

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > e3f47f95c9a6335462434d604fd1a842 > files > 43


	Newworld ROMs
	Thu May 24, 2001

1. What is a NewWorld ROM?

	Starting with the iMac and the B&W G3, Apple introduced 
	"NewWorld booting". In principal, NewWorld booting means
	that the ROM is loaded from a file rather than from a
	ROM chip.

2. Where can I get this ROM?

	The file 'Mac OS ROM' in the System Folder contains the
	NewWorld ROM (also called file-ROM). Note that MacOS 8.6
	or later is required. It is possible that the 'Mac OS ROM'
	file is missing if MacOS was installed with the "minimal
	installation" option checked on pre-newworld machines.

3. How do I use this ROM with MOL?

	MOL loads the ROM automatically - no configuration is

	However, if MOL is incompatible with the ROM in the system
	folder (or if there isn't one on old machines), then it is 
	necessary to use a different ROM. Simply copy the compatible 
	ROM (i.e. the 'Mac OS ROM' file) to Linux as a binary file 
	(avoid Mac-Binary encoding!) and add the line

		newworld_rom:	rom/rom.nw

	to /etc/molrc (assuming /usr/lib/mol/rom/rom.nw is the ROM file).

4. NewWorld ROM versions

	ROM Version	Mac OS Version	  MOL Status	Bundled with 
	v1.1		MacOS 8.1	     -		iMac, Rev A
	v1.1.2				     -		iMac Update 1.0
			MacOS 8.5	     		Retail CD
	v1.1.5				     -		iMac, Rev B
	v1.2		MacOS 8.5.1	     -		B&W G3
					     		Macintosh Server G3 (B&W)
	v1.2.1				     -		iMacUpdate 1.1
							Colors iMac 266 MHz
	v1.4		MacOS 8.6	     *		Retail CD
							Colors iMac 333 MHz
							B&W G3
	v1.6				     *		Macintosh PowerBook G3
							Mac OS ROM Update 1.0
	v1.7.1				     ?		PM G4
	v1.8.1				     -		PowerMac G4 ROM 1.8.1 Update
	v2.3.1				     *		iMac (Slot Loading)
	v2.5.1				     ?		PowerMac G4 (AGP)
	v3.0		MacOS 9.0	     *		PowerBook G3 Bronze
							Retail 9.0 installed on iMac
							Retail 9.0 installed on B&W G3
	v3.1.1				     p		iBook
					     		PM G4 (AGP)
							iMac (Slot Loading)
	v3.5		MacOS 9.0.2	     *		PM G4 (AGB)
							PowerBook (FireWire)
	v3.6		MacOS 9.0.3	     p		iMac (Slot Loading)
	v3.7		MacOS 9.0.4	     *		Retail / Software Update
							PowerBook (FireWire)
	v3.8				     *		Ethernet Update 1.0
	v4.6.1				     p		iMac (Summer 2000)
							PM G4 (Summer 2000)
	v4.9.1				     *		PM G4 MP (Summer 2000)
							PM G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
	v5.2.1				     p		PM G4 Cube (Summer 2000)
	v5.3.1				     p		iBook (Summer 2000)
	v5.5.1				     *		PM G4
	v6.1		MacOS 9.1	     *		Retail (?), ADC
	v6.6.1				     *		PowerBook Titanium
	v7.5.1				     *		iMac (Early 2001)
	v7.8f3		-		     *
	v7.9.1		MacOS 9.1	     *		new iBook (2001)
	v8.0f4		-		     *
	'*' = known to be compatible		'-' = known to be incompatible
	'p' = probably compatible		'?' = might work
   Please report success/failure to <>.

5. What to do if the ROM is incompatible/missing

	If the ROM is incompatible, either

	* Upgrade MacOS (e.g. upgrade to MacOS 9.0.4)

	* Obtain a 'Mac OS ROM' file which is MOL compatible. For instance,
	  it is possible to download the 'Ethernet Update 1.0' from Apple and 
	  extract the ROM from it using the 'tome viewer' application. You *should*
          use a ROM which corresponds to the MacOS version:

	    v8.6	v1.6-ROM extracted from the 'Mac OS ROM Update 1.0'
	    v9.0.4	v3.8-ROM extracted from the 'Ethernet Update 1.0'

        * Download the latest version of MOL (in particular if the ROM version is
          not listed above).