

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > d2aa592c6c7b6afc9e3b7223459e9335 > files > 45


# Example mararc file

# The various zones we support

# First, we must initialize the csv1 hash, or things will fail with a
# (potentially) obscure error message
csv1 = {}

# This is just to show the format of the file
csv1[""] = ""

# The address this DNS server runs on.  If you want to bind
# to all addresses a given machine has, use "".
bind_address = ""
# The directory with all of the zone files
chroot_dir = "/etc/maradns"
# The numeric UID MaraDNS will run as
maradns_uid = 99
# The maximum number of processes MaraDNS is allowed to use
maxprocs = 64

# The number of messages we log to stdout
# 0: No messages, except syntax error messages 
# 1: Only startup messages logged (Default)
# 2: Error queries logged
# 3: All queries logged (not very verbosely right now)
verbose_level = 1

# Normally, MaraDNS has some MaraDNS-specific features, such as DDIP
# synthesizing, a special DNS query (
# with a TXT query returns the version of MaraDNS that a server is
# running), unique handling of multiple QDCOUNTs, etc.  Some people
# might not like these features, so I have added a switch that lets
# a sys admin disable all these features.  Just give "no_fingerprint"
# a value of one here, and MaraDNS should be more or less
# indistinguishable from a tinydns server.
no_fingerprint = 0
# Normally, MaraDNS only returns A and MX records when given a
# QTYPE=* (all RR types) query.  Changing the value of default_rrany_set
# to 15 causes MaraDNS to also return the MX and SOA records, which
# some registars require.  The default value of this is 3
default_rrany_set = 3

# These constants limit the number of records we will display, in order
# to help keep packets 512 bytes or smaller.  This, combined with 
# round_robin record rotation, help to use DNS as a crude load-balancer.
# The maximum number of records to display in a chain of records (list
# of records) for a given host name
max_chain = 8
# The maximum number of records to display in a list of records in the
# additional section of a query.  If this is any value besides one,
# round robin rotation is disabled (due to limitations in the current
# data structure MaraDNS uses)
max_ar_chain = 1
# The maximum number of records to show total for a given question
max_total = 20

# Initialize the IP aliases, which are used by the list of root 
# name servers, the ACL for zone transfers, and the ACL of who 
# gets to perform recursive queries
ipv4_alias = {}

# Various sets of root name servers
# Note: Netmasks can exist, but are ignored when specifying root 
# name server

# ICANN, the most common and most controversial root name server
ipv4_alias["icann"] = ",,,,,,,,,,,,"

ipv4_alias["osrc"] = ",,,,,,,,,,,"

# AlterNIC:
ipv4_alias["alternic"] = ",,,,,,,,"

# OpenNIC:
ipv4_alias["opennic"] = ",,,,,"

# Pacific Root:
ipv4_alias["pacificroot"] = ",,,,,,,"

ipv4_alias["irsc"] = ",,,,,,"

ipv4_alias["tinc"] = ",,,,,"

# Super Root:
ipv4_alias["superroot"] = ",,,,,,,,,,"

# Here is the ACL which restricts who is allowed to perform 
# zone transfer from the zoneserver program

# VERY IMPORTANT: Do not put spaces in the zone_transfer_acl list
# Good: zone_transfer_acl = "office,home"
# Bad:  zone_transfer_acl = "office, home"

# Simplest form: (IP:, 24 left bits 
# in IP need to match) and 
# (IP:, netmask are allowed 
# to connect to the zone server 
# zone_transfer_acl = ","

# More complex: We create two aliases: One called "office" 
# and another called "home".  We allow anyone in the office or 
# at home to perform zone transfers
# ipv4_alias["office"] = ""
# ipv4_alias["home"] = ""
# zone_transfer_acl = "office,home"

# More complex then the last example.  We have three employees,
# Susan, Becca, and Mia, whose computers we give zone transfer 
# rights to.  Susan and Becca are system administrators, and 
# Mia is a developer.  They are all part of the company.  We 
# give the entire company zone transfer access
# ipv4_alias["susan"]     = ""  # Single IP allowed
# ipv4_alias["becca"]     = ""     # also a single IP
# ipv4_alias["mia"]       = "" # 1 IP
# ipv4_alias["sysadmins"] = "susan,becca"
# ipv4_alias["devel"]     = "mia"
# ipv4_alias["company"]   = "sysadmins,devel"
# This is equivalent to the above line
# ipv4_alias["company"]   = "susan,becca,mia"
# zone_transfer_acl       = "company"

# Recursive ACL: Who is allowd to perform recursive queries.  
# The format is identical to that of "zone_transfer_acl", 
# including ipv4_alias support 
# ipv4_alias["localhost"] = ""
# recursive_acl = "localhost"

# Random seed file: The file form which we read 16 bytes from 
# to get the 128-bit random Rijndael key.  This is ideally a 
# file which is a good source of random runbers, but can also be 
# a fixed file if your OS does not have a decent random number 
# generator (make sure the contents of that file is random and 
# with 600 perms, owned by root, since we read the file *before*
# dropping root privledges)

# random_seed_file = "/dev/urandom"

# The maximum number of elements we can have in the cache.  If 
# we have more elements in the cache than this amount, the 
# "custodian" kicks in to effect, removing elements at random from 
# the cache (8 elements removed per query) until we are at the 99% 
# level or so again.

# maximum_cache_elements = 1024

# The root servers which we use when making recursive queries.

# The following line must be uncommented to enable recursive queries
# root_servers = {}

# You can choose which set of root servers to use.  Current 
# values (set above) are: icann, osrc, alternic, opennic,
# pacificroot, irsc, tinc, and superroot.
# root_servers["."] = "osrc"

# You can tell MaraDNS to *not* query certain DNS servers when in 
# recursive mode.  This is mainly used to not allow spam-friendly 
# domains to resolve, since spammers are starting to get in the habit 
# of using spam-friendly DNS servers to resolve their domains, allowing 
# them to hop from ISP to ISP.  The format of this is the same as for 
# zone_transfer_acl and recursive_acl

# As of August 12, 2001, is a known spam-friendly DNS 
# provider (see doc/detailed/spammers/ for details).
# Note that this is based on IPs, and constantly
# changes IPs (as they constantly have to change ISPs)
# Updated 2002/10/12 to reflect Azmalink's current ISP
ipv4_alias["azmalink"] = ""

# As of September 20, 2001, is a known spam-friendly
# DNS provider (see doc/detailed/spammers/hiddenonline for details).
ipv4_alias["hiddenonline"] = ""

spammers = "azmalink,hiddenonline"