

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > d562bd73feef3edc87806034832ca113 > files > 589


<!-- ##### SECTION Title ##### -->

<!-- ##### SECTION Short_Description ##### -->
A widget for adding simple animations to GNOME applications.

<!-- ##### SECTION Long_Description ##### -->
<type>GnomeAnimator</type> is a widget that is able to play simple
animations in the GTK+ event loop.

<!-- ##### SECTION See_Also ##### -->


<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeAnimator ##### -->


<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeAnimatorStatus ##### -->
This enumeration is used to determine if the animator object is running or
not. Use <function>gnome_animator_get_status()</function> to
retrieve it.</para>

      when the GnomeAnimator object is not running.

	<listitem><para>%GNOME_ANIMATOR_STATUS_RUNNING: The value used
		when the GnomeAnimator object is running.

<!-- ##### ENUM GnomeAnimatorLoopType ##### -->
This enumeration is used to set the type of animation loop desired in the
GnomeAnimator object.

	<listitem><para>%GNOME_ANIMATOR_LOOP_NONE: Do not use a loop in
		the animation. When the animation is played, it will not
		repeat when it is completed.</para></listitem>

	<listitem><para>%GNOME_ANIMATOR_LOOP_RESTART: After the animation
		is played, loop back to the beginning of the animation and
		replay it. If the animation is playing forward, the loop
		will return to the first frame; if it is being played
		backward, the loop will return to the last frame in the

	<listitem><para>%GNOME_ANIMATOR_LOOP_PING_PONG: When the animation
		sequence is completed, the playback direction is reversed.

<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeAnimatorFrame ##### -->


<!-- ##### STRUCT GnomeAnimatorPrivate ##### -->


<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_new_with_size ##### -->
Create a GnomeAnimator object of the specified size.

@width: guint specifying the width of the new object
@height: guint specifying the height of the new object
@Returns: Returns a GtkWidget* pointing to the newly allocated object.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_set_loop_type ##### -->
Sets the type of loop the animator will use.

@animator: GnomeAnimator to apply this property to.
@loop_type: The type of loop to be used. See GnomeAnimatorLoopType.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_get_loop_type ##### -->
Determine the type of loop being used on the animator object.

@animator: GnomeAnimator object to retrieve the value from.
@Returns: GnomeAnimatorLoopType.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_set_playback_direction ##### -->
Set the direction the animation should be played back. Setting a positive
value will cause the animator to play forward; a negative value will cause
it to play backward.

@animator: The GnomeAnimator object to apply the property to.
@playback_direction: A gint value; use a positive value for "forward" and
	a negative value for "backward".

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_get_playback_direction ##### -->
Determines the direction of playback.

@animator: The GnomeAnimator object to query the value from.
@Returns: Returns a gint; a positive value is returned if the animation
	plays forward, a negative value is returned if it plays backward

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frame_from_imlib_at_size ##### -->
Append a frame from a GdkImlibImage to the GnomeAnimator object and render

@animator: GnomeAnimator to which the frame will be appended.
@image: GdkImlibImage to be appended.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of frame within the animator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of frame within the animator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@width: Width of the frame in pixels.
@height: Height of the frame in pixels.
@Returns: TRUE if the append succeeds.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frame_from_imlib ##### -->
Adds frame contained within a GdkImlibImage image at the end of the
current animation.  The frame display interval is divided by the playback

@animator: GnomeAnimator object to append to.
@image: Image to be appended.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@Returns: %TRUE if append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frame_from_file_at_size ##### -->
Appends a frame from a file to a GnomeAnimator widget. If the specified
width and height variables are different from the actual size of the
image, it is scaled proportionally. The frame display interval is
@interval divided by the playback speed.

@animator: GnomeAnimator widget to append onto.
@name: Filename of the image to append.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of the frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of the frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@width: Width of the frame in pixels.
@height: Height of the frame in pixels.
@Returns: %TRUE if the append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frame_from_file ##### -->
Append a frame from a given file to a GnomeAnimator widget. The frame
display interval is @interval divided by the playback speed.

@animator: The GnomeAnimator widget to append onto.
@name: Filename of the image to append.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of the frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of the frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@Returns: %TRUE if the append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frames_from_imlib_at_size ##### -->
Appends multiple frames contained within a GdkImlibImage image to a
GnomeAnimator widget. Each frame within the image should be next to one
another in a single, horizontal row.  If @width and/or @height are
different from the actual size of the frame, the image will be scaled
proportionally.  The frame display interval is @interval divided by the
playback speed.

@animator: The GnomeAnimator widget to append onto.
@image: The GdkImlibImage containing the frames to be appended.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of a frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of a frame within the GnomeAnimator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@x_unit: The width of a single frame in the image, measured in pixels.
@width: Width of the frame to be appended, measured in pixels.
@height: Height of the frame to be appended, measured in pixels.
@Returns: %TRUE if append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frames_from_imlib ##### -->
Append multiple frames contained within a GdkImlibImage image to the end
of a GnomeAnimator widget. Each frame within the image should be next to
one another in a single, horizontal row.  The frame display interval is
@interval divided by the playback speed.

@animator: The GnomeAnimator widget to append onto.
@image: The GdkImlibImage containing the frames to be appended.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of a frame within the animator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of a frame within the animator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@x_unit: Width of a single frame in the image, measured in pixels.
@Returns: %TRUE if the append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frames_from_file_at_size ##### -->
Load and render an image containing multiple frames, and append those
frames to the animator widget. Each frame within the image should be
next to one another in a single, horizontal row. If @width and/or @height
are different from the actual frame size, the image is scaled
proportionally.  The frame display interval is @interval divided by the
playback speed.


@animator: The animator widget to append onto.
@name: The filename of the image containing the frames to append.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of a frame within a GnomeAnimator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of a frame within a GnomeAnimator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@x_unit: Width of a single frame in the image, measured in pixels.
@width: Width of the frame to be appended, measured in pixels.
@height: Height of the frame to be appended, measured in pixels.
@Returns: %TRUE if the append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frames_from_file ##### -->
Load and render an image containing multiple frames, and append those
frames to the animator widget. Each frame within the image should be
next to one another in a single, horizontal row. The frame display
interval is @interval divided by the playback speed.

@animator: The animator widget to append onto.
@name: The filename of the image containing the frames to append.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of a frame within a GnomeAnimator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of a frame within a GnomeAnimator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@x_unit: Width of a single frame in the image, measured in pixels.
@Returns: %TRUE if the append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_append_frame_from_gnome_pixmap ##### -->
Appends a frame from a GnomePixmap image to the animator widget.  The
frame display interval is @interval divided by the playback speed.

@animator: The animator to append onto.
@pixmap: GnomePixmap to be appended to the animator.
@x_offset: Horizontal offset of frame within the animator widget.
@y_offset: Vertical offset of frame within the animator widget.
@interval: Number of milliseconds to delay before showing the next frame.
@Returns: %TRUE if the append is successful.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_start ##### -->
Begin animating the widget.

@animator: The animator widget to start.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_stop ##### -->
Stop an animator that is running.

@animator: The animator widget to stop.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_advance ##### -->
Advance the animator widget @num frames.  If @num is positive, use the
specified @playback_direction; if it is negative, go in the opposite
direction.  After the call, the animator is in the same state it would be
if it had actually executed the sppecified number of iterations.


@animator: The animator widget to be updated.
@num: Number of frames to advance by.
@Returns: %TRUE if the animator is now stopped.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_goto_frame ##### -->
Jump to the specified frame.  If @num_frame is greater than the total
number of frames, no action is taken.

@animator: The animator widget to be updated.
@num_frame: Frame number to be made current.
<!-- # Unused Parameters # -->

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_get_current_frame_number ##### -->
Determine the current frame number of the animator widget.

@animator: The animator widget to be queried. 
@Returns: Current frame number.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_get_status ##### -->
Obtain the current status from the animator widget.

@animator: Animator widget to be queried. Possible return values include

@Returns: &GnomeAnimatorStatus status constant.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_set_playback_speed ##### -->
Sets the playback speed.  The delay between every frame is divided by this
value before being used.  As a consequence, higher values give higher
playback speeds.

@animator: Animator widget to be updated.
@speed: Rate multiplier for playback speed.

<!-- ##### FUNCTION gnome_animator_get_playback_speed ##### -->
Obtain the current playback speed.

@animator: Animator widget to be queried.
@Returns: @double indicating the playback speed.