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TUTORIAL:Introduction to the surfarray module

<title>Pygame Tutorials - Surfarray Introduction</title>
<h1 align=center><font size=-1>Pygame Tutorials</font><br>Surfarray Introduction</h1>
<h2 align=center>by Pete Shinners<br><font size=-1></font></h2>
<h3 align=center>Revision 1.02, Sep 7, 2001</h3>


This tutorial will attempt to introduce users to both Numeric and the pygame
Surfarray module. To beginners, the code that uses surfarray can be quite
intimidating. But actually there are only a few concepts to understand and
you will be up and running. Using the surfarray module, it becomes possible
to perform pixel level operations from straight python code. The performance
can become quite close to the level of doing the code in C.
You may just want to jump down to the <i>"Examples"</i> section to get an
idea of what is possible with this module, then start at the beginning here
to work your way up.
Now I won't try to fool you into thinking everything is very easy. To get
more advanced effects by modifying pixel values is very tricky. Just mastering
Numeric Python takes a lot of learning. In this tutorial I'll be sticking with
the basics and using a lot of examples in an attempt to plant seeds of wisdom.
After finishing the tutorial you should have a basic handle on how the surfarray

<h2>Numeric Python</h2>
If you do not have the python Numeric
package installed, you will need to do that now. You can download the package
from the <a href=>
Numeric Downloads Page</a>.  To make sure Numeric is working for you, you should
get something like this from the interactive python prompt.
<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
>>> <b>from Numeric import *</b>                  <i>#import numeric</i>
>>> <b>a = array((1,2,3,4,5))</b>                 <i>#create an array</i>
>>> <b>a</b>                                      <i>#display the array</i>
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> <b>a[2]</b>                                   <i>#index into the array</i>
>>> <b>a*2</b>                                    <i>#new array with twiced values</i>
array([ 2,  4,  6,  8, 10])

As you can see, the Numeric module gives us a new data type, the <i>array</i>.
This object holds an array of fixed size, and all values inside are of the same
type. The arrays can also be multidimensional, which is how we will use them
with images. There's a bit more to it than this, but it is enough to get us
If you look at the last command above, you'll see that mathematical operations
on Numeric arrays apply to all values in the array. This is called "elementwise
operations". These arrays can also be sliced like normal lists. The slicing
syntax is the same as used on standard python objects. <i>(so study up if you
need to :] )</i>.
Here are some more examples of working with arrays.

<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
>>> <b>len(a)</b>                                 <i>#get array size</i>
>>> <b>a[2:]</b>                                  <i>#elements 2 and up</i>
array([3, 4, 5])
>>> <b>a[:-2]</b>                                 <i>#all except last 2</i>
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> <b>a[2:] + a[:-2]</b>                         <i>#add first and last</i>
array([4, 6, 8])
>>> <b>array((1,2,3)) + array((3,4))</b>          <i>#add arrays of wrong sizes</i>
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "&lt;interactive input&gt;", line 1, in ?
ValueError: frames are not aligned

We get an error on the last commend, because we try add together two arrays
that are different sizes. In order for two arrays two operate with each other,
including comparisons and assignment, they must have the same dimensions. It is
very important to know that the new arrays created from slicing the original all
reference the same values. So changing the values in a slice also changes the
original values. It is important how this is done.
<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
>>> <b>a</b>                                      <i>#show our starting array</i>
array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
>>> <b>aa = a[1:3]</b>                            <i>#slice middle 2 elements</i>
>>> <b>aa</b>                                     <i>#show the slice</i>
array([2, 3])
>>> <b>aa[1] = 13</b>                             <i>#chance value in slice</i>
>>> <b>a</b>                                      <i>#show change in original</i>
array([ 1, 2, 13,  4,  5])
>>> <b>aaa = array(a)</b>                         <i>#make copy of array</i>
>>> <b>aaa</b>                                    <i>#show copy</i>
array([ 1, 2, 13,  4,  5])
>>> <b>aaa[1:4] = 0</b>                           <i>#set middle values to 0</i>
>>> <b>aaa</b>                                    <i>#show copy</i>
array([1, 0, 0, 0, 5])
>>> <b>a</b>                                      <i>#show original again</i>
array([ 1, 2, 13,  4,  5])

Now we will look at small arrays with two
dimensions. Don't be too worried, getting started it is the same as having a
two dimensional tuple <i>(a tuple inside a tuple)</i>. Let's get started with
two dimensional arrays.

<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
>>> <b>row1 = (1,2,3)</b>                         <i>#create a tuple of vals</i>
>>> <b>row2 = (3,4,5)</b>                         <i>#another tuple</i>
>>> <b>(row1,row2)</b>                            <i>#show as a 2D tuple</i>
((1, 2, 3), (3, 4, 5))
>>> <b>b = array((row1, row2))</b>                <i>#create a 2D array</i>
>>> <b>b</b>                                      <i>#show the array</i>
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [3, 4, 5]])
>>> <b>array(((1,2),(3,4),(5,6)))</b>             <i>#show a new 2D array</i>
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]])

Now with this two
dimensional array <i>(from now on as "2D")</i> we can index specific values
and do slicing on both dimensions. Simply using a comma to separate the indices
allows us to lookup/slice in multiple dimensions. Just using "<b>:</b>" as an
index <i>(or not supplying enough indices)</i> gives us all the values in
that dimension. Let's see how this works.

<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
>>> <b>b</b>                                      <i>#show our array from above</i>
array([[1, 2, 3],
       [3, 4, 5]])
>>> <b>b[0,1]</b>                                 <i>#index a single value</i>
>>> <b>b[1,:]</b>                                 <i>#slice second row</i>
array([3, 4, 5])
>>> <b>b[1]</b>                                   <i>#slice second row (same as above)</i>
array([3, 4, 5])
>>> <b>b[:,2]</b>                                 <i>#slice last column</i>
array([3, 5])
>>> <b>b[:,:2]</b>                                <i>#slice into a 2x2 array</i>
array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4]])

Ok, stay with me here, this is about as hard as it gets. When using Numeric
there is one more feature to slicing. Slicing arrays also allow you to specify
a <i>slice increment</i>. The syntax for a slice with increment is 
<b>start_index : end_index : increment</b>. 
<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
>>> <b>c = arange(10)</b>                         #like range, but makes an array
>>> <b>c</b>                                      #show the array
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
>>> <b>c[1:6:2]</b>                               #slice odd values from 1 to 6
array([1, 3, 5])
>>> <b>c[4::4]</b>                                #slice every 4th val starting at 4
array([4, 8])
>>> <b>c[8:1:-1]</b>                              #slice 1 to 8, reversed
array([8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2])

Well that is it. There's enough information there to get you started using
Numeric with the surfarray module. There's certainly a lot more to Numeric, but
this is only an introduction. Besides, we want to get on to the fun stuff,

<h2>Import Surfarray</h2>

In order to use the surfarray module we need to import it. Since both surfarray
and Numeric are optional components for pygame, it is nice to make sure they
import correctly before using them. In these examples I'm going to import
Numeric into a variable named <i>N</i>. This will let you know which functions
I'm using are from the Numeric package. <i>(and is a lot shorter than typing
Numeric before each function)</i> 

<br><table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
    import Numeric as N
    import pygame.surfarray as surfarray
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError, "Numeric and Surfarray are required."

<h2>Surfarray Introduction</h2>

There are two main types of functions in surfarray. One set of functions for
creating an array that is a copy of a surface pixel data. The other functions
create a referenced copy of the array pixel data, so that changes to the array
directly affect the original surface. There are other functions that allow you
to access any per-pixel alpha values as arrays along with a few other helpful
functions. We will look at these other functions later on.
When working with these surface arrays, there are two ways of representing the
pixel values. First, they can be represented as mapped integers. This type of
array is a simple 2D array with a single integer representing the surface's
mapped color value. This type of array is good for moving parts of an image
around. The other type of array uses three RGB values to represent each pixel
color. This type of array makes it extremely simple to do types of effects that
change the color of each pixel. This type of array is also a little trickier to
deal with, since it is essentially a 3D numeric array. Still, once you get your
mind into the right mode, it is not much harder than using the normal 2D arrays.
The Numeric module uses a machine's natural number types to represent the data
values, so a Numeric array can consist of integers that are 8bits, 16bits, and 32bits.
<i>(the arrays can also use other types like floats and doubles, but for our image
manipulation we mainly need to worry about the integer types)</i>.
Because of this limitation of integer sizes, you must take a little extra care
that the type of arrays that reference pixel data can be properly mapped to a
proper type of data. The functions create these arrays from surfaces are:
<dt><b>surfarray.pixels2d(surface)</b></dt><dd>Creates a 2D array <i>(integer pixel
values)</i> that reference the original surface data. This will work for all
surface formats except 24bit.</dd>

<dt><b>surfarray.array2d(surface)</b><dd></dd>Creates a 2D array <i>(integer pixel
values)</i> that is copied from any type of surface.</dt>

<dt><b>surfarray.pixels3d(surface)</b></dt><dd>Creates a 3D array <i>(RGB pixel
values)</i> that reference the original surface data. This will only work
on 24bit and 32bit surfaces that have RGB or BGR formatting.</dd>

<dt><b>surfarray.array3d(surface)</b><dd></dd>Creates a 3D array <i>(RGB pixel
values)</i> that is copied from any type of surface.</dt>

Here is a small chart that might better illustrate what types of functions
should be used on which surfaces. As you can see, both the arrayXD functions
will work with any type of surface.
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88 cellpadding=8 align=center>
<tr align=center><td></td><th>32bit</th><th>24bit</th><th>16bit</th><th>8bit(c-map)</th></tr>
<tr align=center><th>pixel2d</th><td>yes</td><td></td><td>yes</td><td>yes</td></tr>
<tr align=center><th>array2d</th><td>yes</td><td>yes</td><td>yes</td><td>yes</td></tr>
<tr align=center><th>pixel3d</th><td>yes</td><td>yes</td><td></td><td></td></tr>
<tr align=center><th>array3d</th><td>yes</td><td>yes</td><td>yes</td><td>yes</td></tr>


With this information, we are equipped to start trying things with surface
arrays. The following are short little demonstrations that create a Numeric
array and display them in pygame. These different tests are found in the
<i></i> example. There is a simple function named <i>surfdemo_show</i>
that displays an array on the screen.

<br>&nbsp;<br><table border=1 cellpadding=5>

<tr><td><img align=left src=allblack.jpg alt=allblack width=128 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
allblack = N.zeros((128, 128))
surfdemo_show(allblack, 'allblack')
Our first example creates an all black array. Whenever you need
to create a new numeric array of a specific size, it is best to use the
<b>zeros</b> function. Here we create a 2D array of all zeros and display

<tr><td><img align=left src=striped.jpg alt=striped width=128 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
striped = N.zeros((128, 128, 3))
striped[:] = (255, 0, 0)
striped[:,::3] = (0, 255, 255)
surfdemo_show(striped, 'striped')
Here we are dealing with a 3D array. We start by creating an all red image.
Then we slice out every third row and assign it to a blue/green color. As you
can see, we can treat the 3D arrays almost exactly the same as 2D arrays, just
be sure to assign them 3 values instead of a single mapped integer.
<i>(grr, jpg kind of wrecked the colors)</i>

<tr><td><img align=left src=imgarray.jpg alt=imgarray width=200 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
imgsurface = pygame.image.load('surfarray.jpg')
imgarray = surfarray.array2d(imgsurface)
surfdemo_show(imgarray, 'imgarray')
Here we load an image with the image module, then convert it to a 2D
array of integers. We will use this image in the rest of the samples.

<tr><td><img align=left src=flipped.jpg alt=flipped width=200 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
flipped = imgarray[:,-1:0:-1]
surfdemo_show(flipped, 'flipped')
Here we flip the image vertically. All we need to do is take the original
image array and slice it using a negative increment.

<tr><td><img align=left src=scaledown.jpg alt=scaledown width=64 height=64>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
scaledown = imgarray[::2,::2]
surfdemo_show(scaledown, 'scaledown')
Based on the last example, scaling an image down is pretty logical. We just
slice out all the pixels using an increment of 2 vertically and horizontally.

<tr><td><img align=left src=scaleup.jpg alt=scaleup width=400 height=256>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
size = N.array(imgarray.shape)*2
scaleup = N.zeros(size)
scaleup[::2,::2] = imgarray
scaleup[1::2,::2] = imgarray
scaleup[:,1::2] = scaleup[:,::2]
surfdemo_show(scaleup, 'scaleup')
Scaling the image up is a little more work, but is similar to the previous
scaling down, we do it all with slicing. First we create an array that is
double the size of our original. First we copy the original array into every
other pixel of the new array. Then we do it again for every other pixel doing
the odd columns. At this point we have the image scaled properly going across,
but every other row is black, so we simply need to copy each row to the one
underneath it. Then we have an image doubled in size.

<tr><td><img align=left src=redimg.jpg alt=redimg width=200 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
rgbarray = surfarray.array3d(imgsurface)
redimg = N.array(rgbarray)
redimg[:,:,1:] = 0
surfdemo_show(redimg, 'redimg')
Now we are getting back to using 3D arrays to change the colors. Here we
simple make a 3D array from the original loaded image and set all the values
in green and blue to zero. This leaves us with just the red channel.

<tr><td><img align=left src=soften.jpg alt=soften width=200 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
soften = N.array(rgbarray)
soften[1:,:]  += rgbarray[:-1,:]*8
soften[:-1,:] += rgbarray[1:,:]*8
soften[:,1:]  += rgbarray[:,:-1]*8
soften[:,:-1] += rgbarray[:,1:]*8
soften /= 33
surfdemo_show(soften, 'soften')
Here we perform a 3x3 convolution filter that will soften our image.
It looks like a lot of steps here, but what we are doing is shifting
the image 1 pixel in each direction and adding them all together (with some
multiplication for weighting). Then average all the values. It's no gaussian,
but it's fast.

<tr><td><img align=left src=xfade.jpg alt=xfade width=200 height=128>
<table bgcolor=#ddcc88><tr><td><pre>
src = N.array(rgbarray)
dest = N.zeros(rgbarray.shape)
dest[:] = 20, 50, 100
diff = (dest - src) * 0.50
xfade = src + diff.astype(N.Int)
surfdemo_show(xfade, 'xfade')
Lastly, we are cross fading between the original image and a solid blue-ish
image. Not exciting, but the dest image could be anything, and changing the 0.50
multiplier will let you choose any step in a linear crossfade between two images.

Hopefully by this point you are starting to see how surfarray can be used to
perform special effects and transformations that are only possible at the pixel
level. At the very least, you can use the surfarray to do a lot of Surface.set_at()
Surface.get_at() type operations very quickly. But don't think you are finished
yet, there is still much to learn.

<h2>Surface Locking</h2>
Like the rest of pygame, surfarray will lock any Surfaces it needs to
automatically when accessing pixel data. There is one extra thing to be aware
of though. When creating the <i>pixel</i> arrays, the original surface will
be locked during the lifetime of that pixel array. This is important to remember.
Be sure to <i>"del"</i> the pixel array or let it go out of scope <i>(ie, when
the function returns, etc)</i>.
Also be aware that you really don't want to be doing much <i>(if any)</i>
direct pixel access on hardware surfaces <i>(HWSURFACE)</i>. This is because
the actual surface data lives on the graphics card, and transferring pixel
changes over the PCI/AGP bus is not fast.

The surfarray module has several methods for accessing a Surface's alpha/colorkey
values. None of the alpha functions are effected by overal transparency of a
Surface, just the pixel alpha values. Here's the list of those functions.
<dt><b>surfarray.pixels_alpha(surface)</b></dt><dd>Creates a 2D array <i>(integer
pixel values)</i> that references the original surface alpha data. This will only
work on 32bit images with an 8bit alpha component.</dd>

<dt><b>surfarray.array_alpha(surface)</b><dd></dd>Creates a 2D array <i>(integer pixel
values)</i> that is copied from any type of surface. If the surface has no alpha
values, the array will be fully opaque values <i>(255)</i>.</dt>

<dt><b>surfarray.array_colorkey(surface)</b><dd></dd>Creates a 2D array
<i>(integer pixel values)</i> that is set to transparent <i>(0)</i> wherever
that pixel color matches the Surface colorkey.</dt>


<h2>Other Surfarray Functions</h2>
There are only a few other functions available in surfarray. You can get a better
list with more documentation on the
<a href=>surfarray
reference page</a>. There is one very useful function though.
<dt><b>surfarray.blit_array(surface, array)</b></dt><dd>This will transfer
any type of 2D or 3D surface array onto a Surface of the same dimensions.
This surfarray blit will generally be faster than assigning an array to a
referenced pixel array. Still, it should not be as fast as normal Surface 
blitting, since those are very optimized.

<h2>More Advanced Numeric</h2>
There's a couple last things you should know about Numeric arrays. When dealing
with very large arrays, like the kind that are 640x480 big, there are some extra
things you should be careful about. Mainly, while using the operators like + and
* on the arrays makes them easy to use, it is also very expensive on big arrays.
These operators must make new temporary copies of the array, that are then
usually copied into another array. This can get very time consuming. Fortunately,
all the Numeric operators come with special functions that can perform the 
operation <i>"in place"</i>. For example, you would want to replace
<b>screen[:] = screen + brightmap</b> with the much faster <b>add(screen, 
brightmap, screen)</b>. Anyways, you'll want to read up on the Numeric UFunc
documentation for more about this. It is important when dealing with the arrays.
When dealing with the 16bit pixel arrays, Numeric doesn't offer an unsigned 16bit
datatype, so some values will be treated as signed. Hopefully this does not 
present a problem.
Another thing to be aware of when working with Numeric arrays is the datatype
of the array. Some of the arrays (especially the mapped pixel type) often return
arrays with an unsigned 8bit value. These arrays will easily overflow if you are
not careful. Numeric will use the same coercion that you find in C programs, so
mixing an operation with 8bit numbers and 32bit numbers will give a result as
32bit numbers. You can convert the datatype of an array, but definitely be
aware of what types of arrays you have, if Numeric gets in a situation where
precision would be ruined, it will raise an exception.
Lastly, be aware that when assigning values into the 3D arrays, they must be
between 0 and 255, or you will get some undefined truncating.

Well there you have it. My quick primer on Numeric python and surfarray.
Hopefully now you see what is possible, and even if you never use them for
yourself, you do not have to be afraid when you see code that does. Look into
the vgrade example for more numeric array action. There are also some <i>"flame"</i>
demos floating around that use surfarray to create a realtime fire effect.
Best of all, try some things on your own. Take it slow at first and build up,
I've seen some great things with surfarray already like radial gradients and
more. Good Luck.