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<title>Readme for analog -- hierarchical reports</title>

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<h1><img src="analogo.gif" alt=""> Analog 5.31:
Hierarchical reports</h1>
<hr size=2 noshade>

Some of the non-time reports have a hierarchical (or tree) structure:
so, for example, each domain in the Domain Report can have subdomains
listed under it, which in turn can have sub-subdomains, and so on. This
section describes commands for managing hierarchical reports.

First, you need to be able to control what gets listed in the reports.
For this you need to use the <kbd>SUB</kbd> family of commands. So, for
example, the command
SUBDIR /~sret1/*
would ensure that the Directory Report would not only contain an entry for
the sum of my files, but also one for each of my subdirectories, something
like this:
29,111: /~sret1/
10,234:   /~sret1/analog/
 5,179:   /~sret1/backgammon/
11,908: /~steve/
You can have more than one <kbd>*</kbd> in the command. For example
would list the whole Domain Report two levels deep.

If you specify a <kbd>SUB</kbd> command, all the intermediate levels are
included automatically. So, for example, after
<kbd></kbd> and <kbd></kbd> will be included in the Domain
Report too, and after <kbd>*.*</kbd>, <kbd>*</kbd> will be

Here are examples of the other four <kbd>SUB</kbd> commands:
SUBTYPE *.gz         # in the File Type Report
SUBBROW */*          # e.g. Netscape/4 in the Browser Summary
SUBBROW Netscape/*.*  # add minor version numbers for Netscape
REFDIR*   # Referring Site Report
SUBORG *     # Organisation Report
SUBORG *.*.com       # Break down all .com's

<a name="subdomtwoarg">The</a> <kbd>SUBDOMAIN</kbd> command (but none of the
others) can include a second
argument describing the subdomain. For example
SUBDOMAIN 'University of Cambridge'
Then that subdomain will be listed with its translation in the Domain Report.
You can also have numerical subdomains: e.g.,
SUBDOMAIN 131.111 'University of Cambridge'
If you sort the subdomains alphabetically, the numerical ones will also be
sorted alphabetically, not numerically. I don't think this will cause any

One other use for the <kbd>SUBDIR</kbd> command is if you have used the
second argument to the <kbd><a href="logfile.html#secondarg">LOGFILE</a></kbd>
command. Suppose you have translated files like <kbd>/index.html</kbd> into
<kbd></kbd>. Then the command
SUBDIR http://*    # or
SUBDIR http://*/*
would be appropriate to make the Directory Report look right.

<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="SUBFLOOR">The</a> <a name="SUBSORTBY">lower</a> levels of each report
have <kbd>FLOOR</kbd> and <kbd>SORTBY</kbd>
commands which work exactly the same as those we have
<a href="othreps.html#SORTBY">already seen</a> for the
top level. These commands are <kbd>SUBDIRFLOOR</kbd>, <kbd>SUBDOMFLOOR</kbd>,
<kbd>SUBTYPEFLOOR</kbd>, <kbd>SUBBROWFLOOR</kbd> and <kbd>REFDIRFLOOR</kbd>;
and <kbd>SUBDIRSORTBY</kbd>, <kbd>SUBDOMSORTBY</kbd>, <kbd>SUBORGSORTBY</kbd>,
<kbd>SUBTYPESORTBY</kbd>, <kbd>SUBBROWSORTBY</kbd> and <kbd>REFDIRSORTBY</kbd>.

A sub-item is listed in a hierarchical report only if it is above the
sub-<kbd>FLOOR</kbd>, <i>and</i> it is included with a <kbd>SUB</kbd> command,
<i>and</i> it is not excluded because of an
<a href="include.html#outputexcludes"><kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> or
<kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd></a> command, <i>and</i> its immediate parent is listed. For
example, specifying
SUBDIR /*/*/
would list the three subdirectories with most requests under each directory.
<kbd>SUBDIRFLOOR 1:r</kbd> would have listed any subdirectory with at least
1% of the maximum number of requests of any <em>top level</em> directory.
<a name="ARGSFLOOR">The</a> <a name="ARGSSORTBY">three</a> file reports
(Request Report, Redirection Report and Failure
Report) and the three referrer reports (Referrer Report, Redirected Referrer
Report and Failed Referrer Report) are not fully hierarchical, but they do
list <a href="args.html">search arguments</a> together under the file to which
they refer (provided that the arguments have been read in: see the
<kbd><a href="args.html#ARGSINCLUDE">ARGSINCLUDE</a></kbd> command).
So they have
similar sub-<kbd>FLOOR</kbd> and sub-<kbd>SORTBY</kbd> commands, namely
<kbd>FAILREFARGSFLOOR</kbd>; and <kbd>REQARGSSORTBY</kbd>,
<kbd>FAILREFARGSSORTBY</kbd>.  The same
applies to the Operating System Report with its subdivisions of operating
systems: it has <kbd>SUBOSFLOOR</kbd> and <kbd>SUBOSSORTBY</kbd>.
<hr size=1 noshade>
The lower levels of a hierarchical report temporarily interrupt the top
level, and even though they are indented, this can sometimes make it look as
if the report is out of order. If you have a lot of sub-items, for example in
the Referrer Report if there are a lot of search arguments, then including the
<a href="othreps.html#othCOLS"><kbd>N</kbd> column</a> can help to make it
clearer again.
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="CHARTEXPAND">Sometimes one item</a> in the
<a href="othreps.html#CHART">pie chart</a> takes up most of the pie. In this
case, you can elect to plot its sub-items on the chart instead, by using the
<kbd>*CHARTEXPAND</kbd> family of commands. For example
will use Windows 98, Windows NT etc. as wedges in the pie chart, instead of
accumulating all the Windows versions together in one wedge.
The complete list of these commands is
<kbd>REFSITECHARTEXPAND</kbd>. The <kbd>CHARTEXPAND</kbd> commands can take a
comma-separated list (without spaces) as an argument, but not wildcards.
Just as for top-level items, sub-items will only be included if they are listed
in the main table for the report. And so if an item does not have any
sub-items listed, it will not be expanded, even if you asked for it to be.
This means that you may need to use the appropriate
<a href="hierreps.html"><kbd>SUB</kbd></a> commands or
<a href="#SUBFLOOR"><kbd>SUBFLOOR</kbd></a> commands to make sure that the
sub-items do get listed. For example
Also, sub-items will only appear on the pie chart if they are large enough to
get on in their own right. Note that if an item has any sub-items listed, and
is expanded, then the item itself will no longer appear on the chart, only
any sub-items which are large enough.

<hr size=2 noshade>
Go to the <a href="">analog home page</a>.
<address>Stephen Turner
<br>11 January 2003</address>
<p><em>Need help with analog? <a href="mailing.html">Use the analog-help
mailing list</a>.</em>
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