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<title>Readme for analog -- inclusions and exclusions</title>

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<h1><img src="analogo.gif" alt=""> Analog 5.31:
Inclusions and exclusions</h1>
<hr size=2 noshade>

After aliasing each item, analog decides whether that item is wanted or not.
The whole line is only counted if all the items are wanted.
Whether an item is wanted or not is determined by <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands specified by the user. These commands can be used
to exclude requests from your local users, for example, or to analyse only
files in a subdirectory. For example
would exclude all requests by that computer from the statistics. (To exclude
lines just from one specific report, see <a href="#outputexcludes">below</a>.)
The rule for determining whether an item is included or excluded is as
follows. All the <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands for that
item are considered one by one in order, and the item is included or excluded
according to the last command it matched. Items which don't match any of
the <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> or <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands are included if the first
command was an exclusion, and excluded if the first command was an inclusion.
For example, the configuration
FILEEXCLUDE /~sret1/backgammon/*,/~sret1/analog/*
FILEINCLUDE /~sret1/backgammon/*.gif
would instruct the program to examine only my files, excluding my
backgammon and analog files, but including gifs in my backgammon directory.
On the other hand,
FILEEXCLUDE /~sret1/*/img/*
would analyse all files, except for images in my various directories.
(If you get confused with all the inclusions and
exclusions, remember that you can always use
<kbd><a href="syntax.html#settings">SETTINGS ON</a></kbd>
to see what the options you have specified represent.)
Note that inclusions and exclusions can contain any number of wildcards, and
can be lists separated by commas (but no spaces).
The full list of these commands is <kbd>HOSTINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>HOSTEXCLUDE</kbd>; <kbd>FILEINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>FILEEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>BROWINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>BROWEXCLUDE</kbd>; <kbd>REFINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>REFEXCLUDE</kbd>; <kbd>USERINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>USEREXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>VHOSTINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>VHOSTEXCLUDE</kbd>; and
<kbd>STATUSINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>STATUSEXCLUDE</kbd>.
<hr size=1 noshade>
Some notes on these commands.
Because the inclusions and exclusions take place <em>after</em> the aliasing,
the name you must use is the aliased name. (In the absence of
<a href="alias.html#OUTPUTALIAS">output alias</a> commands, this is
the name of the item in the output.)
<a name="incblank">Sometimes</a> a line doesn't contain a particular sort of
item, either because there is no field reserved for it on the line, or because
the browser didn't send it for that request, or because it was present but
corrupt. You can include or exclude these lines by making a
special blank entry in the <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> or <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd>
command. For example,
would include lines from user <kbd>jim</kbd> and lines without any user
The behaviour of <kbd>REQINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REFINCLUDE</kbd> can be
slightly unintuitive if the file has <a href="args.html#unintuitive">search
<a name="incregexp">You can also use regular expressions</a> for the
inclusions and exclusions by prefixing the expression with
&quot;<kbd>REGEXP:</kbd>&quot; or &quot;<kbd>REGEXPI:</kbd>&quot;. I've
already described this at length in the context of aliases, so you can
<a href="alias.html#aliasregexp">look there</a> for all the details.
A regular expression must be on a line on its own, not within a
comma-separated list.
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="HOSTINCLUDE">With</a> <kbd>HOSTINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>HOSTEXCLUDE</kbd>, you have to use numerical addresses if your web server
records numerical addresses in the logfile, or names if it records names
(or if you're resolving the numerical addresses with analog's
<a href="dns.html">DNS resolution</a>). For numerical addresses, you
can use some special formats, like this:
HOSTINCLUDE      # simple IP address
HOSTINCLUDE 131.111.20.*       # wildcard
HOSTINCLUDE 131.111.20         # the same meaning
HOSTINCLUDE 131.111.20-23      # a range of class C addresses
HOSTINCLUDE   # subnet mask
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="STATUSINCLUDE">The <kbd>STATUSINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>STATUSEXCLUDE</kbd></a> commands are slightly different from the rest.
They work on HTTP status codes. (These codes are defined in the
<a href="">HTTP spec</a>, and
viewable in the Status Code Report. But if you don't already know about them,
you really don't want to use these commands anyway!) The arguments to the
commands are a comma-separated list of ranges. One end of the range can be
blank, meaning from the first, or to the last, status code. For example
STATUSINCLUDE 200-206,304,500-
would mean only look at lines with status codes 200-206, 304 or 500-599.
<a name="304">Some people want to exclude status code 304 (Not Modified)</a>
to stop those requests appearing in the Request Report. But there is a better
solution. By default, analog counts code 304 as a successful request, because
it assumes that the cached version of the document is then presented to the
user. But you can count it as a redirected request with the command
For most people this is the wrong option, because code 304 is really the same
as code 200 to the user. So again, if you don't understand this, stick with
the default.
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="FROMTO">There is also</a> one other pair of commands which belongs in
this category,
namely the <kbd>FROM</kbd> and <kbd>TO</kbd> commands. These specify a time
period to restrict the analysis to. The simplest usage of these commands is
<kbd>FROM yyMMdd</kbd> or <kbd>FROM yyMMdd:hhmm</kbd>, where <kbd>yy</kbd>
represents the last two digits of the year (analog assumes that the year is
between 1970 and 2069), <kbd>MM</kbd> represents the month,
<kbd>dd</kbd> is the date, <kbd>hh</kbd> the hour, and <kbd>mm</kbd> the
minute. So, for example, to analyse only requests from
1st July 1999 to 1pm on 15th June 2000 I would use the configuration
FROM 990701
TO   000615:1300
Alternatively, each of the components can be preceded by <kbd>+</kbd> or
<kbd>-</kbd> to represent time relative to the time at which the program was
invoked. In this case, the date can have more than 2 digits. This allows
constructions like
FROM -01-00+01   # from tomorrow last year
TO -00-0131  # to the end of last month (OK even if last month
             # didn't have 31 days)
FROM -00-00-112
TO   -00-00-01  # statistics for the last 16 weeks
FROM -00-00-00:-06+01  # statistics for the last 6 hours
There are command line abbreviations <kbd>+F</kbd> and <kbd>+T</kbd>
for the <kbd>FROM</kbd> and <kbd>TO</kbd> commands; for example,
<kbd>+T-00-00-01:1800</kbd> looks at statistics until 6pm yesterday.
<kbd>-F</kbd> and <kbd>-T</kbd> turn off the from and to, as do <kbd>FROM
OFF</kbd> and <kbd>TO OFF</kbd>.
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="outputexcludes">There are also</a> <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands for most of the reports. Unlike the
<kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands discussed
<a href="include.html">above</a>, these don't exclude <em>logfile lines</em>
but <em>individual lines from particular reports</em>.
So, for example, the command
would exclude your internal referrers from the Referrer Report. However, it
would <em>not</em> exclude them from the Failed Referrer Report, the Referring
Site Report, etc. (you need to use <kbd>FAILREFEXCLUDE</kbd>,
<kbd>REFSITEEXCLUDE</kbd> etc. for that); nor would it prevent other analysis
of logfile lines with those referrers, as <kbd>REFEXCLUDE</kbd> would.
The full list of these commands is
<kbd>REQINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REQEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>REDIRINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REDIREXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>FAILINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>FAILEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>TYPEINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>TYPEEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>DIRINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>DIREXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>HOSTREPINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>HOSTREPEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>DOMINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>DOMEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>ORGINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>ORGEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>REFREPINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REFREPEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>REFSITEINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REFSITEEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>FAILREFINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>FAILREFEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>BROWSUMINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>BROWSUMEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>BROWREPINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>BROWREPEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>OSINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>OSEXCLUDE</kbd>;
<kbd>USERREPINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>USERREPEXCLUDE</kbd>;
and <kbd>FAILUSERINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>FAILUSEREXCLUDE</kbd>.
The inclusion or exclusion applies to the
<em>unaliased</em> name, if you are doing any
<a href="alias.html#OUTPUTALIAS">output aliases</a>. (This contrasts with the
behaviour of normal <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands, which
apply to the aliased name.)
All directory names end in slashes, so <kbd>DIRINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>DIREXCLUDE</kbd>, and <kbd>REFSITEINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>REFSITEEXCLUDE</kbd>, implicitly add a trailing slash even if you don't
give one. This sometimes catches people out in the following situation.
<pre>REFSITEEXCLUDE*     # probably not what you want</pre>
means not to list subdirectories of the referring site
<kbd></kbd>, but to keep the site itself in the list.
To exclude the site completely, just use
<!-- not just in output IN/EXCLUDEs, although the layout of this text might -->
<!-- imply that so as to present REQINCLUDE pages in the right place -->
You can also use the symbolic word <kbd>pages</kbd> in suitable
<kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands; one very common command is
to include only pages in the Request Report.
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="PAGEINCLUDE">There are</a> some miscellaneous <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands which I'll describe now. First, analog determines
which files should count as pages (and thus which requests
count as page requests) using an <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd>/<kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd>
pair called <kbd>PAGEINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>PAGEEXCLUDE</kbd>.
By default, (case insensitive) <kbd>*.html</kbd> and <kbd>*.htm</kbd>,
and directories (<kbd>*/</kbd>) count as pages. But you
change the list by commands like
PAGEEXCLUDE /sret1.html
I.e., <kbd>*.asp</kbd> are pages, but <kbd>/sret1.html</kbd>
isn't. (If the file has <a href="args.html">search arguments</a>, the
<kbd>PAGEINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>PAGEEXCLUDE</kbd> are reckoned just on the
part of the filename before the question mark.)
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="LINKINCLUDE">In some of the reports</a>, analog can link to the files
which it's listing. You can specify exactly which files are linked to with the
<kbd>LINKINCLUDE</kbd> family of commands. For example,
would link to pages and PDF files in the Request Report. The full set of these
commands is <kbd>REQLINKINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REQLINKEXCLUDE</kbd>
(Request Report), <kbd>REDIRLINKINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REDIRLINKEXCLUDE</kbd>
(Redirection Report), <kbd>FAILLINKINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>FAILLINKEXCLUDE</kbd>
(Failure Report), <kbd>REFLINKINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>REFLINKEXCLUDE</kbd>
(Referrer Report), <kbd>REDIRREFLINKINCLUDE</kbd> and
<kbd>REDIRREFLINKEXCLUDE</kbd> (Redirected Referrer Report), and
(Failed Referrer Report).
Note that the target of the links is also affected by the
<kbd><a href="othreps.html#BASEURL">BASEURL</a></kbd> command.
<hr size=1 noshade>
<a name="ROBOTINCLUDE">Finally</a>, there is a pair of commands called
<kbd>ROBOTINCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>ROBOTEXCLUDE</kbd>, which determine which
browsers count as &quot;robots&quot; in the Operating System Report. For
<hr size=1 noshade>
There is one final set of <kbd>INCLUDE</kbd> and <kbd>EXCLUDE</kbd> commands
to include or exclude the search arguments at the end of URLs. But there are
some slightly complicated issues surrounding those, so they deserve a
<a href="args.html">new section</a>.

<hr size=2 noshade>
Go to the <a href="">analog home page</a>.
<address>Stephen Turner
<br>11 January 2003</address>
<p><em>Need help with analog? <a href="mailing.html">Use the analog-help
mailing list</a>.</em>
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