

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > d54c70e6190a17182fba16e170de375a > files > 81


** Welcome to the Borges extensible Documents Management System **

Borges is an Open Source project aimed at XML aware documentation
projects caring about internationalisation, reusable content,
teamwork, etc.

More information at


If you have not already installed the system from RPMs, you can try by
running "make install" as root from a local copy of the CVS or from
the extracted archive.


# Create an empty dir to hold your project, say ~/my_doc/
mkdir ~/my_doc/
cd ~/my_doc/
# Copy the template system to it
cp -a /usr/share/Borges/template/* .
# Create your personal profile by copying the template
cp conf/ conf/author.xml
# and editing conf/author.xml
# Initialize the system
# Generate the modules template corresponding to the sample document
make -C manuals/Sample templates LANG=en
# Then compile the English sample doc provided to PDF
make -C manuals/Sample master.pdf LANG=en
# Check the result
xpdf manuals/Sample/master.pdf
# Then generate the revision checking reports
make -C reports index.html LANG=en
# And browse the results by pointing your browser to 
#	~/my_doc/reports/index.html

Note: In the above examples, the LANG=en parameter is required if you
defined a preferred language other than English (en) in the
conf/author.xml file.


# Edit the main configuration file to fit your needs
# in conf/repository.xml
# Say you choose to begin a new manual called "My_Manual"
# Then to initialize the repository accordingly, run 
# Copy the manual master from the old sample to the newly 
# created directory
cp manuals/Sample/ manuals/My_Manual
# edit this master to fit your needs
# watch the comments in it
# define the entities in manuals/My_Manual/en/*.ent using
# the ones in manuals/Sample/en/*.ent as a template
# Generate the Writers guidelines and check it
make -C manuals/My_Manual LANG=en
# create the module templates
make -C manuals/My_Manual templates LANG=en
# Fill the module templates in modules/en/*.xml
# check the results
make -C manuals/My_Manual master.pdf LANG=en
# Read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/Borges-*

Note: As before, the LANG=en parameter is only needed if your
preferred language is other than English (en). Replace "en" for
your preferred language (es for Spanish, for example) in the
example above and omit the LANG=en parameter to compile manuals
in your preferred language.