released under?

           3. How do I get MaraDNS to bind to multiple IP

           4. How come BIND 9 can not process MaraDNS queries
           when MaraDNS is bound to multiple IP addresses?

           5. How do I report bugs in MaraDNS?

           6. Some of the postings to the mailing list do not
           talk about MaraDNS!

           7. How to I get off the mailing list?

           8. How do I set up reverse DNS on MaraDNS?

           9. I am on a slow network, and MaraDNS can not process
           recursive queries

           10. When I try to run MaraDNS, I get a Fatal error:
           Error running populate_main program or a Fatal error:
           init_cache() failed error message.

           11. I am trying to register a domain under the .au or
           the .de name space,and my registrar is not taking my
           domain name

           12. After I start MaraDNS, I can not see the process
           when I run netstat -na

           13. What string library does MaraDNS use?

           14. Why is MaraDNS public domain instead of BSD or GPL

           15. Why does MaraDNS use a multi-threaded model?

           16. I feel that XXX feature should be added to MaraDNS

           17. I feel that MaraDNS should use another
           documentation format

           18. Is there any process I need to follow to add a
           patch to MaraDNS?

           19. Can MaraDNS act as a primary nameserver?

           20. Can MaraDNS act as a secondary nameserver?

           21. What is the difference between an authoritative
           and a recursive DNS server?

           22. The getzone client isn't allowing me to add
           certain hostnames to my zone

           23. I have having problems transferring zones from
           MaraDNS' zone server to a BIND zone transfer client

           24. Is MaraDNS portable?

           25. How do I compile MaraDNS on OpenBSD?

           26. Can I use MaraDNS in Windows?

           27. MaraDNS freezes up after being used for a while

           28. What kind of Python integration does MaraDNS have

           29. Doesn't "kvar" mean "four" in Esperanto?

           30. How do I make MaraDNS' time stamps human-readable?

    1. How to I try out MaraDNS?

       Read the quick start guide, which is the file named
       0QuickStart in the MaraDNS distribution.
    2. What license is MaraDNS released under?

       None, actually. MaraDNS is released to the public domain.

    3. How do I get MaraDNS to bind to multiple IP addresses?

       The current method is to run multiple copies of MaraDNS,
       each using its own mararc file.


           maradns -f /etc/mararc.1
           maradns -f /etc/mararc.2

       If you just want to bind to all IP addresses your computer
       has, bind to the IP ""; however this can cause
       problems. See the next question.

       I don't think this will be too hard to correctly
       implement, since I already have code for specifying
       multiple IP addresses with the IP ACL code used by the
       zone server. Until then, I will add this workaround to the

    4. How come BIND 9 can not process MaraDNS queries when
    MaraDNS is bound to multiple IP addresses?

       In certain cricumstances, when MaraDNS is bound to more
       than one IP address, the underlying OS will send the UDP
       reply with a different IP than the IP the UDP query was
       sent to. This will confuse BIND 9, since BIND 9's method
       for listening for requests that BIND has sent out expects
       the reply to come from the same IP that the request was
       sent to.
    5. How do I report bugs in MaraDNS?

       Before reporting a bug that MaraDNS has, please read the
       relevant man pages. The man pages should be installed when
       one installs MaraDNS, and, in addition, are available in
       the doc/man directory of the MaraDNS source tarball. (It
       is also possible that you are reading the man page right

       Some MaraDNS man pages (namely, the man pages for maradns,
       askmara, zoneserver, and mararc) have a section, titled
       "BUGS", which list already known bugs which I feel are not
       important enough to fix before the 1.0 release of MaraDNS.
       Bug reports which mention one of these bugs will be
       cheerfully ignored (or given a polite "thanks for the
       report, in this man page the bug is already mentioned"
       message if I am in a particularly good mood).

       Subscribe to the mailing list by sending mail to list- with "subscribe" as the subject
       line, and describe the bug by sending email to

    6. Some of the postings to the mailing list do not talk about

       In cases where I post something to the mailing list which
       does not directly talk about MaraDNS, the subject line
       will not have [MARA] in it, but will have some form of the
       word CHATTER in it.  This way, people who do not like this
       can set up mail filters to filter out anything that comes
       from this list and doesn't have [MARA] in the subject
       line, or simply unsubscribe from the list and read the
       list from the archives; if one needs to report a bug, they
       can subscribe to the list again, post their bug, then
       unsubscribe after a week.

       Another option is to set up one's Freshmeat preferences to
       be notified in email every time I update MaraDNS at
       Freshmeat. This will give one email notice of any critical
       bug fixes without needing to be subscribed to the mailing

       The web page has a link to the
       mailing list archives.

    7. How to I get off the mailing list?

       Send an email to with
       "unsubscribe" as the subject line.
    8. How do I set up reverse DNS on MaraDNS?

       By using PTR (pointer) records. For example, the PTR
       record which performs the reverse DNS lookup for the ip looks like this in a CSV1 zone file:

    9. I am on a slow network, and MaraDNS can not process
    recursive queries

       MaraDNS, by default, only waits two seconds for a reply
       from a remote DNS server. This default can be increased by
       adding a line like this in the mararc file:

           timeout_seconds = 5

       Note that making this too high will slow MaraDNS down when
       DNS servers are down, which is, alas, all too common on
       today's internet.

    10. When I try to run MaraDNS, I get a Fatal error: Error
    running populate_main program or a Fatal error: init_cache()
    failed error message.

       If a line in a mararc file is too long, you will see,
       before the "Fatal error: Error running populate_main
       program" message, a message showing you the line number
       which is too long and the filename with the offending
       line. While it is possible to increase this limit by
       changing the appropriate variable in the MaraDns.h file,
       the current limit is in line with the 512-byte limit that
       UDP DNS packets have; MaraDNS does not currently support
       DNS over TCP.  Otherwise, this error message should not be
       visible. If it appears, subscribe to the mailing list (see
       above), and describe your problem by sending email to Be sure to include the following

       * The contents of your /etc/mararc file

       * The contents of any files in /etc/maradns

       * The full output MaraDNS generates

    11. I am trying to register a domain under the .au or the .de
    name space, and my registrar is not taking my domain name

       Both the German registrar and the Australian registrars
       require a RR_ANY request to return NS and SOA records.
       MaraDNS can do this if you add the following line to your
       mararc file:

       default_rrany_set = 15

    12. After I start MaraDNS, I can not see the process when I
    run netstat -na

       Udp services do not have a prominent "LISTEN" when netstat
       is run.  When MaraDNS is up, the relevant line in the
       netstat output looks like this: udp 0 0*

       While on the topic of netstat, if you run netstat -nap as
       root, you can see the names of the processes which are
       providing internet services.

    13. What string library does MaraDNS use?

       MaraDNS uses her own string library, which is called the
       "js_string" library. Man pages for most of the functions
       in the js_string library are in the folder doc/man of the
       MaraDNS distribution

    14. Why is MaraDNS public domain instead of BSD or GPL

       The post-1.0.xx releases of MaraDNS are, in fact, under a
       simple BSD license (without any "obnoxious" advertising

       I used a public domain (non-)license so that MaraDNS could
       be integrated with Python without trouble. While Python
       is, I believe, currently GPL compatible, Python was not
       GPL-compatible at the time I decided on a license for

    15. Why does MaraDNS use a multi-threaded model?

       The multi-threaded model is, plain and simple, the
       simplest way to write a functioning recursive DNS server.
       There is a reason why MaraDNS, pdnsd, and BIND 9 all use
       the multi-threaded model.

    16. I feel that XXX feature should be added to MaraDNS

       Before sending mail to the list with a feature request,
       please read the UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURES section of the
       MaraDNS man page, which has a list of feature requests
       other people have already sent me. If you do not see your
       requested feature in this section of the man page, send an
       email to the mailing list so that I can add your feature
       request to the UNIMPLEMENTED FEATURES section of the
       MaraDNS man page.

       Feature requests which include a patch which implements
       the feature in question are may even be implemented by
       MaraDNS, as long as the patch comes with a declaration
       that the patch is public domain.

       Note that MaraDNS is currently "frozen". In other words,
       new features will not be added until after the 1.0

    17. I feel that MaraDNS should use another documentation

       The reason that MaraDNS uses its own documentation format
       is to satisfy both the needs of translators to have a
       unified document format and my own need to use a
       documentation format that is simple enough to be readily
       understood and which I can add features on an as needed

       The documentation format is essentially simplified HTML
       with some special tags added to meet MaraDNS' special

       For people who prefer other formats of documentation, I am
       open to making filters which convert from MaraDNS' own
       "EJ" documentation format to the format in question after
       MaraDNS 1.0 is released.

       Having a given program have its own documentation format
       is not without precedent; Perl uses its own "pod"
       documentation format.

    18. Is there any process I need to follow to add a patch to


       Here is the procedure for making a proper patch:

       * Enter the directory that the file is in, for example

       * Copy over the file that you wish to modify to another
         file name. For example: cp MaraDNS.c MaraDNS.c.orig

       * Edit the file in question, e.g: vi MaraDNS.c

       * After editing, do something like this:
         diff -u MaraDNS.c.orig MaraDNS.c > maradns.patch

       * Make sure the modified version compiles cleanly

       Send a patch to me in email, along with a statement that
       you place the contents of the patch in to the public
       domain. If I find that the patch works well, I will
       integrate it in to MaraDNS.

    19. Can MaraDNS act as a primary nameserver?


       The zoneserver program serves zones so that other DNS
       servers can be secondaries for zones which MaraDNS serves.
       This is a separate program from the maradns server, which
       processes both authoritative and recursive UDP DNS

    20. Can MaraDNS act as a secondary nameserver?


       The 'getzone' program obtains zone files from remote DNS
       servers, outputting the contents of the zone file in
       MaraDNS' "csv1" zone file format. This program can be run
       from cron. If one desires more BIND-like functionality,
       getzone can be wrapped in a shell script that uses askmara
       to look at the SOA record to see if the serial number of
       the zone has changed.

       I feel that the traditional DNS design of having a single
       application both serve DNS records and handle the
       maintenance of zone files is not ideal; the best design is
       to have a number of simple applications working together.

    21. What is the difference between an authoritative and a
    recursive DNS server?

       A recursive DNS server is a DNS server that is able to
       contact other DNS servers in order to resolve a given
       domain name label. This is the kind of DNS server one
       points to in /etc/resolve.conf An authoritative DNS server
       is a DNS server that a recursive server contacts in order
       to find out the answer to a given DNS query.

    22. The getzone client isn't allowing me to add certain
    hostnames to my zone

       For security reasons, MaraDNS' getzone client does not add
       records which are not part of the zone in question. For
       example, if someone has a zone for, and this
       record in the zone:|86400|

       MaraDNS will not add the record, since the record is out-
       of-bailiwick.  In other words, it is a host name that does
       not end in

       There are two workarounds for this issue:

       * Create a zone file for, and put the
         PTR records there.

       * Use rcp, rsync, or another method to copy over the zone
         files in question.

    23. I have having problems transferring zones from MaraDNS'
    zone server to a BIND zone transfer client

       BIND is rather picky about what kind of data it will
       accept from a zone server. Make sure the following is true
       with your domain:

       * Make sure that the authoritative NS records are at the
         top of your zone, immediately after the SOA record

       * Make sure that your authoritative NS records are NS
         records for your zone

       * To work around a known bug in MaraDNS, make sure you
         have at least one non-NS record between the
         authoritative NS records for your zone and any
         delegation NS records that exist in the zone.

       Here is an example bad zone file:|86400|||1|86400|3600|6048000|86400|86400||86400||86400||12345|
       Here is the same zone file, with corrections:|86400|||1|86400|3600|6048000|86400|86400||86400||12345||86400|
    24. Is MaraDNS portable?

       While I intend to have MaraDNS be a portable DNS server
       which will compile on a variety of unices, right now all
       of MaraDNS's work development is being done on Linux.  In
       terms of proprietary OSes, I know that SCO Open Server,
       SCO UNIXware and Solaris have issues running a UDP or TCP
       server in a chroot() environment. Word is that, with
       Solaris and UNIXware, placing /dev/tcp and /dev/udp in the
       chroot() jail will allow a server like MaraDNS to

    25. How do I compile MaraDNS on OpenBSD?

       There are two ways to do this:

       To use the native thread support add -pthread to the
       CFLAGS variable.

       To use the GNU pthread library, install the pth package
       and add -L/usr/local/lib/pth to the linker.

       (Florin Iucha provided this tip)

    26. Can I use MaraDNS in Windows?


       Provided, of course, that one has the Cygwin environment
       which emulates a UNIX environment in Windows.

       MaraDNS should now compile fine on Cygwin systems. If not,
       join the mailing list and let me know; I will correct this
       FAQ entry.

    27. MaraDNS freezes up after being used for a while

       If using your ISP's name servers or some other name
       servers which are not, in fact, root name servers, please
       make sure that you are using the upstream_servers
       dictionary variable instead of the root_servers dictionary
       variable.  If you still see MaraDNS freeze up after making
       this correction, please send a bug report to the mailing

    28. What kind of Python integration does MaraDNS have

       The mararc file uses the same syntax that Python uses; in
       fact, Python can parse a properly formatted mararc file.
       There is currently no other integration with Python.

    29. Doesn't "kvar" mean "four" in Esperanto?

       Indeed, it does. However the use of "kvar" in the MaraDNS
       source code only coincidentally is an Esperanto word.
       "kvar" is short for "Kiwi variable"; a lot of the parsing
       code comes from the code used in the Kiwi spam filter
    30. How do I make MaraDNS' time stamps human-readable?

       MaraDNS uses standard UNIX timestamps; which is the number
       of seconds since Midnight, January 1, 1970.  To make
       MaraDNS' time stamps human readable, use this awk script:

       maradns -f /etc/maradns | awk '
                  gsub(/Timestamp: ([0-9]+)/,
                       strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",$2),$0)}
                 {print}' >> logfile

       The MaraDNS startup script has the option to use this Awk
       script to convert the time stamp; read the script for