

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > d2aa592c6c7b6afc9e3b7223459e9335 > files > 5



# Placed in the public domain 2002 by Sam Trenholme

# chkconfig: 345 55 45
# description: This shell script takes care of starting and stopping \
#              the MaraDNS process. 
#              A DNS server is a program that performs the DNS \
#              conversion from hostnames in to ipadresses.

. /etc/sysconfig/maradns

# Show usage information if this script is invoked with no arguments
if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
    echo Usage: $0 \(start\|stop\|restart\)
    exit 1

# If invoked as stop or restart, kill *all* MaraDNS processes
if [ $1 = "stop" -o $1 = "restart" ] ; then
    echo Sending all MaraDNS processes the TERM signal
    ps -ef | awk '{print $2":"$8}' | grep maradns | grep -v $$ | \
      cut -f1 -d: | xargs kill > /dev/null 2>&1
    echo waiting 1 second
    sleep 1
    echo Sending all MaraDNS processes the KILL signal
    ps -e | awk '{print $1":"$NF}' | grep maradns | grep -v $$ | \
      cut -f1 -d: | xargs kill -9 > /dev/null 2>&1
    echo MaraDNS should have been stopped

# If invoked as start ot restart, start the MaraDNS processes
if [ $1 = "start" -o $1 = "restart" ] ; then
    echo Starting all maradns processes
    for a in $MARARCS ; do
        echo Starting maradns process which uses Mararc file $a
	# The name of the logfile is determined by the name of the 
	# mararc file; it is the name of the mararc file with all slashes
	# converted in to underlines; with all leading underlines removed.
	# If the mararc file has a dot in it (e.g. /etc/mararc.1), we only
	# use the portion of the logfile which is after the dot.
	# Finally, we put the word "maradns." at the front of the logfile
	# name
	# Examples: a mararc file of /etc/mararc results in a logfile name of
	# maradns.etc_mararc
	# A mararc file if /etc/mararc.1 resuls in a logfile name of
	# maradns.1
        LOGFILE=`echo $a | sed 's/\//_/g;s/^_*//;' | awk -F. '{print $NF}'`
	echo Logfile for this maradns process is $LOGDIR/$LOGFILE
        # This is the only reason why need need Bash: job control
        nohup $MARADNS -f $a >> $LOGDIR/$LOGFILE &
	# For people that prefer human-readable time stamps, comment out
	# the above line and uncomment the following four lines
	#nohup $MARADNS -f $a | awk '/Timestamp/{
        #gsub(/Timestamp: ([0-9]+)/,
        #strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",$2),$0)} 
        #{print}' >> $LOGDIR/$LOGFILE &