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<h2 align=center>Channel</h2>
Channel objects represent a single channel of sound. Each channel
can only playback one Sound object at a time. If your application
only requires simply sound playback, you will usually not need to
bother with the Channel objects, they exist for finer playback
Sound objects can be retrieved from the pygame.mixer module with
functions like <a href=pygame_mixer.html#Channel>pygame.mixer.Channel()</a> and
<a href=pygame_mixer.html#find_channel>pygame.mixer.find_channel()</a>. Also, each time you call
<a href=Sound.html#play></a> a Channel object will be returned, representing the
channel that sound is playing on.


<tr><td><a href=#fadeout>fadeout</a></td><td> -
fade out the channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#get_busy>get_busy</a></td><td> -
query state of the channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#get_endevent>get_endevent</a></td><td> -
get the endevent for a channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#get_queue>get_queue</a></td><td> -
get the currently queued sound object</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#get_sound>get_sound</a></td><td> -
get the currently playing sound object</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#get_volume>get_volume</a></td><td> -
query the volume for the</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#pause>pause</a></td><td> -
temporarily stop the channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#play>play</a></td><td> -
play a sound on this channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#queue>queue</a></td><td> -
queue a sound on this channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#set_endevent>set_endevent</a></td><td> -
set an endevent for a channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#set_volume>set_volume</a></td><td> -
set volume for channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#stop>stop</a></td><td> -
stop playing on the channel</td></tr>

<tr><td><a href=#unpause>unpause</a></td><td> -
restart a paused channel</td></tr>



<a name=fadeout><font size=+2><b>fadeout
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.fadeout(millisec) -> None
Fade out the playing sound and stops it over the
given milliseconds.

<a name=get_busy><font size=+2><b>get_busy
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.get_busy() -> bool
Returns true when there is a sound actively playing on this

<a name=get_endevent><font size=+2><b>get_endevent
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.get_endevent() -> event_type
Returns the end event type for this Channel. If the
return value is NOEVENT, then no events will be sent
when playback ends.

<a name=get_queue><font size=+2><b>get_queue
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.get_queue() -> Sound
Return the currently queued Sound object on this channel.
This will return None if there is nothing queued.

<a name=get_sound><font size=+2><b>get_sound
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.get_sound() -> Sound
Return the currently playing Sound object on this channel.
This will return None if there is nothing playing.

<a name=get_volume><font size=+2><b>get_volume
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.get_volume() -> val
Returns the current volume for this sound object. The value is
between 0.0 and 1.0.

<a name=pause><font size=+2><b>pause
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.pause() -> None
Stops the sound that is playing on this channel,
but it can be resumed with a call to <a href=#unpause>unpause()</a>

<a name=play><font size=+2><b>play
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>, [loops, [maxtime]]) -> None
Starts playing a given sound on this channel. If the channels is
currently playing a different sound, it will be
replaced/restarted with the given sound. Loops controls how many
extra times the sound will play, a negative loop will play
indefinitely, it defaults to 0. Maxtime is the number of
totalmilliseconds that the sound will play. It defaults to
forever (-1).

<a name=queue><font size=+2><b>queue
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.queue(Sound) -> None
When you queue a sound on a channel, it will begin playing
immediately when the current playing sound finishes. Each
channel can only have a single Sound object queued. The
queued sound will only play when the current Sound finishes
naturally, not from another call to <a href=Sound.html#stop>stop()</a> or <a href=Sound.html#play>play()</a>.
If there is no currently playing sound on this Channel
it will begin playback immediately.
This will only work with SDL_mixer greater than version 1.2.3

<a name=set_endevent><font size=+2><b>set_endevent
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.set_endevent([event_type]) -> None
When you set an endevent for a channel, that event type
will be put on the pygame event queue everytime a sound stops
playing on that channel. This is slightly different than the
music object end event, because this will trigger an event
anytime the music stops. If you call <a href=Sound.html#stop>stop()</a> or <a href=Sound.html#play>play()</a> on the
channel, it will fire an event. An event will also be fired when
playback switches to a queued Sound.
Pass no argument to stop this channel from firing events

<a name=set_volume><font size=+2><b>set_volume
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.set_volume(val, [stereoval]) -> None
Sets the volume for the channel. The channel's volume level is
mixed with the volume for the active sound object. The value is
between 0.0 and 1.0.
If mixer is using stereo, you can set the panning for audio
by supplying a volume for the left and right channels. If
SDL_mixer cannot set the panning, it will average the two
volumes. Panning requires SDL_mixer-1.2.1.

<a name=stop><font size=+2><b>stop
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.stop() -> None
Stops the sound that is playing on this channel.

<a name=unpause><font size=+2><b>unpause
</b></font><br><font size=+1><tt>
Channel.unpause() -> None
Restarts a paused channel where it was paused.
