

distrib > Mandriva > 9.1 > ppc > by-pkgid > e441500a897ed4c9cf25863f9476175c > files > 64


@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Assembler Syntax, Lexical Tokens, ilasm invocation, Assembler
@section Assembler Syntax
@cindex Assembler Syntax

The following sections describe the syntax of the assembly code that is input
to ilasm.  The following BNF notations are used:

@table @code
@item A => B
The non-terminal @code{A} can be expanded to the sequence @code{B}.

@item @strong{name}
A lexical terminal keyword called @code{name}.  e.g. @code{@strong{public}}.

@item NAME
A lexical terminal symbol called @code{NAME}, used to represent
identifiers, numbers, strings, etc.

@item @{A@}
Zero or more occurrences of @code{A}.

@item (A)+
One or more occurrences of @code{A}.

@item [A]
Zero or one occurrences of @code{A}.  i.e. @code{A} is optional.

@item A | B
Either @code{A} or @code{B}.

@item <abcd>
One of the characters @code{a}, @code{b}, @code{c}, or @code{d}.
This is normally written as @code{[abcd]} when used for
grep(1) regular expressions.

@item <^abcd>
Any character except @code{a}, @code{b}, @code{c}, or @code{d}.

@item <ANY>
Any character.

@item 'c'
The character @code{c}.  This can also be expressed as @code{<c>}.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Lexical Tokens, Helper Non-Terminals, Assembler Syntax, Assembler
@section Lexical tokens
@cindex Lexical tokens

The syntax uses lexical terminal symbols called @code{IDENT},
@code{INT}, @code{FLOAT}, @code{SQSTRING}, @code{DQSTRING}, and
@code{HEXBYTE}.  Their structure is defined as follows:

INT      => ['-'] (DIGIT)+
          | ['-'] '0' <xX> (<0-9a-fA-F>)+
          | ['-'] '0' @{<0-7>@}
FLOAT    => [<+->] (DIGIT)+ EXPONENT
          | [<+->] @{DIGIT@} '.' (DIGIT)+ [EXPONENT]
          | [<+->] (DIGIT)+ '.' @{DIGIT@} [EXPONENT]
SQSTRING => <'> @{ '\' <ANY> | <^'\> @} <'>
DQSTRING => '"' @{ '\' <ANY> | <^"\> @} '"'
HEXBYTE  => (<0-9a-fA-F>)+
IDALPHA  => <a-zA-Z_$@?>
DIGIT    => <0-9>
EXPONENT => <eE> [<+->] (DIGIT)+
@end example

The syntax is very close to that used by C for identifiers, integer constants,
floating point constants, single-quoted strings, and double-quoted strings.
C-like escape sequences can be used for special characters in strings.
Unlike C, single quotes are used for strings and not character constants.
The @code{HEXBYTE} terminal is used for raw sequences of bytes in some of
the declaration types.

Strings are expected to be in the UTF-8 encoding, ready for translation into
the Unicode strings used by IL binaries.  No other character sets are
supported.  It is the responsibility of the tool that generates IL
assembly code to perform any necessary character set conversions.

Comments can be represented in two ways: single-line and multi-line.
Single-line comments begin with @code{//} and continue to the end of
the current line.  Multi-line comments begin with @code{/*} and continue
until the next occurrence of @code{*/}.  Multi-line comments cannot
be nested.

White space in the input is ignored.  The allowable white space characters
are Space (0x20), Tab (0x09), Vertical Tab (0x0B), Carriage Return (0x0D),
Line Feed (0x0A), Form Feed (0x0C), and Ctrl-Z (0x1A).

The assembly language has a large number of keywords and instruction names
that begin with lower case letters.  If the program uses a keyword
as an identifier for a class, field, method, etc, it must be quoted with
single quotes.  For example, a program identifier called @code{managed}
would need to be written as @code{'managed'} so that it does not conflict
with the @code{managed} keyword.

The easiest method to protect identifiers is to quote anything that begins
with a lower case letter.  If new keywords are added to ilasm in the
future, there will be no need to modify existing compilers that use this
technique.  Compilers can quote only known keywords and instructions if
they wish, but they will not be robust against future changes.

The following is a list of the assembler keywords:

@strong{abstract algorithm alignment ansi any array as assembly assert
at auto autochar beforefieldinit blob blob_object bool boxed
bstr bytearray byvalstr callmostderived carray catch cdecl
cf char cil class clsid compilercontrolled currency custom
date decimal default demand deny disablejitoptimizer
enablejittracking error explicit extends extern false famandassem
family famorassem fastcall fault field filetime filter final
finally fixed float float32 float64 forwardref fromunmanaged
fullorigin handler hidebysig hresult idispatch il implements
implicitcom implicitres import in inf inheritcheck init initonly
instance int int16 int32 int64 int8 interface internalcall
iunknown java lasterr lateinit lcid linkcheck literal lpstr lpstruct
lptstr lpvoid lpwstr managed marshal method modopt modreq nan
native nested newslot noappdomain noinlining nomachine nomangle
nometadata noncasdemand noncasinheritance noncaslinkdemand
noprocess not_in_gc_heap notserialized null object objectref ole
opt optil out permitonly pinned pinvokeimpl prejitdeny prejitgrant
preservesig private privatescope public publickey readonly record
reqmin reqopt reqrefuse reqsecobj request retval rtspecialname
runtime safearray sealed sequential serializable specialname
static stdcall storage stored_object stream streamed_object string
struct synchronized syschar sysstring tbstr thiscall tls to true
typedref unicode unmanaged unmanagedexp unsigned userdefined value
valuetype vararg variant vector virtual void wchar winapi with}
@end example

The following is a list of assembler directives:

@strong{.addon .algorithm .assembly .backing .blob .capability .cctor
.class .comtype .config .corflags .ctor .custom .data .emitbyte
.entrypoint .event .exeloc .export .field .file .fire .get .hash
.imagebase .implicitcom .library .line #line .locale .locals .manifestres
.maxstack .method .mime .module .mresource .namespace .originator .os
.other .override .pack .param .permission .permissionset .processor
.property .publickey .publickeytoken .removeon .set .size .subsystem
.title .try .ver .vtable .vtentry .vtfixup .zeroinit}
@end example

The following is a list of the instruction names:

@strong{add add.ovf add.ovf.un and ann.catch
ann.dead ann.def ann.hoisted ann.hoisted_call ann.lab
ann.phi ann.ref ann.ref.s arglist beq beq.s bge bge.s bge.un bge.un.s
bgt bgt.s bgt.un bgt.un.s ble ble.s ble.un ble.un.s blt blt.s blt.un
blt.un.s bne.un bne.un.s box box_old br break brfalse brfalse.s
brinst brinst.s brnull brnull.s br.s brtrue brtrue.s brzero brzero.s
call calli callvirt castclass ceq cgt cgt.un ckfinite clt clt.un
conv.i conv.i1 conv.i2 conv.i4 conv.i8 conv.ovf.i conv.ovf.i1
conv.ovf.i1.un conv.ovf.i2 conv.ovf.i2.un conv.ovf.i4 conv.ovf.i4.un
conv.ovf.i8 conv.ovf.i8.un conv.ovf.i.un conv.ovf.u conv.ovf.u1
conv.ovf.u1.un conv.ovf.u2 conv.ovf.u2.un conv.ovf.u4 conv.ovf.u4.un
conv.ovf.u8 conv.ovf.u8.un conv.ovf.u.un conv.r4 conv.r8 conv.r.un
conv.u conv.u1 conv.u2 conv.u4 conv.u8 cpblk cpobj div div.un dup
endfault endfilter endfinally initblk initobj isinst jmp jmpi ldarg
ldarg.0 ldarg.1 ldarg.2 ldarg.3 ldarga ldarga.s ldarg.s ldc.i4 ldc.i4.0
ldc.i4.1 ldc.i4.2 ldc.i4.3 ldc.i4.4 ldc.i4.5 ldc.i4.6 ldc.i4.7 ldc.i4.8
ldc.i4.m1 ldc.i4.M1 ldc.i4.s ldc.i8 ldc.r4 ldc.r8 ldelema ldelem.i
ldelem.i1 ldelem.i2 ldelem.i4 ldelem.i8 ldelem.r4 ldelem.r8 ldelem.ref
ldelem.u1 ldelem.u2 ldelem.u4 ldelem.u8 ldfld ldflda ldftn ldind.i
ldind.i1 ldind.i2 ldind.i4 ldind.i8 ldind.r4 ldind.r8 ldind.ref
ldind.u1 ldind.u2 ldind.u4 ldind.u8 ldlen ldloc ldloc.0 ldloc.1 ldloc.2
ldloc.3 ldloca ldloca.s ldloc.s ldnull ldobj ldptr ldsfld ldsflda
ldstr ldtoken ldvirtftn leave leave.s localloc mkrefany mul mul.ovf
mul.ovf.un mul.un neg newarr newobj nop not or pop refanytype
refanyval rem rem.un ret rethrow shl shr shr.un sizeof starg starg.s
stelem.i stelem.i1 stelem.i2 stelem.i4 stelem.i8 stelem.r4 stelem.r8
stelem.ref stfld stind.i stind.i1 stind.i2 stind.i4 stind.i8 stind.r4
stind.r8 stind.ref stloc stloc.0 stloc.1 stloc.2 stloc.3 stloc.s
stobj stsfld sub sub.ovf sub.ovf.un switch tail tail. throw unbox
volatile volatile. xor}
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Helper Non-Terminals, Top-Level Declarations, Lexical Tokens, Assembler
@section Helper Non-Terminals
@cindex Helper Non-Terminals

In this section we define a number of non-terminals that will be used
later in the BNF grammar.  They do not necessarily correspond to
useful program constructs on their own.

@cindex Identifier
@cindex Integer32
@cindex Integer64
@cindex Float64
@cindex ComposedString
@cindex QualifiedName
@cindex Bytes
Identifier     => IDENT | SQSTRING
Integer32      => INT      /* 32-bit integer */
Integer64      => INT      /* 64-bit integer */
Float64        => FLOAT
                | @strong{float32} '(' Integer32 ')'
                | @strong{float64} '(' Integer64 ')'
                | @strong{nan}
                | @strong{inf}
                | '-' @strong{inf}
ComposedString => DQSTRING
                | ComposedString '+' DQSTRING
QualifiedName  => Identifier
                | QualifiedName '.' Identifier
Bytes          => '(' @{ HEXBYTE @} ')'
@end example

The second and third forms of the Float64 non-terminal can be used to
convert the raw bit representation of a floating-point number into
a floating-point value.  The second form converts the big-endian, 32-bit,
IEEE integer representation of a single-precision value into a 32-bit float.
For example 0x3F800000 represents the value 1.0.  The third form does
the same for 64-bit IEEE integer representations of double-precision values.

The raw bit forms are mainly of use to compilers that wish to output
the exact binary representation of a floating-point constant, rather than
a rounded decimal value.

The ComposedString non-terminal allows long strings to be built up by
appending a sequence of shorter strings.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Top-Level Declarations, Namespace Declarations, Helper Non-Terminals, Assembler
@section Top-Level Declarations
@cindex Top-Level Declarations

The top-most level of the assembly input stream consists of zero or
more declarations:

@cindex TopLevel
TopLevel => @{ Declaration @}
@end example

Declarations at the top-most level cover program items such as
classes, namespaces, global methods, assembly information, manifest
resources, etc:

@cindex Declaration
Declaration => NamespaceDeclaration
             | ClassDeclaration
             | FieldDeclaration
             | MethodDeclaration
             | DebugInformation
             | CustomAttributeDeclaration
             | AssemblyDeclaration
             | AssemblyRefDeclaration
             | ModuleDeclaration
             | SecurityDeclaration
             | ComTypeDeclaration
             | FileDeclaration
             | ManifestResDeclaration
             | DataDeclaration
             | VtableDeclaration
             | VtfixupDeclaration
@end example

The assembler does support some additional kinds of declarations
beyond those described in this document.  They are supported for
compatibility with older versions of the assembly syntax, and for
compatibility with tools from other vendors.

The syntax described here is the official Portable.NET syntax, and
deviating from it is not recommended.  Support for other syntax may be
removed in a future version of the assembler.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Namespace Declarations, Class Declarations, Top-Level Declarations, Assembler
@section Namespace Declarations
@cindex Namespace Declarations

Zero or more classes may be grouped together into a namespace, which
prefixes the class name with a particular identifier.

@cindex NamespaceDeclaration
NamespaceDeclaration => @strong{.namespace} QualifiedName
                        '@{' @{ Declaration @} '@}'
@end example

In the following example, classes with names @code{C1} and @code{C2}
will be created within the namespace @code{N}:

.namespace N
    .class C1 @{ ... @}
    .class C2 @{ ... @}
@end example

Note: the following is not the same as above:

.class N.C1 @{ ... @}
.class N.C2 @{ ... @}
@end example

This declares two classes called @code{N.C1} and @code{N.C2}, within
the global namespace.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Class Declarations, Class Attributes, Namespace Declarations, Assembler
@section Class Declarations
@cindex Class Declarations
@cindex Type Declarations

Strictly speaking, IL programs do not support classes at all.  Everything is
a type.  However, for historical reasons, types are declared by means of
a @strong{.class} declaration.

@cindex .class directive
@cindex ClassDeclaration
ClassDeclaration => @strong{.class} @{ ClassAttribute @} Identifier
          [ @strong{extends} ClassName ]
          [ @strong{implements} ClassName @{ ',' ClassName @} ]
          '@{' @{ ClassMember @} '@}'
@end example

If the type has custom attributes, they should appear in the assembly
stream just after the class heading and before any other class members.

* Class Attributes::          Attributes that may be used on types.
* Class Members::             Specifying the members of a type.
* Class Layout::              Explicit layout for types.
* Class References::          Referring to local and imported types.
@end menu

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Class Attributes, Class Members, Class Declarations, Class Declarations
@subsection Class Attributes
@cindex Class Attributes

@cindex ClassAttribute
ClassAttribute => @strong{public}
                | @strong{private}
                | @strong{value}
                | @strong{unmanaged}
                | @strong{interface}
                | @strong{sealed}
                | @strong{abstract}
                | @strong{auto}
                | @strong{sequential}
                | @strong{explicit}
                | @strong{ansi}
                | @strong{unicode}
                | @strong{autochar}
                | @strong{import}
                | @strong{serializable}
                | @strong{nested public}
                | @strong{nested private}
                | @strong{nested family}
                | @strong{nested assembly}
                | @strong{nested famandassem}
                | @strong{nested famorassem}
                | @strong{beforefieldinit}
                | @strong{specialname}
                | @strong{rtspecialname}
@end example

@table @strong
@cindex public attribute (types)
@item public
Specify that the type is exported from the assembly that declares
it, and is accessible to any other type.  This should not be used on
nested types.  This corresponds to the C# @code{public} access level
on non-nested types.

@cindex private attribute (types)
@item private
Specify that the type is private to the assembly that declares it,
and is accessible only to other types in the same assembly.  This
should not be used on nested types.  This corresponds to the C#
@code{internal} access level on non-nested types.

@cindex nested public attribute (types)
@item nested public
Specify that the type is publicly accessible within the scope of
its nesting parent's accessibility.  The type is accessible to
any other type that can access the nesting parent.  This should
only be used on nested types.  This corresponds to the C# @code{public}
access level on nested types.

@cindex nested private attribute (types)
@item nested private
Specify that the type is private to its nesting parent and cannot
be accessed by any other type.  This should only be used on nested types.
This corresponds to the C# @code{private} access level on nested types.

@cindex nested family attribute (types)
@item nested family
Specify that the type is accessible to its nesting parent and to
any type derived from the nesting parent.  This should only be used
on nested types.  This corresponds to the C# @code{protected}
access level on nested types.

@cindex nested assembly attribute (types)
@item nested assembly
Specify that the type is accessible to any other type in the
assembly that declares it.  This should only be used on nested types.
This corresponds to the C# @code{internal} access level on nested types.

@cindex nested famandassem attribute (types)
@item nested famandassem
Specify that the type is accessible only to types that inherit from
the nesting parent and are also declared in the same assembly as
this type.  This should only be used on nested types.  There is no
C# equivalent to this access level.

@cindex nested famorassem attribute (types)
@item nested famorassem
Specify that the type is accessible only to types that inherit from
the nesting parent or that are declared in the same assembly as this type.
This should only be used on nested types.  This corresponds to the C#
@code{protected internal} access level on nested types.

@cindex value attribute (types)
@item value
Specify that the type is normally used as a value type (C# @code{struct})
instead of as an object reference.

@cindex unmanaged attribute (types)
@item unmanaged
Specify that the type declares an unmanaged value type.

@cindex interface attribute (types)
@item interface
Specify that the type is an interface rather than a regular class or
value type.  Interfaces should also have the @strong{abstract} attribute.

@cindex sealed attribute (types)
@item sealed
Specify that the type cannot be inherited.

@cindex abstract attribute (types)
@item abstract
Specify that the type cannot be instantiated.  This attribute should be
present on interfaces and on any class that has @strong{abstract} methods.

@cindex auto attribute (types)
@item auto
Specify that the fields of the type should be laid out in the most
efficient manner possible, with no user-supplied constraints.  Normally
this will be the same as @strong{sequential}, but it does not have to
be the same.

@cindex sequential attribute (types)
@item sequential
Specify that the fields of the type should be laid out in a manner which
is consistent with the underlying operating system.  Most types will
have this attribute set.

@cindex explicit attribute (types)
@item explicit
Specify that the fields of the type should be laid out using user-supplied
explicit layout rules.  These rules are specified with the @strong{.size}
and @strong{.pack} directives, and with explicit offset information on
each of the fields.

@cindex ansi attribute (types)
@item ansi
Specify that any strings that are marshalled to unmanaged code by this
type should be interpreted using the system's prevailing locale.  If the
type does not marshal strings to unmanaged code, then @strong{ansi} is
the default value.

@cindex unicode attribute (types)
@item unicode
Specify that any strings that are marshalled to unmanaged code by this
type should be interpreted as Unicode.  This attribute only makes sense
on Windows machines.

@cindex autochar attribute (types)
@item autochar
Specify that any strings that are marshalled to unmanaged code by this
type should be interpreted as either Unicode or strings in the prevailing
locale, depending upon the capabilities of the underlying operating system.
This attribute only makes sense on Windows machines.

@cindex import attribute (types)
@item import
Specify that the type was imported from some other module within the
assembly.  This attribute is very rare and can be ignored by most compilers.

@cindex serializable attribute (types)
@item serializable
Specify that the fields of the type can be automatically serialized by
the runtime engine's builtin serialization routines.  Any fields that have
the @strong{not_serialized} attribute will be omitted from the builtin

@cindex beforefieldinit attribute (types)
@item beforefieldinit
Specify that the type does not need to be initialized until the first
time that a static method within the type is called.

@cindex specialname attribute (types)
@item specialname
Specify that the type may have special significance to tools other than
the runtime engine.  This is rarely needed on types.

@cindex rtspecialname attribute (types)
@item rtspecialname
Specify that the type may have special significance to the runtime engine.
This is rarely needed on types.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Class Members, Class Layout, Class Attributes, Class Declarations
@subsection Class Members
@cindex Class Members

Types may contain any of the following members:

@cindex ClassMember
ClassMember => ClassDeclaration
             | ClassLayoutDeclaration
             | FieldDeclaration
             | MethodDeclaration
             | PropertyDeclaration
             | EventDeclaration
             | DebugInformation
             | CustomAttributeDeclaration
             | DataDeclaration
             | SecurityDeclaration
             | ComTypeDeclaration
             | ExportDeclaration
             | OverrideDeclaration
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Class Layout, Class References, Class Members, Class Declarations
@subsection Class Layout
@cindex Class Layout

@cindex ClassLayoutDeclaration
ClassLayoutDeclaration => @strong{.size} Integer32
                        | @strong{.pack} Integer32
@end example

@table @strong
@cindex .size directive
@item .size
Specify the size of the type, in bytes.  This should only be used
with @strong{explicit} layout.  If this declaration is not present,
or specifies the value zero, then the runtime engine will choose the
size of the type.

@cindex .pack directive
@item .pack
Specify the packing size to be used for fields of the type.  This must be
one of the values 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128, and should only be
used with @strong{explicit} layout.  A packing size of zero, or a missing
packing size, indicates that the default size for the underlying operating
system should be used.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Class References, Type Specifications, Class Layout, Class Declarations
@subsection Class References
@cindex Class References

In many places within the assembly source stream, it is necessary to
refer to other classes within the same source, or in other assemblies.
This section describes the syntax of class references.

In IL, there is a distinction defined, primitive, and composed types.
Defined types are used to define the classes and value types that are
used in the program.  Primitive types are types such as @strong{int32},
@strong{bool}, @strong{float64}, etc.  Composed types are arrays, pointers,
etc, that are built up from defined and primitive types.

In this section, we will treat a "class name" as a reference to a defined
type, even if the type happens to correspond to a value type.  Primitive
and composed types cannot be referred to using class names.

@cindex ClassName
@cindex ImportScope
@cindex .library directive
ClassName   => [ '[' ImportScope ']' ]
                  QualifiedName @{ '/' QualifiedName @}
ImportScope => QualifiedName |
             | @strong{.module} QualifiedName
             | @strong{.library}
@end example

Class names begin with an import scope, which specifies where the
defined type is being imported from.  If the import scope is not present,
the type is assumed to be declared in the same assembly stream, or
that the type will be resolved by the linker.

If the import scope is a @code{QualifiedName}, then it indicates that
the defined type is being imported from an assembly.  The assembler
searches for an assembly reference definition with the same name.
If there is no such assembly reference, then it will search for an
assembly definition with the same name.  If an assembly definition is
found, then the interpretation is the same as if the scope was not
supplied at all.  An error occurs if there is no assembly reference
or definition for the name.

If the import scope is prefixed with @strong{.module}, then it indicates
that the defined type is being imported from a module.  This form of
import is deprecated in favour of assembly imports.

If the import scope is @strong{.library}, then it indicates that the
defined type is being imported from the CLI standard library.  This
library is normally in an assembly called @code{mscorlib}, but it is
possible to specify a different name using the @code{--stdlib-name} option
to @code{ilasm}.

Following the import scope, the name consists of one of more components,
separated by slashes.  A name with no slashes indicates a type that
is declared at the global level of the import scope.  A name with
slashes indicates a nested type.  For example, the following refers
to the type @code{HashEntry} which is nested within the standard
@code{System.Enum} type:

@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Type Specifications, Field Declarations, Class References, Assembler
@section Type Specifications
@cindex Type Specifications

Thoughout the assembly source stream, it is necessary to refer to
defined, primitive, and composed types.  This is done using type
specifications, which may either be class names or composed types.

@cindex TypeSpecification
TypeSpecification => ClassName | Type
@end example

Types may be composed from class names, primitive types, and other
composed types as follows:

@cindex Type
Type => @strong{class} ClassName
      | @strong{valuetype} ClassName
      | Type '[' Bounds @{ ',' Bounds @} ']'
      | Type '&'        /* reference */
      | Type '*'        /* pointer */
      | Type @strong{pinned}
      | Type @strong{modreq} '(' ClassName ')'
      | Type @strong{modopt} '(' ClassName ')'
      | @strong{method} CallingConventions Type '*'
                          '(' [ SignatureArguments ] ')'
      | PrimitiveType
@end example

Every defined type in the program has two forms: class and value type.
The particular form to be used may be specified using the @strong{class}
and @strong{valuetype} prefixes.  If the prefix is not present, then
the assembler will guess the correct form from the type definition.

The assembler supports the following primitive type keywords:

@cindex PrimitiveType
PrimitiveType => @strong{void}
               | @strong{bool}
               | @strong{char}
               | @strong{int8}
               | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int8}
               | @strong{int16}
               | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int16}
               | @strong{int32}
               | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int32}
               | @strong{int64}
               | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int64}
               | @strong{native} @strong{int}
               | @strong{native} @strong{unsigned} @strong{int}
               | @strong{float32}
               | @strong{float64}
               | @strong{native} @strong{float}
               | @strong{string}
               | @strong{object}
               | @strong{typedref}
@end example

The @strong{string} keyword is replaced with a @strong{class} reference
to the library class @code{System.String}.  The @strong{object} keyword
is replaced with a @strong{class} reference to the library class

Array bounds are specified as follows:

@cindex Bounds
Bounds => /* empty */
        | @strong{...}
        | Integer32
        | Integer32 @strong{...}
        | Integer32 @strong{...} Integer32
@end example

The first two forms indicate an array dimension with no lower or upper bound.
The third form indicates an array dimension with lower bound 0, and the upper
bound as one less than the specified value.  The fourth form indicates
an array dimension with a specified lower bound, but no upper bound.  The
last form indicates an array dimension with both lower and upper bounds

In certain contexts, types may have marshalling information associated
with them.  This marshalling information provides directions to the
runtime engine when it invokes external methods using the PInvoke

@cindex MarshalledType
@cindex NativeType
MarshalledType => Type [ @strong{marshal} '(' NativeType ')' ]
NativeType     => /* empty */
                | @strong{custom} '(' ComposedString ',' ComposedString ','
                               ComposedString ',' ComposedString ')'
                | @strong{fixed} @strong{sysstring} '[' Integer32 ']'
                | @strong{fixed} @strong{array} '[' Integer32 ']'
                | NativeType '*'
                | NativeType '[' ']'
                | NativeType '[' Integer32 ']'
                | NativeType '[' '+' Integer32 ']'
                | NativeType '[' Integer32 '+' Integer32 ']'
                | @strong{variant}
                | @strong{currency}
                | @strong{syschar}
                | @strong{void}
                | @strong{bool}
                | @strong{int8}
                | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int8}
                | @strong{int16}
                | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int16}
                | @strong{int32}
                | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int32}
                | @strong{int64}
                | @strong{unsigned} @strong{int64}
                | @strong{int}
                | @strong{unsigned }@strong{int}
                | @strong{float32}
                | @strong{float64}
                | @strong{float}
                | @strong{error}
                | @strong{decimal}
                | @strong{date}
                | @strong{bstr}
                | @strong{lpstr}
                | @strong{lpwstr}
                | @strong{lptstr}
                | @strong{objectref}
                | @strong{iunknown}
                | @strong{idispatch}
                | @strong{struct}
                | @strong{interface}
                | @strong{nested} @strong{struct}
                | @strong{byvalstr}
                | @strong{ansi} @strong{bstr}
                | @strong{tbstr}
                | @strong{variant} @strong{bool}
                | @strong{method}
                | @strong{lpvoid}
                | @strong{as} @strong{any}
                | @strong{lpstruct}
@end example

Note: native types are highly system-dependent.  Many of the types above
only make sense on Windows systems.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Field Declarations, Field Attributes, Type Specifications, Assembler
@section Field Declarations
@cindex Field Declarations

Fields may be defined at the global level of the assembly stream, or
within the body of a class.  If the field is global, it must appear
before all class declarations in the assembly stream.

@cindex .field directive
@cindex FieldDeclaration
FieldDeclaration => @strong{.field} [ '[' Integer32 ']' ]
                    @{ FieldAttribute @} Type Identifier
			        [ @strong{at} (Integer32 | Identifier) ]
					[ '=' FieldInitialization ]
@end example

If the field has custom attributes, they should appear in the assembly
stream just after the field declaration.

* Field Attributes::          Attributes that may be used on fields.
* Field Initialization::      Specifying a constant value for a field.
* Field Layout::              Explicit layout for fields.
* Field References::          Referring to local and imported fields.
@end menu

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Field Attributes, Field Initialization, Field Declarations, Field Declarations
@subsection Field Attributes
@cindex Field Attributes

@cindex FieldAttribute
FieldAttribute => @strong{public}
				| @strong{private}
				| @strong{family}
				| @strong{assembly}
				| @strong{famandassem}
				| @strong{famorassem}
				| @strong{compilercontrolled}
                | @strong{static}
				| @strong{literal}
				| @strong{initonly}
				| @strong{notserialized}
				| @strong{rtspecialname}
				| @strong{specialname}
				| @strong{marshal} '(' NativeType ')'
@end example

@table @strong
@item public
Specify that the field is accessible from any other class.
This corresponds to the C# @code{public} access level.

@item private
Specify that the field is only accessible to the class in which
it is declared.  This corresponds to the C# @code{private} access level.

@item family
Specify that the field is accessible to the class in which
it is declared, and any subclass of the field's class.  This corresponds
to the C# @code{protected} access level.

@item assembly
Specify that the field is only accessible to classes in the same
assembly as the field.  This corresponds to the C# @code{internal}
access level.

@item famandassem
Specify that the field is only accessible to classes in the same
assembly as the field, and which inherit from the field's class.
There is no C# equivalent of this access level.

@item famorassem
Specify that the field is only accessible to classes in the same
assembly as the field or to classes which inherit from the field's
class.  This corresponds to the C# @code{protected internal} access level.

@item compilercontrolled
Specify that the field is accessible in a manner controlled by
the compiler.  The runtime engine treats this the same as @strong{assembly}.
There is no C# equivalent of this access level.

@item static
Specify that the field is staticly declared within its class.  If this
attribute is not present, the field will be part of the instances of
its class.

@item literal
Specify that the field is associated with a literal constant value.
Such a field will not occupy space at runtime, and compilers will
expand the literal value into the code stream at compile time.
This corresponds to the C# @code{const} keyword.

@item initonly
Specify that the field can only be written during the initialization
process for the field's class.  Afterwards, it is read-only.  This
corresponds to the C# @code{readonly} keyword.

@item notserialized
Specify that the field will not be output during serialization if
its class has the @strong{serialized} attribute.

@item specialname
Specify that the field has special significance to tools other than
the runtime engine.  This should be used on fields that correspond
to enumerated value storage (normally @strong{value__}).

@item rtspecialname
Specify that the field has special significance to the runtime engine.
This should be used on fields that correspond to enumerated value
storage (normally @strong{value__}).

@item marshal
Specify that the field's type should be replaced with an underlying
native type by the runtime.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Field Initialization, Field Layout, Field Attributes, Field Declarations
@subsection Field Initialization
@cindex Field Initialization

@cindex FieldInitialization
FieldInitialization => @strong{float32} '(' FLOAT ')'
                     | @strong{float64} '(' FLOAT ')'
                     | @strong{float32} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{float64} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{float32} '(' @strong{nan} ')'
                     | @strong{float64} '(' @strong{nan} ')'
                     | @strong{float32} '(' @strong{inf} ')'
                     | @strong{float64} '(' @strong{inf} ')'
                     | @strong{float32} '(' '-' @strong{inf} ')'
                     | @strong{float64} '(' '-' @strong{inf} ')'
                     | @strong{int64} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{int32} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{int16} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{int8} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{char} '(' Integer64 ')'
                     | @strong{bool} '(' @strong{true} ')'
                     | @strong{bool} '(' @strong{false} ')'
                     | ComposedString
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Field Layout, Field References, Field Initialization, Field Declarations
@subsection Field Layout
@cindex Field Layout

If the field is a member of an @strong{explicit} class declaration,
then a specific offset value may be specified just after the
@strong{.field} keyword.  Use of this feature is discouraged
in portable programs.

If the field is static, it can be placed at an explicit runtime
address using the @strong{at} clause.  Use of this feature is
discouraged in portable programs.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Field References, Method Declarations, Field Layout, Field Declarations
@subsection Field References
@cindex Field References

At various points within an assembly stream, it is necessary to refer
to fields defined in the same stream, or imported from other streams.
The following syntax is used for referring to fields:

@cindex FieldReference
FieldReference => Type [ TypeSpecification @strong{::} ] Identifier
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Method Declarations, Method Attributes, Field References, Assembler
@section Method Declarations
@cindex Method Declarations

Methods may be defined at the global level of the assembly stream, or
within the body of a class.  If the method is global, it must appear
before all class declarations in the assembly stream.

@cindex .method directive
@cindex MethodDeclaration
@cindex MethodName
MethodDeclaration => @strong{.method} @{ MethodAttribute @}
                     @{ ParameterAttribute @}
                     MarshalledType MethodName
                     '(' [ SignatureArguments ] ')'
                     @{ ImplementationAttribute @}
                     '@{' @{ MethodMember @} '@}@'
MethodName => @strong{.ctor}
            | @strong{.cctor}
            | QualifiedName
@end example

The method name @strong{.ctor} indicates an instance constructor, and
the method name @strong{.cctor} indicates a static constructor.

If the method has custom attributes, they should appear in the body of
the method, or just after the method declaration.

* Method Attributes::         Attributes that may be used on methods.
* Calling Conventions::       Specifying a method's calling conventsions.
* Implementation Attributes:: Specifying a method's implementation style.
* Method Signatures::         Method argument signatures.
* PInvoke Methods::           Invoking foreign library methods.
* Method References::         Referring to local and imported methods.
* Method Members::            Members of a method declaration (IL).
* Java Method Members::       Members of a method declaration (Java).
@end menu

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Method Attributes, Calling Conventions, Method Declarations, Method Declarations
@subsection Method Attributes
@cindex Method Attributes

@cindex MethodAttribute
MethodAttribute =>
                 | @strong{public}
                 | @strong{private}
                 | @strong{family}
                 | @strong{assembly}
                 | @strong{famandassem}
                 | @strong{famorassem}
                 | @strong{compilercontrolled}
                 | @strong{static}
                 | @strong{virtual}
                 | @strong{final}
                 | @strong{abstract}
                 | @strong{hidebysig}
                 | @strong{newslot}
                 | @strong{specialname}
                 | @strong{rtspecialname}
                 | @strong{pinvokeimpl} PInvokeParameters
@end example

@table @strong
@item public
Specify that the method is accessible from any other class.
This corresponds to the C# @code{public} access level.

@item private
Specify that the method is only accessible to the class in which
it is declared.  This corresponds to the C# @code{private} access level.

@item family
Specify that the method is accessible to the class in which
it is declared, and any subclass of the method's class.  This corresponds
to the C# @code{protected} access level.

@item assembly
Specify that the method is only accessible to classes in the same
assembly as the method.  This corresponds to the C# @code{internal}
access level.

@item famandassem
Specify that the method is only accessible to classes in the same
assembly as the method, and which inherit from the method's class.
There is no C# equivalent of this access level.

@item famorassem
Specify that the method is only accessible to classes in the same
assembly as the method or to classes which inherit from the method's
class.  This corresponds to the C# @code{protected internal} access level.

@item compilercontrolled
Specify that the method is accessible in a manner controlled by
the compiler.  The runtime engine treats this the same as @strong{assembly}.
There is no C# equivalent of this access level.

@item static
Specify that the method is staticly declared within its class.
The method will not have a @code{this} parameter.

@item virtual
Specify that the method is virtual.

@item final
Specify that the virtual method is the last definition of the method, and
that it cannot be overridden in subclasses.

@item abstract
Specify that the virtual method is abstract.  The class that
contains the method must also have the @strong{abstract} attribute.

@item hidebysig
Specify that the method hides any other definition in a parent class
only if the method name and signature are identical.  If this attribute
is not present, then the method hides any definition in a parent class
if the method name is identical.

@item newslot
Specify that the virtual method occupies a different vtable slot from
the same method in parent classes.

@item specialname
Specify that the method has special significance to tools other than
the runtime engine.  This should be used on methods that correspond
to constructors, operators, property accessors, and event accessors.

@item rtspecialname
Specify that the method has special significance to the runtime engine.
This should be used on methods that correspond to constructors.

@item pinvokeimpl
Specify that the method is imported from a foreign library.  The
parameters to this attribute specify how to perform the import.
@xref{PInvoke Methods}, for more information.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Calling Conventions, Implementation Attributes, Method Attributes, Method Declarations
@subsection Calling Conventions
@cindex Calling Conventions

@cindex CallingConventions
CallingConventions => /* empty */
                    | @strong{instance} CallingConventions
                    | @strong{explicit} CallingConventions
                    | @strong{default}
                    | @strong{vararg}
                    | @strong{unmanaged cdecl}
                    | @strong{unmanaged stdcall}
                    | @strong{unmanaged thiscall}
                    | @strong{unmanaged fastcall}
@end example

@table @strong
@item instance
Specify that the method takes an additional argument that corresponds
to the @code{this} instance.

@item explicit
Specify that the @code{this} instance is explicitly provided in the
method signature.

@item default
Specify that the default calling conventions should be used.  This
convention is implied if no calling convention is supplied for the method.

@item vararg
Specify that the method is capable of supporting a variable number
of arguments.

@item unmanaged cdecl
Specify that the method is in a foreign library and that it uses the
standard C calling conventions for the underlying operating system.

@item unmanaged stdcall
Specify that the method is in a foreign library and that it uses
the "standard call" calling convention.  This is Windows-specific.

@item unmanaged thiscall
Specify that the method is in a foreign library and that it uses
the "this call" calling convention.  This is Windows-specific.

@item unmanaged fastcall
Specify that the method is in a foreign library and that it uses
the "fast call" calling convention.  This is Windows-specific.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Implementation Attributes, Method Signatures, Calling Conventions, Method Declarations
@subsection Implementation Attributes
@cindex Implementation Attributes

@cindex ImplementationAttributes
ImplementationAttributes => @strong{cil}
                          | @strong{optil}
                          | @strong{native}
                          | @strong{runtime}
                          | @strong{managed}
                          | @strong{unmanaged}
                          | @strong{forwardref}
                          | @strong{internalcall}
                          | @strong{synchronized}
                          | @strong{noinlining}
                          | @strong{java}
@end example

@table @strong
@item cil
Specify that the method is implemented in IL bytecode.  This is also
used on @strong{internalcall} methods, even though they are typically
implemented with native code.

@item optil
Specify that the method is implemented in OptIL bytecode, which is a
variant of IL that provides extra information for JIT optimizers.
There will normally be no reason to use this attribute.  The runtime
engine treats OptIL identically to IL.

@item native
Specify that the method is implemented using native machine code.
This will rarely be required in binaries that are intended to be portable.

@item runtime
Specify that the method has special meaning to the runtime engine.
This is used when implementing delegates.

@item managed
Specify that the method uses managed objects.  This is the default.

@item unmanaged
Specify that the method uses unmanaged objects.

@item forwardref
Specify that the method is not defined here.  This is provided for
linker support only.  The runtime engine will reject methods that
have this attribute.

@item internalcall
Specify that the method is implemented internally within the runtime

@item synchronized
Specifies that the runtime engine should acquire a lock on the object
prior to calling the method, and should release the lock after
returning from the method.  If the method is static, then a lock on
the method's type will be obtained.

@item noinlining
Specifies that the JIT should not inline this method.

@item java
Specifies that the method is implemented using Java bytecode instead of
IL bytecode.  This must be last attribute in the list.  i.e.
@code{java managed} is incorrect; it must be specifies as @code{managed java}.
This ordering allows @code{ilasm} to properly switch parsing modes to
recognise the Java instruction set rather than the IL instruction set.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Method Signatures, PInvoke Methods, Implementation Attributes, Method Declarations
@subsection Method Signatures
@cindex Method Signatures

@cindex SignatureArguments
@cindex SignatureArgument
SignatureArguments => SignatureArgument
                      @{ ',' SignatureArgument @}
SignatureArgument  => @strong{...}
                    | @{ ParameterAttribute @}
                      MarshalledType [ Identifier ]
@end example

@cindex ParameterAttribute
ParameterAttribute => '[' @strong{in} ']'
                    | '[' @strong{out} ']'
                    | '[' @strong{opt} ']'
@end example

@table @strong
@item in
Specify that the parameter is an input to the method.  The type must
be a managed or unmanaged pointer type.

@item out
Specify that the parameter is an output from the method.  The type must
be a managed or unmanaged pointer type.

@item opt
Specify that the parameter is optional.  The method will normally
contain a @strong{.param} declaration that specifies the default
value for the parameter.
@end table

Parameter attributes are ignored by the runtime engine.  They provide
information for compilers and other tools.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node PInvoke Methods, Method References, Method Signatures, Method Declarations
@subsection PInvoke Methods
@cindex PInvoke Methods

Methods in foreign libraries are referenced using the PInvoke

@cindex PInvokeParameters
PInvokeParameters => '(' [ ComposedString
                            [ @strong{as} ComposedString ] ]
                       @{ PInvokeAttribute @} ')'
@end example

The first string indicates the name of the library from which the
foreign method is being imported.  The second string indicates the
name of the method in the foreign library.  If the second string is
not present, then the name of the method declaration will be used.

The @code{ilasm} syntax allows the library name to be omitted, for
compatibility with older assemblers.  In practice, a PInvoke declaration
that does not have a library name cannot be resolved at runtime.

@cindex PInvokeAttribute
PInvokeAttribute => @strong{nomangle}
                  | @strong{ansi}
                  | @strong{unicode}
                  | @strong{autochar}
                  | @strong{ole}
                  | @strong{lasterr}
                  | @strong{winapi}
                  | @strong{cdecl}
                  | @strong{stdcall}
                  | @strong{thiscall}
                  | @strong{fastcall}
@end example

@table @strong
@item nomangle
Specify that the foreign method name is exact.  Windows systems will
search for 'A' and 'W' variants of the method name if this attribute
is not specified.

@item ansi
Specify that any strings that are passed to, or return from, the foreign
method will be in the operating system's prevailing character set.

@item unicode
Specify that any strings that are passed to, or return from, the foreign
method will be in the Unicode character set.

@item autochar
Specify that the runtime engine should determine the character set

@item ole
Specify that the method signature has been managled to return a
@code{HRESULT} value.  This is Windows-specific.

@item lasterr
Specify that the method returns additional error information in a
separate variable.  On Windows systems, this variable can be queried
using @code{GetLastError}.  On other systems, the variable is usually
called @code{errno}.

@item winapi
Specify that the foreign method uses the "winapi" calling conventions.
This is Windows-specific.

@item cdecl
Specify that the foreign method uses the standard C calling conventions.

@item stdcall
Specify that the foreign method uses the "standard call" calling conventions.
This is Windows-specific.

@item thiscall
Specify that the foreign method uses the "this call" calling conventions.
This is Windows-specific.

@item fastcall
Specify that the foreign method uses the "fast call" calling conventions.
This is Windows-specific.

If none of the above calling convention attributes are supplied, then
the default is chosen by the runtime engine.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Method References, Method Members, PInvoke Methods, Method Declarations
@subsection Method References
@cindex Method References

At various points within an assembly stream, it is necessary to refer
to methods defined in the same stream, or imported from other streams.
The following syntax is used for referring to methods:

@cindex MethodReference
MethodReference => CallingConventions Type
                   [ TypeSpecification @strong{::} ] MethodName
                   '(' [ SignatureArguments ] ')'
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Method Members, Java Method Members, Method References, Method Declarations
@subsection Method Members
@cindex Method Members

@cindex MethodMember
MethodMember => @strong{.emitbyte} Integer32
              | ExceptionBlock
              | @strong{.maxstack} Integer32
              | @strong{.locals} '(' [ SignatureArguments ] ')'
              | @strong{.locals init}
                '(' [ SignatureArguments ] ')'
              | @strong{.entrypoint}
              | @strong{.zeroinit}
              | DataDeclaration
              | Instruction
              | Identifier ':'
              | SecurityDeclaration
              | DebugInformation
              | CustomAttributeSpecification
              | @strong{.vtentry} Integer32 ':' Integer32
              | @strong{.override} TypeSpecification
                @strong{::} MethodName
              | '@{' @{ MethodMember @} '@}'
              | @strong{.param} '[' Integer32 ']'
                [ '=' FieldInitialization ]
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Java Method Members, Property Declarations, Method Members, Method Declarations
@subsection Java Method Members
@cindex Java Method Members


@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Property Declarations, Property Attributes, Java Method Members, Assembler
@section Property Declarations
@cindex Property Declarations

@cindex .property directive
@cindex PropertyDeclaration
PropertyDeclaration => @strong{.property} @{ PropertyAttribute @}
                       CallingConventions Type Identifier
                       '(' [ SignatureArguments ] ')'
                       '@{' @{ PropertyMember @} '@}'
@end example

If the property has custom attributes, they should appear in the body of
the property, or just after the property declaration.

* Property Attributes::       Attributes that may be used on properties.
* Property Members::          Specifying the members of a property.
@end menu

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Property Attributes, Property Members, Property Declarations, Property Declarations
@subsection Property Attributes
@cindex Property Attributes

@cindex PropertyAttribute
PropertyAttribute => @strong{specialname}
                   | @strong{rtspecialname}
@end example

@table @strong
@item specialname
Specify that the property has special significance to tools other than
the runtime engine.

@item rtspecialname
Specify that the property has special significance to the runtime engine.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Property Members, Event Declarations, Property Attributes, Property Declarations
@subsection Property Members
@cindex Property Members

@cindex PropertyMember
@cindex .get directive
@cindex .set directive
@cindex .other directive for properties
PropertyMember => @strong{.get} MethodReference
                | @strong{.set} MethodReference
                | @strong{.other} MethodReference
                | CustomAttributeDeclaration
                | DebugInformation
@end example

@table @strong
@item .get
Specify the method to be used to implement the property's "get" accessor.

@item .set
Specify the method to be used to implement the property's "set" accessor.

@item .other
Specify the method to be used to implement the property's "other" accessor.
This is not currently used by C#.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Event Declarations, Event Attributes, Property Members, Assembler
@section Event Declarations
@cindex Event Declarations

@cindex .event directive
@cindex EventDeclaration
EventDeclaration => @strong{.event} @{ EventAttribute @}
                    [ TypeSpecification ] Identifier
                    '@{' @{ EventMember @} '@}'
@end example

If the event has custom attributes, they should appear in the body of
the event, or just after the event declaration.

* Event Attributes::          Attributes that may be used on events.
* Event Members::             Specifying the members of an event.
@end menu

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Event Attributes, Event Members, Event Declarations, Event Declarations
@subsection Event Attributes
@cindex Event Attributes

@cindex EventAttribute
EventAttribute => @strong{specialname}
                | @strong{rtspecialname}
@end example

@table @strong
@item specialname
Specify that the event has special significance to tools other than
the runtime engine.

@item rtspecialname
Specify that the event has special significance to the runtime engine.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Event Members, Debug Information, Event Attributes, Event Declarations
@subsection Event Members
@cindex Event Members

@cindex EventMember
@cindex .addon directive
@cindex .removeon directive
@cindex .fire directive
@cindex .other directive for events
EventMember => @strong{.addon} MethodReference
             | @strong{.removeon} MethodReference
             | @strong{.fire} MethodReference
             | @strong{.other} MethodReference
             | CustomAttributeDeclaration
             | DebugInformation
@end example

@table @strong
@item .addon
Specify the method to be used to implement the event's "add" accessor.

@item .removeon
Specify the method to be used to implement the event's "remove" accessor.

@item .fire
Specify the method to be used to implement the event's "fire" accessor.

@item .other
Specify the method to be used to implement the event's "other" accessor.
This is not currently used by C#.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Debug Information, Custom Attributes, Event Members, Assembler
@section Debug Information
@cindex Debug Information

When a program is compiled in debug mode, extra information is inserted
into the assembly stream to assist debuggers.

Debug information in the assembly stream is only processed if the
@code{-g} option is supplied to @code{ilasm}.

@cindex .line directive
@cindex DebugInformation
DebugInformation => @strong{.line} INT SQSTRING
                  | @strong{.line} INT DQSTRING
                  | @strong{.line}
@end example

The first two forms above specify a line number and a filename.  The
third form specifies a line number within the same file as the 
previous @strong{.line} directive.

The keyword @strong{#line} can be used instead of @strong{.line}, but
this usage is deprecated.

Debug information lines are treated differently in method bodies versus
elsewhere.  Inside a method body, debug information should appear at
the code position where the corresponding source line begins.

Outside a method body, debug information indicates the point in the source
where the corresponding declaration was encountered.  For example:

.class C
    .line 28 "testing.cs"

    .field int32 f
    .line 31
@end example

This indicates that the class @code{C} was declared on line 28 of
the source file @code{testing.cs}, and that the field @code{f} was
declared on line 31 of the same file.  Debug information for classes
must precede any of the class members.

@xref{Debug Symbols}, for more information on how debug information
is stored in IL binaries.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Custom Attributes, Assembly Declarations, Debug Information, Assembler
@section Custom Attributes
@cindex Custom Attributes

@cindex .custom directive
@cindex CustomAttributeDeclaration
CustomAttributeDeclaration => @strong{.custom} MethodReference '=' Bytes
@end example

The method reference indicates the constructor to use to build the
attribute at runtime.  The hexadecimal bytes provide a serialized form of
the constructor arguments.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Assembly Declarations, Assembly Attributes, Custom Attributes, Assembler
@section Assembly Declarations
@cindex Assembly Declarations

@cindex .assembly directive
@cindex AssemblyDeclaration
@cindex AssemblyName
AssemblyDeclaration => @strong{.assembly} @{ AssemblyAttribute @}
                       AssemblyName '@{' @{ AssemblyMember @} '@}'
AssemblyName        => QualifiedName | @strong{.library}
@end example

If the assembly declaration has custom attributes, they should appear in
the body of the declaration, or just after the declaration.

* Assembly Attributes::        Attributes that may be used on assemblies.
* Assembly Members::           Specifying the members of an assembly.
* Assembly References::        Referring to imported assemblies.
* Assembly Reference Members:: Specifying the members of an assembly reference.
@end menu

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Assembly Attributes, Assembly Members, Assembly Declarations, Assembly Declarations
@subsection Assembly Attributes
@cindex Assembly Attributes

@cindex AssemblyAttribute
AssemblyAttribute => @strong{noappdomain}
                   | @strong{nomachine}
                   | @strong{noprocess}
@end example

@table @strong
@item noappdomain
Specifies that the assembly cannot be loaded more than once in the same
application domain.

@item nomachine
Specifies that the assembly cannot be loaded more than once on the same
physical machine.

@item noprocess
Specifies that the assembly cannot be loaded more than once in the same
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Assembly Members, Assembly References, Assembly Attributes, Assembly Declarations
@subsection Assembly Members
@cindex Assembly Members

@cindex AssemblyMember
AssemblyMember => @strong{.hash} @strong{algorithm} Integer32
                | @strong{.publickey} '=' Bytes
                | @strong{.ver} Integer32 ':' Integer32 ':'
                         Integer32 ':' Integer32
                | @strong{.locale} ComposedString
                | @strong{.processor} Integer32
                | @strong{.os} Integer32 ':' Integer32 ':' Integer32
                | CustomAttributeDeclaration
                | SecurityDeclaration
@end example

@table @strong
@item .hash
Specify the hash algorithm to use for hashing other files that make
up the same assembly manifest.  These files are typically referred
to using @strong{.file} declarations.  The value 0x8004 is recommended,
and refers to the SHA1 hash algorithm.

@item .publickey
Specify the bytes of the public key that was used to sign this assembly.
Compilers that write assembly streams normally won't need to use this
directive because separate tools are used to sign assemblies.

@item .ver
Specify the version number of this assembly.  e.g. @code{1:0:2411:0}.

@item .locale
Specify the culture string for this assembly.  This is called
@strong{.locale} instead of @strong{.culture} for historical
reasons.  An example of a valid culture value is @code{en-AU} which
indicates "English, Australia".

@item .processor
@itemx .os
Specify operating systems and processors for which this assembly
has been built and tested.  Use of these directives is discouraged
in portable programs.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Assembly References, Assembly Reference Members, Assembly Members, Assembly Declarations
@subsection Assembly References
@cindex Assembly References

@cindex .assembly extern directive
@cindex AssemblyRefDeclaration
AssemblyRefDeclaration => @strong{.assembly} @strong{extern} QualifiedName
                          '@{' @{ AssemblyRefMember @} '@}'
@end example

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Assembly Reference Members, Module Declarations, Assembly References, Assembly Declarations
@subsection Assembly Reference Members
@cindex Assembly Reference Members

@cindex AssemblyRefMember
AssemblyRefMember => @strong{.hash} '=' Bytes
                   | @strong{.publickey} '=' Bytes
                   | @strong{.publickeytoken} '=' Bytes
                   | @strong{.ver} Integer32 ':' Integer32 ':'
                            Integer32 ':' Integer32
                   | @strong{.locale} ComposedString
                   | @strong{.processor} Integer32
                   | @strong{.os} Integer32 ':' Integer32 ':' Integer32
                   | CustomAttributeDeclaration
@end example

@table @strong
@item .hash
Specify the hash value for the referenced assembly.

@item .publickey
Specify the bytes of the public key that was used to sign the
referenced assembly.

@item .publickeytoken
Specify the low 8 bytes of the SHA1 hash of the public key that was
used to sign the referenced assembly.

Only one of @strong{.publickey} or @strong{.publickeytoken} can be
specified.  Tokens are much shorter than full public keys and the
full key can be obtained from the referenced assembly when it is

@item .ver
Specify the version number of the referenced assembly.
e.g. @code{1:0:2411:0}.

@item .locale
Specify the culture string for the referenced assembly.

@item .processor
@itemx .os
Specify operating systems and processors for which the referenced assembly
has been built and tested.  Use of these directives is discouraged
in portable programs.
@end table

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Module Declarations, Other Declarations, Assembly Reference Members, Assembler
@section Module Declarations
@cindex Module Declarations

@cindex .module directive
@cindex ModuleDeclaration
ModuleDeclaration => @strong{.module} QualifiedName
                   | @strong{.module} @strong{extern} QualifiedName
@end example

If the module declaration has custom attributes, they should appear
just after the declaration.

@c -----------------------------------------------------------------------

@node Other Declarations, Disassembler, Module Declarations, Assembler
@section Other Declarations
@cindex Other Declarations

This section defines the syntax for a number of other declaration kinds
that provide miscellaneous information that does not fall into any of
the above categories.

VtableDeclaration  => @strong{.vtable} '=' '(' (HEXBYTE)+ ')'
VtfixupDeclaration => @strong{.vtfixup} '[' Integer32 ']'
                      @{ VtfixupAttribute @} @strong{at} Identifier
VtfixupAttribute   => @strong{int32}
                    | @strong{int64}
                    | @strong{fromunmanaged}
                    | @strong{callmostderived}
@end example